A handful of commands to quickly/easily access information on the Slackware Linux distribution. Further, this provides a ruby library for ‘slackware’.
slp - shows installed slackware packages with no args, it will show all. or for each arg it will search the package names.
slf - search installed slackware packages for a file this expects an arg(s), and will output, in grep fashion packages matching your search args.
slt - mtime/install time of slackware packages with no args, it will show all. or for each arg it will search the package names.
sll - list the contents of packages matching the
slo - find files in /etc/, that have been orphaned and left behind by unistalled/upgraded packages
sli - display the package information for matching packages
slu - display the upgrade history for matching packages
slfindlinked - finds what is linked to your argument, and it’s package expects 1 argument passed.
See github.com/vbatts/slack-utils/wiki/Release-Notes
>> git clone git://github.com/vbatts/slack-utils.git >> cd slack-utils >> make slackpkg >> sudo upgradepkg --install-new pkg/slack-utils-0.6.2-$ARCH-1_vb.tgz
>> tar xfz slack-utils-0.6.2.tar.gz >> cd slack-utils-0.6.2 >> ruby setup.rb config --prefix=/usr --mandir=/usr/man >> ruby setup.rb install
>> sudo gem install slack-utils
>> git clone git://github.com/vbatts/slack-utils.git >> cd slack-utils/src >> rake gem >> sudo gem install pkg/slack-utils-$VERSION.gem
See the system manual page slack-utils(8)
$ irb >> require 'rubygems' >> require 'slackware' >> pkg = Slackware::Packware.new() >> pkg.name = "hello-kitty" >> pkg.version = "1.0"
>> require 'rubygems' >> require 'slackware' >> tags = Slackware::System.tags_used => ["SBo","alien","rlw"]
see the exmamples/ files
There are many more methods than are documented on this page. Please explore the RDOC to find more functionality.
For more complex examples, please see the examples directory
You can also contact me for more help or suggestions.
Open an “issue” here github.com/vbatts/slack-utils/issues