Full name: Issa Rice
Recruiter: Vipul Naik
Wikipedia handle: Riceissa
- Wikipedia user profile: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Riceissa
- Contributions: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/Riceissa
Website: http://issarice.com
EA Forum user profile: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/users/riceissa
GitHub: https://github.com/riceissa
Note: The arrangement with Issa is much more complicated because, in addition to creating content on Wikipedia, he does background research, helps with managing editors, etc. However, notably he is not paid for pageviews on Wikipedia pages he writes.
For in-depth stats see https://contractwork.vipulnaik.com/worker.php?worker=Issa+Rice
Total money earned as income (taxable as income for 2025): $0
Payment made: $396.94
Carryover payment due from 2024: $396.94
Net payment due: $0
Total so far: $396.94
- $396.94 via PayPal on January 19
Total money earned as income (taxable as income for 2024): $396.94
Payment made: $473.34
Carryover payment due from 2023: $473.34
Net payment due: $396.94
Total so far: $275
- Year-round work on timelines wiki maintenance and improvement: $275. The total payment of $275 breaks down as follows: $225 on hosting cost (excluding actual spending on hosting, that is being reimbursed separately) (this is up from $220 last year, with the increase mostly reflecting inflation adjustment) and $50 for main page table updates (this is less than in previous years, primarily because of fewer updates -- just 5 in the year).
Total so far: $48.90
- Work on Org Watch in January (assisting Sebastian): $0.34. Spent 2 minutes at $11.50/hour assisting Sebastian. Work done 2024-01-01.
- Work on Org Watch in February (general): $0.81. Spent 4 minutes at $11.50/hour. Work done 2024-02-08.
- Work on Org Watch in March (assisting Sebastian): $8.86. Spent 46 minutes at $11.50/hour assisting Sebastian. Work done 2024-03-13 to 2024-03-20.
- Work on Org Watch in April (general): $26.80. Spent 140 minutes at $11.50/hour. Work done 2024-04-14 to 2024-04-23.
- Work on Org Watch in April (assisting Sebastian): $1.96. Spent 10 minutes at $11.50/hour assisting Sebastian. Work done 2024-04-23.
- Work on Org Watch in May (assisting Sebastian): $2.07. Spent 11 minutes at $11.50/hour assisting Sebastian. Work done 2024-05-05 to 2024-05-10.
- Work on Org Watch in May (general): $1.38. Spent 7 minutes at $11.50/hour. Work done 2024-05-10 to 2024-05-20.
- Work on Org Watch in June (assisting Sebastian): $1.50. Spent 8 minutes at $11.50/hour assisting Sebastian. Work done 2024-06-15 to 2024-06-19.
- Work on Org Watch in July (assisting Sebastian): $4.37. Spent 23 minutes at $11.50/hour assisting Sebastian. Work done 2024-07-29.
- Work on Org Watch in August (general): $0.58. Spent 3 minutes at $11.50/hour. Work done 2024-08-10.
- Work on Org Watch in August (assisting Sebastian): $0.23. Spent 1 minute at $11.50/hour assisting Sebastian. Work done 2024-08-31.
Total so far: $73.04
- January: $2.97. 0.27 hours at $11/hour
- February: $4.95. 0.45 hours at $11/hour
- March: $9.57. 0.87 hours at $11/hour
- April: $30.80. 2.8 hours at $11/hour
- May: $6.60. 0.6 hours at $11/hour
- June: $4.40. 0.4 hours at $11/hour
- July: $5.17. 0.47 hours at $11/hour
- August: $4.18. 0.38 hours at $11/hour
- September: $3.30. 0.3 hours at $11/hour
- October: $1.10. 0.1 hours at $11/hour; the only work done was running the work report for the previous month (September 2024).
- November: no work was logged!
Total so far: $473.34
- $473.34 via PayPal on January 4
Total money earned as income (taxable as income for 2023): $1203.83
Payment made: $1183.76
Carryover payment due from 2022: $453.27
Net payment due: $473.34
Total so far: $500.12
- Work on improving efficiency of the daily backup process: $23. Spent 95 minutes at $11.50/hour with a 2-hour minimum. Work done 2023-01-02.
- Meeting with Vipul and Sebastian in May: $5.18. Spent 27 minutes at $11.50/hour in the Timelines wiki portion of the meeting with Vipul and Sebastian on 2023-05-13.
- Server script update as suggested by Vipul: $20.47. Spent 107 minutes at $11.50/hour with a 1-hour minimum and 2-hour maximum. Work done 2023-06-02.
- Backup failure investigation: $9.78. Spent 51 minutes at $11.50/hour. Work done 2023-09-03.
- Meeting with Vipul and Sebastian in October: $10.54. Spent 55 minutes at $11.50/hour. Meeting with Vipul and Sebastian on 2023-10-25. This is the Timelines wiki portion of the meeting.
- Review of timeline of immunology via screenshare: $11.15. Spent 58 minutes at $11.50/hour. Work done 2023-11-10.
- Year-round work on timelines wiki maintenance and improvement: $420. The total payment of $420 breaks down as follows: $220 on hosting cost (excluding actual spending on hosting, that has been reimbursed separately) (this is up from $180 last year, with the increase mostly reflecting inflation adjustment) and $200 for a combination of: the periodic updates to the main page table, as well as custom improvement work including work on the switch to GA 4 and the update to the main page table logic to pull from GA 4 (this is up from $60 last year, due to both inflation adjustment and the additional GA 4 work that had no equivalent last year).
Total so far: $142.21
- Work on Org Watch in January (assisting Sebastian): $4.02. Spent 21 minutes at $11.50/hour assisting Sebastian. Work done 2023-01-02 and 2023-01-30.
- Work on Org Watch in February: $3.11. Spent 16 minutes at $11.50/hour. Work done 2023-02-24.
- Work on Org Watch in March: $14.95. Spent 78 minutes at $11.50/hour. Work done 2023-03-04 and 2023-03-05.
- Work on Org Watch in May (general): $7.71. Spent 40 minutes at $11.50/hour. Work done 2023-05-13 and 2023-05-21. This includes additions to README.md and a fix to a page title. See https://github.com/riceissa/aiwatch/commits?since=2023-05-13&until=2023-05-21&author=riceissa for the commits.
- Work on Org Watch in May (assisting Sebastian): $10.12. Spent 53 minutes at $11.50/hour assisting Sebastian. Work done 2023-05-15 and 2023-05-16.
- Work on Org Watch in May (meeting with Vipul and Sebastian): $16.68. Spent 87 minutes at $11.50/hour in the Org Watch portion of the meeting with Vipul and Sebastian on 2023-05-13.
- Work on Org Watch in June (general): $39.33. Spent 205 minutes at $11.50/hour. Work done 2023-06-20 to 2023-06-27. This includes the addition of a check and work on an archival script. See https://github.com/riceissa/aiwatch/commits?since=2023-06-20&until=2023-06-27&author=riceissa for the commits.
- Work on Org Watch in June (assisting Sebastian): $1.15. Spent 6 minutes at $11.50/hour assisting Sebastian. Work done 2023-06-09.
- Work on Org Watch in July: $0.35. Spent 2 minutes at $11.50/hour. Work done 2023-07-17.
- Work on Org Watch in August (assisting Sebastian): $1.15. Spent 6 minutes at $11.50/hour assisting Sebastian. Work done 2023-08-05.
