This is a copy of the Unrealscript and Actionscript source for the game Super Slash n' Grab.
Due to the size of the game's assets, only the source code files and flash files could fit in this repository.
The repository is divided among 3 folders: Actionscript - Content here would go inside of the Development/Flash folder of a UDK install. These are the AS3 classes that were used to build our HUD, menu, and cutscenes.
Flash - This is the bulk of the repository's space, and contains the flash scripts and assets that we used. Content here would normally go in the UDKGame/Flash folder.
Unrealscript - This is the unrealscript source that drives all of our gameplay code. To save on space, just the source we wrote during development has been uploaded. This content would normally go inside of the Development/Src folder.