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jerojasro authored and vim-scripts committed Nov 14, 2010
0 parents commit a4ca178
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Showing 2 changed files with 297 additions and 0 deletions.
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions README
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
This is a mirror of

This ftplugin eases the editing of IkiWiki wikis by providing the following features:

* Wikilink autocompletion through omnicompletion.
* Jump to previous/next wikilink
* Open the file corresponding to the wikilink under the cursor in the current window/a new window/a new tab page
* Create the file corresponing to the wikilink under the cursor in the current window/a new window/a new tab page

For the usage details, mappings defined and other stuff, see :help ikiwiki-intro after you install the plugin

There is a git repo for the plugin in The master branch always has the latest stable version, and the dev branch has the latest version of the plugin.

Feel free to contact the author (see the AUTHORS file in the package) with bug reports/suggestions/whatever :)
283 changes: 283 additions & 0 deletions ftplugin/ikiwiki_nav.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
" vim: fdm=marker
" {{{1
" Copyright: 2010 Javier Rojas <>
" License:
" This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
" it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
" the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
" (at your option) any later version.
" This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
" but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
" GNU General Public License for more details.
" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
" along with this program. If not, see <>.
" ftplugin to navigate ikiwiki links from within vim
" Author: Javier Rojas <>
" Version: 1.0
" Last Updated: 2010-02-08
" URL:;a=blob;f=ftplugin/ikiwiki_nav.vim;hb=HEAD
" Usage: Hitting <CR> over a wikilink makes vim load the file associated with
" it, if the file exists. To find the file associated with the wikilink, this
" plugin uses the ikiwiki linking rules described in
" Bugs: it only works with wikilinks contained in only one line. E.g.,
" [[hi there|hi_there]] works, but [[hi
" there|hi_there]] doesn't
" }}}1

if exists("b:loaded_ikiwiki_nav")
let b:loaded_ikiwiki_nav = 1

let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim

let s:wl_pat = '\v\[\[[^\!\]][^\[\]]*\]\]'

" {{{1 Searches the current line of the current buffer (where the cursor is
" located) for anything that looks like a wikilink and that has the cursor
" placed on it, and returns its link text
" if the cursor isn't over a wikilink, returns an empty string
" Examples:
" * WikiLinkText(), when the cursor is over '[[hi_there]]' will return 'hi_there'
" * WikiLinkText(), when the cursor is over 'hi_there' will return ''
" (it ain't surrounded by [[]])
" * WikiLinkText(), when the cursor is over '[[Hi There|hi_there]]' will
" return 'hi_there'
" Problems:
" This doesn't work over multiline wikilinks, like [[hi
" there|hi_there]]
if !exists("*s:WikiLinkText") " {{{1
function s:WikiLinkText()
let start = 0
let cpos = col(".") - 1
let wl_ftext = ''
while 1
let left_i = match(getline("."), s:wl_pat, start)
if left_i < 0
return ''
if left_i > cpos
return ''
let right_i = matchend(getline("."), s:wl_pat, start)
if cpos < right_i
let wl_ftext = matchstr(getline("."), s:wl_pat, start)
let start = right_i
if match(wl_ftext, '|') >= 0
return matchlist(wl_ftext, '\v(\[)*[^\[\| ]*\|([^\] ]+)(\])*')[2]
return matchlist(wl_ftext, '\v(\[)*([^\[\] ]+)(\])*')[2]
endif "}}}1

" {{{1 searches for the best conversion of link_text to a path in the
" filesystem, given the path 'real_path' as a prefix, and checking all the
" path elements in 'link_text' against the filesystem contents in a
" case-insensitive fashion
" returns a list of one or two 3-tuple, each one of them containing: the
" existing path, the path that needs to be created, and the filename
" corresponding to the wiki link
" when the file exists, its path is in the first position of the tuple, and
" the second and third positions are empty
" it checks for the existence of a normal page ((dirs)/page.mdwn) and for the
" alternate form of a page ((dirs)/page/index.mdwn), hence the one-or-two
" 3-tuples returned: one for each page alternative
" Examples:
" Suposse '/home/user/wiki/dir1/dir2' exists and is empty
" suposse '/home/user/wiki/dir1/mypage.mdwn' exists too
" BestLink2FName('/home/user/wiki/dir1', 'dir2/a/b') will return
" [['/home/user/wiki/dir1/dir2', 'a', 'b.mdwn'], ['/home/user/wiki/dir1/dir2', 'a/b', 'index.mdwn']]
" BestLink2FName('/home/user/wiki/dir1', 'Dir2/a/b') will return
" [['/home/user/wiki/dir1/dir2', 'a', 'b.mdwn'], ['/home/user/wiki/dir1/dir2', 'a/b', 'index.mdwn']] (case-insensitiviness)
" BestLink2FName('/home/user/wiki', 'dir1/MyPage') will return
" [['/home/user/wiki/dir1/mypage.mdwn', '', '']] (all the dirs and the page
" exists)
" BestLink2FName('/home/user/wiki', 'dir1/otherdir/MyPage') will return
" [['/home/user/wiki/dir1/', 'otherdir', 'MyPage.mdwn'], ['/home/user/wiki/dir1/', 'otherdir/MyPage', 'index.mdwn']]
if !exists("*s:BestLink2FName") " {{{1
function s:BestLink2FName(real_path, link_text)
let link_text = a:link_text
let existent_path = a:real_path
if match(link_text, '^/\|/$\|^$') >= 0
throw 'IWNAV:INVALID_LINK('.link_text
\ .'): has a leading or trailing /, or is empty'
let page_name = matchstr(link_text, '[^/]\+$')
let page_fname = fnameescape(page_name.'.mdwn')
let page_dname = fnameescape(page_name)
let dirs = substitute(link_text, '/\?'.page_name.'$', '', '')
" check the existence of all the dirs (parents of) of the page
while dirs != ''
let cdir = matchstr(dirs, '^[^/]\+')

