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AdView IOS SDK Brochure for Developers


I.Register and get SDK


III.Create banner ads

IV.Create interstitial ads

V.Create open screen ads

VI. Create native ads

VII.Create video ads

VIII.Create direct advertising, exchanging advertising and their campaigns

IX.Configurate Xcode project

X. AdView background app settings

XI.Configurate files offline

XII.Delete the unnecessary ad platforms

XIII.Add customized ad platform (interstitial)


I.Register and get SDK

1.Visit AdView’s website to register an account.

2.Login and select “Publise app” in “My Product”

3.Select “iOS” as application platform, complete the relative information according to the prompts and you will get the unique SDK key.

4.Configurate your app in “App Management” , enter the ad ID of the platform in “unset” , turn on the switch , set the total ad amout to 100%, then save. If more platfomrs are needed, click “add ad platform” in the upper right conner. We suggest the amout of the platform is usually 1 to 3.

SDK key

5.Home-> iOS SDK download, or App Management -> iOS SDK download, you can get AdViewSDK iOS kit there.

SDK key

6.Integrated iOS SDK is a mobile ad optimizer specially provide to iOS developers for free, aiming at helping developers easily maximize their ad revenues. Based on the App mutual push of ad integration, it helps increasing users for the apps rapidly. At the meantime we combine with lots of ad platforms and app stores, opening a green channel to serve the developers.

SDK files

Integrated iOS SDK includes the following contents:

File or category name Intruductions
AdView AdView integrated SDK development kit
AdNetworks Interstitial ad development kit supported by integrated SDK
Libs Sourse library needed by integrated kit
Doc Integrated SDK resources includes: update log, user brochure, current version, precautions and other documents.
AdViewToolLevel Auxiliary integration tool for banner


  1. The SDK we provide allow you to select your faviour ad companies, apart from complement auction, other ad platforms are all from third parties. You need to register and apply for the needed App Keys for the ads in these platforms’ official websites, and configurate them to the corresponding platforms of AdView’s background.

  2. If you are fresh and learn little about ad platform, either don’t know which ad platform to choose or which ad platform has stable revenue, AdView suggests you use bidding to see the effect first.

  3. Bidding and complement ads need to complete marker information at the background, and formal ads can be acquired after the approval and will start counting fees. Before that all the ads are for test, which are not charged.

  4. Switch: Only the ads of which platforms’ switchs are on will be shown in the app.

  5. Advertising amount: only the advertisings of which switchs are on make sense. The ad amout is based on the request priority of the ad platforms. Usually those with high proportion get the prior request. The ad amount should be adjusted while shift ad platforms, and the total amount of app advertisings of which status are “on” should be 100, otherwise they cannot be correctly saved.

  6. Banner ads, interstitial/full screen ads, open screen ads and so on, there is a “save” button under each page of them. You should click “save”, otherwise your edit is invalid.

  7. Region optimization:To use region optimization function, the phones at home will show the domestic configurated ads while the phones at aborad will show the foreign configurated ads, thus to meet the different demands to the largest extent. When the region optimizaiton is off, it will not tell apart at home or at abroad.

  8. If you use video ads, create video ad slot as the image: ( the same for native ads) Note: ① remember to click “save” after completing video ad slot. ② the successfully created app will generate “video ad slot ID” (the video biding ad in the integration function do not need to fill in ad slot ID). Position of video ad slot ID: App Management— edit – video ad slot module

Video Id


It’s easy to integrate the integrated SDK in a project, usually you can integrate AdInstl into your project by the following steps:

1)Get AdViewSDK development kit from the website and unzip it in Finder. You will see the unzipped AdViewSDK in Finder just like the image shows:

SDK Zip0

2)Open your project in Xcode, here we take the AdViewAll project along with AdViewSDK as an example.

![SDK Zip1](

3)Drag the AdViewSDK catalog into the AdViewAll project in the Finder.

