VF Cash has no proof-of-work (PoW) and blockchain file that grows at a rate 76% less than Bitcoin.
The project started on the 23rd of April 2019. It has no proof-of-work (PoW) rather it has a finders-keeps distribution system similar to mining and a transaction rate limit per address / public key of three seconds for the confirmation period. This prevents the sender of a transaction from making any further transactions during this period. The chain is unordered, and the networking uses UDP. The Digital Signature algorithm uses secp256r1.
Divisible to three decimal places, mineable, written in C, compiled with GCC, 256-bit key length.
Transactions are free, there is no charge for making a transaction on the network.
VFC is a private decentralised network, consequently you will need control of some currency before the wider network considers your node viable for indexing. The usual method is to mine some VFC using the vfc mine
command. Also you can transfer VFC to your node's reward address vfc reward
will identify your reward public key / address once your reward address has some VFC your node will automatically verify itself within the hour.
An IPv4 address is required to operate a node. IPv4 was chosen because it has a small enough address range to make port scanning for other nodes practical which is a more decentralised manner of finding other VFC nodes in the case that the single DNS seed node was compromised or no longer functioning.
Additionally to the information provided in this document is an FAQ here and a Medium article here.
Linux (Debian/Ubuntu) Compile & Install Instructions (Full Node & Client Wallet):
git clone https://github.com/vfcash/VFC-Core && cd VFC-Core
chmod 0777 compile.sh
sudo ./compile.sh
vfc cdn_resync
Then use the vfc help
command in the console for a full command list.
> vfwallet
> cminer
> vfc help
vfc update - Updates node
vfc <address public key> - Get address balance
vfc out <address public key> - Gets sent transactions
vfc in <address public key> - Gets received transactions
vfc all <address public key> - Recv & Sent transactions
vfc top <address> <num> - Top Recv & Sent transactions
Send a transaction:
vfc <sender public key> <reciever public key> <amount> <sender private key>
vfc new <optional seed> - Create a new Address / Key-Pair
vfc new <seed1> <seed2> <seed3> <seed4> - Four random seed(uint64), Key-Pair
vfc qsend <amount> <receiver address> - Send transaction from rewards address
vfc claim <optional file path> - Claims private keys to rewards addr
vfc reward - Your awarded or mined VFC
vfc mine <optional num threads> - CPU miner for VFC
vfc peers - List locally indexed peers
vfc deadpeers - List locally indexed dead peers
vfc flushpeers - Removes all indexed peers
vfc getpub <private key> - Get Public Key from Private Key
vfc issub <public key> - Is supplied public address a subG address
vfc spread - Map of difficulty values
vfc difficulty - Network mining difficulty
vfc sync <optional num peers> - Trigger blockchain sync from your peers
vfc cdn_resync - Trigger blockchain resync from the master
vfc reset_chain - Reset blockchain back to genesis state
vfc scan - Scan for peers in the IPv4 range.
vfc replaypeer <peer ip address> - Manually replay from specific peer
vfc addpeer <peer ip address> - Manually add a peer
vfc printtrans 1000 1010 - Print transactions[start,end] on chain
vfc findtrans <transaction uid> - Find a transaction by it's UID
vfc dump - List all transactions on chain
vfc dumptop <num trans> - List top x transactions on chain
vfc dumpbad - List all detected double spend attempts
vfc clearbad - Clear all detected double spend attempts
vfc version - Node version
vfc agent - Node user-agent
vfc config - Node configuration
vfc high - Returns node [ blocks.dat size / num transactions ]
vfc circulating - Circulating supply
vfc minted - Minted supply
vfc unclaimed - Lists all unclaimed addresses from your minted.priv
vfc claim - Claims the contents of minted.priv to your rewards address
vfc makecache - Make local cache of wallet balances for faster TX
vfc deletecache - Delete local cache of wallet balances
vfc single - Launches the VFC node as single threaded
vfc multi - Launches the VFC node as multi threaded
To get started running a dedicated node, execute ./vfc on a seperate screen.
By default your data-dir is ~/.vfc if you would like to set a custom path please set the envionment variable VFCDIR, for example if running as root choose a directory such as /srv
Windows Install Instructions (Full Node & Client Wallet):
For a Windows installation you can follow the steps above via the Ubuntu Console, install the Ubuntu Terminal software for Windows: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/ubuntu/9nblggh4msv6
To become an active part of the network make sure UDP Port 8787 is forwarded. You will need to hold VFC in your rewards address vfc reward
to register on the network. You can mine using the vfc mine
command. Be patient and once VFC has been mined your node will be indexed by other peers.
All nodes re-calculate the difficulty once an hour at exactly 0 minutes UTC of the hour.
To increase the difficulty towards 0.031 pay VFC into:
- q15voteVFCf7Csb8dKwaYkcYVEWa2CxJVHm96SGEpvzK
To decrease the difficulty towards 0.240 pay VFC into:
- 24KvoteVFC7JsTiFaGna9F6RhtMWdB7MUa3wZoVNm7wH3
If the balance of 24KvoteVFC is higher than q15voteVFC the difficulty will be 0.240, otherwise the difference between the balance of the two addresses will be used to reduce the difficulty from 0.240 to 0.031.
Use the command vfc difficulty
for more information.
- multi-threaded 1 - Uses all CPU Cores
- multi-threaded 0 - Uses only one CPU Core
- replay-threads 32 - Replays blockchain data to a maximum of 32 peers simultaneously.
- replay-delay 1000 - Uses less TX bandwidth (microseconds between each transaction replayed)
- replay-delay 1 - Uses more TX bandwidth
- peer-trans-limit-per-min 180 - Limits the amount of transactions a peer can send per minute, by default this value is 180, it is not recommended to set this value lower than 60.
VF Cash is a private decentralised network, this means that the only people who get access to the network are node operators. The only way a regular client can access the network is by using one of the running nodes as a gateway to access the network.
This is why it is important that you expose some kind of gatway for end-users, at minimum this would mean installing NGINX, PHP-FPM and exposing the php rest api for public use by copying the rest.php file to /var/www/html
the default configured nginx www/html path.
- CRC64.c - Salvatore Sanfilippo
- Base58.c - Luke Dashjr
- SHA3.c - Andrey Jivsov
- ECC.c - Kenneth MacKay