Cartoon animation application with M5Stack PM2.5 sensor kit.
In Rwanda, 98% of rural residents still use primitive open fire stoves
(so-called three-stone stoves) and wood and charcoal are used as the
main fuels. Household air pollution (HAP) of over 1 mg/m3 was observed
in the kitchen of a typical home in Rwanda. HAP is invisible and does
not have any acute effects. It is thus difficult for people to be
aware of the risks. Because of low literacy rates in rural Africa,
there are limitations in educating people about the risks using
posters and publications. Therefore, to enhance risk awareness through
gamification with local children, this PM2.5 Sensor was implemented
not merely as a detector but as an interactive-type game. Because many
of the children in Rwanda are able to go to school, this game can be
integrated as part of an extracurricular activity so that children can
become aware of the risks from a young age and raise awareness within
their communities. It can also be helpful tool in discussions of risks
between public health nurses and households as well as in changing
behaviors, based on the measured data.
- Button A : Switch boy and girl.
- Button B : Switching PM2.5 levels. (Sensor value/51/101/151/201/301 AQI)
- Button C : Switch between animation and detailed sensor value screen.
- Power ON while pressing Button C : Toggle sound mute.
石垣 陽 / Yo Ishigaki (Director)
飯田千里 / Senri Iida (Animation Designer)
兵藤嘉彦 / Yoshihiko Hyodo (Programmer)