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File metadata and controls

46 lines (31 loc) · 1.54 KB


The traversals framework is supported too with the same syntax of, but with some added issues.

Regular way:

>>> n1.relationships.create("Knows", n2, since=1970)
<Neo4j Relationship: http://localhost:7474/db/data/relationship/36009>

>>> class TraversalClass(gdb.Traversal):
   ...:     types = [
   ...:         client.All.Knows,
   ...:     ]

>>> [traversal for traversal in TraversalClass(n1)]
[<Neo4j Node: http://localhost:7474/db/data/node/15880>]

Added way (the types of relationships are 'All', 'Incoming', 'Outgoing'):

>>> n1.relationships.create("Knows", n2, since=1970)
<Neo4j Relationship: http://localhost:7474/db/data/relationship/36009>

>>> n1.traverse(types=[client.All.Knows])[:]
[<Neo4j Node: http://localhost:7474/db/data/node/15880>]

For getting a paginated traversal is only needed one of the next parameters: 'paginated' to enable the pagination, 'page_size' to set the size of returned page, and 'time_out' to establish the lease time that the server will wait for. After set any of this parameters, the traversal call will return an iterable object of traversals called 'PaginatedTraversal':

>>> pages = n1.traverse(types=[client.All.Knows], stop=stop, page_size=5)

>>> pages
<PaginatedTraversal object at 0x25a5150>

>>> [n for n in [traversal for traversal in pages]]
[<Neo4j Node: http://localhost:7474/db/data/node/15880>]