Drag SDK

4)Select “Copy items into destination group’s folder (if needed)” in the pop-up dialog,and AdViewSDK will be added to your project after finish like the image shows:

AdView SDK

5)Some platforms have some restrictions for Xcode version or SDK version, if you can’t meet the demands please don’t connect the platform.

6)AdViewSDK development kit is accompanied with all the supported ad platforms, but there may be some symbol conflict among some ad platforms, so at this time you have to give up some ad platforms. The conflict in these platforms please refer to ReadMe.txt.

7)Others: The project frame of AdViewSDK is adjusted to ARC model(start from 3.1.0 version), when use non-ARC project please add the “fno-objc-arc” tag to the corresponding files. AdViewSDK do not directly use geography information, but ad SDK may use. Some ad platforms may repeatedly import certain files which may result in the duplicate compilation or conflict issues, more details please refer to ReadMe.txt document.

8)Registration & Configuration: You should create AdViewConfigStore object and register banner, interstitial and other configurations before the initialization of banner, interstitial or other ads. We suggest write it down in the methods of (BOOL)application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions in AppDelegate.

\\The key of the requested ad must within the configuration of the registration. 
    AdViewConfigStore *cfg = [AdViewConfigStore sharedStore];
    [cfg requestConfig:@[@"SDK20111022530129m85is43b70r4iyc",@"SDK20150903090237sjtskjva8ppy91r"]           sdkType:AdViewSDKType_Banner];
    [cfg requestConfig:@[@"SDK20141430020730kbmya6prn5qg1t0",@"SDK20150903090237sjtskjva8ppy91r"] sdkType:AdViewSDKType_Instl];
    [cfg requestConfig:@[@"SDK20151311010501u7hth0gexjm9gym",@"SDK20150903090237sjtskjva8ppy91r"] sdkType:AdViewSDKType_SpreadScreen];

III.Create banner ads

1)Complete Delegate of AdView in the interface where need to insert banner, just like the below codes show:

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "AdViewView.h"
@interface BannerViewController : UIViewController<AdViewDelegate>
     AdViewView *adView;
@property (nonatomic,retain)AdViewView *adView;

2)Complete AdViewDelegate,as the below codes show:

- (UIViewController*)viewControllerForPresentingModalView
    return [UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow.rootViewController ;

 * Whether the user requires an output log, which was previously synchronized with adViewTestMode and can now be enabled      *separately
- (BOOL)adViewLogMode
    return YES;

3)Create AdInstlManager in the viewDidLoad function of the controller, use the Application Key acquired in step 1, just as the below codes show:

- (void)viewDidLoad {
      [super viewDidLoad];
      // Do any additional setup after loading the view.
      self.view.backgroundColor =[UIColor blueColor];
      self.adView = [AdViewView requestAdViewViewWithAppKey:@"SDK201416200410555y9p0pjcph5f5ue" WithDelegate:self];
      [self.view addSubview:self.adView];

IV.Create interstitial ads

1)Complete Delegate of interstitial in where need to insert interstitial ads. If you use interstitial in different interface, you can complete only once in AppDelegate object, and provide an external way to call the location.

    #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
    #import "AdInstlManager.h"
    #import "AdInstlManagerDelegate.h"
    @interface InstlViewController : UIViewController <AdInstlManagerDelegate>
        @property (nonatomic, strong) AdInstlManager * adInstlManager;

2)Complete interstitial Delegate,as the below codes show:

-(void)adInstlManager:(AdInstlManager*)manager didGetEvent:(InstlEventType)eType error:(NSError*)error
 switch (eType) {
    case InstlEventType_DidLoad:
   case InstlEventType_FailLoadAd:
- (BOOL)adInstlTestMode
  return NO;

- (BOOL)adInstlLogMode {
  return YES;

3)Create AdInstlManager in the viewDidLoad function of the controller, as the below codes show:

  - (void)viewDidLoad
      [super viewDidLoad];
  self.adInstlManager=[AdInstlManager managerWithAdInstlKey:@" SDK

4)Add ad load codes in the proper position, as the below codes:

