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Yannick Francois committed Oct 8, 2013
1 parent 3f95bb9 commit 6755f61
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Showing 34 changed files with 426 additions and 966 deletions.
70 changes: 35 additions & 35 deletions app/views/admin/content/_form.html.erb
Expand Up @@ -8,10 +8,10 @@
<%= _("#{controller.action_name.to_s.capitalize} article") %>
<span class='pull-right'>
<span id='preview_link'>
<%= link_to(_("Preview"), {controller: '/articles', action: 'preview', id:}, {target: 'new', class: 'btn'}) if %>
<%= link_to(t(".preview"), {controller: '/articles', action: 'preview', id:}, {target: 'new', class: 'btn'}) if %>
<input id='save_draft' type="submit" value="<%= _('Save as draft') %>" name="article[draft]" class='btn' />
<%= save( _("Publish")) %>
<input id='save_draft' type="submit" value="<%= t('.save_as_draft') %>" name="article[draft]" class='btn' />
<%= submit_tag(t(".publish"), :class => 'btn btn-primary') %>

Expand All @@ -21,13 +21,13 @@
<div class='span9'>
<%= text_field 'article', 'title', :class => 'input-block-level', :placeholder => _('Title') %>
<%= text_field 'article', 'title', :class => 'input-block-level', :placeholder => t('.title') %>
<%= render('images', { :images => @images}) unless @images.empty? %>

<div id="editor">
<i class='icon icon-media'></i> <span id='image-link'>
<a href="#" onclick="Element.toggle('carousel-wrapper'); return false"><%= _('Images')%></a>
<a href="#" onclick="Element.toggle('carousel-wrapper'); return false"><%= t('.images')%></a>
<div id='quicktags'>
<script type="text/javascript">edToolbar('article_body_and_extended', '<%= @article.text_filter %>');</script>
Expand All @@ -40,90 +40,90 @@

<div class='separator'>
<h4><%= _("Excerpt") %></h4>
<h4><%= t(".excerpt") %></h4>
<%= text_area 'article', 'excerpt', {:height => '150', :class => 'input-block-level', :rows => '5'} %>
<span class='help-block'><%=_("Excerpts are post summaries that show only on your blog homepage and won’t appear on the post itself") %></span>
<span class='help-block'><%=t(".excerpt_explaination") %></span>

<div class='well'>
<legend><%= _("Publish settings") %></legend>
<legend><%= t(".publish_settings") %></legend>
<div class='control-group'>
<p><%= _("Status") %>: <strong><%= _(@article.state.to_s.downcase) %></strong>
<a href="#" onclick="Element.toggle('status'); return false"><%= _('Change')%></a>
<p><%= t(".status") %>: <strong><%= _(@article.state.to_s.downcase) %></strong>
<a href="#" onclick="Element.toggle('status'); return false"><%= t('.change')%></a>
<div id='status' style='display: none;'>
<label for="article_published" class='checkbox'>
<%= check_box 'article', 'published' %>
<%= _("Published") %>
<%= t(".published") %>
<p><span class='btn btn-mini'>
<a href="#" onclick="Element.toggle('status'); return false">OK</a>
<div class='control-group'>
<p><%= _("Comments are %s and trackbacks are %s", content_tag(:strong, get_feedback_status(@article.allow_comments)), content_tag(:strong, get_feedback_status(@article.allow_pings))) %>
<a href="#" onclick="Element.toggle('conversation'); return false"><%= _('Change')%></a>
<p><%= t(".allowed_comments_and_trackbacks", allow_comment: content_tag(:strong, get_feedback_status(@article.allow_comments)), allow_trackback: content_tag(:strong, get_feedback_status(@article.allow_pings))) %>
<a href="#" onclick="Element.toggle('conversation'); return false"><%= t('.change')%></a>
<div id='conversation' style='display: none'>
<label for="article_allow_pings" class='checkbox'>
<%= check_box 'article', 'allow_pings' %>
<%= _("Allow trackbacks") %>
<%= t(".allow_trackbacks") %>
<label for="article_allow_comments" class='checkbox'>
<%= check_box 'article', 'allow_comments' %>
<%= _("Allow comments") %>
<%= t(".allow_comments") %>
<p><span class='btn btn-mini'>
<a href="#" onclick="Element.toggle('conversation'); return false"><%= _('OK')%></a>
<a href="#" onclick="Element.toggle('conversation'); return false"><%= t('.ok')%></a>
<div class='control-group'>
<p><%= _("Published") %> <strong><%= publish_now_or_already_published @article %></strong>
<a href="#" onclick="Element.toggle('publish'); return false"><%= _('Change')%></a>
<p><%= t(".published") %> <strong><%= publish_now_or_already_published @article %></strong>
<a href="#" onclick="Element.toggle('publish'); return false"><%= t('.change')%></a>
<div id='publish' class='input-append' style='display: none;'>
<%= calendar_date_select 'article', 'published_at' %>
<p><span class="btn btn-mini">
<a href="#" onclick="Element.toggle('status'); return false"><%= _('OK')%></a>
<a href="#" onclick="Element.toggle('status'); return false"><%= t('.ok')%></a>