- Work on Org Watch in September (general): $0.23. Spent 1 minute at $11.50/hour. Work done 2023-09-07.
- Work on Org Watch in September (assisting Sebastian): $3.80. Spent 20 minutes at $11.50/hour assisting Sebastian. Work done 2023-09-06 to 2023-09-25.
- Work on Org Watch in October (general): $0.81. Spent 4 minutes at $11.50/hour. Work done 2023-10-25.
- Work on Org Watch in October (assisting Sebastian): $0.58. Spent 3 minutes at $11.50/hour assisting Sebastian. Work done 2023-10-23 to 2023-10-31.
- Work on Org Watch in October (meeting with Vipul and Sebastian): $11.31. Spent 59 minutes at $11.50/hour. Meeting with Vipul and Sebastian on 2023-10-25. This is the Org Watch portion of the meeting, and also includes tech tips to Sebastian.
- Work on Org Watch in November (general): $1.50. Spent 8 minutes at $11.50/hour. Work done 2023-11-20.
- Work on Org Watch in November (assisting Sebastian): $0.34. Spent 2 minutes at $11.50/hour. Work done 2023-11-20.
- Work on Org Watch in December (general): $25.07. Spent 131 minutes at $11.50/hour assisting Sebastian. Work done 2023-12-14 and 2023-12-15.
Total so far: $6.91
- Work on AI Watch in June: $3.11. Spent 16 minutes at $11.50/hour. Work done 2023-06-21 and 2023-06-28. This includes collaboration with Vipul on not showing non-AI stuff in AI Watch. See https://github.com/riceissa/aiwatch/commits?since=2023-06-28&until=2023-06-28&author=riceissa for the commits.
- Work on AI Watch in August: $3.80. Spent 20 minutes at $11.50/hour. Work done 2023-08-02. See https://github.com/riceissa/aiwatch/commit/f5e5b50245fb91c5fdaf594e0c0696b874021c1f for the change.
Total so far: $122.52
- Experimenting with ChatGPT: $11.50. Spent 29 minutes on 2023-04-08 at $11.50/hour with a minimum of $11.50 (equivalent to 1 hour) and a maximum of $34.50 (equivalent to 3 hours). The task was the rerunning of Vipul's prompts of https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/w7c2iKjsDrNqoymxQ/to-err-is-neural-select-logs-with-chatgpt on ChatGPT 4. See https://gist.github.com/riceissa/378f230875210b7214a8e2c54f111bc9 and https://gist.github.com/riceissa/ea7c8abc038eff2e1a6e0379691e67ca for the session logs.
- Analytics project switch to GA 4: $111.02. Spent 449 minutes at $11.50/hour with a 5-hour minimum, plus $25. Work done 2023-05-21 to 2023-05-22 and 2023-06-21 to 2023-06-25. See https://github.com/riceissa/analytics-table/commits?since=2023-05-21&until=2023-06-25&author=riceissa for the commits.
Total so far: $432.07
- January: $37.40. 3.40 hours at $11/hour
- February: $9.13. 0.83 hours at $11/hour
- March: $18.92. 1.72 hours at $11/hour
- April: $10.45. 0.95 hours at $11/hour
- May: $97.35. 8.85 hours at $11/hour
- June: $92.07. 8.37 hours at $11/hour
- July: $7.48. 0.68 hours at $11/hour
- August: $4.72. 0.43 hours at $11/hour
- September: $66.88. 6.08 hours at $11/hour. Most of the additional hours beyond the ones covered by explicitly-paid-for were spent on Timelines wiki, on tasks that will be incorporated into the end-of-year Timelines wiki payment.
- October: $24.75. 2.25 hours at $11/hour
- November: $34.65. 3.15 hours at $11/hour
- December: $28.27. 2.57 hours at $11/hour
Total so far: $1183.76
- $453.27 via PayPal on January 21
- $536.67 via PayPal on July 17
- $193.82 via PayPal on December 4
Total money earned as income (taxable as income for 2022): $1324.81
Payment made: $1382.30
Carryover payment due from 2021: $510.76
Net payment due: $453.27
Total so far: $9.79
- January: $6.65. Spent 42 minutes at $9.50/hour. Work done 2022-01-04. This comprises work talking to a potential new contributor to AI Watch.
- October: $3.14. Spent 20 minutes at $9.50/hour. Work done 2022-10-23. This comprises work dealing with an inbound email.
Total so far: $177.98
- Work on Org Watch in January: $12.07. Spent 1 hour 16 minutes at $9.50/hour. Work done 2022-01-30. Work on riceissa/aiwatch#98
- Work on Org Watch in March (assisting Sebastian): $1.62. Spent 10 minutes at $9.50/hour assisting Sebastian. Work done 2022-03-15.
- Work on Org Watch in March (general): $3.61. Spent 23 minutes at $9.50/hour on some data fixes (including file renames). Work done 2022-03-11 to 2022-03-27.
- Work on Org Watch in April (assisting Sebastian): $1.71. Spent 11 minutes at $9.50/hour assisting Sebastian. Work done 2022-04-04 to 2022-04-30.
- Work on Org Watch in April (general): $7.79. Spent 49 minutes at $9.50/hour. This includes work on tweaking the dark mode previously implemented, as well as other minor fixes. Work done 2022-04-10 to 2022-04-27.
- Work on Org Watch in May (assisting Sebastian): $6.65. Spent 42 minutes at $9.50/hour assisting Sebastian. Work done 2022-05-01.
- Work on Org Watch in May (general): $33.73. Spent 213 minutes at $9.50/hour. This includes coordination with a potential funder for Org Watch. Work done 2022-05-15 to 2022-05-30.
- Work on Org Watch in June (assisting Sebastian): $16.63. Spent 105 minutes at $9.50/hour assisting Sebastian. Work done 2022-06-02 to 2022-06-30.
- Work on Org Watch in June (meetings with Vipul and Sebastian): $35.44. Spent 224 minutes at $9.50/hour across two meetings with Vipul and Sebastian working on processes for improving the quality of existing Org Watch data and creating higher-quality Org Watch data in the future. Work done 2022-06-03 and 2022-06-04.
- Work on Org Watch in June (general): $3.52. Spent 22 minutes at $9.50/hour; this mostly involved pulling in new database changes and making Makefile updates. Work done 2022-06-18.
- Work on Org Watch in July (assisting Sebastian): $9.50. Spent 60 minutes at $9.50/hour assisting Sebastian. Work done 2022-07-06 to 2022-07-25.
- Work on Org Watch in July (meetings with Vipul and Sebastian): $19.19. Spent 121 minutes at $9.50/hour on one meeting with Vipul and Sebastian working on processes for improving the quality of existing Org Watch data and creating higher-quality Org Watch data in the future. Work done 2022-07-08.
- Work on Org Watch in July (general): $6.94. Spent 44 minutes at $9.50/hour; this mostly involves refactoring to reduce duplication between Makefile and reload-db.sh, as well as updates to the SQL file list. Work done 2022-07-07 and 2022-07-08.
- Work on Org Watch in August (assisting Sebastian): $1.14. Spent 7 minutes at $9.50/hour assisting Sebastian. Work done 2022-08-02.
- Work on Org Watch in August (meetings with Vipul and Sebastian): $11.59. Spent 73 minutes at $9.50/hour on part of a meeting with Vipul and Sebastian that was devoted to Org Watch processes and figuring out a priority list of organizations. The rest of the meeting was about Timelines wiki. Work done 2022-08-20.
