From 4e7983d3801e5fa8a40256e874bdbe7dfda57c80 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: valora-bot-crowdin <> Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 10:04:53 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 01/44] Update source file translation.json --- locales/base/translation.json | 12 ++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+) diff --git a/locales/base/translation.json b/locales/base/translation.json index 1f39197e807..f6f2beec0f3 100644 --- a/locales/base/translation.json +++ b/locales/base/translation.json @@ -2406,6 +2406,18 @@ "earnDepositSubtitle": "to {{providerName}} Pool", "earnWithdrawTitle": "Withdrew", "earnWithdrawSubtitle": "from {{providerName}} Pool" + }, + "transactionDetails": { + "descriptionLabel": "Details", + "earnClaimTitle": "Collected", + "earnClaimSubtitle": "Collected {{tokenSymbol}} from {{providerName}} Pool", + "earnClaimDetails": "Amount Collected", + "earnDepositTitle": "Deposited", + "earnDepositSubtitle": "Deposited {{tokenSymbol}} to {{providerName}} Pool", + "earnDepositDetails": "Amount 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"earnWithdrawSubtitle": "de {{providerName}} Pool" + }, + "transactionDetails": { + "descriptionLabel": "Detalles", + "earnClaimTitle": "Recopilado", + "earnClaimSubtitle": "Recogida {{tokenSymbol}} de {{providerName}} Piscina", + "earnClaimDetails": "Importe recaudado", + "earnDepositTitle": "Depositado", + "earnDepositSubtitle": "Depositado {{tokenSymbol}} en {{providerName}} Pool", + "earnDepositDetails": "Monto depositado", + "earnWithdrawTitle": "Retirada", + "earnWithdrawSubtitle": "Retirado {{tokenSymbol}} de {{providerName}} Pool", + "earnWithdrawDetails": "Monto retirado" } }, "celoDollarAmount": "<0> Celo Dollar", From 20e586b7bf6e41c13f411b0444c4cc4934507178 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: valora-bot-crowdin <> Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 10:05:00 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 04/44] New translations translation.json (German) --- locales/de/translation.json | 12 ++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+) diff --git a/locales/de/translation.json b/locales/de/translation.json index aace9e3cc49..549db2fa3b6 100644 --- a/locales/de/translation.json +++ b/locales/de/translation.json @@ -2404,6 +2404,18 @@ "earnDepositSubtitle": "zu {{providerName}} Pool", "earnWithdrawTitle": "Zurückgezogen", "earnWithdrawSubtitle": "von {{providerName}} Pool" + }, + "transactionDetails": { + "descriptionLabel": "Details", + "earnClaimTitle": "Gesammelt", + "earnClaimSubtitle": "Gesammelt {{tokenSymbol}} von {{providerName}} Pool", + "earnClaimDetails": "Eingesammelter Betrag", + "earnDepositTitle": "Hinterlegt", + "earnDepositSubtitle": "Hinterlegt {{tokenSymbol}} auf {{providerName}} Pool", + "earnDepositDetails": "Eingezahlter Betrag", + "earnWithdrawTitle": "Zurückgezogen", + "earnWithdrawSubtitle": "Ziehe {{tokenSymbol}} aus dem {{providerName}} Pool zurück", + "earnWithdrawDetails": "Betrag abgehoben" } }, "celoDollarAmount": "<0> Celo Dollar", From 46b267c869918cc7729e884fccf868f1c1bfef55 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: valora-bot-crowdin <> Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 10:05:01 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"earnWithdrawDetails": "Importo prelevato" } }, "celoDollarAmount": "<0> Celo Dollar", From d6f71a6ebd3058d70f351f9c2e9193031710b9d1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: valora-bot-crowdin <> Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 10:05:03 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 06/44] New translations translation.json (Polish) --- locales/pl-PL/translation.json | 12 ++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+) diff --git a/locales/pl-PL/translation.json b/locales/pl-PL/translation.json index 2f031e35660..c008c61ba1b 100644 --- a/locales/pl-PL/translation.json +++ b/locales/pl-PL/translation.json @@ -2408,6 +2408,18 @@ "earnDepositSubtitle": "na {{providerName}} Pool", "earnWithdrawTitle": "Wycofany", "earnWithdrawSubtitle": "z {{providerName}} Pool" + }, + "transactionDetails": { + "descriptionLabel": "Szczegóły", + "earnClaimTitle": "Zebrane", + "earnClaimSubtitle": "Zebrano {{tokenSymbol}} z {{providerName}} Pool", + "earnClaimDetails": "Zebrana kwota", + "earnDepositTitle": "Wpłacono", + "earnDepositSubtitle": "Wpłacono 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index 4374ca455a8..1d7b3ea6652 100644 --- a/locales/pt-BR/translation.json +++ b/locales/pt-BR/translation.json @@ -2404,6 +2404,18 @@ "earnDepositSubtitle": "para {{providerName}} Pool", "earnWithdrawTitle": "Retirada", "earnWithdrawSubtitle": "do site {{providerName}} Pool" + }, + "transactionDetails": { + "descriptionLabel": "Detalhes", + "earnClaimTitle": "Coletânea", + "earnClaimSubtitle": "Coletado {{tokenSymbol}} de {{providerName}} Pool", + "earnClaimDetails": "Valor coletado", + "earnDepositTitle": "Depositado", + "earnDepositSubtitle": "Depositado {{tokenSymbol}} para {{providerName}} Pool", + "earnDepositDetails": "Quantia depositada", + "earnWithdrawTitle": "Retirada", + "earnWithdrawSubtitle": "Você retirou o site {{tokenSymbol}} do pool {{providerName}}", + "earnWithdrawDetails": "Quantia retirada" } }, "celoDollarAmount": "<0> Celo Dollar", From 51318d17e2b489f987d05584dc2beeb9da3c7202 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: valora-bot-crowdin <> Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 10:05:13 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 14/44] New translations translation.json (Thai) --- locales/th-TH/translation.json | 12 ++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+) diff --git a/locales/th-TH/translation.json b/locales/th-TH/translation.json index 1fa7ead0fd0..668ee6d723e 100644 --- a/locales/th-TH/translation.json +++ b/locales/th-TH/translation.json @@ -2402,6 +2402,18 @@ "earnDepositSubtitle": "to {{providerName}} Pool", "earnWithdrawTitle": "Withdrew", "earnWithdrawSubtitle": "from {{providerName}} Pool" + }, + "transactionDetails": { + "descriptionLabel": "รายละเอียด", + "earnClaimTitle": "Collected", + "earnClaimSubtitle": "Collected {{tokenSymbol}} from {{providerName}} Pool", + "earnClaimDetails": "Amount Collected", + "earnDepositTitle": "Deposited", + "earnDepositSubtitle": "Deposited {{tokenSymbol}} to {{providerName}} Pool", + "earnDepositDetails": "จำนวนเงินที่ฝาก", + "earnWithdrawTitle": "Withdrew", + "earnWithdrawSubtitle": "Withdrew {{tokenSymbol}} from {{providerName}} Pool", + "earnWithdrawDetails": "จำนวนเงินที่ถอนแล้ว" } }, "celoDollarAmount_0": "&lt;0&gt;&lt;/0&gt; Celo ดอลลาร์" From ec0b757118992f208892ca0d01c29d2a70a70dbe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: valora-bot-crowdin <> Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 13:06:56 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 15/44] New translations translation.json (Chinese Simplified) --- locales/zh-CN/translation.json | 6 +++--- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/locales/zh-CN/translation.json b/locales/zh-CN/translation.json index 484fb85ee45..a36e9681416 100644 --- a/locales/zh-CN/translation.json +++ b/locales/zh-CN/translation.json @@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ "text": "任何拥有您的短语的人都将能够访问您的账户和其中的所有资金。切勿将短语泄露给他人。" } ], - "consumerIncentivesTitle": "Supercharge 入门", + "consumerIncentivesTitle": "Supercharge 已结束", "consumerIncentivesSummary": "Supercharge 计划启动!基于您的稳定币 (cUSD、cEUR 或 cREAL) 最高余额,获取 {{percent}}% 的年度奖励。限时福利,切勿错过。具体方式如下:", "earnWeekly": { "header": "关联您的手机号码", @@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ "text": "这将确保您的奖励安全可控。" }, "conclusion": "就是如此简单,立即 Supercharge 您的加密货币吧!", - "superchargeTitle": "开始 Supercharge", + "superchargeTitle": "Supercharge 已结束", "superchargeDescription": "基于您的 {{token}} 余额获取 {{apy}}% 的年度奖励。具体方式如下:", "superchargeConnectNumber": "关联您的手机号码", "superchargeReconnectNumber": "重新关联您的手机号码\n<0>我们已经改进 Supercharge 体验。重新关联您的手机号码,继续获取基于您的 {{token}} 的奖励。", @@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ }, "superchargingTitle": "必须更新应用", "superchargingDescription": "更新 Valora 应用以继续领取您每周的 Supercharge 奖励.", - "superchargingTitleV1_54": "您的 {{token}} 正在进行 Supercharge", + "superchargingTitleV1_54": "Supercharge 已结束", "superchargingDescriptionV1_54": "您将获得年度 {{apy}}% 的奖励。每周当您的奖励准备就绪时,您将获得通知,请记得返回此处领取奖励。", "superchargeRewardsAvailable": "您有 {{amount}} {{token}} 可领取!", "superchargeRewardsAvailableMultipleTokens": "您有 {{amounts}} 可领取!", From 6d1679670dc3570e977ceb14247f764c86de4086 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: valora-bot-crowdin <> Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 13:06:57 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 16/44] New translations translation.json (English) --- locales/en-US/translation.json | 16 ++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/locales/en-US/translation.json b/locales/en-US/translation.json index f154c301ccb..588e7f64baa 100644 --- a/locales/en-US/translation.json +++ b/locales/en-US/translation.json @@ -271,14 +271,14 @@ "text": "This will ensure your rewards are safe and in your control." }, "conclusion": "It’s that simple. Supercharge your crypto today!", - "superchargeTitle": "Start Supercharging", - "superchargeDescription": "Get {{apy}}% annual rewards on your {{token}} balance. Here's how to start:", + "superchargeTitle": "Supercharge is ending", + "superchargeDescription": "But more rewards are headed your way. Until May 28, get {{apy}}% annual rewards on your highest {{token}} balance. Here's how it works:", "superchargeConnectNumber": "Connect your phone number", "superchargeReconnectNumber": "Reconnect your phone number\n<0>We have launched an improved Supercharge experience. Reconnect your phone number to keep earning rewards on your {{token}}.", "superchargeMinimumBalance": "Add a minimum balance of {{amount}} {{token}}", - "superchargeDisclaimer": "Max-out rewards by adding up to {{amount}} {{token}}", - "superchargeDisclaimerMaxRewards": "You’re getting maximum rewards on your {{token}}", - "superchargeDisclaimerDayLimit": "Your rewards must be claimed within 28 days. <0>Learn more", + "superchargeDisclaimer": "This will not affect your balance or previous earnings.", + "superchargeDisclaimerMaxRewards": "This will not affect your balance or previous earnings.", + "superchargeDisclaimerDayLimit": "This will not affect your balance or previous earnings. <0>Learn more", "superchargeTokenDetailsDialog": { "title": "Which assets can I Supercharge?", "body": "You’ll get rewarded weekly on your Celo stablecoin with the highest value (cEUR, cUSD, cREAL).", @@ -286,11 +286,11 @@ }, "superchargingTitle": "App update required", "superchargingDescription": "Update the Valora app to continue receiving your weekly Supercharge rewards.", - "superchargingTitleV1_54": "Your {{token}} is being Supercharged", - "superchargingDescriptionV1_54": "You’re getting {{apy}}% annually. Every week you'll get a notification when your rewards are ready, come back here to claim them.", + "superchargingTitleV1_54": "Supercharge is ending", + "superchargingDescriptionV1_54": "Weekly rewards will be available to claim until Tuesday, May 28, at 23:59 UTC. Beginning May 29, you will nor longer be able to claim Supercharge rewards.", "superchargeRewardsAvailable": "You have {{amount}} {{token}} available to claim!", "superchargeRewardsAvailableMultipleTokens": "You have {{amounts}} available to claim!", - "superchargeClaimText": "Claim your rewards to add them to your balance.", + "superchargeClaimText": "Claim your rewards until Tuesday, May 28, at 23:59 UTC. Beginning May 29, you will no longer be able to claim Supercharge rewards.", "superchargeClaimButton": "Claim Rewards", "superchargeFetchRewardsFailed": "Error while fetching pending Supercharge rewards. Please try again later.", "superchargeClaimSuccess": "Your Supercharge rewards have been added to your Total Balance.", From 2d16d4818050c0473a7f3966a3bac30983c3a03c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: valora-bot-crowdin <> Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 14:08:45 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 17/44] Update source file translation.json --- locales/base/translation.json | 20 ++++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) diff --git a/locales/base/translation.json b/locales/base/translation.json index f6f2beec0f3..4b229429f37 100644 --- a/locales/base/translation.json +++ b/locales/base/translation.json @@ -255,8 +255,8 @@ "text": "Anyone with your Phrase will have access to your account and all of its funds. Don’t share it with others." } ], - "consumerIncentivesTitle": "Get started with Supercharge", - "consumerIncentivesSummary": "Supercharge is here! Get {{percent}}% annual rewards on your highest stablecoin balance (cUSD, cEUR, or cREAL). Available for a limited time. Here's how it