<div class='control-group'>
<p><%= _("Visibility") %>: <strong><%= @article.password.nil? || @article.password.empty? ? _("public") : _("protected") %></strong>
<a href="#" onclick="Element.toggle('visibility'); return false"><%= _('Change')%></a>
<p><%= t(".visibility") %>: <strong><%= @article.password.nil? || @article.password.empty? ? t(".public") : t(".protected") %></strong>
<a href="#" onclick="Element.toggle('visibility'); return false"><%= t('.change')%></a>
<div id='visibility' style='display: none'>
<label for="article_password"><%= _("Password:") %>
<label for="article_password"><%= t(".password") %>
<%= password_field :article, :password, :class => 'span10' %>
<p><span class="btn btn-mini">
<a href="#" onclick="Element.toggle('status'); return false"><%= _('OK')%></a>
<a href="#" onclick="Element.toggle('status'); return false"><%= t('.ok')%></a>
<div class='control-group'>
<%= _("Permalink") %>:
<a href="#" onclick="Element.toggle('permalink'); return false"><%= _('Change')%></a>
<%= t(".permalink") %>:
<a href="#" onclick="Element.toggle('permalink'); return false"><%= t('.change')%></a>
<div class='inputs-list' id='permalink' style='display: none'>
<%= text_field 'article', 'permalink', {class: 'span10'} %>
<p><span class="btn btn-mini">
<a href="#" onclick="Element.toggle('status'); return false"><%= _('OK')%></a>
<a href="#" onclick="Element.toggle('status'); return false"><%= t('.ok')%></a>
<div class='control-group'>
<%= _("Article filter") %>: <strong id='text_filter_placeholder'><%= _("#{@article.text_filter.description}") %></strong>
<a href="#" onclick="Element.toggle('text_filter'); return false"><%= _('Change')%></a>
<%= t(".article_filter") %>: <strong id='text_filter_placeholder'><%= _("#{@article.text_filter.description}") %></strong>
<a href="#" onclick="Element.toggle('text_filter'); return false"><%= t('.change')%></a>

<div id='text_filter' style='display: none'>
<select name="article[text_filter]" id="article_text_filter">
<%= options_for_select text_filter_options, @article.text_filter %>
<p><span class="btn btn-mini">
<a href="#" onclick="Element.toggle('status'); return false"><%= _('OK')%></a>
<a href="#" onclick="Element.toggle('status'); return false"><%= t('.ok')%></a>
Expand All @@ -133,12 +133,12 @@
<div class='pull-right'>
<%- if && @article.state.to_s.downcase != 'draft' %>
<%- if current_user.admin? || == @article.user_id %>
<%= link_to(_("delete"), { action: 'destroy', id: }, data: {confirm: _("Are you sure?")}, method: :post, class: 'btn danger', title: _("Delete content")) %>
<%= link_to(t(".delete"), { action: 'destroy', id: }, data: {confirm: t(".are_you_sure")}, method: :post, class: 'btn danger', title: t(".delete_content")) %>
<%- end %>
<%- end %>
<span id='destroy_link'><%= link_to_destroy_draft @article %></span>
<input id='save_draft' type="submit" value="<%= _('Save as draft') %>" name="article[draft]" class='btn info' />
<%= submit_tag(_("Publish"), :class => 'btn btn-primary') %>
<input id='save_draft' type="submit" value="<%= t('.save_as_draft') %>" name="article[draft]" class='btn info' />
<%= submit_tag(t(".publish"), :class => 'btn btn-primary') %>