- Work on Org Watch in October (assisting Sebastian): $1.43. Spent 9 minutes at $9.50/hour assisting Sebastian. Work done 2022-10-15.
- Work on Org Watch in December (general): $5.42. Spent 34 minutes at $9.50/hour. Work done 2022-12-24 and involving some updates to Future of Life Institute data; see https://github.com/riceissa/aiwatch/commits?since=2022-12-24&until=2022-12-24 for details.
Total so far: $36.39
- Add theme changer: $18.81. Spent 1 hour 59 minutes at $9.50/hour. Work done 2022-04-10 at vipulnaik/donations#140 extending dark mode, previously developed for AI Watch / Org Watch, to the donations list website.
- May: $6.84. Spent 43 minutes at $9.50/hour. Work replying to an inbound query somewhat related to DLW. Work done 2022-05-12.
- June: $10.74. Spent 68 minutes at $9.50/hour. Work on reviewing some scripts to monitor foundation grants. Work done 2022-06-16.
Total so far: $2.97
- Implement arbitrary income feature: $2.97. Work done 2022-04-02 at #25 to implement additional functionality for the tax guidance page; this functionality was mainly for Issas own use but Vipul promised to cover the time cost.
Total so far: $317.63
- Timeline of effective altruism: $210. Completed 2022-06-09. Completed version at https://timelines.issarice.com/index.php?title=Timeline_of_effective_altruism&oldid=66184 (2022-06-09 08:29 UTC, 75 rows in full timeline, 49,978 bytes). Issa had worked on this timeline back in 2019, and then lost interest in it for a while. There is now a tentative plan for Sebastian to take over the timeline, so Issa decided to officially stop his work on the timeline and collect payment. The payment is $60 + $7.50/hour for 20 hours worked on the timeline (compared to a cap of 32 hours per the original agreement)
- Timeline of Machine Intelligence Research Institute: $2.41. Spent 33 minutes. Work done 2022-06-15. Diff. These were updates to historical events for the organization, based on new information received. The pay rate is $4.375/hour (same as the rate for AI safety subwiki work).
- Timeline of AI timelines (outline only): $7.41. Spent 47 minutes at $9.50/hour. Work done 2022-07-12. This work was the creation of an outline of the timeline for Sebastian to expand upon later. Completed outline at https://timelines.issarice.com/index.php?title=Timeline_of_AI_timelines&oldid=67119 (2022-07-12 22:29 UTC, 3024 bytes, 21 bullet points in outline)
- Work on Timelines wiki in August (meetings with Vipul and Sebastian): $6.94. Spent 44 minutes at $9.50/hour. This was part of a meeting with Vipul and Sebastian discussing Timelines wiki, including Sebastian's work on timelines for the Future Fund Regranting Program. Work done 2022-08-20.
- Timeline of private foundations: $18. Last edit 2021-04-26 and payment finalization 2022-08-11. The original plan was to add 60 rows for $90 for the first pass of the timeline, but Issa lost interest after adding the first 15 rows. Completed version at https://timelines.issarice.com/index.php?title=Timeline_of_private_foundations&oldid=53348 (2021-04-26 21:22 UTC, 5311 bytes, 15 rows in full timeline)
- Work on Timelines wiki in September (meeting with Vipul and Sebastian): $36.58. Spent 3 hours 51 minutes at $9.50/hour. This was a meeting with Vipul and Sebastian that reviewed the situation with timelines, with much of it focused on recent work and planned future work by Sebastian on timelines for the Future Fund Regranting Program. Work done 2022-09-17.
- Review of timeline of existential risk: $8.74. Spent 55 minutes at $9.50/hour. See https://timelines.issarice.com/index.php?title=User%3ASebastian&type=revision&diff=68864&oldid=68839&diffonly=true for some notes generated by the work. Work done 2022-09-05.
- Review of timelines wiki meta pages: $8.55. Spent 54 minutes at $9.50/hour. Work done 2022-09-06.
- Work on Timelines wiki in October (meeting with Vipul and Sebastian): $19. Spent 2 hours at $9.50/hour. This was a meeting with Vipul and Sebastian that reviewed the situation with timelines, with much of it focused on recent work and planned future work by Sebastian on timelines for the Future Fund Regranting Program. Work done 2022-10-22.
Total so far: $300
- $300: Year-round maintenance of Timelines wiki: $20/month for hosting, and $5/month for main page updates
Total so far: $50.51
- Reimbursement for renewing three auxiliary domains for Cause Prioritization Wiki: $50.51. Renewal done 2022-10-30. Details: $17.17 - causeprioritization.com, $17.17 - causeprioritisation.com, $16.17 - causeprioritisation.org. Issa shouldered the cost of renewing the main domain causeprioritization.org himself.
Total so far: $1.14
- Consulting work related to wikidossier: $1.14. Spent 7 minutes at $9.50/hour helping Vipul figure out some stuff related to the setup of wikidossier (hosted at https://wikidossier.vipulnaik.com/ currently). Work done 2022-11-18.
Total so far: $428.40
- January: $22.95. 2.55 hours at $9/hour
- February: $4.77. 0.53 hours at $9/hour
- March: $38.25. 4.25 hours at $9/hour
- April: $43.20. 4.80 hours at $9/hour
- May: $47.07. 5.23 hours at $9/hour
- June: $73.80. 8.20 hours at $9/hour
- July: $47.97. 5.33 hours at $9/hour
- August: $24.48. 2.72 hours at $9/hour
- September: $53.28. 5.92 hours at $9/hour
- October: $55.17. 6.13 hours at $9/hour
- November: $6.48. 0.72 hours at $9/hour
- December: $10.98. 1.22 hours at $9/hour
Total so far: $1382.30
- $510.76 via PayPal on January 5
- $468.69 via PayPal on June 14
- $402.85 via PayPal on October 7
Total money earned as income (taxable as income for 2021): $1351.56 (this includes $200 for Andy Matuschak)
Payment made: $1698.93 (this includes $200 from Andy Matuschak)
Carryover payment due from 2020: $858.13
Net payment due: $510.76
Total so far: $69.82
- January 25: $0.95. Spent 6 minutes at $9.50/hour. Work done 2021-01-25. This was to help answer some questions over email.
- June: $24.03. Spent 2 hours 32 minutes at $9.50/hour. Work on vipulnaik/donations#135 for vipulnaik/donations#134 (currency info display). Work done 2021-06-09 to 2021-06-16.
- Fixed-rate work: $38. Spent 3 hours for max($38, $9.50 * number of hours). Work on vipulnaik/donations#125 and vipulnaik/donations#129 started last year (2020-12-16 to 2020-12-18) and wrapped up 2021-06-04.
- December: $6.84. Spent 43 minutes at $9.50/hour. Work done 2021-12-24. Work at vipulnaik/donations#139 for vipulnaik/donations#138
Total so far: $55.97
- January 4: $7.60. Spent 48 minutes at $9.50/hour. Work done 2021-01-04. Work on riceissa/aiwatch#53 and riceissa/aiwatch#56
- January 5: $6.65. Spent 42 minutes at $9.50/hour assisting Sebastian. Work done 2021-01-05.
- March: $5.99. Spent 38 minutes at $9.50/hour assisting Sebastian. Work done 2021-03-09 to 2021-03-26.