let poss_files = split(glob(existent_path . '/*'), "\n")
let matches = filter(poss_files,
\ 'v:val ==? "'.existent_path.'/'.fnameescape(cdir).'"')
if len(matches) == 0
return [[existent_path, dirs, page_fname],
\ [existent_path, dirs.'/'.page_dname, 'index.mdwn']]

let existent_path = matches[0]
let dirs = substitute(dirs, '^'.cdir.'/\?', '', '')

" check existence of (dirs)/page.mdwn
let poss_files = split(glob(existent_path . '/*'), "\n")
let matches = filter(poss_files,
\ 'v:val ==? "'.existent_path.'/'.page_fname.'"')
if len(matches) > 0
return [[matches[0], '', '']]

" check existence of (dirs)/page/index.mdwn
let poss_files = split(glob(existent_path . '/*'), "\n")
let matches = filter(poss_files,
\ 'v:val ==? "'.existent_path.'/'.page_dname.'"')
if len(matches) > 0
let existent_path = matches[0]
let poss_files = split(glob(existent_path . '/*'), "\n")
let matches = filter(poss_files,
\ 'v:val ==? "'.existent_path.'/index.mdwn"')
if len(matches) > 0
return [[matches[0], '', '']]
" page_dname exists, but page_dname/index.mdwn doesn't. WTF is wrong
" with you?!

return [[existent_path, '', page_fname],
\ [existent_path, '', 'index.mdwn']]
" nothing exists, return both possible locations
return [[existent_path, '', page_fname],
\ [existent_path, page_dname, 'index.mdwn']]
endif "}}}1

" {{{1 returns all the possible subpaths existing between base_path and
" wiki_root, as a list
" Example: GenPosLinkLoc('/home/a/wiki', '/home/a/wiki/dir1/dir2') would
" return ['/home/a/wiki/dir1/dir2', '/home/a/wiki/dir1', '/home/a/wiki']
" base_path must have wiki_root as a prefix; an exception is raised otherwise
if !exists("*s:GenPosLinkLoc") " {{{1
function s:GenPosLinkLoc(base_path)
let base_path = a:base_path
let pos_locs = []
while base_path != ''
call add(pos_locs, base_path)

" remove rightmost path element, including its /
let base_path = substitute(base_path, '/\?[^/]\+$', '', '')
call add(pos_locs, '/')
return pos_locs
endif " }}}1

" {{{1 Opens the file associated with the WikiLink currently under the cursor
" If no file can be found, prints a messages, and does nothing
if !exists("*s:GoToWikiPage") " {{{1
function s:GoToWikiPage()
let wl_text = s:WikiLinkText()
if wl_text == ''
echo "No wikilink found under the cursor"
if wl_text =~ '^/'
let wl_text = strpart(wl_text, 1)
let dirs_tocheck = reverse(s:GenPosLinkLoc(expand('%:p:h')))
let dirs_tocheck = s:GenPosLinkLoc(expand('%:p:h').'/'
\ .fnameescape(expand('%:p:t:r')))
for _path in dirs_tocheck
let plinkloc = s:BestLink2FName(_path, wl_text)
let stdlinkform = plinkloc[0] " (dirs)/page.mdwn
if strlen(stdlinkform[1]) == 0 && strlen(stdlinkform[2]) == 0
" yay, the file exists
exec 'e ' .stdlinkform[0]
let altlinkform = plinkloc[0] " (dirs)/page/index.mdwn
if strlen(altlinkform[1]) == 0 && strlen(altlinkform[2]) == 0
" yay, the file exists
exec 'e '.altlinkform[0]
echo "File does not exist - '".wl_text."'"
endif " }}}1

" {{{1 Moves the cursor to the nearest WikiLink in the buffer
" Arguments:
" backwards: an int flag that determines the direction of the wikilink
" search.
" backwards == 0: look forward
" backwards == 1: look backwards (surprise!)
if !exists("*s:NextWikiLink") " {{{1
function s:NextWikiLink(backwards)
let flags = 'W'
if (a:backwards)
let flags = flags . 'b'
call search(s:wl_pat, flags)
endif " }}}1

if !exists(":IkiJumpToPage")
command IkiJumpToPage :call s:GoToWikiPage()
if !exists(":IkiNextWikiLink")
command -nargs=1 IkiNextWikiLink :call s:NextWikiLink(<args>)

if !(hasmapto(':IkiJumpToPage'))
noremap <unique> <buffer> <CR> :IkiJumpToPage<CR>
if !(hasmapto(':IkiNextWikiLink'))
noremap <buffer> <C-j> :IkiNextWikiLink 0<CR>
noremap <buffer> <C-k> :IkiNextWikiLink 1<CR>

noremap <buffer> <Backspace> <C-o>
let &cpo = s:save_cpo

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