 - (void)adInstlLoad:(id)sender
      // Since interstitial ads have certain life cycle, so don' be too late to call (showAdInstlView:) after load, in case           the ads get invalid.
      BOOL bRet = [self.adInstl loadAdInstlView:self];

5)Add the ad impression codes in the proper position like the below codes:

  - (void)adInstlShow:(id)sender
      BOOL bRet = NO;
      if ([self.adInstl isReady])
          bRet = [self.adInstl showAdInstlView:self];

V. Create open screen ads

1)Insert open screen object in AppDelegate and the generate the open screen object, as the below codes:

 #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
 #import "AdSpreadScreenManager.h"
 #import "AdSpreadScreenManagerDelegate.h"
 @interfaceAppDelegate:UIResponder <UIApplicationDelegate,AdSpreadScreenManagerDelegate>
 	@property (strong, nonatomic) UIWindow *window;
	@property (strong, nonatomic) AdSpreadScreenManager *manager;

2)Create AdSpreadScreenManager in Application of AppDelegate as the below codes:

 (BOOL)application:(UIApplication*)applicationdidFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
         self.manager=[AdSpreadScreenManager managerWithAdSpreadScreen
 Key:@"SDK20141023100445zhgsncda3wciah6" WithDelegate:self];
       [self.manager requestAdSpreadScreenView:self.window.rootViewController];
       return YES;

3)Complete open screen Delegate as the below codes:

 * Information callback
-(void)adSpreadScreenManager:(AdSpreadScreenManager*)manager didGetEvent:(SpreadScreenEventType)eType error:   

 * Get configuration callback notification
- (void)adSpreadScreenDidReceiveConfig:(AdSpreadScreenManager*)manager {}

 * Configure all invalid or empty notifications
-(void)adSpreadScreenReceivedNotificationAdsAreOff:(AdSpreadScreenManager*)manager {}

 * Whether to open the test mode,The default is NO
- (BOOL)adSpreadScreenTestMode {
    return YES;

 * Whether to open the log mode, the default is NO
- (BOOL)adSpreadScreenLogMode {
    return NO;

 * Whether to get the location, the default is NO
- (BOOL)adSpreadScreenOpenGps {
    return NO;

 * Whether to use html5 ads, the default is NO
- (BOOL)adSpreadScreenUsingHtml5
    return NO;

- (UIWindow *)adSpreadScreenWindow {
    return self.window;

- (NSString *)adSpreadScreenLogoImgName {
    return @"Adview_Logo.jpg";

- (UIColor *)adSpreadScreenBackgroundColor {
    return [UIColor whiteColor];

VI. Create native ads

1)Complete Delegate of native ads in where need to insert native ads. If you use native ads in different interface, you can complete AppDelegate only one time, and provide external method to call positions.

  #import "AdNativeManager.h"
  #import "AdNativeManagerDelegate.h"
  @interface ShowNativeViewController()<AdNativeManagerDelegate>
  @property (nonatomic,strong) AdNativeManager *nativeManager;

2)Complete native Delegate as the below codes:

 - (void)requestNativeAdSuccessed:(AdNativeManager*)manager adInfo:(NSArray*)adviewNativeAdArray{
       self.adArr = adviewNativeAdArray;
       self.adCountIndex = 0;
       self.label.text = @"Request ad is successful";
       [self createNativeAdView];
- (BOOL)adNativeTestMode{
    return NO;
- (BOOL)adNativeLogMode {
    return YES;

3)Create AdNativeManager in the viewDidLoad function of the controller,as be below codes:

- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
self.nativeManager=[AdNativeManager managerWithAdNativeKey:NATIVEKEY WithDelegate:self]; 

4)Add ad load codes in the proper position, as the below codes show:

- (IBAction)requestAd:(id)sender {
    if (self.adIndex) {
        [nativeManager loadSingleAdNative:3 withIndex:self.adIndex];
        [nativeManager loadNativeAd:3];

5)Add ad impression report codes in proper position:

- (void)adNativeShow:(id)sender 
   AdViewNativeAdInfo *info = [self.adArr objectAtIndex:self.adCountIndex];
   UIImage *iconImage = [UIImage imageWithData:[NSData
   dataWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[info.nativeAdDict objectForKey:AdViewNativeAdIconUrl]]]];
   UIImageView *iconImgView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:iconImage];
   [showView addSubview:iconImgView];
   [info showNativeAdWith:showView]; 

6) Add ad click report codes in proper position:

- (void)click{
    [[self.adArr objectAtIndex:self.adCountIndex]clickNativeAd];

VII.Create video ads

1)Complete Delegate of the video in where need to insert video. If you use video in different interface, you can complete only one time in AppDelegate object, and provide external method to call positions.

#import "AdVideoManager.h"
#import "AdVideoManagerDelegate.h"
@interface VideoViewController()<AdVideoManagerDelegate>
	@property (nonatomic,strong) AdVideoManager *videoManger;

2)Complete videoDelegate,as the below codes show:

 * Information callback
- (void)adVideoManager:(AdVideoManager*)manager didGetEvent:(VideoEventType)eType error:(NSError*)error{
    if (eType == VideoEventType_DidLoadAd) {
        [manager showVideoAdWithController:[UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow.rootViewController];

- (void)adVideoManager:(AdVideoManager*)manager videoAvailable:(BOOL)avilable{}

 * Whether to open the test mode, the default is NO
- (BOOL)adVideoTestMode{
    return NO;

 * Whether to open the log mode, the default is NO
- (BOOL)adVideoLogMode{
    return YES;

3)Create AdVideoManager in the viewDidLoad function of the controller, as the below codes show:

- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];
     self.videoManger = [AdVideoManager managerWithAdVideoKey:NATIVEKEY WithDelegate:self]; 

4)Add ad load codes in proper position:

- (void)showVideo
    [self.videoManger loadVideoAd:self];

5)Add ad dislplay and report codes in proper position:

 * Information callback
- (void)adVideoManager:(AdVideoManager*)manager didGetEvent:(VideoEventType)eType error:(NSError*)error{
    if (eType == VideoEventType_DidLoadAd) {
        [manager showVideoAdWithController:[UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow.rootViewController];

VIII.Create direct advertising, exchanging advertising and their campaigns

1.Login Adview’s official website and enter publishers end, Ads management → creative database:

Create DB

2.Click ”Create creatives” button and enter the information needed. When create H5 ads, you must add the tag in HTML codes, otherwise no clicks will be triggered after the ads are shown. Take direct ad for example:

Comment Box

3.Enter the interface of creating direct ads and fill in the information. Once saved, your direct ad is finished created. Editig

4.Now you can see the direct ad created in the ads management, you just have to wait for our staff to audit your ad. Once approved you can start your campaign. Application

5.Enter the campaign interface, click setting and start your campaign(投The release amount must reach 100%). Percentage

6)The steps of creating exchanging ad is the same as the direct ad.

IX.Configurate Xcode project

1.set the value of Other Linker Flags in the project , and tag “-ObjC”

2.add AdViewSDK and the framework needed in your project.

--> libsqlite3.tbd


-->libc++.tbd —Optional

-->Metal.framework —Optional



-->libstdc++.tbd —Optional

-->PassKit.framework —Optional

-->Social.framework —Optional




























the below contents are the framework needed by various ad platforms ( framework of Adview must add)

