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… Rails 3.2.8 .
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amangale committed Oct 20, 2012
1 parent d4341c0 commit 7827488
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Showing 272 changed files with 3,726 additions and 24,512 deletions.
83 changes: 52 additions & 31 deletions Gemfile 100644 → 100755
@@ -1,47 +1,68 @@
source ''

gem 'rails' #, '3.0.3'
gem 'rails', '3.2.8'

gem 'bson' #,'1.1.4'
gem 'bson_ext' #,'1.1.4'
gem 'mongo' #,'1.1.4'
gem 'mongo_mapper', '0.8.6'
# Bundle edge Rails instead:
# gem 'rails', :git => 'git://'

gem 'bson'
gem 'bson_ext'
gem 'mongo'
gem 'mongo_mapper','0.11.2'

gem 'json'

gem 'devise','2.1.2'
gem 'devise-encryptable'
gem 'cancan'

gem 'simple_form'
gem 'country_select'

gem 'omniauth', '>=0.2.0.beta'

gem 'omniauth-twitter'

gem 'devise', '1.1.7'
gem 'mm-devise'
gem "omniauth"
gem 'twitter'

gem 'kaminari'

# Gems used only for assets and not required
# in production environments by default.
group :assets do
gem 'sass-rails'
gem 'coffee-rails'
gem 'uglifier'

gem 'jquery-rails'

gem 'will_paginate', '3.0.pre2'
# Bundle edge Rails instead:
# gem 'rails', :git => 'git://'
#gem 'client_side_validations'
#gem 'client_side_validations-mongo_mapper'

# To use ActiveModel has_secure_password
# gem 'bcrypt-ruby', '~> 3.0.0'

# Use unicorn as the web server
# gem 'unicorn'

# Deploy with Capistrano
# gem 'capistrano'

# To use debugger (ruby-debug for Ruby 1.8.7+, ruby-debug19 for Ruby 1.9.2+)
# gem 'ruby-debug'
# gem 'ruby-debug19'

# Bundle the extra gems:
# gem 'bj'
# gem 'nokogiri'
# gem 'sqlite3-ruby', :require => 'sqlite3'
# gem 'aws-s3', :require => 'aws/s3'

gem "mongrel"

# Bundle gems for the local environment. Make sure to
# put test-only gems in this group so their generators
# and rake tasks are available in development mode:
group :development, :test do
gem "rspec-rails"
gem "cucumber-rails"
gem "webrat"
gem "mocha"
# To use debugger
# gem 'ruby-debug19', :require => 'ruby-debug'

group :development do
gem 'thin', '1.3.1'

group :test do
# Pretty printed test output
#gem "minitest"
gem "factory_girl_rails", "~> 1.4.0"
gem "database_cleaner", "~> 0.7.0"
gem "capybara", "~> 1.1.2"
#gem "capybara_minitest_spec"
gem "turn", "~> 0.8.3", :require => false

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