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The first stub for virtual touchscreen GUI
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vi committed Feb 25, 2012
1 parent 47311cb commit a912ec0
Showing 1 changed file with 130 additions and 0 deletions.
130 changes: 130 additions & 0 deletions touchscreen.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
"Virtual touchscreen pad"

(def field-margins {:left 90, :top 30, :right 10, :bottom 10})
(def unused-area {:left 10, :top 10, :width 70, :height 250})
(def touchers-starting-position {:label-x 20, :label-y 40, :check-x 40, :check-y 40})
(def touchers-sizes {:label-width 20, :label-height 20, :check-width 20, :check-height 20})
(def next-toucher-increment {:x 0, :y 20})
(def strings [
{:text "Unused", :x 15, :y 25}
{:text "touchers", :x 15, :y 35}
{:text "Touch area (approximate)", :x 95, :y 45}
{:text "Drag touchers into touch area to aim and check checkbox to touch.", :x 90, :y 15}
(def num-touchers 10)

(defn in-unused-area? [x y]
(< (:left unused-area) x (+ (:left unused-area) (:width unused-area)))
(< (:top unused-area) y (+ (:top unused-area) (:height unused-area)))))

(defn create-painted-panel []
(proxy [JPanel] []
(paint [g]
(let [w (proxy-super getWidth) h (proxy-super getHeight)]
(proxy-super paint g)
(.drawRect g
(:left unused-area)
(:top unused-area)
(:width unused-area)
(:height unused-area)
(->> strings (map #(.drawString g (:text %) (:x %) (:y %))) (doall))

(.drawRect g
(:left field-margins)
(:top field-margins)
(- w (+ (:left field-margins) (:right field-margins)))
(- h (+ (:top field-margins) (:bottom field-margins))))

(defn toucher-moved [i x y]
(println i x y))

(defn toucher-active [i flag]
(println i flag)

(defn create-touchscreen-window []
(let [
panel (create-painted-panel)
frame (JFrame.)
checkboxes (map (fn[i] (let [c (JCheckBox.)]
(.addChangeListener c (proxy [javax.swing.event.ChangeListener] []
(stateChanged [e]
(toucher-active i (-> c (.getModel) (.isSelected)))
))c))(range num-touchers))
labels (map (fn[i] (let [l (JLabel. (str i)) c (nth checkboxes i)]
(.addMouseMotionListener l (proxy [java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener] []
(mouseMoved [e] )
(mouseDragged [e]
(.move l
(+ (.getX l) (.getX e))
(+ (.getY l) (.getY e))
(.move c
(+ (.getX c) (.getX e))
(+ (.getY c) (.getY e))
(let [x (.getX l) y (.getY l) w (.getWidth panel) h (.getHeight panel)]
(when (not (in-unused-area? x y))
(toucher-moved i
(int (/ (* (- x (:left field-margins)) 1024) (- w (+ (:right field-margins) (:left field-margins)))))
(int (/ (* (- y (:top field-margins)) 1024) (- h (+ (:bottom field-margins) (:top field-margins)))))
l)) (range num-touchers))
(doto frame
(.setSize 800 550)
(.setContentPane panel)
(.setTitle "Virtual Touchscreen")
(doto panel
(.setLayout nil)
(doall (map (fn[i]
(.setBounds (nth labels i)
(+ (:label-x touchers-starting-position) (* (:x next-toucher-increment) i))
(+ (:label-y touchers-starting-position) (* (:y next-toucher-increment) i))
(:label-width touchers-sizes)
(:label-height touchers-sizes)
(.setBounds (nth checkboxes i)
(+ (:check-x touchers-starting-position) (* (:x next-toucher-increment) i))
(+ (:check-y touchers-starting-position) (* (:y next-toucher-increment) i))
(:check-width touchers-sizes)
(:check-height touchers-sizes)
(.add panel (nth checkboxes i))
(.add panel (nth labels i))
) (range num-touchers)))
(.setLocationRelativeTo frame nil)

(defn -main []
(SwingUtilities/invokeLater (fn [](.show (create-touchscreen-window))))

;;(-main) ;; For starting as executable script

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