Ad platform Framework
AdView AdSupport.framework(optional) CoreLocation.framework
AddressBook.framework libc++.tbd(optional)
libsqlite3.tbd libxml2.tbd
AdChina(易传媒) AudioToolbox.framework AVFoundation.framework
CoreGraphics.framework CoreLocation.framework
CoreMotion.framework CoreTelephony.framework
EventKit.framework EventKitUI.framework
Foundation.framework libz.tbd
MapKit.framework MediaPlayer.framework
MessageUI.framework QuartzCore.framework
StoreKit.framework UIKit.framework
libiconv.2.4.0.tbd libsqlite3.0.tbd
InMobi CoreLocation.framework EventKit.framework
EventKitUI.framework Social.framework
libz.tbd AdSupport.framework
AudioToolbox.framework AVFoundation.framework
CoreGraphics.framework CoreTelephony.framework
Foundation.framework MediaPlayer.framework
PassKit.framework(optional) QuartzCore.framework
Security.framework StoreKit.framework(optional)
Adwo(安沃) AdSupport.framework(optional)AudioToolbox.framework
AVFoundation.frameworkore Audio.framework
CoreLocation(optional) CoreMedia.framework
CoreMotion.framework CoreTelephony.framework
EventKit.framework MapKit.framework
QuartzCore.framework StoreKit.framework(optional)
libz.1.2.5.tbd or libz.1.1.3.tbd
Baidu(百度) QuartzCore.framework Security.framework
AVFoundation.frameworkore Audio.framework
CoreLocation(optional) CoreMedia.framework
CoreMotion.framework CoreTelephony.framework
EventKit.framework MapKit.framework
QuartzCore.framework StoreKit.framework(optional)
Foundation.framework CoreGraphics.framework
Chance(畅思) libz.tbd Security.framework
DianRu(点入) libz.1.tbd QuartzCore.framework
UIKit.framework CoreLocation.framework
MapKit.framework SystemConfigfuration.framework
Foundation.framewrok CoreGraphics.framework
Domob(多盟) libz.tbd libsqlite3.tbd
CoreMedia.framework QuartzCore.framework
CoreText.framework StoreKit.framework(optional)
PassKit.framework(optional) Social.framework
EventKit.framework AVFoundation.framework
AudioToolbox.framework UIKit.framework
GTDMob(广点通) AdSupport.framework CoreLocation.framework
QuarzCore.framework libz.tbd
CoreTelephony.framework StoreKit.framework(optional)
GuoHe(智游汇) SystemConfiguration.framework
StoreKit.framework(optional) AdSupport.framework
Guomen(果盟) QuartzCore.framework CoreTelephony.framework
UIKit.framework Foundation.framework
CoreGraphics.framework ImageIO.framework
IAD IAD.framework
Lmmob(力美) AudioToolbox.framework CFNetwork.framework
CoreLocation.framework CoreTelephony.framework
EventKit.framework EventKitUI.framework
MapKit.framework MediaPlayer.framework
QuartzCore.framework Security.framework
Miidi(米迪) CoreGraphics.framework
MobiSage(艾德思齐) Foundation.framework
StoreKit.framework(optional) CoreMotion.framework
MobileCoreServices.framework QuartzCore.framework
CoreAudio.framework CoreImage.frramework
AudioToolbox.framework AVFoundation.framework
ImageIO.framework CoreMedia.framework
QuartzCore.framework Security.framework
CoreGraphics.framework QuartzCore.framework
CoreLocation.framework Libz.tbd
SmartMad CFNetwork.framewor MessageUI.framework
EventKiyUI.framgwork EventKit.framework
MediaPlayer.framework QuartzCore.framework
libz.tbd AVFoundation.framework
CoreTelephonty.framework AdSupport.framework(optional)
AudioToolbox.framework CoreLocaation.framework
CoreMotion.framework UIKit.framework
Foundation.framework CoreGraphics.framework
Tanx(阿里妈妈) UIKit.framework CoreGraphics.framework
QuartzCore.framework Foundation.framework
CoreLocation.framework libz.tbd
StoreKit.framework(optional) MapKit.framework
Waps(万普) AdSupport.framework(optional) QuartzCore.framework
Security.framework CoreTelephony.framework
WQMobile(帷千) libsqlite3.tbd StoreKit.frameowrk
UIKit.framework QuartzCore.framework
MessageUI.framework MediaPlayer.framework
MapKit.framework libz.tbd
Foundation.framwork EventKit.framework
EventKitUI.framework CoreMotion.framework
CoreLocation.framework CoreGraphics.framework
CoreFoundation.framework FNetwork.framework
XingYun(行云) CoreLocation.framework MapKit.framework
Security.framework CFNetwork.framework
CoreTelephony.framework AdSupport.framework(optional)
ImageIO.framework QuartzCore.framework
UIKit.famework Foundation.framework
YiJiFen(易积分) ImageIO.framework QuartzCore.framework
StoreKit.framework(optional) CoreTelephony.framework
AdSupport.framework(optional) CoreGraphics.framework
Eadver.framework Poundation.framework
YouMi(有米) storekit.framework(optional) security.framework
cfnetwork.framework ImageIO.framework
CoreMotion.framework libz.tbd