Expand All @@ -147,14 +147,14 @@

<div class='span3'>
<div class='well'>
<h4><%= _("Categories") %></h4>
<h4><%= t(".categories") %></h4>
<%= render 'categories' %>
<div class='well'>
<h4><%= _("Tags") %></h4>
<h4><%= t(".tags") %></h4>
<div class='class'>
<%= text_field 'article', 'keywords', {:autocomplete => 'off', :class => 'input-block-level'} %>
<p class='alert alert-warning'><%=_("Separate tags with commas. Use double quotes (&quot;) around multi-word tags, e.g. &quot;opera house&quot;.") %></p>
<p class='alert alert-warning'><%=t(".tags_explaination") %></p>
<%= auto_complete_field 'article_keywords', { :url => { :action => "auto_complete_for_article_keywords"}, :method => 'get', :tokens => ','}%>
Expand Down
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions config/locales/da.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,29 @@
public: "Public"
publish: "Udgiv"
title: "Titel"
images: "Images"
excerpt: "Excerpt"
excerpt_explaination: "Excerpts are post summaries that show only on your blog homepage and won’t appear on the post itself"
publish_settings: "Publish settings"
status: "Status"
published: "Offentliggjort"
allowed_comments_and_trackbacks: "Comments are %{allow_comment} and trackbacks are %{allow_trackback}"
change: "Change"
allow_trackbacks: "Tillad Trackbacks"
allow_comments: "Tillad kommentarer"
ok: "OK"
visibility: "Visibility"
password: "Kodeord"
permalink: "Permanent link"
article_filter: "Artikelfilter"
save_as_draft: "Save as draft"
categories: "Kategorier"
tags: "Tags"
tags_explaination: "Separate tags with commas. Use double quotes (&quot;) around multi-word tags, e.g. &quot;opera house&quot;."
new_category: "New Category"
Expand Down
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions config/locales/de.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,29 @@
public: "Public"
publish: "Veröffentlichen"
title: "Titel"
images: "Images"
excerpt: "Excerpt"
excerpt_explaination: "Excerpts are post summaries that show only on your blog homepage and won’t appear on the post itself"
publish_settings: "Publish settings"
status: "Status"
published: "Veröffentlicht"
allowed_comments_and_trackbacks: "Comments are %{allow_comment} and trackbacks are %{allow_trackback}"
change: "Change"
allow_trackbacks: "Trackbacks erlauben"
allow_comments: "Kommentare erlauben"
ok: "OK"
visibility: "Visibility"
password: "Passwort"
permalink: "Permanenter Link"
article_filter: "Textfilter für Artikel"
save_as_draft: "Save as draft"
categories: "Categories"
tags: "Tags"
tags_explaination: "Separate tags with commas. Use double quotes (&quot;) around multi-word tags, e.g. &quot;opera house&quot;."
new_category: "New Category"
Expand Down
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions config/locales/en.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,29 @@
public: "Public"
publish: "Publish"
title: "Title"
images: "Images"
excerpt: "Excerpt"
excerpt_explaination: "Excerpts are post summaries that show only on your blog homepage and won’t appear on the post itself"
publish_settings: "Publish settings"
status: "Status:"
published: "Published"
allowed_comments_and_trackbacks: "Comments are %{allow_comment} and trackbacks are %{allow_trackback}"
change: "Change"
allow_trackbacks: "Allow trackbacks"
allow_comments: "Allow comments"
ok: "OK"
visibility: "Visibility"
password: "Password"
permalink: "Permalink"
article_filter: "Article filter"
save_as_draft: "Save as draft"
categories: "Categories"
tags: "Tags"
tags_explaination: "Separate tags with commas. Use double quotes (&quot;) around multi-word tags, e.g. &quot;opera house&quot;."
new_category: "New Category"
Expand Down
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions config/locales/es-MX.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,29 @@
public: "Public"
publish: "Publicar"
title: "T&iacute;tulo"