works:", + "consumerIncentivesTitle": "Supercharge is ending", + "consumerIncentivesSummary": "But more rewards are headed your way. Until May 28, get {{percent}}% annual rewards on your highest stablecoin balance (cUSD, cEUR, or cREAL). Here's how it works:", "earnWeekly": { "header": "Connect your phone number", "text": "Tap Connect Number if you haven't connected it yet." @@ -271,14 +271,14 @@ "text": "This will ensure your rewards are safe and in your control." }, "conclusion": "It’s that simple. Supercharge your crypto today!", - "superchargeTitle": "Start Supercharging", - "superchargeDescription": "Get {{apy}}% annual rewards on your {{token}} balance. Here's how to start:", + "superchargeTitle": "Supercharge is ending", + "superchargeDescription": "But more rewards are headed your way. Until May 28, get {{apy}}% annual rewards on your highest {{token}} balance. Here's how it works:", "superchargeConnectNumber": "Connect your phone number", "superchargeReconnectNumber": "Reconnect your phone number\n<0>We have launched an improved Supercharge experience. Reconnect your phone number to keep earning rewards on your {{token}}.", "superchargeMinimumBalance": "Add a minimum balance of {{amount}} {{token}}", - "superchargeDisclaimer": "Max-out rewards by adding up to {{amount}} {{token}}", - "superchargeDisclaimerMaxRewards": "You’re getting maximum rewards on your {{token}}", - "superchargeDisclaimerDayLimit": "Your rewards must be claimed within 28 days. <0>Learn more", + "superchargeDisclaimer": "This will not affect your balance or previous earnings.", + "superchargeDisclaimerMaxRewards": "This will not affect your balance or previous earnings.", + "superchargeDisclaimerDayLimit": "This will not affect your balance or previous earnings. <0>Learn more", "superchargeTokenDetailsDialog": { "title": "Which assets can I Supercharge?", "body": "You’ll get rewarded weekly on your Celo stablecoin with the highest value (cEUR, cUSD, cREAL).", @@ -286,11 +286,11 @@ }, "superchargingTitle": "App update required", "superchargingDescription": "Update the Valora app to continue receiving your weekly Supercharge rewards.", - "superchargingTitleV1_54": "Your {{token}} is being Supercharged", - "superchargingDescriptionV1_54": "You’re getting {{apy}}% annually. Every week you'll get a notification when your rewards are ready, come back here to claim them.", + "superchargingTitleV1_54": "Supercharge is ending", + "superchargingDescriptionV1_54": "Weekly rewards will be available to claim until Tuesday, May 28, at 23:59 UTC. Beginning May 29, you will nor longer be able to claim Supercharge rewards.", "superchargeRewardsAvailable": "You have {{amount}} {{token}} available to claim!", "superchargeRewardsAvailableMultipleTokens": "You have {{amounts}} available to claim!", - "superchargeClaimText": "Claim your rewards to add them to your balance.", + "superchargeClaimText": "Claim your rewards until Tuesday, May 28, at 23:59 UTC. Beginning May 29, you will no longer be able to claim Supercharge rewards.", "superchargeClaimButton": "Claim Rewards", "superchargeFetchRewardsFailed": "Error while fetching pending Supercharge rewards. Please try again later.", "superchargeClaimSuccess": "Your Supercharge rewards have been added to your Total Balance.", From 813fd23f272d28c5df296f949d5aeff85af2834e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: valora-bot-crowdin <> Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 14:08:49 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 18/44] New translations translation.json (French) --- locales/fr-FR/translation.json | 20 ++++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) diff --git a/locales/fr-FR/translation.json b/locales/fr-FR/translation.json index 2c72b8a7ca5..aaa36efbe76 100644 --- a/locales/fr-FR/translation.json +++ b/locales/fr-FR/translation.json @@ -255,8 +255,8 @@ "text": "Quiconque possède votre phrase pourra accéder à votre compte et à tous les fonds qui s'y trouvent. Ne la partagez avec personne." } ], - "consumerIncentivesTitle": "Démarrez avec Supercharge", - "consumerIncentivesSummary": "Le programme Supercharge est désormais disponible ! Obtenez 12 % de récompenses annuelles sur votre stablecoin avec le solde le plus élevé (cUSD, cEUR, ou cREAL). Disponible pour une durée limitée :", + "consumerIncentivesTitle": "La supercharge se termine", + "consumerIncentivesSummary": "Mais d'autres récompenses t'attendent. Jusqu'au 28 mai, obtiens {{percent}}% de récompenses annuelles sur ton solde stablecoin le plus élevé (cUSD, cEUR ou cREAL). Voici comment cela fonctionne :", "earnWeekly": { "header": "Connectez votre numéro de téléphone", "text": "Appuyez sur Connecter le numéro si vous ne l'avez pas encore connecté." @@ -271,14 +271,14 @@ "text": "Cela vous assurera que vos récompenses sont sécurisées et sous votre contrôle." }, "conclusion": "C'est aussi simple que ça. Superchargez votre compte crypto sans attendre !", - "superchargeTitle": "Commencez avec Supercharge !", - "superchargeDescription": "Obtenez {{apy}} % de récompenses annuelles sur votre solde en {{token}} . Voici comment commencer :", + "superchargeTitle": "La supercharge se termine", + "superchargeDescription": "Mais d'autres récompenses t'attendent. Jusqu'au 28 mai, obtiens {{apy}}% de récompenses annuelles sur ton solde {{token}} le plus élevé. Voici comment cela fonctionne :", "superchargeConnectNumber": "Connectez votre numéro de téléphone", "superchargeReconnectNumber": "Reconnectez votre numéro de téléphone\n<0>Nous vous proposons un programme Supercharge amélioré. Reconnectez votre numéro de téléphone pour continuer à gagner des récompenses en {{token}}.", "superchargeMinimumBalance": "Ajoutez un minimum de {{amount}} {{token}}", - "superchargeDisclaimer": "Ajoutez jusqu'à {{maxBalance}} {{currency}} pour maximiser vos récompenses.", - "superchargeDisclaimerMaxRewards": "Vous obtenez désormais le maximum de récompenses sur vos {{token}}", - "superchargeDisclaimerDayLimit": "Vos récompenses doivent être réclamées dans un délai de 28 jours. <0>En savoir plus", + "superchargeDisclaimer": "Cela n'affectera pas ton solde ou tes gains antérieurs.", + "superchargeDisclaimerMaxRewards": "Cela n'affectera pas ton solde ou tes gains antérieurs.", + "superchargeDisclaimerDayLimit": "Cela n'affectera pas ton solde ou tes gains antérieurs. <0>En savoir plus", "superchargeTokenDetailsDialog": { "title": "Quels actifs puis-je Supercharger ?", "body": "Vous serez récompensé chaque semaine sur votre stablecoin Celo avec le solde la plus élevée (cEUR, cUSD, cREAL).", @@ -286,11 +286,11 @@ }, "superchargingTitle": "Mise à jour nécessaire", "superchargingDescription": "Mettez à jour l'appli pour continuer à recevoir vos récompenses Supercharge hebdomadaires.", - "superchargingTitleV1_54": "Vos {{token}} sont Superchargé", - "superchargingDescriptionV1_54": "Vous recevez {{apy}}% par an. Chaque semaine, vous recevrez une notification quand vos récompenses seront prêtes, revenez ici pour les demander.", + "superchargingTitleV1_54": "La supercharge se termine", + "superchargingDescriptionV1_54": "Les récompenses hebdomadaires pourront être réclamées jusqu'au mardi 28 mai à 23h59 UTC. À partir du 29 mai, tu ne pourras plus réclamer de récompenses Supercharge.", "superchargeRewardsAvailable": "Vous avez {{amount}} {{token}} à réclamer !", "superchargeRewardsAvailableMultipleTokens": "Vous avez {{amounts}} à réclamer !", - "superchargeClaimText": "Réclamez vos récompenses pour les ajouter à votre solde.", + "superchargeClaimText": "Réclame tes récompenses jusqu'au mardi 28 mai à 23h59 UTC. À partir du 29 mai, tu ne pourras plus réclamer de récompenses Supercharge.", "superchargeClaimButton": "Réclamer des récompenses", "superchargeFetchRewardsFailed": "Une erreur s'est produite lors de la récupération des récompenses. Veuillez réessayer plus tard.", "superchargeClaimSuccess": "Vos récompenses Supercharge ont été ajoutées à votre solde total.", From 17f672b7b90e79b6efbdd6e62db36861e8a181e7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: valora-bot-crowdin <> Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 14:08:51 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 19/44] New translations translation.json (Spanish) --- locales/es-419/translation.json | 20 ++++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) diff --git a/locales/es-419/translation.json b/locales/es-419/translation.json index 3d8cb73273d..fca7dc5d9bf 100644 --- a/locales/es-419/translation.json +++ b/locales/es-419/translation.json @@ -255,8 +255,8 @@ "text": "Cualquier persona que acceda a tu frase tendrá acceso a tu cuenta y a todos tus fondos. No la compartas con nadie." } ], - "consumerIncentivesTitle": "Gana recompensas con Supercharge", - "consumerIncentivesSummary": "¡Supercharge está aquí! Obtén un {{percent}}% de recompensas anuales sobre tu mayor saldo en stablecoin (cUSD, cEUR, o cREAL). Disponible por tiempo limitado. Así funciona:", + "consumerIncentivesTitle": "Se acaba la Supercarga", + "consumerIncentivesSummary": "Pero te esperan más recompensas. Hasta el 28 de mayo, obtén {{percent}}% de recompensas anuales en tu saldo más alto de stablecoin (cUSD, cEUR o cREAL). Así es como funciona:", "earnWeekly": { "header": "Conecta tu número de teléfono", "text": "Toca Conecta tu número si aún no lo haz hecho." @@ -271,14 +271,14 @@ "text": "Esto garantizará que tus fondos estén seguros y siempre tengas acceso a ellos." }, "conclusion": "Es así de simple. ¡Recárgate de cripto hoy!", - "superchargeTitle": "¡Súmate a Supercharge!", - "superchargeDescription": "Obtén un {{apy}}% de recompensas anuales en tu balance de {{token}} . Aquí está cómo empezar:", + "superchargeTitle": "Se acaba la Supercarga", + "superchargeDescription": "Pero te esperan más recompensas. Hasta el 28 de mayo, obtén {{apy}}% de recompensa anual en tu saldo más alto de {{token}} . Así es como funciona:", "superchargeConnectNumber": "Conecta tu número de teléfono", "superchargeReconnectNumber": "Reconecta tu número de teléfono\n<0>Lanzamos un experiencia mejorada de Supercharge. Reconecta tu número de teléfono para seguir recibiendo recompensas sobre tus {{token}}.", "superchargeMinimumBalance": "Agrega un saldo mínimo de {{amount}} {{token}}", - "superchargeDisclaimer": "Maximiza las recompensas sumando hasta {{amount}} {{token}}", - "superchargeDisclaimerMaxRewards": "Has alcanzado el saldo máximo en {{token}} sobre el cual puedes recibir recompensas", - "superchargeDisclaimerDayLimit": "Debes reclamar tus recompensas dentro de los 28 días de distribuidas. <0>Más información", + "superchargeDisclaimer": "Esto no afectará a tu saldo ni a tus ganancias anteriores.", + "superchargeDisclaimerMaxRewards": "Esto no afectará a tu saldo ni a tus ganancias anteriores.", + "superchargeDisclaimerDayLimit": "Esto no afectará a tu saldo ni a tus ganancias anteriores. <0>Más información", "superchargeTokenDetailsDialog": { "title": "¿Qué activos generan recompensas con Supercharge?", "body": "Recibirás recompensas semanales sobre tu stablecoin Celo con mayor saldo (cEUR, cUSD, cREAL).", @@ -286,11 +286,11 @@ }, "superchargingTitle": "Actualización de aplicación necesaria", "superchargingDescription": "Actualiza la app Valora para seguir recibiendo tus recompensas semanales Supercharge.", - "superchargingTitleV1_54": "Estás participando en Supercharge con tus {{token}}", - "superchargingDescriptionV1_54": "Estás recibiendo un {{apy}}% anual en recompensas. Recibirás una notificación cada semana cuando las recompensas estén listas, vuelve a esta pantalla para reclamarlas.", + "superchargingTitleV1_54": "Se acaba la Supercarga", + "superchargingDescriptionV1_54": "Podrás reclamar las recompensas semanales hasta el martes 28 de mayo a las 23:59 UTC. A partir del 29 de mayo, ya no podrás reclamar recompensas de Supercarga.", "superchargeRewardsAvailable": "¡Has acumulado {{amount}} {{token}} en recompensas!", "superchargeRewardsAvailableMultipleTokens": "¡Has acumulado {{amounts}} en recompensas!", - "superchargeClaimText": "Reclama tus recompensas y multiplica tu saldo.", + "superchargeClaimText": "Reclama tus recompensas hasta el martes 28 de mayo a las 23:59 UTC. A partir del 29 de mayo, ya no podrás reclamar recompensas de Supercarga.", "superchargeClaimButton": "Reclamar recompensas", "superchargeFetchRewardsFailed": "Hubo un error al recuperar tus recompensas de Supercharge pendientes. Vuelve a intentarlo más tarde.", "superchargeClaimSuccess": "Se agregaron tus recompensas de Supercharge a tu saldo total.", From a3abd02d3adf69c2df7aba303c7b4692e110e79b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: valora-bot-crowdin <> Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 14:08:52 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 20/44] New translations translation.json (German) --- locales/de/translation.json | 20 ++++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) diff --git