Simple JavaScript synthesizer using Web Audio.
There are three oscillators which output to a basic attack/decay/sustain envelope, followed by an optional lowpass filter.
There's only one function, SimpleJSSynth
, and it creates an AudioNode
and connects it to the
destination with the given synth options:
// where <type> can be one of: 'sine' | 'square' | 'triangle' | 'sawtooth'
var node = SimpleJSSynth(
audioContext.destination, // the destination
// oscillator 1
osc1type: <type>, // type of wave
osc1vol : 0 to 1, // oscillator volume (linear)
osc1tune: 0, // relative tuning (semitones)
// oscillator 2
osc2type: <type>, // type of wave
osc2vol : 0 to 1, // oscillator volume (linear)
osc2tune: 0, // relative tuning (semitones)
// oscillator 3
osc3type: <type>, // type of wave
osc3vol : 0 to 1, // oscillator volume (linear)
osc3tune: 0, // relative tuning (semitones)
// envelope
attack : 0 to inf, // attack time (seconds)
decay : 0 to inf, // decay time (seconds)
sustain : 0 to 1 // sustain (fraction of max vol)
susdecay: 0 to inf, // decay during sustain (seconds)
// filter
cutoff : 0, // lowpass cutoff (relative semitones to root)
The returned AudioNode
object has a few extra methods for triggering the note:
// start playing the synth at frequency `freq` and volume `vol`
node.noteOn(freq, vol);
// while the synth is playing, bend the note +- `semitones`
// turn the note off
// see if the synth is silent and ready for a new note to play
// stop all sound immediately
// destroy a synth permanently (disconnect and stop all sound)
Look at the source code of the demo. I've tried to keep it well commented.