images: "Images"
excerpt: "Excerpt"
excerpt_explaination: "Excerpts are post summaries that show only on your blog homepage and won’t appear on the post itself"
publish_settings: "Publish settings"
status: "Estado"
published: "Publicado"
allowed_comments_and_trackbacks: "Comments are %{allow_comment} and trackbacks are %{allow_trackback}"
change: "Change"
allow_trackbacks: "Se permiten trackbacks"
allow_comments: "Se permiten comentarios"
ok: "OK"
visibility: "Visibility"
password: "Contrase&ntilde;a"
permalink: "Link permanente"
article_filter: "Filtro de art&iacute;culo"
save_as_draft: "Save as draft"
categories: "Categories"
tags: "Tags"
tags_explaination: "Separate tags with commas. Use double quotes (&quot;) around multi-word tags, e.g. &quot;opera house&quot;."
new_category: "New Category"
Expand Down
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions config/locales/fr.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,29 @@
public: "Public"
publish: "Publier"
title: "Titre"
images: "Images"
excerpt: "Extrait"
excerpt_explaination: "Les résumés vous permettent d'afficher un texte descriptif de votre article à la place de ce dernier sur la page d'accueil de votre blog"
publish_settings: "Paramètres de publication"
status: "État"
published: "Publié"
allowed_comments_and_trackbacks: "Les commentaires sont %{allow_comment} et les rétroliens %{allow_trackback}"
change: "Modifier"
allow_trackbacks: "Autoriser les rétroliens"
allow_comments: "Autoriser les commentaires"
ok: "OK"
visibility: "Visibilité"
password: "Mot de passe"
permalink: "Lien permanent"
article_filter: "Mise en forme des billets"
save_as_draft: "Sauver comme brouillon"
categories: "Catégories"
tags: "Labels"
tags_explaination: "Separate tags with commas. Use double quotes (&quot;) around multi-word tags, e.g. &quot;opera house&quot;."
new_category: "Nouvelle catégorie"
Expand Down
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions config/locales/he-IL.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,29 @@
public: "Public"
publish: "פרסם"
title: "כותרת"
images: "Images"
excerpt: "Excerpt"
excerpt_explaination: "Excerpts are post summaries that show only on your blog homepage and won’t appear on the post itself"
publish_settings: "Publish settings"
status: "מצב"
published: "פורסם"
allowed_comments_and_trackbacks: "Comments are %{allow_comment} and trackbacks are %{allow_trackback}"
change: "Change"
allow_trackbacks: "אפשר עוקבים חזרה"
allow_comments: "אפשר תגובות"
ok: "OK"
visibility: "Visibility"
password: "Password"
permalink: "קישור קבוע"
article_filter: "מסנן הכתבה"
save_as_draft: "שמור טיוטה"
categories: "קטגוריות"
tags: "תוויות"
tags_explaination: "Separate tags with commas. Use double quotes (&quot;) around multi-word tags, e.g. &quot;opera house&quot;."
new_category: "New Category"
Expand Down
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions config/locales/it.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,29 @@
public: "Public"
publish: "Pubblica"
title: "Titolo"
images: "Images"
excerpt: "Excerpt"
excerpt_explaination: "Excerpts are post summaries that show only on your blog homepage and won’t appear on the post itself"
publish_settings: "Publish settings"
status: "Stato"
published: "Pubblicato"
allowed_comments_and_trackbacks: "Comments are %{allow_comment} and trackbacks are %{allow_trackback}"
change: "Change"
allow_trackbacks: "Permetti trackbacks"
allow_comments: "Permetti commenti"
ok: "OK"
visibility: "Visibility"
password: "Password"
permalink: "Permalink"
article_filter: "Filtra articolo"
save_as_draft: "Save as draft"
categories: "Categories"
tags: "Tags"
tags_explaination: "Separate tags with commas. Use double quotes (&quot;) around multi-word tags, e.g. &quot;opera house&quot;."
new_category: "New Category"
Expand Down

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