a/locales/de/translation.json b/locales/de/translation.json index 549db2fa3b6..26c24d82262 100644 --- a/locales/de/translation.json +++ b/locales/de/translation.json @@ -255,8 +255,8 @@ "text": "Jeder mit deiner Phrase hat Zugriff auf dein Konto und alle Guthaben. Teile es nicht mit anderen." } ], - "consumerIncentivesTitle": "Beginne Supercharge", - "consumerIncentivesSummary": "Supercharge ist da! Erhalte {{percent}}% jährliche Rewards auf dein höchstes Stablecoin-Guthaben (cUSD, cEUR, oder cREAL). Nur für eine begrenzte Zeit verfügbar. Und so funktioniert's:", + "consumerIncentivesTitle": "Supercharge wird beendet", + "consumerIncentivesSummary": "Aber es warten noch mehr Belohnungen auf dich. Bis zum 28. Mai bekommst du {{percent}}% jährliche Rewards auf dein höchstes Stablecoin-Guthaben (cUSD, cEUR, oder cREAL). Und so funktioniert's:", "earnWeekly": { "header": "Verbinde deine Telefonnummer", "text": "Tippe auf Nummer verbinden, wenn du sie noch nicht verbunden hast." @@ -271,14 +271,14 @@ "text": "Dies wird sicherstellen, dass deine Rewards sicher und in deiner Kontrolle sind." }, "conclusion": "Es ist ganz einfach. Lade dein Guthaben noch heute auf!", - "superchargeTitle": "Supercharge starten", - "superchargeDescription": "Erhalte {{apy}}% jährliche Rewards auf dein {{token}} -Guthaben. Hier ist, wie man beginnt:", + "superchargeTitle": "Supercharge wird beendet", + "superchargeDescription": "Aber es kommen noch mehr Prämien auf dich zu. Bis zum 28. Mai bekommst du {{apy}}% Jahresprämie auf dein höchstes {{token}} Guthaben. Und so funktioniert's:", "superchargeConnectNumber": "Verbinde deine Telefonnummer", "superchargeReconnectNumber": "Verbinde deine Telefonnummer erneut. \n<0>Wir haben das Supercharge-Erlebnis eingeführt und verbessert. Verbinde deine Telefonnummer erneut, um weiterhin Rewards auf deinem {{token}} zu verdienen.", "superchargeMinimumBalance": "Füge einen Mindestsaldo von {{amount}} {{token}} hinzu", - "superchargeDisclaimer": "Maximiere die Rewards, indem du bis zu {{amount}} {{token}} hinzufügst", - "superchargeDisclaimerMaxRewards": "Du erhältst maximale Rewards für dein {{token}}", - "superchargeDisclaimerDayLimit": "Deine Rewards müssen innerhalb von 28 Tagen in Anspruch genommen werden. <0>Mehr Infos", + "superchargeDisclaimer": "Dies hat keine Auswirkungen auf dein Guthaben oder deine bisherigen Einnahmen.", + "superchargeDisclaimerMaxRewards": "Dies hat keine Auswirkungen auf dein Guthaben oder deine bisherigen Einnahmen.", + "superchargeDisclaimerDayLimit": "Dies hat keine Auswirkungen auf dein Guthaben oder deine bisherigen Einnahmen. <0>Mehr erfahren", "superchargeTokenDetailsDialog": { "title": "Welche Vermögen kann ich aufladen?", "body": "Du wirst wöchentlich für deinen Celo-Stablecoin mit dem höchsten Guthaben (cEUR, cUSD, cREAL) belohnt.", @@ -286,11 +286,11 @@ }, "superchargingTitle": "Aktualisierung der App erforderlich", "superchargingDescription": "Aktualisiere die Valora-App, um weiterhin deine wöchentlichen Supercharge-Rewards zu erhalten.", - "superchargingTitleV1_54": "Dein {{token}} wird aufgeladen", - "superchargingDescriptionV1_54": "Du erhältst jährlich {{apy}} %. Du erhältst jede Woche eine Benachrichtigung, wenn deine Rewards bereit sind – komm hierher zurück, um sie in Anspruch zu nehmen.", + "superchargingTitleV1_54": "Supercharge wird beendet", + "superchargingDescriptionV1_54": "Die wöchentlichen Belohnungen kannst du bis Dienstag, den 28. Mai, um 23:59 Uhr UTC einfordern. Ab dem 29. Mai kannst du keine Supercharge-Belohnungen mehr einfordern.", "superchargeRewardsAvailable": "Du hast {{amount}} {{token}} verfügbar zum Abholen!", "superchargeRewardsAvailableMultipleTokens": "Du hast {{amounts}} verfügbar zum Abholen!", - "superchargeClaimText": "Beanspruche deine Rewards, um sie deinem Guthaben hinzuzufügen.", + "superchargeClaimText": "Fordere deine Rewards bis Dienstag, 28. Mai, um 23:59 Uhr UTC an. Ab dem 29. Mai kannst du keine Supercharge-Belohnungen mehr einfordern.", "superchargeClaimButton": "Rewards beanspruchen", "superchargeFetchRewardsFailed": "Fehler beim Abrufen ausstehender Supercharge-Rewards. Bitte versuche es später erneut.", "superchargeClaimSuccess": "Deine Supercharge-Rewards wurden deinem Gesamtguthaben hinzugefügt.", From 6ef3e74fe225c3f22e7c3a2dc10f403dae068537 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: valora-bot-crowdin <> Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 14:08:53 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 21/44] New translations translation.json (Italian) --- locales/it-IT/translation.json | 20 ++++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) diff --git a/locales/it-IT/translation.json b/locales/it-IT/translation.json index 6b60fa3b667..347d4b79a7b 100644 --- a/locales/it-IT/translation.json +++ b/locales/it-IT/translation.json @@ -255,8 +255,8 @@ "text": "Chiunque conosca la tua Frase di recupero avrà accesso al tuo conto e a tutti i fondi che contiene. Non condividerla." } ], - "consumerIncentivesTitle": "Intoduzione ai bonus Supercharge", - "consumerIncentivesSummary": "I bonus sono arrivati! Ottieni ricompense annue del {{percent}}% sul tuo saldo in stablecoin (cUSD, cEUR, o cREAL) più alto. Disponibile per un periodo limitato. Ecco come funziona:", + "consumerIncentivesTitle": "Supercharge sta per finire", + "consumerIncentivesSummary": "Ma altri premi sono in arrivo per te. Fino al 28 maggio, ottieni {{percent}}% di premi annuali sul tuo saldo in stablecoin più alto (cUSD, cEUR o cREAL). Ecco come funziona:", "earnWeekly": { "header": "Collega il tuo numero telefonico", "text": "Tocca Collega numero se non lo hai ancora collegato." @@ -271,14 +271,14 @@ "text": "Questo assicurerà che le tue ricompense siano al sicuro e sotto il tuo controllo." }, "conclusion": "Non potrebbe essere più semplice. Ottieni oggi stesso bonus dalla tua criptovaluta.", - "superchargeTitle": "Inizia Supercharge", - "superchargeDescription": "Ottieni ricompense annue del {{apy}}% sul tuo saldo {{token}}. Ecco come iniziare:", + "superchargeTitle": "Supercharge sta per finire", + "superchargeDescription": "Ma altri premi sono in arrivo per te. Fino al 28 maggio, ottieni {{apy}}% di premi annuali sul tuo saldo più alto {{token}} . Ecco come funziona:", "superchargeConnectNumber": "Collega il tuo numero telefonico", "superchargeReconnectNumber": "Ricollega il tuo numero telefonico\n<0>Abbiamo avviato un’esperienza Supercharge migliorata. Ricollega il tuo numero telefonico per continuare a ricevere ricompense in {{token}}.", "superchargeMinimumBalance": "Aggiungi un saldo minimo di {{amount}} {{token}}", - "superchargeDisclaimer": "Aggiungi fino a {{amount}} {{token}} per massimizzare le tue ricompense.", - "superchargeDisclaimerMaxRewards": "Stai ottenendo il massimo dei ricompense sui tuoi {{token}}", - "superchargeDisclaimerDayLimit": "I tuoi ricompense devono essere richiesti entro 28 giorni. <0>Ulteriori informazioni", + "superchargeDisclaimer": "Questo non influirà sul tuo saldo o sui tuoi guadagni precedenti.", + "superchargeDisclaimerMaxRewards": "Questo non influirà sul tuo saldo o sui tuoi guadagni precedenti.", + "superchargeDisclaimerDayLimit": "Questo non influirà sul tuo saldo o sui tuoi precedenti guadagni. <0>Per saperne di più", "superchargeTokenDetailsDialog": { "title": "A quali asset posso applicare i Supercharge?", "body": "Sarai ricompensato settimanalmente sulla tua stablecoin Celo con il saldo più alto (cEUR, cUSD, cREAL).", @@ -286,11 +286,11 @@ }, "superchargingTitle": "È necessario aggiornare l’app", "superchargingDescription": "Aggiorna l’app Valora per continuare a ricevere le ricompense Supercharge settimanali.", - "superchargingTitleV1_54": "Stai ricevendo ricompense sui tuoi {{token}}", - "superchargingDescriptionV1_54": "Stai ricevendo ricompense pari al {{apy}}% annuo. Ogni settimana riceverai una notifica quando le tue ricompense saranno pronte, torna qui per richiederle.", + "superchargingTitleV1_54": "Supercharge sta per finire", + "superchargingDescriptionV1_54": "Le ricompense settimanali potranno essere richieste fino a martedì 28 maggio alle 23:59 UTC. A partire dal 29 maggio, non sarà più possibile richiedere le ricompense Supercharge.", "superchargeRewardsAvailable": "Hai {{amount}} {{token}} disponibili per reclamare!", "superchargeRewardsAvailableMultipleTokens": "Hai {{amounts}} disponibili per reclamare!", - "superchargeClaimText": "Richiedi le tue ricompense per aggiungerle al tuo saldo.", + "superchargeClaimText": "Richiedi i tuoi premi fino a martedì 28 maggio alle 23:59 UTC. A partire dal 29 maggio, non potrai più richiedere i premi Supercharge.", "superchargeClaimButton": "Richiedi ricompense", "superchargeFetchRewardsFailed": "Si è verificato un errore durante il recupero delle ricompense Supercharge. Riprova più tardi.", "superchargeClaimSuccess": "Le tue ricompense Supercharge sono state aggiunte al tuo saldo totale.", From 7ea50e59bc1ac047c3dc522f152a3aa997d9ee8c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: valora-bot-crowdin <> Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 14:08:55 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 22/44] New translations translation.json (Polish) --- locales/pl-PL/translation.json | 20 ++++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) diff --git a/locales/pl-PL/translation.json b/locales/pl-PL/translation.json index c008c61ba1b..cd87b696500 100644 --- a/locales/pl-PL/translation.json +++ b/locales/pl-PL/translation.json @@ -255,8 +255,8 @@ "text": "Każdy, kto pozna Twoją frazę, będzie mieć dostęp do Twojego konta i wszystkich jego środków. Nie udostępniaj jej nikomu." } ], - "consumerIncentivesTitle": "Zacznij korzystać z programu Supercharge", - "consumerIncentivesSummary": "Program Supercharge jest już dostępny! Otrzymuj {{percent}}% rocznych nagród od najwyższego salda stablecoinów (cUSD, cEUR lub cREAL). Oferta ograniczona czasowo. Oto jak działa:", + "consumerIncentivesTitle": "Supercharge dobiega końca", + "consumerIncentivesSummary": "Ale jeszcze więcej nagród czeka na Ciebie. Do 28 maja otrzymuj {{percent}}% rocznych nagród od najwyższego salda stablecoinów (cUSD, cEUR lub cREAL). Oto jak to działa:", "earnWeekly": { "header": "Podłącz swój numer telefonu", "text": "Jeśli nie masz jeszcze podłączonego numeru telefonu, naciśnij polecenie Podłącz numer." @@ -271,14 +271,14 @@ "text": "Dzięki temu Twoje nagrody będą bezpieczne i zawsze pod Twoją kontrolą." }, "conclusion": "To takie proste. Doładuj swoją kryptowalutę już dziś!", - "superchargeTitle": "Skorzystaj z programu Supercharge", - "superchargeDescription": "Otrzymuj {{apy}}% rocznych nagród za saldo tokenów {{token}}. Oto jak zacząć:", + "superchargeTitle": "Supercharge dobiega końca", + "superchargeDescription": "Ale jeszcze więcej nagród czeka na Ciebie. Do 28 maja zdobądź {{apy}}% rocznych nagród za najwyższe saldo {{token}} . Oto jak to działa:", "superchargeConnectNumber": "Podłącz swój numer telefonu", "superchargeReconnectNumber": "Podłącz ponownie swój numer telefonu\n<0>Uruchomiliśmy ulepszoną obsługę programu Supercharge. Podłącz ponownie swój numer telefonu, aby zdobywać nagrody na {{token}}.", "superchargeMinimumBalance": "Dodaj minimalne saldo {{amount}} {{token}}", - "superchargeDisclaimer": "Maksymalizuj nagrody, zwiększając saldo do {{amount}} {{token}}", - "superchargeDisclaimerMaxRewards": "Otrzymujesz maksymalne nagrody za swoje saldo tokenów {{token}}", - "superchargeDisclaimerDayLimit": "Nagrody muszą zostać odebrane w ciągu 28 dni. <0>Dowiedz się więcej", + "superchargeDisclaimer": "Nie wpłynie to na Twoje saldo ani poprzednie zarobki.", + "superchargeDisclaimerMaxRewards": "Nie wpłynie to na Twoje saldo ani poprzednie zarobki.", + "superchargeDisclaimerDayLimit": "Nie wpłynie to na Twoje saldo ani poprzednie zarobki. <0>Dowiedz się więcej", "superchargeTokenDetailsDialog": { "title": "Które aktywa są objęte programem Supercharge?", "body": "Otrzymasz cotygodniową nagrodę za swój stablecoin Celo o najwyższej wartości (cEUR, cUSD lub cREAL).", @@ -286,11 +286,11 @@ }, "superchargingTitle": "Wymagana aktualizacja aplikacji", "superchargingDescription": "Zaktualizuj aplikację Valora, aby kontynuować otrzymywanie cotygodniowych nagród w programie Supercharge.", - "superchargingTitleV1_54": "Twoje tokeny {{token}} biorą udział w programie Supercharge", - "superchargingDescriptionV1_54": "Otrzymujesz {{apy}}% rocznie. Co tydzień otrzymasz powiadomienie, gdy nagrody będą gotowe. Wróć tutaj, aby je odebrać.", + "superchargingTitleV1_54": "Supercharge dobiega końca", + "superchargingDescriptionV1_54": "Nagrody tygodniowe będzie można odbierać do wtorku, 28 maja, do godziny 23:59 UTC. Od 29 maja nie będziesz już mógł odbierać nagród Supercharge.", "superchargeRewardsAvailable": "Masz {{amount}} {{token}} dostępne do odbioru!", "superchargeRewardsAvailableMultipleTokens": "Masz {{amounts}} dostępne do odbioru!", - "superchargeClaimText": "Odbierz