3.When adding SDK, some documents are repeatedly used, you need to delect the repeatedly used documents or do not compile them.The repeated documents includes: OpenUDID.m 、ZipArchive.m 、zip.m 、unzip.m 、mztools.c ioapi.c and Reachbility.m

4.Configurate your ads’ interstitial priorities and propotions in AdView’s website.

5.Compile and connect your project and the interstitial can be shown.

X. AdView background app settings

1)app settings

App Setting

2)Select ad platform

Ad Platform

3)Add ad platform Select the platform you want Selected Platfrom

4)Configuration ad platform

Configure Platfrom

--> APP ID settings publisher should sign up in relevant ad platfroms to get the corresponding app information. Since the interfaces of different platforms are different , usually you just need to enter App ID, sometimes may need to enter other information.

-->switch Only when the switch is on will the ad be shown. Publishers can shift different ad platforms.

-->capacity: Only when the switch is on will the campaign make sense. Capacity is the request proportion to the ad platform. When shift ad platform,the capacity should be adjusted at the same time. The total capacity of ads whose status are on should be 100, otherwise cannot be saved correctly.

-->Region optimization Region optimization fuction refers to the phones at home show the domestic configurated ads, while phones at abroad show the foreing configurated ads, meeting the different demands to the largest extent. When region optimizaiton is off, it will not tell apart at home or at abroad.


XI.Configurate files offline


  1. download offline configurated files

  2. put themt into project catagorie Project

XII.Delete the unnecessary ad platforms

It’s quite easy to delete the unnecessary interstitials. You just have to delete the relevant interstitial files under AdInstlSDK/AdNetworks in the project and re-compile. We suggest only delete the project quote when deleting interstitials from the project, instead of deleting the interstitials from the hardware. Remain the interstitial development library in case for need.

XIII.Add customized ad platform (interstitial)

Sometimes publisher may want to add an ad platfrom which is not contains in the integration. Adview can realize this demands. There is “ customize ad platform” in “add ad platform”

Customize Platform

Publisher should register in relevant platforms first to get the corresponding app information. Since the interfaces of different ad platforms are different, usually you just need to enter app ID, some may need to enter other information. If not, you can randomly enter any characters.

Codes for reference

1.Add the SDK of which platform you would like to add to AdNetwork of Xcode.


2.Create the category of AdInstlAdNetworkAdapter and complete its Delegate

#import "AdInstlAdNetworkAdapter.h"
#import <Walker/GuInitServer.h>
#import <Walker/PobAppFrame.h>
@interface AdInstlAdapterXingYun : AdInstlAdNetworkAdapter<PobAppFrameDelegate>
   @property (nonatomic, weak) UIViewController *rootController;
   @property (nonatomic, strong) GuInitServer * gunInitServer;
   @property (nonatomic, strong) PobAppFrame  * pobAppFrame;

3.two ways to complete: one is networkType(to get channel ID, for customized ad usuallly return *AdInstlAdNetworkTypeUserDefined). Another one is Load

+ (AdInstlAdNetworkType)networkType
    return AdInstlAdNetworkTypeXingYun;

//@"PobAppFrame"  is the inserted ad name
//sharedInstlRegistry   interstitial 
//sharedBannerRegistry   banner
//sharedSpreadScreenRegistry    open screen

+ (void)load
    if (NSClassFromString(@"PobAppFrame") != nil) {
        [[AdViewAdNetworkRegistry sharedInstlRegistry] registerClass:self];