- April: $0.48. Spent 3 minutes at $9.50/hour assisting Sebastian. Work done 2021-04-28.
- May: $1.24. Spent 8 minutes at $9.50/hour. Work done 2021-05-31.
- June: $10.64. Spent 1 hour 7 minutes at $9.50/hour including 35 minutes assisting Sebastian. Work done 2021-06-02 to 2021-06-11.
- July: $1.14. Spent 3 minutes at $9.50/hour assisting Sebastian. Work done 2021-07-18 to 2021-07-20.
- September: $2.19. Spent 14 minutes at $9.50/hour assisting Sebastian. Work done 2021-09-12.
- October: $0.76. Spent 5 minutes at $9.50/hour assisting Sebastian. Work done 2021-10-03.
- December 19 to December 29: $19.28. Spent 2 hours 2 minutes at $9.50/hour. Work done 2021-12-19 to 2021-12-29. Most of the work was for riceissa/aiwatch#99 for initial work on dark mode for AI Watch and Org Watch.
- December 15 to December 29: $4.47. Spent 28 minutes at $9.50/hour assisting Sebastian. Work done 2021-12-15 to 2021-12-29.
Total so far: $18.72
- Review timeline of AI safety and share it on LessWrong at https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/SEfjw57Qw8mCzy36n/timeline-of-ai-safety: $18.72. 1 hour 58 minutes at $9.50/hour (within 3-hour time limit). Work done 2021-02-05 to 2021-02-07.
Total so far: $118.01
- August: $25.18. Spent 2 hours 39 minutes. Work done 2021-08-27 to 2021-08-30. This comprises work talking to a potential new contributor to AI Watch.
- September: $50.07. Spent 5 hours 16 minutes. Work done 2021-09-02 to 2021-09-30. This comprises work talking to a potential new contributor to AI Watch.
- October: $31.83. Spent 3 hours 21 minutes. Work done 2021-10-02 to 2021-10-26. This comprises work talking to a potential new contributor to AI Watch.
- November: $4.47. Spent 28 minutes. Work done 2021-11-08. This comprises work talking to a potential new contributor to AI Watch.
- December: $6.46. Spent 41 minutes. Work done 2021-12-28. This comprises work talking to a potential new contributor to AI Watch.
Total so far: $8.97
People watching work is capped at 10 hours per month, with a rate of $4.375/hour. The specifics of the work are chosen by Issa Rice, and are not directed or reviewed by Vipul Naik except in very broad terms.
- March 17: $3.85. Spent 53 minutes at $4.375/hour.
- April 23: $3.15. Spent 43 minutes at $4.375/hour.
- December 28: $1.97. Spent 27 minutes at $4.375/hour.
Total so far: $9.75
- Why "cause area" as the unit of analysis?: $9.75. Started and completed January 24, 2021. 1 hour 57 minutes at $5/hour (this is the agreed-upon rate for cause prioritization work that is agreed upon in advance). Much of the underlying work that led to this blog post had been done in April 2018.
Total so far: $48.51
- Reimbursement for renewing three auxiliary domains for Cause Prioritization Wiki: $48.51. Renewal done 2021-11-03. Details: $15.99 - causeprioritization.com, $15.99 - causeprioritisation.com, $15.99 - causeprioritisation.org, plus taxes. Issa shouldered the $15.99 cost of renewing the main domain causeprioritization.org himself.
Total so far: $38
- On top-pages.php, print the h-index for every month: $38. Work done 2021-07-10. Spent 47 minutes. Payment at max($38, $9.50/hour * time spent).
Total so far: $30.60
- Document review of private document: $9.22. 58 minutes at $9.50/hour. Work done 2021-02-05 and 2021-02-06.
- Discussion of various topics including Timelines wiki, Org Watch, and subwiki with Sebastian and Vipul. $21.38. 2 hours 15 minutes at $9.50/hour. Work done 2021-11-02.
Total so far: $200
- Leverage Points: Places to Intervene in a System: $200. Work completetd 2021-07-14. Andy Matuschak commissioned Issa Rice to take the article https://donellameadows.org/archives/leverage-points-places-to-intervene-in-a-system/ by Donella Meadows and add Orbit cards. Orbit is a spaced repetition software at https://withorbit.com/ led by Andy Matuschak. This project was an effort to allow Andy himself to experience a mnemonic text and think about design decisions for Orbit.
Total so far: $448.74
- January: $52.92. 5.88 hours at $9/hour
- February: $38.88. 4.32 hours at $9/hour
- March: $31.32. 3.48 hours at $9/hour
- April: $21.60. 2.4 hours at $9/hour
- May: $29.07. 3.23 hours at $9/hour
- June: $35.55. 3.95 hours at $9/hour
- July: $16.20. 1.8 hours at $9/hour
- August: $28.35. 3.15 hours at $9/hour
- September: $53.55. 5.95 hours at $9/hour
- October: $43.92. 4.88 hours at $9/hour
- November: $33.48. 3.72 hours at $9/hour
- December: $63.90. 7.10 hours at $9/hour
Total so far: $1498.93
- $835.57 via PayPal on January 3, 2021
- $40.61 via PayPal on January 3, 2021
- $331.56 via PayPal on July 6, 2021
- $291.19 via PayPal on November 1, 2021
Total money earned as income (taxable as income for 2020): $2794.63
Payment made: $3396.64
Carryover payment due from 2019: $1460.14
Net payment due: $858.13
Total so far: $141.60
- January 8: $39.90. Explore the creation of graphical timeline for donors, donees, and donor-donee pairs based on intended_funding_timeframe_in_months (vipulnaik/donations#125). Spent 4 hours 12 minutes at $9.50/hour. Work done on 2020-01-08. See vipulnaik/donations#125 (comment) for a summary of the work done. This is part of a multi-month effort on the issue
- January 20: $75. Move completely to a safe query structure on donations.vipulnaik.com (vipulnaik/donations#127). Spent 3 hours 24 minutes. Work done on 2020-01-20. Payment determined as max{$75, $9.50/hour * 3.41 hours}
- May: $14.54. Improve the way we deal with renamings for donors and donees (vipulnaik/donations#128). Spent 1 hour 32 hours. Work done 2020-05-18 and 2020-05-19
- July: $12.16. Work to fix a backend script. Spent 1 hour 17 minutes. Work done 2020-07-10 to 2020-07-13.
Total so far: $50
- January 21: $50. Move to a safe query structure for all the queries at contractwork.vipulnaik.com (#21). Spent 3 hours 10 minutes. Work done on 2020-01-20 and 2020-01-21. Payment determined as max{$125, $8.50/hour * 3.17 hours}
Total so far: $5.41
- Work on AI Watch in April: $5.41. Spent 34 minutes. Work done 2020-04-11 and 2020-04-19 at $9.50/hour. This comprises work on riceissa/aiwatch#20 (2020-04-11), riceissa/aiwatch#21 (2020-04-19), and riceissa/aiwatch#22 (2020-04-19).
Total so far: $454.30
- Work on Org Watch in July: $128.54. Spent 13 hours 32 minutes. Work done 2020-07-04 to 2020-07-27 at $9.50/hour. This includes 90 minutes in a video call with Vipul and Sebastian, and further work helping Sebastian onboard as an Org Watch contributor.
- Work on Org Watch in August: $46.74. Spent 4 hours 55 minutes. Work done 2020-08-02 to 2020-08-31 at $9.50/hour. This work was done to help Sebastian continue onboarding as an Org Watch contributor.
