Miscellaneous Filters is a random collection of filters that mostly are useful for Avisynth compatibility.
.. function:: AverageFrames(clip[] clips, float[] weights[, float scale, bint scenechange, int[] planes]) :module: misc AverageFrames has two main modes depending on whether one or multiple *clips* are supplied. The filter is named AverageFrames since using ones for weights is an easy way to average many frames together but it can also be seen as a temporal or multiple frame convolution. If multiple *clips* are supplied then the frames from each of the *clips* are multiplied by the respective *weights*, summed together and divided by *scale* before being output. Note that only integer *weights* and *scale* are allowed for integer input formats. If a single *clip* is supplied then an odd number of *weights* are needed and they will instead be temporally centered on the current frame of the *clip*. The rest works as multiple *clip* mode with the only difference being that *scenechange* can be set to avoid averaging frames over scene changes. If this happens then all the weights beyond a scene change are instead applied to the frame right before it. At most 31 *weights* can be supplied.
.. function:: Hysteresis(clip clipa, clip clipb[, int[] planes]) :module: misc Grows the mask in *clipa* into the mask in *clipb*. This is an equivalent of the Avisynth function *mt_hysteresis*. Note that both clips are are expected to be in the typical mask range which means that all planes have to be in the 0-1 range for floating point formats. Specifically, Hysteresis takes two bi-level masks *clipa* and *clipb* and generates another bi-level mask clip. Both *clipa* and *clipb* must have the same dimensions and format, and the output clip will also have that format. If we treat the planes of the clips as representing 8-neighbourhood undirected 2D grid graphs, for each of the connected components in *clipb*, the whole component is copied to the output plane if and only if one of its pixels is also marked in the corresponding plane from *clipa*. The argument *planes* controls which planes to process, with the default being all. Any unprocessed planes will be copied from the corresponding plane in *clipa*.
.. function:: SCDetect(clip clip[, float threshold=0.1]) :module: misc A simple filter to mark scene changes. It works by calculating the absolute difference between the next and previous frames and scaling it to a 0-1 range and then comparing it to *threshold*. It's basically just a wrapper for *PlaneStats*.