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zpArdoise is a theme for ZenPhoto CMS, inherited from initial release of zpGalleriffic theme.

Feel free to download and use it, and thanks in advance for your feedback!


The theme supports the following ZenPhoto plugins:

  • cacheManager, colorbox, comment_form, contact_form, dynamic-locale, favoritesHandler, federated_logon, flag_thumbnail, GoogleMap, image_album_statistics, print_album_menu, rating, register_user, RSS, slideshow (only colorbox option), user_login-out, zenpage

Additional scripts used:

  • Galleriffic (jQuery plugin for rich experience and fast-performing photo galleries)
  • jQuery History Plugin, Slide and Toggle Fade
  • navigation with arrow keys on news and images.

If you use Galleriffic script, you should not have any albums that mixes sub-albums and pictures (in this case, there is no navigation bars, so all sub-albums may be not displayed on album.php).


To use the release 1.4.13 of the theme, you must have ZenPhoto 1.4.13 or more. If you use another release of ZenPhoto, see Archives of zpArdoise on Github.

Report issues on the ZenPhoto forum or create a new issue on GitHub and I will fix it as soon as possible (only the latest version is supported).

Please note that the ZenPhoto team advise to regulary upgrade its site with the latest version of ZenPhoto to benefit from the latest features of the application, to solve the various security holes, and to benefit from the support of the ZenPhoto team.


Please, read changelog.txt