This folder contains the commands and scripts to reproduce the analysis of scATAC-seq data with Kallisto-bustools that are described in the manuscript Fast analysis of scATAC-seq data using a predefined set of genomic regions (in preparation).
The PBMCs data used in the analysis are the one provided by the 10x Genomics public datasets.
The files needed for the analysis are:
- FASTQs files
- Peak by cell matrix (filtered), in HDF5 format
- Peaks (BED)
- Clustering analysis (to retrieve the whitelist file)
In addition, a fasta file for hg19 genome is also needed, it can be retrieved from UCSC genome browser. DNase I Hypersensitive Sites can be retrieved from the appropriate ENCODE file. As an alternative, DNase I Hypersensitive Sites can also be retreieved from UCSC genome browser: use the Table Browser tool to retrieve, in BED format, the table wgEncodeRegDnaseClusteredV3
(under Mammal -> Human -> hg19 -> Regulation -> DNase Clusters).
We provide, in this repository, the bed files and the name maps used in the paper, both for DHS approach and the DHS500 approach, under the folder reference.
The K562_data folder contains intead the count matrices in h5ad format of the K562 cell line analyzed. There is also the whitelist used to convert cellular barcodes to SRR accession numbers.
In order to build an index, one needs to extract DNA sequence for a peak list. This can be done using bedtools or any other suitable tool. Once bed files and genome fasta files are in place, just issue the following command, assuming that peaks
is the prefix for bed files:
$ bedtools getfasta -fi hg19.fa -fo ${peaks}.fa -bed ${peaks}.bed
$ kallisto index -i ${peaks}.idx ${peaks}.fa
In order to produce the DHS500
index, we just merged the DHS data as follows:
$ bedtools sort -i ${DHS_sites}.bed | bedtools merge -d 500 > DHS500.bed
and indexed it as described above. Kallisto analysis requires the list of entries in the index and a file mapping entries to summarized entries. The former can be extracted from fasta headers like this:
$ grep '>' ${peaks}.fa | tr -d '>' > ${peaks}.names.txt
or from bed files like this:
$ awk '{print $1":"$2"-"$3}' ${peaks}.bed > ${peaks}.names.txt
In order to create a map file we generally collate twice the ${peaks}.names.txt
$ awk '{print $1"\t"$1}' ${peaks}.names.txt > ${peaks}.map.txt
You can find the list of all maps used in the paper in this repository.
We described in the paper several options to run kallisto with scATAC-seq data. If n
is the number of nucleotides used for simulate the UMI, the command to pseudoalign in the forward configuration would be:
$ kallisto bus -t 8 -i ${peaks}.idx -o ${peaks}_${n}_fwd -x 1,0,16:2,0,${n}:0,0,0 \
pbmc_10k_R1.fastq.gz \
pbmc_10k_R2.fastq.gz \
and the command for the reverse configuration (with better results) is:
$ kallisto bus -t 8 -i ${peaks}.idx -o ${peaks}_${n}_rev -x 1,0,16:2,0,${n}:0,0,0 \
pbmc_10k_R3.fastq.gz \
pbmc_10k_R2.fastq.gz \
Once kallisto has finished, the count matrix can be generated like this:
$ cd ${kallisto_output}
$ bustools correct -w whitelist.txt -p output.bus | \
bustools sort -T tmp -t 4 -p - | \
bustools count -o counts/${prefix} -g ${peaks}.map.txt \
-e -t ${peaks}.names.txt --genecounts -
where $prefix
is the prefix for the resulting files (${prefix}.genes.txt
, ${prefix}.barcodes.txt
and ${prefix}.mtx
). Remember to adjust the paths of whitelist.txt
, ${peaks}.map.txt
and ${peaks}.names.txt
according to your system.
Their output files can be now analyzed with your preferred tool. Here you can find two example analysis:
Kallisto_scATAC.ipynb: this notebook contains the analysis performed on PBMCs data with Scanpy (python commands)
01_kallisto_scATAC_clustering.Rmd: this contains the analysis performed on PBMCs data with Seurat (R commands)
The other files available are:
Analysis_of_K562_cells.ipynb: the notebook with the analysis performed on the K562 cell line. The count matrices and the whitelist are the ones in the K562_data folder.
Figure1C_MI_evaluation.ipynb: the observation of MI variation on PBMCs data can be reproduced by running this notebook.
Figure2_Circular_staked_barplot.R: is the script to make the bar plot of the paper.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.