- Work on Org Watch in September: $38.48. Spent 4 hours 3 minutes. Work done 2020-09-01 to 2020-09-12 at $9.50/hour. This work was done to continue to help Sebastian with his Org Watch work.
- Work on Org Watch in October: $46.36. Spent 4 hours 53 minutes. Work done 2020-10-02 to 2020-10-10 at $9.50/hour. This work was done to continue to help Sebastian with his Org Watch work.
- Work on Org Watch in November: $25.85. Spent 2 hours 43 minutes. Work done 2020-11-07 to 2020-11-27 at $9.50/hour. This includes 45 minutes in a video call with Vipul and Sebastian on 2020-11-07, and further work helping Sebastian with his Org Watch work.
- Work on Org Watch in December (general): $4.09. Spent 26 minutes. Work done 2020-12-10 to 2020-12-15 at $9.50/hour.
- Work on Org Watch in December (assisting Sebastian): $42.28. Spent 4 hours 27 minutes. Work done 2020-12-12 to 2020-12-29 at $9.50/hour. This work was done to continue to help Sebastian with his Org Watch work.
- Work on Org Watch in December (assisting Amana): $91.96. Spent 9 hours 41 minutes. Work done 2020-12-13 to 2020-12-27 at $9.50/hour. This work was done to help Amana Rice, a new Org Watch contributor.
- Coding work on Org Watch: $30. Spent 1 hour 14 minutes. Work done 2020-12-14 at a rate of max{$30, $9.50/hour * time spent} on riceissa/aiwatch#52
Total so far: $34.13
AI safety wiki work is currently hosted at the AI safety category on Issawiki, with the goal to eventually move it to a canonical standalone AI safety wiki (either one created by the LessWrong team or a subwiki set up by Vipul). Wiki-wide revision history can be seen here; there does not seem to be a link to view changs just to stuff in the AI safety category. Compensation for the work is $4.375/hour, capped at 10 hours per month.
- Work on AI safety wiki in June: $32.38. Spent 7 hours 24 minutes. Work done 2020-06-01 to 2020-06-30.
- Work on AI safety wiki in July: $1.75. Spent 24 minutes. Work done 2020-07-06.
Total so far: 84.35
People watching work is capped at 10 hours per month, with a rate of $4.375/hour. The specifics of the work are chosen by Issa Rice, and are not directed or reviewed by Vipul Naik except in very broad terms.
- Work on people watching in April: $43.75. Spent 10 hours. The work for this month was done from 2020-04-22 to 2020-04-27 and mostly focused on learning more about video game designer Jonathan Blow and collecting quotes by him. This would lead to the Wikiquote article https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Jonathan_Blow although the article itself would be published in May 2020.
- Work on people watching in May: $19.91. Spent 4 hours 33 minutes. The work for this month was done from 2020-05-01 to 2020-05-29 and mostly focused on a post https://www.facebook.com/groups/1781724435404945/permalink/2638709466373100/ seeking a bounty for interesting thinkers. Work also included the publication of https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Jonathan_Blow (which was not directed or requested by Vipul Naik).
- Work on people watching in June: $12.16. Spent 2 hours 47 minutes. The work for this month was done from 2020-06-04 to 2020-06-26.
- Work on people watching in October: $4.07. Spent 56 minutes. The work for this month was done from 2020-10-15 to 2020-10-18.
- Work on people watching in November: $4.46. Spent 61 minutes. The work for this month was done on 2020-11-07.
Total so far: $125
- January 15: $125. Work done on 2020-01-15. Spent 2 hours 53 minutes. Payment determined as max{$125, $8.50/hour * 2.88 hours}. Issues worked on are riceissa/timelines-wiki-main-page-table#6 riceissa/timelines-wiki-main-page-table#7 riceissa/timelines-wiki-main-page-table#8 riceissa/timelines-wiki-main-page-table#9 riceissa/timelines-wiki-main-page-table#10 riceissa/timelines-wiki-main-page-table#11
Total so far: $300
- $300: Year-round maintenance of Timelines wiki: $20/month for hosting, and $5/month for main page updates
Total so far: $81.29
- January 19: $79.29. Plan to reduce my Linode cost, to be executed by end of 2021 (vipulnaik/working-drafts#6). Spent 7 hours 49 minutes. Work done on 2020-01-18 and 2020-01-19. Payment determined based on a $10/hour rate ($78.20), and also including reimbursement of costs for a Linode machine run through the day ($1.09). Output of this iteration of work at https://gist.github.com/riceissa/49e331040a809e3dd14c046a07cd79cf
- July 6: $2. Spent 12 minutes at $10/hour.
Total so far: $89.25
- March 29: $89.25. Work done March 13 to March 29. 5.10 hours at $17.50/hour. This was preliminary research that could potentially inform further work by Issa or Vipul; however, based on the preliminary research, we decided to not continue further for now
Total so far: $22.50
- May 3: $22.50. Completed May 3, but most of the actual work done 2018-09-08 to 2018-09-13: wikiHow view count data analysis for 3 hours at $7.50/hour
Total so far: $45.97
- Reimbursement for renewing three auxiliary domains for Cause Prioritization Wiki: $46.51. Renewal done 2020-10-29. Details: $14.99 - causeprioritization.com, $14.99 - causeprioritisation.com, $15.99 - causeprioritisation.org (.org domains cost an extra dollar). Issa shouldered the $15.99 cost of renewing the main domain causeprioritization.org himself.
Total so far: $105
- Automatic Wikipedia backup download: $105. Payment for maintaining the process that does daily backups of Wikipedia content, at $2/week for 52 weeks, from 2020-01-01 to 2020-12-31, with an extra dollar because of the extra day beyond 52 weeks
Total so far: $1233.27
- January: $200.97. 22.33 hours at $9/hour
- February: $6.30. 0.70 hours at $9/hour
- March: $65.07. 7.23 hours at $9/hour
- April: $161.28. 17.92 hours at $9/hour
- May: $154.17. 17.13 hours at $9/hour
- June: $98.37. 10.93 hours at $9/hour
- July: $162.18. 18.02 hours at $9/hour
- August: $49.68. 5.52 hours at $9/hour
- September: $47.07. 5.23 hours at $9/hour
- October: $56.25. 6.25 hours at $9/hour
- November: $55.35. 6.15 hours at $9/hour
- December: $176.58. 19.62 hours at $9/hour
Total so far: $22.56
- Amana Rice: 15% of $150.40 = $22.56
Total so far: $3396.64
- $1460.13 via PayPal on January 1, 2020 (from Vipul Naik)
- $570.16 via PayPal on February 6, 2020 (from Vipul Naik)
- $371.07 via PayPal on May 1, 2020 (from Vipul Naik)
- $354.03 via PayPal on July 10, 2020 (from Vipul Naik)
- $306.63 via PayPal on August 1, 2020 (from Vipul Naik)
- $334.62 via Paypal on November 7, 2020 (from Vipul Naik)
Total money earned as income (taxable as income for 2019): $5030.27
Payment made: $4906.87
Carryover pament due from 2018: 1336.74
Net payment due: 1460.14
Total so far: $27
- Timeline of Machine Intelligence Research Institute: $27. Completed March 11, 2019; covers work since the last payment on February 24, 2018. Payment for page as of https://timelines.issarice.com/index.php?title=Timeline_of_Machine_Intelligence_Research_Institute&oldid=28758 and specifically for the diff https://timelines.issarice.com/index.php?title=Timeline_of_Machine_Intelligence_Research_Institute&type=revision&diff=28758&oldid=20301 (89,249 bytes to 96,505 bytes)
Total so far: $665
- One year of maintenance of Timelines wiki: $300. Completed as of March 20, 2019. This includes $20/month for hosting and maintenance, plus an additional $60 ($5/month) to cover regular maintenance.