nagrody, aby dodać je do swojego salda.", + "superchargeClaimText": "Odbierz swoje nagrody do wtorku, 28 maja, do godziny 23:59 UTC. Od 29 maja nie będziesz już mógł odbierać nagród Supercharge.", "superchargeClaimButton": "Odbierz nagrody", "superchargeFetchRewardsFailed": "Wystąpił błąd podczas pobierania oczekujących nagród w ramach programu Supercharge. Spróbuj ponownie później.", "superchargeClaimSuccess": "Twoje nagrody Supercharge zostały dodane do Twojego salda całkowitego.", From 311332e0d7c295d4c6a2e150379d1790b26127e4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: valora-bot-crowdin <> Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 14:08:56 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 23/44] New translations translation.json (Russian) --- locales/ru-RU/translation.json | 20 ++++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) diff --git a/locales/ru-RU/translation.json b/locales/ru-RU/translation.json index 56edeff43c0..c4c16640b70 100644 --- a/locales/ru-RU/translation.json +++ b/locales/ru-RU/translation.json @@ -255,8 +255,8 @@ "text": "Любое лицо с помощью вашей фразы получит доступ к вашему аккаунту и всем его средствам. Не сообщайте ее другим людям." } ], - "consumerIncentivesTitle": "Программа Supercharge", - "consumerIncentivesSummary": "Воспользуйтесь программой Supercharge! Получите в качестве вознаграждения {{percent}}% годовых на ваш максимальный остаток в стейблкоинах (cUSD, cEUR или cREAL). Предложение действует в течение ограниченного времени. Вот как это работает.", + "consumerIncentivesTitle": "Суперзарядка заканчивается", + "consumerIncentivesSummary": "Но еще больше вознаграждений направляется в твою сторону. До 28 мая получай {{percent}}% годовых на свой самый высокий баланс в стабильных монетах (cUSD, cEUR или cREAL). Вот как это работает:", "earnWeekly": { "header": "Подключить номер телефона", "text": "Нажмите \"Подключить номер\", если подключение еще не выполнено." @@ -271,14 +271,14 @@ "text": "Это будет гарантировать, что ваши вознаграждения в безопасности и под вашим контролем." }, "conclusion": "Все просто. Повысьте свои доходы от криптовалюты за счет программы Supercharge!", - "superchargeTitle": "Присоединяйтесь к программе Supercharge", - "superchargeDescription": "Получите вознаграждение {{apy}}% годовых на свой баланс {{token}}. Вот как начать:", + "superchargeTitle": "Суперзарядка заканчивается", + "superchargeDescription": "Но тебя ждут еще большие вознаграждения. До 28 мая получи {{apy}}% годовых на свой самый высокий баланс {{token}} . Вот как это работает:", "superchargeConnectNumber": "Подключите свой номер телефона", "superchargeReconnectNumber": "Переподключите свой номер телефона\n<0>Мы улучшили работу Supercharge. Переподключите свой номер телефона для получения вознаграждения по вашему {{token}}.", "superchargeMinimumBalance": "Внесите минимальную сумму {{amount}} {{token}}", - "superchargeDisclaimer": "Получите максимальное вознаграждение, внеся до {{amount}} {{token}}", - "superchargeDisclaimerMaxRewards": "Вы получаете максимальное вознаграждение за {{token}}", - "superchargeDisclaimerDayLimit": "Вознаграждения необходимо получить в течение 28 дней. <0>Подробнее", + "superchargeDisclaimer": "Это не повлияет на твой баланс или предыдущий заработок.", + "superchargeDisclaimerMaxRewards": "Это не повлияет на твой баланс или предыдущий заработок.", + "superchargeDisclaimerDayLimit": "Это не повлияет на твой баланс или предыдущие доходы. <0>Узнать больше", "superchargeTokenDetailsDialog": { "title": "На какие активы распространяется программа Supercharge?", "body": "Вы будете еженедельно получать вознаграждение за стейблкойн Celo с наибольшей стоимостью (cEUR, cUSD, cREAL).", @@ -286,11 +286,11 @@ }, "superchargingTitle": "Требуется обновление приложения", "superchargingDescription": "Обновите приложение Valora, чтобы по-прежнему получать вознаграждения по программе Supercharge.", - "superchargingTitleV1_54": "Для вашего {{token}} действует программа Supercharge", - "superchargingDescriptionV1_54": "Вы получаете {{apy}}% годовых. По готовности вознаграждений вы будете еженедельно получать уведомление. Вернитесь сюда, чтобы потребовать их.", + "superchargingTitleV1_54": "Суперзарядка заканчивается", + "superchargingDescriptionV1_54": "Еженедельные награды будут доступны для получения до вторника, 28 мая, в 23:59 по Гринвичу. Начиная с 29 мая ты больше не сможешь требовать вознаграждения за Supercharge.", "superchargeRewardsAvailable": "Вы можете заявить {{amount}} {{token}}!", "superchargeRewardsAvailableMultipleTokens": "У вас есть {{amounts}} для подачи заявки!", - "superchargeClaimText": "Заявите о своих вознаграждениях, чтобы добавить их на свой баланс.", + "superchargeClaimText": "Получи свои награды до вторника, 28 мая, в 23:59 по Гринвичу. Начиная с 29 мая ты больше не сможешь претендовать на награды Supercharge.", "superchargeClaimButton": "Заявить о вознаграждениях", "superchargeFetchRewardsFailed": "Ошибка при получении ожидаемых вознаграждений Supercharge. Повторите попытку позже.", "superchargeClaimSuccess": "Ваши вознаграждения Supercharge были добавлены на ваш общий баланс.", From e9f78670dea1a3ded5a9c1298b7dcadf26dbf328 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: valora-bot-crowdin <> Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 14:08:57 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 24/44] New translations translation.json (Turkish) --- locales/tr-TR/translation.json | 20 ++++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) diff --git a/locales/tr-TR/translation.json b/locales/tr-TR/translation.json index fba8bd940a0..3c8b05d93d2 100644 --- a/locales/tr-TR/translation.json +++ b/locales/tr-TR/translation.json @@ -255,8 +255,8 @@ "text": "Kurtarma Kelimelerinize sahip herhangi bir kişi hesabınıza erişebilir. Başkaları ile paylaşmayın." } ], - "consumerIncentivesTitle": "Supercharge'ı kullanmaya başlayın", - "consumerIncentivesSummary": "Karşınızda Supercharge! Supercharge ile en yüksek Celo stablecoin bakiyeniz için (cEUR, cUSD, cREAL, vb.) yıllık {{percent}}% ödüller kazanın. Sınırlı bir süre için geçerlidir. Supercharge şöyle çalışır:", + "consumerIncentivesTitle": "Supercharge sona eriyor", + "consumerIncentivesSummary": "Ancak daha fazla ödül size doğru geliyor. 28 Mayıs'a kadar, en yüksek stablecoin bakiyeniz (cUSD, cEUR veya cREAL) üzerinden {{percent}}% yıllık ödüller kazanın. İşte nasıl çalıştığı:", "earnWeekly": { "header": "Telefon numaranızı bağlayın", "text": "Daha önce bağlamadıysanız Telefon Numaranı Bağlaya dokun." @@ -271,14 +271,14 @@ "text": "Böylelikle ödüllerinizin güvende ve kontrolünüzde olmasını sağlanacaktır." }, "conclusion": "İşte bu kadar basit. Kriptonuzu hemen Supercharge'layın!", - "superchargeTitle": "Supercharge'lamaya başlayın", - "superchargeDescription": "{{token}} bakiyeniz için yıllık %12 oranında ödül kazanın. Başlamak için şunları yapmanız yeterli:", + "superchargeTitle": "Supercharge sona eriyor", + "superchargeDescription": "Ama daha fazla ödül size doğru geliyor. 28 Mayıs'a kadar en yüksek {{token}} bakiyeniz üzerinden {{apy}}% yıllık ödül kazanın. İşte nasıl çalıştığı:", "superchargeConnectNumber": "Telefon numaranı bağla", "superchargeReconnectNumber": "Telefon numaranızı yeniden bağlayın\n<0>Gelişmiş bir Süper charge deneyimi başlattık. {{token}} tokeninizde ödüller kazanmaya devam etmek için telefon numaranızı yeniden bağlayın.", "superchargeMinimumBalance": "En az {{amount}} {{token}} olacak şekilde bakiye ekleyin", - "superchargeDisclaimer": "Maksimum ödül kazanmak için {{amount}} {{token}}'a kadar ekleme yapabilirsiniz", - "superchargeDisclaimerMaxRewards": "{{token}} ile maksimum ödül alıyorsunuz", - "superchargeDisclaimerDayLimit": "Ödülleriniz 28 gün içinde talep edilmelidir. <0>Daha fazla bilgi edinin", + "superchargeDisclaimer": "Bu durum bakiyenizi veya önceki kazançlarınızı etkilemeyecektir.", + "superchargeDisclaimerMaxRewards": "Bu durum bakiyenizi veya önceki kazançlarınızı etkilemeyecektir.", + "superchargeDisclaimerDayLimit": "Bu durum bakiyenizi veya önceki kazançlarınızı etkilemeyecektir. <0>Daha fazla bilgi", "superchargeTokenDetailsDialog": { "title": "Hangi varlıklara Supercharge uygulayabilirim?", "body": "Celo stablecoinlerinizden en yüksek değeri olanla (cEUR, cUSD, cREAL) haftalık olarak ödüllendirileceksiniz.", @@ -286,11 +286,11 @@ }, "superchargingTitle": "Uygulama güncellemesi gerekli", "superchargingDescription": "Supercharge ödüllerini almaya devam etmek için Valora uygulamasını güncelleyin.", - "superchargingTitleV1_54": "Supercharge uygulanan varlık: {{token}}", - "superchargingDescriptionV1_54": "Yıllık %{{apy}} alıyorsunuz. Ödülleriniz hazır olduğunda her hafta bir bildirim alacaksınız, onları almak için buraya geri gelin.", + "superchargingTitleV1_54": "Supercharge sona eriyor", + "superchargingDescriptionV1_54": "Haftalık ödüller 28 Mayıs Salı günü UTC ile saat 23:59'a kadar talep edilebilecektir. 29 Mayıs'tan itibaren Süper Şarj ödüllerini artık talep edemeyeceksiniz.", "superchargeRewardsAvailable": "{{amount}} {{token}} almaya hak kazandınız!", "superchargeRewardsAvailableMultipleTokens": "{{amounts}} almaya hak kazandınız!", - "superchargeClaimText": "Отримайте свої нагороди, щоб додати їх до вашого залишку.", + "superchargeClaimText": "Ödüllerinizi 28 Mayıs Salı günü UTC ile saat 23:59'a kadar talep edin. 29 Mayıs'tan itibaren artık Süper Şarj ödüllerini talep edemeyeceksiniz.", "superchargeClaimButton": "Ödüllerinizi Alın", "superchargeFetchRewardsFailed": "Bekleyen Supercharge ödüllerini alırken bir hata oluştu. Lütfen tekrar deneyin.", "superchargeClaimSuccess": "Supercharge ödülleriniz Toplam Bakiyenize eklendi.", From 628464d93a48e7d35f5624009c55444b4d7a104b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: valora-bot-crowdin <> Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 14:08:59 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 25/44] New translations translation.json (Ukrainian) --- locales/uk-UA/translation.json | 20 ++++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) diff --git a/locales/uk-UA/translation.json b/locales/uk-UA/translation.json index 3d9d5bbb520..f3f07d2034f 100644 --- a/locales/uk-UA/translation.json +++ b/locales/uk-UA/translation.json @@ -255,8 +255,8 @@ "text": "Будь-хто з вашою фразою матиме доступ до вашого облікового запису та всіх його коштів. Не повідомляйте її іншим." } ], - "consumerIncentivesTitle": "Почніть із надбавкою", - "consumerIncentivesSummary": "Надбавка вже тут! Отримайте нагороду в розмірі {{percent}}% річних на ваш найбільший залишок у стейблкойнах (cUSD, cEUR, або cREAL). Доступно протягом обмеженого часу. Ось як це працює:", + "consumerIncentivesTitle": "Суперзаряд закінчується", + "consumerIncentivesSummary": "Але на вас чекають ще більші винагороди. До 28 травня отримуйте {{percent}}% річної винагороди на свій найбільший баланс у стейблкоінах (cUSD, CEUR або cREAL). Ось як це працює:", "earnWeekly": { "header": "Під’єднайте ваш телефонний номер", "text": "Натисніть «Під’єднати», якщо ви ще не під’єдналися до мережі." @@ -271,14 +271,14 @@ "text": "Це гарантуватиме, що ваші винагороди безпечні та під вашим контролем." }, "conclusion": "Це так просто. Отримуйте надбавку за криптовалюту сьогодні!", - "superchargeTitle": "Почати дію надбавки", - "superchargeDescription": "Отримайте нагороду в розмірі {{apy}}% річних на залишок у {{token}}. Ось як почати:", + "superchargeTitle": "Суперзаряд закінчується", + "superchargeDescription": "Але на вас чекають ще більші винагороди. До 28 травня отримуйте {{apy}}% річних винагород на свій найбільший баланс {{token}} . Ось як це працює:", "superchargeConnectNumber": "Під’єднати свій телефонний номер", "superchargeReconnectNumber": "Повторно під’єднайте свій номер телефону\n<0>Ми випустили оновлення щодо винагород Supercharge. Повторно під’єднайте свій номер телефону, щоб і надалі отримувати винагороди на свій {{token}}.", "superchargeMinimumBalance": "Додати мінімальний залишок {{amount}} {{token}}", - "superchargeDisclaimer": "Максимізуйте винагороду, додавши суму до {{amount}} {{token}}", - "superchargeDisclaimerMaxRewards": "Ви отримуєте максимальну винагороду в {{token}}", - "superchargeDisclaimerDayLimit": "Вашу винагороду має бути зараховано протягом 28 днів. <0>Дізнатися більше", + "superchargeDisclaimer": "Це не вплине на ваш баланс або попередні заробітки.", + "superchargeDisclaimerMaxRewards": "Це не вплине на ваш баланс або попередні заробітки.", + "superchargeDisclaimerDayLimit": "Це не вплине на ваш баланс або попередні заробітки. <0>Дізнатися більше", "superchargeTokenDetailsDialog": { "title": "Які активи можна суперзарядити?", "body": "Ви отримаєте винагороду щотижня за ваші стейблкойни Celo з найбільшою вартістю (cEUR, cUSD, cREAL).", @@ -286,11 +286,11 @@ }, "superchargingTitle": "Треба оновити застосунок", "superchargingDescription": "Оновіть застосунок Valora, щоб і надалі щотижня отримувати