We manage all the dependencies using Anaconda for the most simplicity
- nlohmann_json
- spdlog
- fmt
- curl
- pybind11
- flask
conda install nlohmann_json spdlog fmt curl pybind11 flask -c conda-forge
- Install Pytorch from here
If your Pytorch is installed with GPU support, you also need to install the following packages
- cudatoolkit-dev
conda install cudnn cudatoolkit-dev==${CUDA_VERSION} -c conda-forge
- gym-remote
cd envs
pip install -e .
Make sure the CUDA_VERSION matches the one you installed your Pytorch
Before building, make sure your Python is pointing to the Anaconda environment using
which python
Then, execute
mkdir build;
cd build;
cmake ..
make -j 8
To compile with FPGA support, use
cmake .. -DFPGA=ON