- A round of work on main page table upgrades: $125. Work done between November 28 and November 30, 2019. Rate determined as max($125, 5.05 hours * $8.50). Issues include riceissa/timelines-wiki-main-page-table#3 riceissa/timelines-wiki-main-page-table#4 and riceissa/timelines-wiki-main-page-table#5
- 9.5 months of timelines wiki maintenance: $240. $20/month for 9 months for baseline maintenance, $5/month for main page updates, and $15 extra to cover the half month.
Total so far: $421.74
- Work on Donations list website in January: $75.23 (8 hours 51 minutes at $8.50/hour between January 10 and January 21)
- Work on Donations list website in February: $42.47 (4 hours 29 minutes at $9.50/hour between February 2 and February 26)
- Work on Donations list website in March: $33.09 (3 hours 29 minutes at $9.50/hour between March 10 and March 27)
- Work on Donations list website in April: $166.73 (17 hours 33 minutes at $9.50/hour between April 8 and April 28)
- Work on Donations list website in May: $69.92 (7 hours 22 minutes at $9.50/hour between May 1 and May 13)
- Work on Donations list website in June: $14.06 (1 hour 29 minutes at $9.50/hour between June 20 and June 30)
- Work on Donations list website in September: $11.40 (1 hour 12 minutes at $9.50/hour on September 18). Most of this is exploratory work related to graphical timelines and is recorded in the comments on vipulnaik/donations#125
- Work on Donations list website in December: $8.84 (56 minutes at $9.50.hour on December 19). Work on vipulnaik/donations#126
Total so far: $48.32
- Work on learning subwiki in January: $15.19 (2 hours 26 minutes at $6.25/hour between January 7 and January 23)
- Work on learning subwiki in February: $33.13 (5 hours 18 minutes at $6.25/hour between February 12 and February 23)
Total so far: $21.49
- Work on Devec/Demography data portal in March: $1.79 (11 minutes at $9.75/hour on March 23)
- Work on Devec/Demography data portal in June: $1.66 (10 minutes at $9.75/hour on June 22)
- Work on Devec/Demography data portal in July: $18.04 (1 hour 51 minutes on July 4): Work on riceissa/devec-demography-data-portal#2
Total so far: $74.36
- Work on Computing data project in March: $4.38 (35 minutes at $7.50/hour on March 23)
- Work on Computing data project in April: $7.63 (1 hour 1 minute at $7.50/hour from April 15 to April 23)
- Fresh data collection for Computing data project in June: $21.70 (2 hours 10 minutes at $10/hour on June 18 and June 19): Note that the somewhat-higher-than-usual rate is for the fresh data collection, which tends to be more tedious than other CDP work
- Other work on Computing data project in June: $4.65 (37 minutes at $7.50/hour on June 30): This includes research on benchmarking tools
- Fresh data collection for Computing data project in July: $36 (3 hours 36 minutes at $10/hour on July 8 and July 9): Note that the somewhat-higher-than-usual rate is for the fresh data collection, which tends to be more tedious than other CDP work
Total so far: $402.74
- Work on Org Watch in March: $106.24 (11 hours 11 minutes at $9.50/hour from March 17 to March 27)
- Work on Org Watch in April: $41.96 (4 hours 25 minutes at $9.50/hour from April 1 to April 30)
- Special data entry for Org Watch in June: $253.75 (total of 12 hours 15 minutes; first 10 hours at $22/hour and remaining time at $15/hour; work from June 23 to June 28): See riceissa/aiwatch#18 for more work details
- Work on Org Watch in July: $0.79 (5 minutes at $9.50/hour on July 5)
Total so far: $110.33
- Work on AI Watch in May: $109.06 (11 hours 29 minutes at $9.50/hour from May 2 to May 22). Note that this may include some work on Org Watch; the time on the two was not separated but the bulk of the time was on AI Watch
- Work on AI Watch in August: $1.27 (8 minutes at $9.50/hour on August 16)
Total so far: $41.74
- Work on Wikipedia Views in May: $21.08 (2 hours 29 minutes at $8.50/hour on May 8 and May 9). The time is largely spent on vipulnaik/wikipediaviews#22
- Work on Wikipedia Views in June: $20.66 (2 hours 26 minutes at $8.50/hour on June 4 and June 5). The time is largely spent on some residual work for vipulnaik/wikipediaviews#22
Total so far: $350
- People watching: $350 for 96 hours of work (12 working days of 8 hours each) over the time period of February 6, 2018 to October 23, 2019. The original payment agreement was 10 working days of 8 hours each at $35/day, but we increased it by 2 days in exchange for Vipul going out and collecting some information of potential interest to Issa.
Total so far: $46.51
- Reimbursement for renewing three auxiliary domains for Cause Prioritization Wiki: $46.51. Renewal done 2019-11-11. Details: $15.17 - causeprioritization.com, $15.17 - causeprioritisation.com, $16.17 - causeprioritisation.org (.org domains cost an extra dollar). Issa shouldered the $16.17 cost of renewing the main domain causeprioritization.org himself.
Total so far: $593.85
This is work done helping Future of Humanity Institute (FHI) with recruitment. Payment is from the Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative (BERI) via the BERI/FHI collaboration. The rate is $15/hour; this time does not qualify for additional stipend from Vipul.
- July: $498.75 (33 hours 15 minutes at $15/hour)
- August: $95.10 (6 hours 20 minutes at $15/hour)
Total so far: $50
- EA Forum Comment Prize: $50. Comment made at https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/kFmFLcdSFKo2GFJkc/cause-x-guide#dqCy9FEuLDP25hw9a on September 1, 2019. A comment by Issa Rice on Joeys post "Cause X Guide" on the Effective Altruism Forum wins a $50 comment prize awarded by the Centre for Effective Altruism (CEA); see https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/AZyZ62FBJLGhzH8ni/ea-forum-prize-winners-for-september-2019 for the prize announcement
Total so far: $175
- Work on a number of issues related to analytics.vipulnaik.com: $175. Work done from October 25 to December 15, 2019. The work was on issues riceissa/analytics-table#2 riceissa/analytics-table#3 riceissa/analytics-table#4 riceissa/analytics-table#5 and riceissa/analytics-table#6 of which the bulk of effort was on the last issue; this makes available the top viewed pages by month for each site. Payment calculated as max($175, 20.10 hours * $8.50/hour).
Total so far: $135
- Fact-finding mission for search.gov: $30 (3 hours at $10/hour on July 13). Output in private location (for now)
- Automatic Wikipedia backup download: $105. Payment for maintaining the process that does daily backups of Wikipedia content, at $2/week for 52 weeks, from 2019-01-01 to 2019-12-31, with an extra dollar because of the extra day beyond 52 weeks
Total so far: $1792.19
- January: $194.38. Worked 22.03 hours against total work hours of 136, so pay scaled from original of $1200.