винагороди Supercharge.", - "superchargingTitleV1_54": "Ваш {{token}} отримав надбавку", - "superchargingDescriptionV1_54": "Ви отримуєте {{apy}}% річних. Щотижня ви отримуватимете повідомлення, коли ваші винагороди будуть готові, повертайтеся сюди, щоб забрати їх.", + "superchargingTitleV1_54": "Суперзаряд закінчується", + "superchargingDescriptionV1_54": "Щотижневі винагороди можна буде отримати до вівторка, 28 травня, 23:59 UTC. Починаючи з 29 травня, ви більше не зможете отримати винагороди Supercharge.", "superchargeRewardsAvailable": "У вас доступно {{amount}} {{token}} для запиту!", "superchargeRewardsAvailableMultipleTokens": "У вас доступно {{amounts}} для запиту!", - "superchargeClaimText": "Отримайте свої нагороди, щоб додати їх до вашого залишку. Якщо ви берете участь у Supercharge зі стейблкойнами Moola, ви зможете отримати всі свої винагороди, коли Moola знову запрацює.", + "superchargeClaimText": "Отримайте свої винагороди до вівторка, 28 травня, 23:59 UTC. Починаючи з 29 травня, ви більше не зможете отримати винагороди Supercharge.", "superchargeClaimButton": "Запит винагороди", "superchargeFetchRewardsFailed": "Помилка при отриманні очікуваних нагород за надбавку. Просимо, спробуйте ще раз пізніше.", "superchargeClaimSuccess": "Ваші нагороди за надбавку додані до вашого загального залишку.", From e53395fdacf1ece85b11c9f8a2d5ecbed244e6ad Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: valora-bot-crowdin <> Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 14:09:00 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 26/44] New translations translation.json (Chinese Simplified) --- locales/zh-CN/translation.json | 20 ++++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) diff --git a/locales/zh-CN/translation.json b/locales/zh-CN/translation.json index a36e9681416..ad2eaeaf5fe 100644 --- a/locales/zh-CN/translation.json +++ b/locales/zh-CN/translation.json @@ -255,8 +255,8 @@ "text": "任何拥有您的短语的人都将能够访问您的账户和其中的所有资金。切勿将短语泄露给他人。" } ], - "consumerIncentivesTitle": "Supercharge 已结束", - "consumerIncentivesSummary": "Supercharge 计划启动!基于您的稳定币 (cUSD、cEUR 或 cREAL) 最高余额,获取 {{percent}}% 的年度奖励。限时福利,切勿错过。具体方式如下:", + "consumerIncentivesTitle": "超级充电站即将关闭", + "consumerIncentivesSummary": "但更多奖励正在向您走来。在 5 月 28 日之前,稳定币最高余额(cUSD、cEUR 或 cREAL)可获得 {{percent}}% 的年度奖励。具体操作如下", "earnWeekly": { "header": "关联您的手机号码", "text": "如果您尚未关联,请点按“关联号码”。" @@ -271,14 +271,14 @@ "text": "这将确保您的奖励安全可控。" }, "conclusion": "就是如此简单,立即 Supercharge 您的加密货币吧!", - "superchargeTitle": "Supercharge 已结束", - "superchargeDescription": "基于您的 {{token}} 余额获取 {{apy}}% 的年度奖励。具体方式如下:", + "superchargeTitle": "超级充电站即将关闭", + "superchargeDescription": "但更多奖励正在向您走来。在 5 月 28 日之前, {{token}} 最高余额可获得 {{apy}}% 的年度奖励。具体操作如下:", "superchargeConnectNumber": "关联您的手机号码", "superchargeReconnectNumber": "重新关联您的手机号码\n<0>我们已经改进 Supercharge 体验。重新关联您的手机号码,继续获取基于您的 {{token}} 的奖励。", "superchargeMinimumBalance": "添加 {{amount}} {{token}} 的最低余额", - "superchargeDisclaimer": "通过添加至 {{amount}} {{token}} 获取最高奖励", - "superchargeDisclaimerMaxRewards": "您即将获得基于您的 {{token}} 的最高奖励", - "superchargeDisclaimerDayLimit": "您必须在 28 天内领取奖励。<0>了解更多", + "superchargeDisclaimer": "这不会影响您的余额或之前的收入。", + "superchargeDisclaimerMaxRewards": "这不会影响您的余额或之前的收入。", + "superchargeDisclaimerDayLimit": "这不会影响您的余额或之前的收入。<0>了解更多信息", "superchargeTokenDetailsDialog": { "title": "我可以 Supercharge 哪种资产?", "body": "您将每周获得基于您的 Celo 稳定币最高价值(cEUR、cUSD、cREAL)的奖励。", @@ -286,11 +286,11 @@ }, "superchargingTitle": "必须更新应用", "superchargingDescription": "更新 Valora 应用以继续领取您每周的 Supercharge 奖励.", - "superchargingTitleV1_54": "Supercharge 已结束", - "superchargingDescriptionV1_54": "您将获得年度 {{apy}}% 的奖励。每周当您的奖励准备就绪时,您将获得通知,请记得返回此处领取奖励。", + "superchargingTitleV1_54": "超级充电站即将关闭", + "superchargingDescriptionV1_54": "每周奖励可在 5 月 28 日(星期二)23:59(世界协调时)之前领取。从 5 月 29 日起,您将无法再领取超级充值奖励。", "superchargeRewardsAvailable": "您有 {{amount}} {{token}} 可领取!", "superchargeRewardsAvailableMultipleTokens": "您有 {{amounts}} 可领取!", - "superchargeClaimText": "领取您的奖励以将它添加到您的余额。", + "superchargeClaimText": "在世界协调时 5 月 28 日(星期二)23:59 之前领取奖励。自 5 月 29 日起,您将无法再领取超级充值奖励。", "superchargeClaimButton": "领取奖励", "superchargeFetchRewardsFailed": "获取待处理的 Supercharge 奖励时出错。请稍后再试。", "superchargeClaimSuccess": "您的 Supercharge 奖励已添加到您的总余额中。", From 6ac6a093ec3edb7b38849721ccfcf1870bce2ec9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: valora-bot-crowdin <> Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 14:09:01 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 27/44] New translations translation.json (English) --- locales/en-US/translation.json | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/locales/en-US/translation.json b/locales/en-US/translation.json index 588e7f64baa..4677e481b2e 100644 --- a/locales/en-US/translation.json +++ b/locales/en-US/translation.json @@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ "text": "Anyone with your Phrase will have access to your account and all of its funds. Don’t share it with others." } ], - "consumerIncentivesTitle": "Get started with Supercharge", + "consumerIncentivesTitle": "Supercharge is ending", "consumerIncentivesSummary": "But more rewards are headed your way. Until May 28, get {{percent}}% annual rewards on your highest stablecoin balance (cUSD, cEUR, or cREAL). Here's how it works:", "earnWeekly": { "header": "Connect your phone number", From d5be2c28bb354230e19fd96a0b94db48a29c8244 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: valora-bot-crowdin <> Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 14:09:03 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 28/44] New translations translation.json (Vietnamese) --- locales/vi-VN/translation.json | 20 ++++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) diff --git a/locales/vi-VN/translation.json b/locales/vi-VN/translation.json index 17e4f8019ee..50c7c1167f2 100644 --- a/locales/vi-VN/translation.json +++ b/locales/vi-VN/translation.json @@ -255,8 +255,8 @@ "text": "Bất kỳ ai có Cụm từ của bạn đều sẽ được quyền truy cập vào tài khoản của bạn và tất cả tiền trong đó. Không chia sẻ Cụm từ này cho bất kỳ ai." } ], - "consumerIncentivesTitle": "Bắt đầu với chương trình Supercharge", - "consumerIncentivesSummary": "Chương trình Supercharge đã ra mắt! Nhận {{percent}}% tiền thưởng mỗi năm tính trên số dư stablecoin cao nhất của bạn (cUSD, cEUR hoặc cREAL). Có áp dụng giới hạn thời gian triển khai. Cách thức như sau:", + "consumerIncentivesTitle": "Supercharge is ending", + "consumerIncentivesSummary": "But more rewards are headed your way. Until May 28, get {{percent}}% annual rewards on your highest stablecoin balance (cUSD, cEUR, or cREAL). Here's how it works:", "earnWeekly": { "header": "Kết nối số điện thoại của bạn", "text": "Nhấn vào Kết nối số nếu bạn chưa kết nối." @@ -271,14 +271,14 @@ "text": "Cụm từ này đảm bảo tiền thưởng được an toàn và bạn luôn nắm được quyền kiểm soát." }, "conclusion": "Đơn giản vậy thôi. Hãy kiếm thêm tiền điện tử ngay hôm nay với Supercharge!", - "superchargeTitle": "Bắt đầu tham gia Supercharge", - "superchargeDescription": "Nhận {{apy}}% tiền thưởng hằng năm tính trên số dư {{token}}. Sau đây là cách bắt đầu:", + "superchargeTitle": "Supercharge is ending", + "superchargeDescription": "But more rewards are headed your way. Until May 28, get {{apy}}% annual rewards on your highest {{token}} balance. Here's how it works:", "superchargeConnectNumber": "Kết nối số điện thoại của bạn", "superchargeReconnectNumber": "Kết nối lại với điện thoại\n<0>Chúng tôi đã khởi chạy trải nghiệm chương trình Supercharge cải tiến. Kết nối lại số điện thoại của bạn để tiếp tục kiếm tiền thưởng từ {{token}}.", "superchargeMinimumBalance": "Thêm số dư tối thiểu là {{amount}} {{token}}", - "superchargeDisclaimer": "Tăng tối đa tiền thưởng bằng cách nạp đến {{amount}} {{token}}", - "superchargeDisclaimerMaxRewards": "Bạn sẽ nhận được tiền thưởng tối đa tính trên {{token}} của mình", - "superchargeDisclaimerDayLimit": "Bạn phải xác nhận tiền thưởng trong vòng 28 ngày. <0>Tìm hiểu thêm ", + "superchargeDisclaimer": "This will not affect your balance or previous earnings.", + "superchargeDisclaimerMaxRewards": "This will not affect your balance or previous earnings.", + "superchargeDisclaimerDayLimit": "This will not affect your balance or previous earnings. <0>Learn more", "superchargeTokenDetailsDialog": { "title": "Tôi có thể sử dụng Supercharge cho những tài sản nào?", "body": "Bạn sẽ được nhận thưởng mỗi tuần tính trên stablecoin Celo có giá trị cao nhất (cEUR, cUSD, cREAL).", @@ -286,11 +286,11 @@ }, "superchargingTitle": "Cần cập nhật ứng dụng", "superchargingDescription": "Cập nhật ứng dụng Valora để tiếp tục nhận tiền thưởng Supercharge hàng tuần.", - "superchargingTitleV1_54": "{{token}} của bạn đang được áp dụng Supercharge", - "superchargingDescriptionV1_54": "Bạn đang nhận được {{apy}}% mỗi năm. Hằng tuần, bạn sẽ nhận được thông báo khi tiền thưởng đã về, hãy quay lại đây để xác nhận.", + "superchargingTitleV1_54": "Supercharge is ending", + "superchargingDescriptionV1_54": "Weekly rewards will be available to claim until Tuesday, May 28, at 23:59 UTC. Beginning May 29, you will nor longer be able to claim Supercharge rewards.", "superchargeRewardsAvailable": "Bạn có {{amount}} {{token}} cần xác nhận!", "superchargeRewardsAvailableMultipleTokens": "Bạn có {{amounts}} cần xác nhận!", - "superchargeClaimText": "Xác nhận tiền thưởng của bạn để thêm vào số dư.", + "superchargeClaimText": "Claim your rewards until Tuesday, May 28, at 23:59 UTC. Beginning May 29, you will no longer be able to claim Supercharge rewards.", "superchargeClaimButton": "Xác nhận tiền thưởng", "superchargeFetchRewardsFailed": "Đã xảy ra lỗi khi tìm nạp tiền thưởng Supercharge đang chờ xử lý. Vui lòng thử lại sau.", "superchargeClaimSuccess": "Tiền thưởng Supercharge đã được thêm vào Tổng số dư của bạn.", From 7b605c5753fb2a8e6a68eecad587adbf043fe102 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: valora-bot-crowdin <> Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 14:09:04 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 29/44] New translations translation.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) --- locales/pt-BR/translation.json | 20 ++++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) diff --git a/locales/pt-BR/translation.json b/locales/pt-BR/translation.json index 1d7b3ea6652..39d88ddf62d 100644 --- a/locales/pt-BR/translation.json +++ b/locales/pt-BR/translation.json @@ -255,8 +255,8 @@ "text": "Qualquer pessoa com sua frase terá acesso à sua conta e a todos os seus fundos. Não compartilhe com outras pessoas." } ], - "consumerIncentivesTitle": "Comece com o Supercharge", - "consumerIncentivesSummary": "O Supercharge chegou! Obtenha {{percent}}% de recompensas anuais sobre seu saldo mais alto de stablecoins (cUSD, cEUR ou cREAL). Disponível por um tempo limitado. Veja com funciona:", + "consumerIncentivesTitle": "O Supercharge está acabando", + "consumerIncentivesSummary": "Mas mais recompensas estão chegando até você. Até 28 de maio, você receberá {{percent}}% de recompensas anuais sobre seu saldo mais alto em stablecoin (cUSD, cEUR ou cREAL). Veja como isso funciona:", "earnWeekly": { "header": "Conecte seu número de celular", "text": "Toque em Conectar o número caso ainda não o tenha conectado." @@ -271,14 +271,14 @@ "text": "Isto irá garantir que suas recompensas estejam seguras em seu controle." }, "conclusion": "É muito simples. Aumente seu cripto hoje mesmo!", - "superchargeTitle": "Entre no Supercharge", - "superchargeDescription": "Receba {{apy}}% de recompensas anuais no seu saldo de {{token}} . Veja como começar:", + "superchargeTitle": "O Supercharge está acabando", + "superchargeDescription": "Mas mais recompensas estão indo em sua direção. Até 28 de maio, você receberá {{apy}}% de prêmios anuais sobre seu saldo mais alto no site {{token}} . Veja como funciona:", "superchargeConnectNumber": "Conecte seu número de celular", "superchargeReconnectNumber": "Reconecte seu número de celular\n<0>Lançamos uma experiência aprimorada do Supercharge. Reconecte o seu número de celular para continuar ganhando recompensas com {{token}}.", "superchargeMinimumBalance": "Adicione um saldo mínimo de {{amount}} {{token}}", - "superchargeDisclaimer": "Obtenha o máximo de recompensas com até {{amount}} {{token}}", - "superchargeDisclaimerMaxRewards": "Você está recebendo o máximo de recompensas no seus {{token}}", - "superchargeDisclaimerDayLimit": "As suas recompensas devem ser reclamadas dentro de 28 dias. <0>Saiba mais", + "superchargeDisclaimer": "Isso não afetará seu saldo ou ganhos anteriores.", + "superchargeDisclaimerMaxRewards": "Isso não afetará seu saldo ou ganhos anteriores.", + "superchargeDisclaimerDayLimit": "Isso não afetará seu saldo ou ganhos anteriores. <0>Saiba mais", "superchargeTokenDetailsDialog": { "title": "Quais ativos recebem recompensas de Supercharge?", "body": "Você receberá recompensas semanalmente