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Discourse Get Comment Count

A universal wrapper to dynamically update the number of comments an article has garnered from its Discourse counterpart


It's expected that your target demographic uses semi-modern browsers - as long as they support document.querySelector and window.fetch, everything will work well.


The simple-to-use method is easy - just download the contents the dropin folder (there's 2 files) and put them in their respective location - the hbs file (if you're using Ghost) should be placed in the partials folder of your theme and called (i.e. {{ > comment-template}}) in your post template. The comments.js file should be configured (if you're using the default template it's already configured) based on which selectors should be used, and loaded like any other javascript code

File Structure

  • Files in dropin are minified to a decent extent and can be used in production ({name}.min.{ext})
  • {name}.nocomment.{ext} have the comments removed but are readable
  • {name}.{ext} are fully commented and intended to give you a better understanding of the code

Issues + support

Feel free to create an issue if you have any questions, feature requests or found a bug. As of now, there's no specific template, but if this gets too much traction, I'll put something in place. If you want to contact me directly, feel free to email me, or message me on telegram or facebook messenger.


Feel free to create a Pull Request if you think any changes should be made. You don't have to explain yourself, but be able to if requested.


A universal wrapper to dynamically update the number of comments an article has garnered from its Discourse counterpart








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