- February: $112.50. Worked 12.75 hours against total work hours of 136, so pay scaled from original of $1200.
- March: $159.88. Worked 18.12 hours against total work hours of 136, so pay scaled from original of $1200.
- April: $267.35. Worked 30.3 hours against total work hours of 136, so pay scaled from original of $1200.
- May: $275.56. Worked 31.23 hours against total work hours of 136, so pay scaled from original of $1200.
- June: $265.76. Worked 30.12 hours against total work hours of 136, so pay scaled from original of $1200.
- July: $120.44. Worked 13.65 hours against total work hours of 136, so pay scaled from original of $1200.
- August: $93.79. Worked 10.63 hours against total work hours of 136, so pay scaled from original of $1200.
- September: $32.21. Worked 3.65 hours against total work hours of 136, so pay scaled from original of $1200.
- October: $88.06. Worked 9.98 hours against total work hours of 136, so pay scaled from original of $1200.
- November: $94.24. Worked 10.68 hours against total work hours of 136, so pay scaled from original of $1200.
- December: $88.02. Worked 9.78 hours at $9/hour.
Total so far: $75
- Mati Roy: 15% on $500 = $75
Total so far: $4906.87
- $4263.02 via PayPal on August 2, 2019 (from Vipul Naik)
- $498.75 as direct deposit via Gusto on August 13, 2019 (from Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative)
- $95.10 as direct deposit via Gusto on September 11, 2019 (from Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative)
- $50 as direct deposit on November 15, 2019 (from the Centre for Effective Altruism)
Total money earned by doing work (taxable as income for 2018): $18288.32
Payment made: $28000
Carryover payment due from 2017: $11048.42
Net payment due: $1336.74
Total so far: $375
- Timeline of Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative: $50. Completed February 9, 2018. Completed version at https://timelines.issarice.com/index.php?title=Timeline_of_Berkeley_Existential_Risk_Initiative&oldid=19986 (10,881 bytes, 2018-02-09 18:49 UTC)
- Timeline of OpenAI: $100. Completed May 8, 2018. Completed version at https://timelines.issarice.com/index.php?title=Timeline_of_OpenAI&oldid=22261 (2018-05-08 23:02 UTC, 28771 bytes, 37 rows)
- Timeline of the rationality community: $70. Completed May 9, 2018. Completed version at https://timelines.issarice.com/index.php?title=Timeline_of_the_rationality_community&oldid=22297 (2018-05-10 05:19 UTC, 23790 bytes, 42 rows)
- Timeline of Center for Human-Compatible AI: $30. Completed May 10, 2018. Completed version at https://timelines.issarice.com/index.php?title=Timeline_of_Center_for_Human-Compatible_AI&oldid=22309 (2018-05-11 00:35 UTC, 7179 bytes, 11 rows)
- Timeline of Google Brain: $75. Completed June 13, 2018. Completed version at https://timelines.issarice.com/index.php?title=Timeline_of_Google_Brain&oldid=23178 (2018-06-14 00:59 UTC, 17419 bytes, 24 rows)
- Timeline of Foundational Research Institute: $50. Completed July 16, 2018. Completed version at https://timelines.issarice.com/index.php?title=Timeline_of_Foundational_Research_Institute&oldid=23956 (2018-07-16 17:08 UTC, 10413 bytes, 19 rows)
Total so far: $300
- Timeline of Future of Humanity Institute: $300. Completed March 18, 2018. Completed version at https://timelines.issarice.com/index.php?title=Timeline_of_Future_of_Humanity_Institute&oldid=21039 (2018-03-18 18:48 UTC, 91994 bytes, 150 rows)
Total so far: $25
- Timeline of Machine Intelligence Research Institute: $25. Completed February 24, 2018. Payment for page as of https://timelines.issarice.com/index.php?title=Timeline_of_Machine_Intelligence_Research_Institute&oldid=20301 and specifically for the diff https://timelines.issarice.com/index.php?title=Timeline_of_Machine_Intelligence_Research_Institute&type=revision&diff=20301&oldid=16832 (82,663 bytes to 89,249 bytes)
Total so far: $219.26
- Navigate to Web Pages Efficiently Without Using Navigation Menus: $118.13 (15 hours 45 minutes at $7.50/hour). Completed September 10, 2018. Worked August 23 to September 10, including post-publication improvement. Completed version at https://www.wikihow.com/index.php?title=Navigate-to-Web-Pages-Efficiently-Without-Using-Navigation-Menus&oldid=25218935 and mirror at https://github.com/riceissa/issarice.com/blob/master/external/wikihow.com/url-navigation-tips.mediawiki
- Write Facebook Graph Search Queries: $101.13 at $7.50/hour for 13 hours 29 minutes. Work done between the days of September 30 and October 4.
Total so far: $18.90
- Miscellaneous work in September: $18.90 (2 hours 31 minutes at $7.50/hour). Work done on September 8 and 9. Involved making improvements to pages such as https://www.wikihow.com/index.php?title=Get-Traffic-Analytics-for-a-Website-You-Don%27t-Own&diff=25209675&oldid=25104427
Total so far: $1365.75
- Work on Cause Prioritization Wiki (first installment): $450 at $45/day for 10 days, ending March 7, 2018.
- Work on Cause Prioritization Wiki (second installment): $400 at $40/day for 10 days, from March 8, 2018 to April 14, 2018 (ending March 29, 2018 excluding report preparation). Progress report at https://causeprioritization.org/Progress_report_2018-03-08_to_2018-03-29
- Work on Cause Prioritization Wiki (third installment): $400 at $40/day for 10 days, from April 14, 2018 to May 3, 2018. Progress report at https://causeprioritization.org/Progress_report_starting_2018-04-14
- Work on Cause Prioritization Wiki (aborted fourth installment) $33 at $40/day for 6 hours 35 minutes of work on May 3, 2018. The original thinking was that this would lead to another 10-day block, but Vipul decided against investing in that 10-day block right now.
- Work on Cause Prioritization Wiki in October, on topics donor motivations, donation considerations, and EA Projects: $37.60 at $5/hour for 7 hours 31 minutes. Work done October 27 and October 28.
- Work on Cause Prioritization Wiki in October, on topics technological progress and stagnation: $45.15 at $5/hour for 9 hours 2 minutes. Work done between October 29 and October 31.
Total so far: $380
- People watching: $380 for two 4-day periods at $50/day and $45/day, ending January 13, 2018.
Total so far: $2072.88
- Work on Donations list website in January: $675 (79 hours 20 minutes)
- Work on Donations list website in February: $350 (41 hours)
- Work on Donations list website in March: $70 (8 hours 12 minutes)
- Work on Donations list website in April: $250 (29 hours 43 minutes)
- Work on Donations list website in May: $78 (9 hours 8 minutes)
- Work on Donations list website in June: $55 (6 hours 27 minutes)
- Work on Donations list website in July: $146 (17 hours 11 minutes at $8.50/hour)
- Donations list website: tutorial and request for feedback: $65 (7 hours 38 minutes at $8.50/hour). Work done between August 18 and August 24. The post itself was published on August 21, but time spent includes time replying to comments
- Work on Donations list website in August (excluding EA Forum post): $215 (25 hours 18 minutes at $8.50/hour). Date range of work in month: August 5 to August 30
- Work on Donations list website in September: $39.10 (4 hours 36 minutes at $8.50/hour). Work happened from September 1 to September 21
- Work on Donations list website in October: $66.44 (7 hours 49 minutes at $8.50/hour). Work happened from October 5 to October 22
- Work on Donations list website in November: $53.98 (6 hours 21 minutes at $8.50/hour). Work happened from November 6 to November 29
- Work on Donations list website in December: $8.76 (1 hour 2 minutes at $8.50/hour). Work happened from December 5 to December 27
Total so far: $50
- Work on Contract Work website in October: $50. Work summarized in pull request; underlying issue here. Pay at max{$8.50 * number of hours, $50}. Work done on October 24, 2018. Since work was completed in two hours, full pay of $50 was applied.