na sua stablecoin de Celo com o maior saldo (cEUR, cUSD, cREAL).", @@ -286,11 +286,11 @@ }, "superchargingTitle": "Atualização do app necessária", "superchargingDescription": "Atualize o app da Valora para continuar recebendo recompensas do Supercharge semanalmente.", - "superchargingTitleV1_54": "Você está recebendo recompensas de Supercharge no seus {{token}}", - "superchargingDescriptionV1_54": "Você recebe {{apy}}% anualmente. Toda semana você receberá uma notificação avisando quando as suas recompensas estiverem pronta. Basta voltar aqui para resgatá-las.", + "superchargingTitleV1_54": "O Supercharge está acabando", + "superchargingDescriptionV1_54": "Você poderá resgatar as recompensas semanais até terça-feira, 28 de maio, às 23h59 UTC. A partir de 29 de maio, você não poderá mais resgatar as recompensas do Supercharge.", "superchargeRewardsAvailable": "Você tem {{amount}} {{token}} disponíveis para resgatar!", "superchargeRewardsAvailableMultipleTokens": "Você tem {{amounts}} disponíveis para resgatar!", - "superchargeClaimText": "Resgate suas recompensas para adicioná-las ao seu saldo.", + "superchargeClaimText": "Você pode solicitar suas recompensas até terça-feira, 28 de maio, às 23h59 UTC. A partir de 29 de maio, você não poderá mais reivindicar as recompensas do Supercharge.", "superchargeClaimButton": "Resgatar recompensas", "superchargeFetchRewardsFailed": "Ocorreu um erro ao resgatar recompensas de Supercharge pendentes. Tente novamente mais tarde.", "superchargeClaimSuccess": "Suas recompensas de Supercharge foram adicionadas ao seu saldo total.", From c942366ed991a0823fea56497272750fd5875f37 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: valora-bot-crowdin <> Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 14:09:06 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 30/44] New translations translation.json (Thai) --- locales/th-TH/translation.json | 20 ++++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) diff --git a/locales/th-TH/translation.json b/locales/th-TH/translation.json index 668ee6d723e..2b22628920a 100644 --- a/locales/th-TH/translation.json +++ b/locales/th-TH/translation.json @@ -255,8 +255,8 @@ "text": "ใครก็ตามที่มีวลีของคุณจะมีสิทธิ์เข้าถึงบัญชีและเงินทั้งหมดในบัญชีของคุณ ดังนั้นโปรดอย่าแบ่งปันให้ผู้อื่นทราบ" } ], - "consumerIncentivesTitle": "เริ่มต้นใช้งานด้วย Supercharge", - "consumerIncentivesSummary": "Supercharge มาแล้ว! รับรางวัลรายปี {{percent}}% ในยอดคงเหลือ Stablecoin ที่สูงที่สุดของคุณ (cUSD, cEUR หรือ cREAL) ก่อนที่จะหมดเวลา โดยมีหลักการดังนี้", + "consumerIncentivesTitle": "Supercharge is ending", + "consumerIncentivesSummary": "But more rewards are headed your way. Until May 28, get {{percent}}% annual rewards on your highest stablecoin balance (cUSD, cEUR, or cREAL). Here's how it works:", "earnWeekly": { "header": "เชื่อมต่อหมายเลขโทรศัพท์ของคุณ", "text": "แตะเชื่อมต่อหมายเลข หากคุณยังไม่เชื่อมต่อ" @@ -271,14 +271,14 @@ "text": "เพื่อให้แน่ใจว่ารางวัลของคุณปลอดภัยและอยู่ในการควบคุมของคุณ" }, "conclusion": "ง่ายเพียงเท่านี้ Supercharge คริปโตของคุณวันนี้", - "superchargeTitle": "เริ่ม Supercharge", - "superchargeDescription": "รับรางวัลรายปี {{apy}}% ในยอดคงเหลือ {{token}} ของคุณ โดยมีวิธีการเริ่มต้นดังนี้", + "superchargeTitle": "Supercharge is ending", + "superchargeDescription": "But more rewards are headed your way. Until May 28, get {{apy}}% annual rewards on your highest {{token}} balance. Here's how it works:", "superchargeConnectNumber": "เชื่อมต่อหมายเลขโทรศัพท์ของคุณ", "superchargeReconnectNumber": "เชื่อมต่อหมายเลขโทรศัพท์อีกครั้ง\n<0>เราได้เปิดตัว Supercharge ที่ปรับปรุงใหม่ โปรดเชื่อมต่อหมายเลขโทรศัพท์ของคุณอีกครั้งเพื่อรับรางวัลเป็น {{token}} ของคุณ", "superchargeMinimumBalance": "เพิ่มยอดคงเหลือขั้นต่ำที่ {{amount}} {{token}}", - "superchargeDisclaimer": "รับรางวัลสูงสุดโดยการเพิ่มให้ถึง {{amount}} {{token}}", - "superchargeDisclaimerMaxRewards": "คุณกำลังจะได้รับรางวัลสูงสุดเป็น {{token}}", - "superchargeDisclaimerDayLimit": "คุณต้องขอรับรางวัลภายใน 28 วัน<0>ดูข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม", + "superchargeDisclaimer": "This will not affect your balance or previous earnings.", + "superchargeDisclaimerMaxRewards": "This will not affect your balance or previous earnings.", + "superchargeDisclaimerDayLimit": "This will not affect your balance or previous earnings. <0>Learn more", "superchargeTokenDetailsDialog": { "title": "สินทรัพย์ใดที่ฉันสามารถ Supercharge ได้", "body": "คุณจะได้รับรางวัลทุกสัปดาห์ในรูปแบบ Celo stablecoin ด้วยมูลค่าสูงสุด (cEUR, cUSD, cREAL)", @@ -286,11 +286,11 @@ }, "superchargingTitle": "ต้องอัปเดตแอป", "superchargingDescription": "อัปเดตแอป Valora เพื่อรับรางวัล Supercharge ทุกสัปดาห์อย่างต่อเนื่อง.", - "superchargingTitleV1_54": "กำลัง Supercharge {{token}} ของคุณ", - "superchargingDescriptionV1_54": "คุณจะได้รับ {{apy}}% ทุกปี ในแต่ละสัปดาห์ คุณจะได้รับการแจ้งเตือนเมื่อรางวัลของคุณพร้อม กลับมาที่นี่เพื่อขอรับรางวัล", + "superchargingTitleV1_54": "Supercharge is ending", + "superchargingDescriptionV1_54": "Weekly rewards will be available to claim until Tuesday, May 28, at 23:59 UTC. Beginning May 29, you will nor longer be able to claim Supercharge rewards.", "superchargeRewardsAvailable": "คุณมี {{amount}} {{token}} ที่สามารถขอรับได้!", "superchargeRewardsAvailableMultipleTokens": "คุณมี {{amounts}} ที่สามารถขอรับได้!", - "superchargeClaimText": "ขอรับรางวัลเพื่อเพิ่มไปยังยอดคงเหลือของคุณ", + "superchargeClaimText": "Claim your rewards until Tuesday, May 28, at 23:59 UTC. Beginning May 29, you will no longer be able to claim Supercharge rewards.", "superchargeClaimButton": "ขอรับรางวัล", "superchargeFetchRewardsFailed": "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดขณะเรียกดูรางวัล Supercharge ที่รอดำเนินการ โปรดลองอีกครั้งภายหลัง", "superchargeClaimSuccess": "เพิ่มรางวัล Supercharge ของคุณไปยังยอดคงเหลือรวมแล้ว", From 479cbbf86171476d377ce17e5630d6062eb00adb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: valora-bot-crowdin <> Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 15:04:55 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 31/44] Update source file translation.json --- locales/base/translation.json | 23 ++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/locales/base/translation.json b/locales/base/translation.json index 4b229429f37..96893990012 100644 --- a/locales/base/translation.json +++ b/locales/base/translation.json @@ -2369,6 +2369,24 @@ "subtitle": "Deposit today and earn returns", "description": "See how much you can earn when supplying a lending pool" }, + "enterAmount": { + "earnUpToLabel": "You could earn up to:", + "rateLabel": "Rate (est.)", + "earnUpTo": "~{{fiatSymbol}}{{amount}} / yr", + "rate": "{{rate}}% APY", + "continue": "Continue", + "info": "This pool is powered by Aave", + "infoBottomSheet": { + "title": "Why this pool?", + "description": "This Aave pool has over $150M TVL and more than 6,000 contributors, indicating strong liquidity and trustworthiness. It also uses USDC as its token and Abritrum as its network, which reduces volatility and ensures users will receive inexpensive gas rates.\n\nAll together this makes it a safe and attractive option with competitive APY, ensuring a beneficial investment opportunity for our users.\n\nYou can explore other Aave pools <0>here.", + "dismiss": "Dismiss" + }, + "notEnoughBalanceForGasWarning": { + "title": "You need more {{feeTokenSymbol}} to continue", + "description": "Add {{feeTokenSymbol}} on {{network}} to cover your gas fees", + "noGasCta": "Buy {{feeTokenSymbol}} on {{network}}" + } + }, "activePools": { "title": "Active Pools", "totalValue": "Total Value:", @@ -2397,7 +2415,10 @@ "fee": "Gas Fee", "cta": "Collect Earnings", "errorTitle": "Something went wrong", - "errorDescription": "Unable to fetch deposit details. Please try again." + "errorDescription": "Unable to fetch deposit details. Please try again.", + "noGasTitle": "You need more {{symbol}} to continue", + "noGasDescription": "Add {{symbol}} on {{network}} to cover your gas fees", + "noGasCta": "Buy {{symbol}} on {{network}}" }, "transactionFeed": { "earnClaimTitle": "Collected", From b5da4ed7d946e9449de559cae90144e8e33bcb51 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: valora-bot-crowdin <> Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 15:04:58 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 32/44] New translations translation.json (French) --- locales/fr-FR/translation.json | 23 ++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/locales/fr-FR/translation.json b/locales/fr-FR/translation.json index aaa36efbe76..bd14ee364f2 100644 --- a/locales/fr-FR/translation.json +++ b/locales/fr-FR/translation.json @@ -2367,6 +2367,24 @@ "subtitle": "Dépose aujourd'hui et gagne en rendement", "description": "Vois combien tu peux gagner en alimentant un pool de prêt." }, + "enterAmount": { + "earnUpToLabel": "Tu pourrais gagner jusqu'à :", + "rateLabel": "Taux (est.)", + "earnUpTo": "~{{fiatSymbol}}{{amount}} / an", + "rate": "{{rate}}% APY", + "continue": "Continuer", + "info": "Cette piscine est alimentée par Aave", + "infoBottomSheet": { + "title": "Pourquoi cette piscine ?", + "description": "Ce pool Aave dispose de plus de 150 millions de dollars de TVL et de plus de 6 000 contributeurs, ce qui indique une forte liquidité et une grande fiabilité. Il utilise également USDC comme jeton et Abritrum comme réseau, ce qui réduit la volatilité et garantit que les utilisateurs recevront des taux de gaz peu coûteux.\n\nTout cela en fait une option sûre et attrayante avec un APY compétitif, garantissant une opportunité d'investissement bénéfique pour nos utilisateurs.\n\nTu peux explorer d'autres pools Aave <0>ici.", + "dismiss": "Refuser" + }, + "notEnoughBalanceForGasWarning": { + "title": "Tu as besoin de plus de {{feeTokenSymbol}} pour continuer", + "description": "Ajoute {{feeTokenSymbol}} sur {{network}} pour couvrir tes frais d'essence.", + "noGasCta": "Acheter {{feeTokenSymbol}} sur {{network}}" + } + }, "activePools": { "title": "Piscines actives", "totalValue": "Valeur totale :", @@ -2395,7 +2413,10 @@ "fee": "Frais de gaz", "cta": "Collecter les gains", "errorTitle": "Une erreur s'est produite", - "errorDescription": "Impossible de récupérer les détails du dépôt. Essaie à nouveau." + "errorDescription": "Impossible de récupérer les détails du dépôt. Essaie à nouveau.", + "noGasTitle": "Tu as besoin de plus de {{symbol}} pour continuer", + "noGasDescription": "Ajoute {{symbol}} sur {{network}} pour couvrir tes frais d'essence.", + "noGasCta": "Acheter {{symbol}} sur {{network}}" }, "transactionFeed": { "earnClaimTitle": "Recueilli", From 90b599e1977a36af821c24d3d62546fc9dbb310a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: valora-bot-crowdin <> Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 15:04:59 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 33/44] New translations translation.json (Spanish) --- locales/es-419/translation.json | 23 ++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/locales/es-419/translation.json b/locales/es-419/translation.json index fca7dc5d9bf..1889805f350 100644 --- a/locales/es-419/translation.json +++ b/locales/es-419/translation.json @@ -2367,6 +2367,24 @@ "subtitle": "Deposita hoy y obtén beneficios", "description": "Comprueba cuánto puedes ganar al abastecer un fondo común de préstamos" }, + "enterAmount": { + "earnUpToLabel": "Podrías ganar hasta:", + "rateLabel": "Tasa (est.)", + "earnUpTo": "~{{fiatSymbol}}{{amount}} / año", + "rate": "{{rate}}% APY", + "continue": "Continuar", + "info": "Esta piscina funciona con Aave", + "infoBottomSheet": { + "title": "¿Por qué esta piscina?", + "description": "Este pool de Aave tiene más de 150 millones de USDC y más de 6.000 contribuyentes, lo que indica una gran liquidez y fiabilidad. También utiliza USDC como token y Abritrum como red, lo que reduce la volatilidad y garantiza que los usuarios recibirán tarifas de gas baratas.\n\nTodo ello lo convierte en una opción segura y atractiva con un APY competitivo, que garantiza una oportunidad de inversión beneficiosa para nuestros usuarios.