4.In the load ad (loadAdInstl) method to instantiate the ad and send the ad request

- (BOOL)loadAdInstl:(UIViewController *)controller
    Class XingYunInstlClass = NSClassFromString(@"PobAppFrame");
    Class XingYunInstlServer = NSClassFromString(@"GuInitServer");
    if(nil == XingYunInstlClass) return NO;
    if (nil == XingYunInstlServer) return NO;
    if (controller == nil) return NO;
    self.rootController = controller;
    // Accept AppID from the background
    NSString *appID = self.networkConfig.pubId;
    // instantiate
    self.gunInitServer = [[XingYunInstlServer alloc] init];
    [self.gunInitServer setInfo:appID Channel:@"" User_info:@""];
    // request ads
    self.pobAppFrame = [[XingYunInstlClass alloc] orientation:@"Portrait" andDelegate:self];
    //Send a request report to the AdView server, data will collect in Dashboard
    [self.adInstlManager adapter:self requestString:@"req"];
    return YES;

  1. Complete ad impressions:
- (BOOL)showAdInstl:(UIViewController *)controller
    if (nil == controller || ![controller isViewLoaded] || [controller isBeingDismissed]) {
        [self.adInstlManager adapter:self requestString:@"fail"];
        [self.adInstlManager adapter:self didGetEvent:InstlEventType_FailLoadAd error:nil];
        return NO;
    if (nil == controller || ![controller isViewLoaded]) {
        [self.adInstlManager adapter:self requestString:@"fail"];
        [self.adInstlManager adapter:self didGetEvent:InstlEventType_FailLoadAd error:nil];
        return NO;
    if (self.pobAppFrame)
        //Ad display
        [self.pobAppFrame showpobFrame:self.rootController];
        return YES;
    return NO;
  1. Complete SDK of the inserted ad, add status and report data .
 //interstitial pops up successfully 
- (void)showPobFrameSucess
	[self.ADINSTLMANAGER Adapter:self didGetEvent:InstlEventType_WillPresentAd error:nil];
        [self.adInstlManager adapter:self 

//interstitial failed to  pop up 
- (void)showPobFrameFail
[self.adInstlManager adapter:self didGetEvent:InstlEventType_FailLoadAd error:nil];
[self.adInstlManager adapter:self requestString:@"fail"];

// close interstitial 
- (void)closePobAppFrame
	if (self.pobAppFrame) {
	self.pobAppFrame = nil;
   	if (self.gunInitServer) {
   	self.gunInitServer = nil;
	if (self.rootController) {
	self.rootController = nil;
	[adInstlManager adapter:self didGetEvent:InstlEventType_DidDismissAd error:nil];

// successfully acquired data
- (void)initPobFrameSuccess
	[self.adInstlManager adapter:self didGetEvent:InstlEventType_DidLoadAd error:nil];
    [self.adInstlManager adapter:self requestString:@"suc"];

// failed to acquired data
- (void)initPobFrameFail
[self.adInstlManager adapter:self didGetEvent:InstlEventType_FailLoadAd error:nil];
[self.adInstlManager adapter:self requestString:@"fail"];
} clear up data in stopBeingDelegate

- (void)stopBeingDelegate
    AWLogInfo(@"xingyun stop being delegate");
    if (self.pobAppFrame) {
        self.pobAppFrame = nil;
    if (self.gunInitServer) {
        self.gunInitServer = nil;
    if (self.rootController) {
        self.rootController = nil;


Q:why AdInstl cannot show ads? A:The most likely reason is that you havenot added additional link options which enable your interstitial development library to load into your application. You can refer to the 5th step of “insert AdView integration in the interface of the project”.

Q:Why the project is successfully compiled but some errors occur when connecting? A:Due to the characteristics of the Objective-C language, all the static libraries that participate in the connection are not allow to have repeated functions or variables or other symbols. It’s easy to be dealt with if the conflict happens in the interstitials. You just need to pay attention to in which interstitial ads the conflicts occur.


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