\n\nPuedes explorar otros fondos de Aave <0>aquí.", + "dismiss": "Ignorar" + }, + "notEnoughBalanceForGasWarning": { + "title": "Necesitas más {{feeTokenSymbol}} para continuar", + "description": "Añade {{feeTokenSymbol}} en {{network}} para cubrir tus gastos de gasolina", + "noGasCta": "Compra {{feeTokenSymbol}} en {{network}}" + } + }, "activePools": { "title": "Piscinas activas", "totalValue": "Valor total:", @@ -2395,7 +2413,10 @@ "fee": "Tasa del gas", "cta": "Recaudar ingresos", "errorTitle": "Algo salió mal", - "errorDescription": "No se han podido obtener los datos del depósito. Vuelve a intentarlo." + "errorDescription": "No se han podido obtener los datos del depósito. Vuelve a intentarlo.", + "noGasTitle": "Necesitas más {{symbol}} para continuar", + "noGasDescription": "Añade {{symbol}} en {{network}} para cubrir tus gastos de gasolina", + "noGasCta": "Compra {{symbol}} en {{network}}" }, "transactionFeed": { "earnClaimTitle": "Recopilado", From d6bec07bb58a28ca87efe2d29d133e987ff793ff Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: valora-bot-crowdin <> Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 15:05:01 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 34/44] New translations translation.json (German) --- locales/de/translation.json | 23 ++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/locales/de/translation.json b/locales/de/translation.json index 26c24d82262..d9363baaaaf 100644 --- a/locales/de/translation.json +++ b/locales/de/translation.json @@ -2367,6 +2367,24 @@ "subtitle": "Heute einzahlen und Rendite verdienen", "description": "Erfahre, wie viel du verdienen kannst, wenn du einen Kreditpool bereitstellst" }, + "enterAmount": { + "earnUpToLabel": "Du könntest bis zu:", + "rateLabel": "Rate (geschätzt)", + "earnUpTo": "~{{fiatSymbol}}{{amount}} / yr", + "rate": "{{rate}}% APY", + "continue": "Weiter", + "info": "Dieser Pool wird von Aave betrieben", + "infoBottomSheet": { + "title": "Warum dieser Pool?", + "description": "Dieser Aave-Pool hat über 150 Mio. USD TVL und mehr als 6.000 Beitragszahler, was für eine hohe Liquidität und Vertrauenswürdigkeit spricht. Außerdem verwendet er USDC als Token und Abritrum als Netzwerk, was die Volatilität reduziert und sicherstellt, dass die Nutzer günstige Gasraten erhalten.\n\nAlles zusammen macht es zu einer sicheren und attraktiven Option mit wettbewerbsfähigen APY, die eine vorteilhafte Investitionsmöglichkeit für unsere Nutzer/innen darstellt.\n\nAndere Aave-Pools kannst du <0>hier entdecken.", + "dismiss": "Verwerfen" + }, + "notEnoughBalanceForGasWarning": { + "title": "Du brauchst mehr {{feeTokenSymbol}} um weiterzumachen", + "description": "Füge {{feeTokenSymbol}} auf {{network}} hinzu, um deine Gaskosten zu decken.", + "noGasCta": "Kaufen Sie {{feeTokenSymbol}} auf {{network}}" + } + }, "activePools": { "title": "Aktive Pools", "totalValue": "Gesamtwert:", @@ -2395,7 +2413,10 @@ "fee": "Gasgebühr", "cta": "Verdienste sammeln", "errorTitle": "Etwas ist schief gelaufen", - "errorDescription": "Die Einzahlungsdetails können nicht abgerufen werden. Bitte versuche es erneut." + "errorDescription": "Die Einzahlungsdetails können nicht abgerufen werden. Bitte versuche es erneut.", + "noGasTitle": "Du brauchst mehr {{symbol}} um weiterzumachen", + "noGasDescription": "Füge {{symbol}} auf {{network}} hinzu, um deine Gaskosten zu decken.", + "noGasCta": "Kaufen Sie {{symbol}} auf {{network}}" }, "transactionFeed": { "earnClaimTitle": "Gesammelt", From 5d94da079d9400e51a4af1cf2072c7421da74043 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: valora-bot-crowdin <> Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 15:05:02 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 35/44] New translations translation.json (Italian) --- locales/it-IT/translation.json | 23 ++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/locales/it-IT/translation.json b/locales/it-IT/translation.json index 347d4b79a7b..48a2ceccdf8 100644 --- a/locales/it-IT/translation.json +++ b/locales/it-IT/translation.json @@ -2367,6 +2367,24 @@ "subtitle": "Deposita oggi stesso e guadagna", "description": "Scopri quanto puoi guadagnare fornendo un pool di prestiti" }, + "enterAmount": { + "earnUpToLabel": "Potresti guadagnare fino a:", + "rateLabel": "Tasso (est.)", + "earnUpTo": "~{{fiatSymbol}}{{amount}} / anno", + "rate": "{{rate}}% APY", + "continue": "Continua", + "info": "Questa piscina è alimentata da Aave", + "infoBottomSheet": { + "title": "Perché questa piscina?", + "description": "Questo pool di Aave ha oltre 150 milioni di dollari di TVL e più di 6.000 contributori, il che indica una forte liquidità e affidabilità. Inoltre, utilizza USDC come token e Abritrum come rete, il che riduce la volatilità e garantisce agli utenti tariffe economiche.\n\nTutto ciò la rende un'opzione sicura e attraente con un APY competitivo, garantendo un'opportunità di investimento vantaggiosa per i nostri utenti.\n\nPuoi esplorare gli altri pool di Aave <0>qui.", + "dismiss": "Ignorare" + }, + "notEnoughBalanceForGasWarning": { + "title": "Hai bisogno di più {{feeTokenSymbol}} per continuare", + "description": "Aggiungi {{feeTokenSymbol}} su {{network}} per coprire le spese del gas.", + "noGasCta": "Acquista {{feeTokenSymbol}} su {{network}}" + } + }, "activePools": { "title": "Piscine attive", "totalValue": "Valore totale:", @@ -2395,7 +2413,10 @@ "fee": "Tassa sul gas", "cta": "Raccogli i guadagni", "errorTitle": "Si è verificato un errore", - "errorDescription": "Impossibile recuperare i dettagli del deposito. Riprova." + "errorDescription": "Impossibile recuperare i dettagli del deposito. Riprova.", + "noGasTitle": "Hai bisogno di più {{symbol}} per continuare", + "noGasDescription": "Aggiungi {{symbol}} su {{network}} per coprire le spese del gas.", + "noGasCta": "Acquista {{symbol}} su {{network}}" }, "transactionFeed": { "earnClaimTitle": "Raccolta", From fcb05025939ec539dc613cd38bababd6cfb96d00 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: valora-bot-crowdin <> Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 15:05:03 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 36/44] New translations translation.json (Polish) --- locales/pl-PL/translation.json | 23 ++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/locales/pl-PL/translation.json b/locales/pl-PL/translation.json index cd87b696500..4abe302abdb 100644 --- a/locales/pl-PL/translation.json +++ b/locales/pl-PL/translation.json @@ -2371,6 +2371,24 @@ "subtitle": "Dokonaj wpłaty już dziś i zarabiaj", "description": "Zobacz ile możesz zarobić zasilając pulę pożyczkową" }, + "enterAmount": { + "earnUpToLabel": "Możesz zarobić do:", + "rateLabel": "Stawka (szacunkowa)", + "earnUpTo": "~{{fiatSymbol}}{{amount}} / rok", + "rate": "{{rate}}% RRSO", + "continue": "Kontynuuj", + "info": "Ta pula jest zasilana przez Aave", + "infoBottomSheet": { + "title": "Dlaczego ten basen?", + "description": "Ta pula Aave ma ponad 150 mln USD TVL i ponad 6000 współpracowników, co wskazuje na dużą płynność i wiarygodność. Wykorzystuje również USDC jako token i Abritrum jako sieć, co zmniejsza zmienność i zapewnia użytkownikom niedrogie stawki za gaz.\n\nWszystko to razem sprawia, że jest to bezpieczna i atrakcyjna opcja z konkurencyjnym APY, zapewniająca korzystne możliwości inwestycyjne dla naszych użytkowników.\n\nMożesz zapoznać się z innymi pulami Aave <0>tutaj.", + "dismiss": "Odrzuć" + }, + "notEnoughBalanceForGasWarning": { + "title": "Potrzebujesz więcej {{feeTokenSymbol}} , aby kontynuować", + "description": "Dodaj {{feeTokenSymbol}} na {{network}} , aby pokryć opłaty za gaz", + "noGasCta": "Kup {{feeTokenSymbol}} na {{network}}" + } + }, "activePools": { "title": "Aktywne baseny", "totalValue": "Całkowita wartość:", @@ -2399,7 +2417,10 @@ "fee": "Opłata za gaz", "cta": "Zbieraj zarobki", "errorTitle": "Coś poszło nie tak", - "errorDescription": "Nie można pobrać szczegółów wpłaty. Spróbuj ponownie." + "errorDescription": "Nie można pobrać szczegółów wpłaty. Spróbuj ponownie.", + "noGasTitle": "Potrzebujesz więcej {{symbol}} , aby kontynuować", + "noGasDescription": "Dodaj {{symbol}} na {{network}} , aby pokryć opłaty za gaz", + "noGasCta": "Kup {{symbol}} na {{network}}" }, "transactionFeed": { "earnClaimTitle": "Zebrane", From c1f89c4701f15a9b0da40d3aa36a15fc14d49183 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: valora-bot-crowdin <> Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 15:05:05 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 37/44] New translations translation.json (Russian) --- locales/ru-RU/translation.json | 23 ++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/locales/ru-RU/translation.json b/locales/ru-RU/translation.json index c4c16640b70..763f277cf03 100644 --- a/locales/ru-RU/translation.json +++ b/locales/ru-RU/translation.json @@ -2371,6 +2371,24 @@ "subtitle": "Сделай депозит сегодня и получи доход", "description": "Узнай, сколько ты сможешь заработать, предоставляя кредитный пул." }, + "enterAmount": { + "earnUpToLabel": "Ты можешь заработать до:", + "rateLabel": "Ставка (эст.)", + "earnUpTo": "~{{fiatSymbol}}{{amount}} / год", + "rate": "{{rate}}% APY", + "continue": "Продолжить", + "info": "Этот бассейн работает под управлением Aave", + "infoBottomSheet": { + "title": "Почему именно этот бассейн?", + "description": "Этот пул Aave имеет более $150M TVL и более 6 000 вкладчиков, что говорит о высокой ликвидности и надежности. Кроме того, он использует USDC в качестве своего токена и Abritrum в качестве сети, что снижает волатильность и гарантирует пользователям недорогие тарифы на газ.\n\nВсе вместе это делает его безопасным и привлекательным вариантом с конкурентоспособной APY, обеспечивая выгодную инвестиционную возможность для наших пользователей.\n\nИзучить другие пулы Aave ты можешь <0>здесь.", + "dismiss": "Отклонить" + }, + "notEnoughBalanceForGasWarning": { + "title": "Тебе нужно больше {{feeTokenSymbol}} , чтобы продолжить", + "description": "Добавь {{feeTokenSymbol}} на {{network}} , чтобы покрыть расходы на бензин.", + "noGasCta": "Купить {{feeTokenSymbol}} на {{network}}" + } + }, "activePools": { "title": "Активные бассейны", "totalValue": "Общая стоимость:", @@ -2399,7 +2417,10 @@ "fee": "Плата за газ", "cta": "Собирайте заработок", "errorTitle": "Что-то пошло не так", - "errorDescription": "Невозможно получить данные о депозите. Пожалуйста, попробуй еще раз." + "errorDescription": "Невозможно получить данные о депозите. Пожалуйста, попробуй еще раз.", + "noGasTitle": "Тебе нужно больше {{symbol}} , чтобы продолжить", + "noGasDescription": "Добавь {{symbol}} на {{network}} , чтобы покрыть расходы на бензин.", + "noGasCta": "Купить {{symbol}} на {{network}}" }, "transactionFeed": { "earnClaimTitle": "Собрано", From 1a65b62f5164a4c834a1ce1bf90ef2efb66fdca9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: valora-bot-crowdin <> Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 15:05:06 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 38/44] New translations translation.json (Turkish) --- locales/tr-TR/translation.json | 23 ++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/locales/tr-TR/translation.json b/locales/tr-TR/translation.json index 3c8b05d93d2..dcdfaf7a797 100644 --- a/locales/tr-TR/translation.json +++ b/locales/tr-TR/translation.json @@ -2367,6 +2367,24 @@ "subtitle": "Bugün para yatırın ve getiri kazanın", "description": "Bir kredi havuzu sağlarken ne kadar kazanabileceğinizi görün" }, + "enterAmount": { + "earnUpToLabel": "Şu kadar kazanabilirsiniz:", + "rateLabel": "Oran (tahmini)", + "earnUpTo": "~{{fiatSymbol}}{{amount}} / yıl", + "rate": "{{rate}}% APY", + "continue": "İleri", + "info": "Bu havuz Aave tarafından desteklenmektedir", + "infoBottomSheet": { + "title": "Neden bu havuz?", + "description": "Bu Aave havuzu 150 milyon doların üzerinde TVL'ye ve 6.000'den fazla katılımcıya sahiptir, bu da güçlü likidite ve güvenilirliği gösterir. Ayrıca token olarak USDC ve ağ olarak Abritrum kullanır, bu da oynaklığı azaltır ve kullanıcıların ucuz gaz oranları almasını sağlar.\n\nTüm bunlar bir araya geldiğinde, rekabetçi APY ile güvenli ve cazip bir seçenek haline gelir ve kullanıcılarımız için faydalı bir yatırım fırsatı sağlar.\n\nDiğer Aave havuzlarını <0>buradan keşfedebilirsiniz.", + "dismiss": "Yoksay" + }, + "notEnoughBalanceForGasWarning": { + "title": "Devam etmek için daha fazlasına ihtiyacınız var {{feeTokenSymbol}}", + "description": "Gaz ücretlerinizi karşılamak için {{feeTokenSymbol}} adresini {{network}} adresine ekleyin", + "noGasCta": "{{feeTokenSymbol}} adresini {{network}}adresinden satın alın" + } + }, "activePools": { "title": "Aktif Havuzlar", "totalValue": "Toplam Değer:", @@ -2395,7 +2413,10 @@ "fee": "Gaz Ücreti", "cta": "Kazançları Toplayın", "errorTitle": "Bir şeyler ters gitti", - "errorDescription": "Para yatırma detayları alınamıyor. Lütfen tekrar deneyin." + "errorDescription": "Para yatırma detayları alınamıyor. Lütfen tekrar deneyin.", + "noGasTitle": "Devam etmek için daha fazlasına ihtiyacınız var {{symbol}}", + "noGasDescription": "Gaz ücretlerinizi karşılamak için {{symbol}} adresini {{network}} adresine ekleyin", + "noGasCta": "{{symbol}} adresini {{network}}adresinden satın alın" }, "transactionFeed": { "earnClaimTitle": "Toplanmış", From 46bc4db002df690f53ed7e12dd3f2bc3b0f04da4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: valora-bot-crowdin <> Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 15:05:07 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 39/44] New translations translation.json (Ukrainian) --- locales/uk-UA/translation.json | 23 ++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/locales/uk-UA/translation.json b/locales/uk-UA/translation.json index f3f07d2034f..174c68f9517 100644 --- a/locales/uk-UA/translation.json +++ b/locales/uk-UA/translation.json @@ -2371,6 +2371,24 @@ "subtitle": "Поповнюйте рахунок сьогодні та отримуйте прибуток", "description": "Дізнайтеся, скільки ви можете заробити, надаючи послуги кредитного пулу" }, + "enterAmount": { + "earnUpToLabel": "Ти можеш заробити до..:", + "rateLabel": "Ставка (ест.)", + "earnUpTo": "~{{fiatSymbol}}{{amount}} / yr", + "rate": "{{rate}}% APY", + "continue": "Продовжити", + "info": "Цей басейн працює від Aave", + "infoBottomSheet": { + "title": "Чому саме цей басейн?", + "description": "Цей пул Aave має понад $150 млн ТВЛ і понад 6 000 учасників, що свідчить про високу ліквідність і надійність. Він також використовує USDC як токен і Abritrum як мережу, що знижує волатильність і гарантує користувачам недорогі тарифи на газ.\n\nВсе це робить його безпечним і привабливим варіантом з конкурентоспроможним APY, що забезпечує вигідні інвестиційні можливості для наших користувачів.\n\nВи можете ознайомитися з іншими пулами Aave <0>тут.", + "dismiss": "Відхилити" + }, + "notEnoughBalanceForGasWarning": { + "title": "Вам потрібно більше {{feeTokenSymbol}} для продовження", + "description": "Додайте {{feeTokenSymbol}} на {{network}} , щоб оплатити рахунки за газ", + "noGasCta": "Купуйте {{feeTokenSymbol}} на {{network}}" + } + }, "activePools": { "title": "Активні пули", "totalValue": "Загальна вартість:", @@ -2399,7 +2417,10 @@ "fee": "Плата за газ", "cta": "Збирайте заробіток", "errorTitle": "Щось пішло не так", - "errorDescription": "Не вдається отримати інформацію про депозит. Спробуйте ще раз." + "errorDescription": "Не вдається отримати інформацію про депозит. Спробуйте ще раз.", + "noGasTitle": "Вам потрібно більше {{symbol}} для продовження", + "noGasDescription": "Додайте {{symbol}} на {{network}} , щоб оплатити рахунки за газ", + "noGasCta": "Купуйте {{symbol}} на {{network}}" }, "transactionFeed": { "earnClaimTitle": "Зібрано", From 69ffffe270d17111f95bd0e79d3c6a5de67ca627 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: valora-bot-crowdin <> Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 15:05:08 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 40/44] New translations translation.json (Chinese Simplified) --- locales/zh-CN/translation.json | 23 ++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/locales/zh-CN/translation.json b/locales/zh-CN/translation.json index ad2eaeaf5fe..63595498d02 100644 --- a/locales/zh-CN/translation.json +++ b/locales/zh-CN/translation.json @@ -2365,6 +2365,24 @@ "subtitle": "立即存款,赚取回报", "description": "了解您在提供贷款池时能赚多少钱" }, + "enterAmount": { + "earnUpToLabel": "您最多可以获得", + "rateLabel": "比率(估计值)", + "earnUpTo": "~{{fiatSymbol}}{{amount}} / 年", + "rate": "{{rate}}年利率", + "continue": "继续", + "info": "本泳池由 Aave 提供能源", + "infoBottomSheet": { + "title": "为什么是这个泳池?", + "description": "该 Aave 池拥有超过 1.5 亿美元的 TVL 和 6000 多名贡献者,这表明它具有很强的流动性和可信度。它还使用 USDC 作为代币,使用 Abritrum 作为网络,从而降低了波动性,确保用户获得低廉的天然气价格。\n\n所有这些都使其成为一个安全、有吸引力且年利率具有竞争力的选择,确保为我们的用户提供有利的投资机会。\n\n您可以<0>在这里探索其他 Aave 池。", + "dismiss": "忽略" + }, + "notEnoughBalanceForGasWarning": { + "title": "您需要更多 {{feeTokenSymbol}} 才能继续", + "description": "在 {{network}} 上添加 {{feeTokenSymbol}} 以支付汽油费", + "noGasCta": "在 {{network}}上购买 {{feeTokenSymbol}}" + } + }, "activePools": { "title": "活动泳池", "totalValue": "总价值", @@ -2393,7 +2411,10 @@ "fee": "燃气费", "cta": "收取收益", "errorTitle": "出错了", - "errorDescription": "无法获取存款详情。请重试。" + "errorDescription": "无法获取存款详情。请重试。", + "noGasTitle": "您需要更多 {{symbol}} 才能继续", + "noGasDescription": "在 {{network}} 上添加 {{symbol}} 以支付汽油费", + "noGasCta": "在 {{network}}上购买 {{symbol}}" }, "transactionFeed": { "earnClaimTitle": "收藏", From 3fe9c09055ba433d118342e8860cfcb5f5a9adc4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: valora-bot-crowdin <> Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 15:05:10 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 41/44] New translations translation.json (English) --- locales/en-US/translation.json | 23 ++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/locales/en-US/translation.json b/locales/en-US/translation.json index 4677e481b2e..0f79d87340a 100644 --- a/locales/en-US/translation.json +++ b/locales/en-US/translation.json @@ -2367,6 +2367,24 @@ "subtitle": "Deposit today and earn returns", "description": "See how much you can earn when supplying a lending pool" }, + "enterAmount": { + "earnUpToLabel": "You could earn up to:", + "rateLabel": "Rate (est.)", + "earnUpTo": "~{{fiatSymbol}}{{amount}} / yr", + "rate": "{{rate}}% APY", + "continue": "Continue", + "info": "This pool is powered by Aave", + "infoBottomSheet": { + "title": "Why this pool?", + "description": "This Aave pool has over $150M TVL and more than 6,000 contributors, indicating strong liquidity and trustworthiness. It also uses USDC as its token and Abritrum as its network, which reduces volatility and ensures users will receive inexpensive gas rates.\n\nAll together this makes it a safe and attractive option with competitive APY, ensuring a beneficial investment opportunity for our users.\n\nYou can explore other Aave pools <0>here.", + "dismiss": "Dismiss" + }, + "notEnoughBalanceForGasWarning": { + "title": "You need more {{feeTokenSymbol}} to continue", + "description": "Add {{feeTokenSymbol}} on {{network}} to cover your gas fees", + "noGasCta": "Buy {{feeTokenSymbol}} on {{network}}" + } + }, "activePools": { "title": "Active Pools", "totalValue": "Total Value:", @@ -2395,7 +2413,10 @@ "fee": "Gas Fee", "cta": "Collect Earnings", "errorTitle": "Something went wrong", - "errorDescription": "Unable to fetch deposit details. Please try again." + "errorDescription": "Unable to fetch deposit details. Please try again.", + "noGasTitle": "You need more {{symbol}} to continue", + "noGasDescription": "Add {{symbol}} on {{network}} to cover your gas fees", + "noGasCta": "Buy {{symbol}} on {{network}}" }, "transactionFeed": { "earnClaimTitle": "Collected", From 8864f03e465b61a5dc23dc4334d0e23237427198 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: valora-bot-crowdin <> Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 15:05:11 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 42/44] New translations translation.json (Vietnamese) --- locales/vi-VN/translation.json | 23 ++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/locales/vi-VN/translation.json b/locales/vi-VN/translation.json index 50c7c1167f2..228119fa6a0 100644 --- a/locales/vi-VN/translation.json +++ b/locales/vi-VN/translation.json @@ -2365,6 +2365,24 @@ "subtitle": "Deposit today and earn returns", "description": "See how much you can earn when supplying a lending pool" }, + "enterAmount": { + "earnUpToLabel": "You could earn up to:", + "rateLabel": "Rate (est.)", + "earnUpTo": "~{{fiatSymbol}}{{amount}} / yr", + "rate": "{{rate}}% APY", + "continue": "Tiếp tục", + "info": "This pool is powered by Aave", + "infoBottomSheet": { + "title": "Why this pool?", + "description": "This Aave pool has over $150M TVL and more than 6,000 contributors, indicating strong liquidity and trustworthiness. It also uses USDC as its token and Abritrum as its network, which reduces volatility and ensures users will receive inexpensive gas rates.\n\nAll together this makes it a safe and attractive option with competitive APY, ensuring a beneficial investment opportunity for our users.\n\nYou can explore other Aave pools <0>here.", + "dismiss": "Loại bỏ" + }, + "notEnoughBalanceForGasWarning": { + "title": "You need more {{feeTokenSymbol}} to continue", + "description": "Add {{feeTokenSymbol}} on {{network}} to cover your gas fees", + "noGasCta": "Buy {{feeTokenSymbol}} on {{network}}" + } + }, "activePools": { "title": "Active Pools", "totalValue": "Total Value:", @@ -2393,7 +2411,10 @@ "fee": "Gas Fee", "cta": "Collect Earnings", "errorTitle": "Đã xảy ra lỗi", - "errorDescription": "Unable to fetch deposit details. Please try again." + "errorDescription": "Unable to fetch deposit details. Please try again.", + "noGasTitle": "You need more {{symbol}} to continue", + "noGasDescription": "Add {{symbol}} on {{network}} to cover your gas fees", + "noGasCta": "Buy {{symbol}} on {{network}}" }, "transactionFeed": { "earnClaimTitle": "Collected", From b3e0658c29a579f08e4251f84855785463f7669f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: valora-bot-crowdin <> Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 15:05:12 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 43/44] New translations translation.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) --- locales/pt-BR/translation.json | 23 ++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/locales/pt-BR/translation.json b/locales/pt-BR/translation.json index 39d88ddf62d..ecc1a740524 100644 --- a/locales/pt-BR/translation.json +++ b/locales/pt-BR/translation.json @@ -2367,6 +2367,24 @@ "subtitle": "Deposite hoje e ganhe retornos", "description": "Veja quanto você pode ganhar ao fornecer um pool de empréstimos" }, + "enterAmount": { + "earnUpToLabel": "Você pode ganhar até:", + "rateLabel": "Taxa (est.)", + "earnUpTo": "~{{fiatSymbol}}{{amount}} / ano", + "rate": "{{rate}}% APY", + "continue": "Continuar", + "info": "Esta piscina é alimentada por Aave", + "infoBottomSheet": { + "title": "Por que essa piscina?", + "description": "Esse pool da Aave tem mais de US$ 150 milhões em TVL e mais de 6.000 contribuintes, o que indica forte liquidez e confiabilidade. Ele também usa USDC como seu token e Abritrum como sua rede, o que reduz a volatilidade e garante que os usuários recebam taxas de gás baratas.\n\nTudo isso faz dela uma opção segura e atraente com APY competitivo, garantindo uma oportunidade de investimento benéfica para nossos usuários.\n\nVocê pode explorar outros pools da Aave <0>aqui.", + "dismiss": "Ignorar" + }, + "notEnoughBalanceForGasWarning": { + "title": "Você precisa de mais {{feeTokenSymbol}} para continuar", + "description": "Adicione {{feeTokenSymbol}} em {{network}} para cobrir suas taxas de gás", + "noGasCta": "Compre {{feeTokenSymbol}} em {{network}}" + } + }, "activePools": { "title": "Piscinas ativas", "totalValue": "Valor Total:", @@ -2395,7 +2413,10 @@ "fee": "Taxa de gás", "cta": "Coleta de ganhos", "errorTitle": "Algo deu errado", - "errorDescription": "Não foi possível obter os detalhes do depósito. Por favor, tente novamente." + "errorDescription": "Não foi possível obter os detalhes do depósito. Por favor, tente novamente.", + "noGasTitle": "Você precisa de mais {{symbol}} para continuar", + "noGasDescription": "Adicione {{symbol}} em {{network}} para cobrir suas taxas de gás", + "noGasCta": "Compre {{symbol}} em {{network}}" }, "transactionFeed": { "earnClaimTitle": "Coletânea", From ada0550c6f7fa08357ebd666b20be9b8a7dddeb4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: valora-bot-crowdin <> Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 15:05:13 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 44/44] New translations translation.json (Thai) --- locales/th-TH/translation.json | 23 ++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/locales/th-TH/translation.json b/locales/th-TH/translation.json index 2b22628920a..d024f506ef0 100644 --- a/locales/th-TH/translation.json +++ b/locales/th-TH/translation.json @@ -2365,6 +2365,24 @@ "subtitle": "Deposit today and earn returns", "description": "See how much you can earn when supplying a lending pool" }, + "enterAmount": { + "earnUpToLabel": "You could earn up to:", + "rateLabel": "Rate (est.)", + "earnUpTo": "~{{fiatSymbol}}{{amount}} / yr", + "rate": "{{rate}}% APY", + "continue": "ดำเนินการต่อ", + "info": "This pool is powered by Aave", + "infoBottomSheet": { + "title": "Why this pool?", + "description": "This Aave pool has over $150M TVL and more than 6,000 contributors, indicating strong liquidity and trustworthiness. It also uses USDC as its token and Abritrum as its network, which reduces volatility and ensures users will receive inexpensive gas rates.\n\nAll together this makes it a safe and attractive option with competitive APY, ensuring a beneficial investment opportunity for our users.\n\nYou can explore other Aave pools <0>here.", + "dismiss": "ปิด" + }, + "notEnoughBalanceForGasWarning": { + "title": "You need more {{feeTokenSymbol}} to continue", + "description": "Add {{feeTokenSymbol}} on {{network}} to cover your gas fees", + "noGasCta": "Buy {{feeTokenSymbol}} on {{network}}" + } + }, "activePools": { "title": "Active Pools", "totalValue": "Total Value:", @@ -2393,7 +2411,10 @@ "fee": "Gas Fee", "cta": "Collect Earnings", "errorTitle": "มีบางอย่างผิดปกติ", - "errorDescription": "Unable to fetch deposit details. Please try again." + "errorDescription": "Unable to fetch deposit details. Please try again.", + "noGasTitle": "You need more {{symbol}} to continue", + "noGasDescription": "Add {{symbol}} on {{network}} to cover your gas fees", + "noGasCta": "Buy {{symbol}} on {{network}}" }, "transactionFeed": { "earnClaimTitle": "Collected",