Total so far: $497.98
- Work on Org Watch in June: $396 (52 hours 48 minutes at $7.50/hour)
- Work on Org Watch in July: $17 (2 hours 17 minutes at $7.50/hour)
- Work on Org Watch in August and September: $68.85 (9 hours 11 minutes at $7.50/hour). Mostly happened September 13 to September 19
- Work on Org Watch in October: $16.13 (2 hours 9 minutes at $7.50/hour). Work happened between October 6 and October 17.
Total so far: $100
NOTE: This does not include AI Watch tasks that are performed during hours covered under the stipend, but are not directly paid for.
- Work on AI Watch in May: $100. 2 days (total 16 hours: May 28 and May 29) of work to add more data and summarization tools for people at the Machine Intelligence Research Institute: https://aiwatch.issarice.com/?organization=Machine+Intelligence+Research+Institute
Total so far: $36
- Work on Devec/Demography data portal in May: $36 (3 hours 43 minutes). Helping Vipul set up devec hosting, and some bugfixes and improvements in the process. See https://github.com/riceissa/devec-demography-data-portal/commits for more details
Total so far: $417
- Work on computing data project in July: $408 (41 hours 53 minutes at $9.75/hour)
- Work on computing data project in August: $9 (1 hour 12 minutes at $7.50/hour). Work done on August 27
Total so far: $404
- Work in July to match against CDP work in July: $295 (30 hours 14 minutes at $9.75/hour)
- Work in August to match against CDP work in July: $109 (11 hours 10 minutes at $9.75/hour). Work done August 2 to August 3
Total so far: $30
- Org repo: $30 (5 hours 8 minutes of work, completed May 27)
Total so far: $70
- Wikipedia Clickstream: $70. Worked for 7 hours, 54 minutes, on April 21 and April 25. The work built on previous work with the clickstream dataset to streamline the monthly update process, now that the Wikimedia Foundation is publishing the datasets every month. See vipulnaik/wikipediaviews#21 for the issue specifics
Total so far: $158.31
- Work on career planning in September: $158.31 (25 hours 20 minutes at $6.25/hour). Work happened from September 22 to September 30
- Work on career planning in October: $51.25 (8 hours 12 minutes at $6.25/hour). Work happened from October 2 to October 11
Total so far: $383.62
- Work on learning subwiki August to November: $306.56 (45 hours 51 minutes). August: 4th; September: 10th to 20th; October: 6th to 26th; November: 2nd to 29th. $70 for the first 8 hours at $8.75/hour, and $236.56 for the next 37 hours 51 minutes at $6.25/hour.
- Work on learning subwiki December: $77.06 (12 hours 20 minutes at $6.25/hour). Work done December 6 to December 24
Total so far: $444
- Timelines main page update at request: $5. Done March 10, 2018.
- One year of timelines wiki maintenance: $320. Completed as of March 20, 2018. This includes hosting and maintenance costs of $20/month (total $240), plus payment for additional work, such as automating the main page table and making sure it is updated: https://github.com/riceissa/timelines-wiki-main-page-table
- Timelines wiki popularization thinking: $119. Completed April 13, 2018. This is 19 hours of work brainstorming various ideas on improving content and engagement with Timelines wiki. One of the outcomes of this was the creation of the Timelines wiki subreddit to which Issa has been posting regularly. Budget was for four days (32 hours) at $6.25/hour of which 19 were used; Issa has flexibility to spend, report, and get paid for the remaining 13 hours later
Total so far: $433
- Work on summer recruitment plans: $50. Completed April 13, 2018. This is 8.5 hours of work. This was an exploration of strategies to find people who might work with us over the summer. However, we ultimately decided not to pursue this further in 2018. Initially agreed on $50 for 8 hours of work; Issa ended up spending an extra half hour on it
- GraphQL tutorial for LessWrong and Effective Altruism Forum: $120 (16 hours at $7.50/hour). Completed December 8, 2018. Work done November 16, 2018 to December 8, 2018, see history at https://github.com/riceissa/ea-forum-reader/commits/master/tutorial.md Although work on the post and the associated tools took more time, the paid time was capped at 16 hours. The post was added to the LW Open Source Guide by Raymond Arnold.
- First round of work on analytics.vipulnaik.com: $150 (pay was agreed at $8.50/hour with a floor of $150; total work was 12.92 hours so that the floor of $150 was binding). Work done November 26, 2018 to December 15, 2018. GitHub repository riceissa/analytics-table
- Automatic Wikipedia backup download: $113. $2/week from 2017-12-02 to 2018-12-31. After this point, payment cadence will transition to calendar years, at $2/week.
Total so far: $10396.97
- January: $1500
- February: $1500. Worked 161.6 hours against total work hours of 160; accumulated 1.6 hours to adjust against a future month.
- March: $1500. Worked 184 hours against total work hours of 184.
- April: $1500. Worked 160.78 hours against total work hours of 160.
- May: $540. Worked 63.9 hours against total work hours of 184. Applied 2.38 hours from the past, giving 66.28 hours.
- June: $659. Worked 77.28 against total work hours of 176, so pay scaled from original of $1500.
- July: $791. Worked 97.07 hours against total work hours of 184, so pay scaled from original of $1500.
- August: $528. Worked 59.82 hours against total work hours of 136, so pay scaled from original of $1200.
- September: $643.67. Worked 72.95 hours against total work hours of 136, so pay scaled from original of $1200.
- October: $585. Worked 66.30 hours against total work hours of 136, so pay scaled from original of $1200.
- November: $419.12. Worked 47.50 hours against total work hours of 136, so pay scaled from original of $1200.
- December: $231.18. Worked 26.20 hours against total work hours of 136, so pay scaled from original of $1200.
Total so far: $6
- April 1, 2018: $6. Payment of $1 for every $1,000 in deferred payment receipt above a $12,000 base. Since the check was for $18,000, that translated to $6 (for the $6,000 above the base $12,000)
Total so far: $30
- January: $10
- April: $10
- September: $10
Total so far: $24
- Orpheus Lummis: 15% on $160 = $24
At some point:
- Update pay for timeline of BERI updates/expansion
- Updates to timeline of MIRI, CFAR, and AI safety
Total so far: $28000
- Check for $18000: Dated April 1, 2018, mailed April 2, 2018. Received April 5, 2018. Deposited April 9, 2018. Last release of money planned for April 18, 2018.
- Check for $10000: Dated November 22, 2018, mailed November 22, 2018. Received November 30, 2018. Deposited December 11, 2018. Last release of money planned for December 12, 2018. Money deducted from sender account December 12, 2018.
Total money earned by doing work (taxable as income for 2017): $36765.10
Payment made: $31000
Carryover payment due from 2016: $5283.32
Net payment due: $11048.42
Total so far: $202
- Timeline of digital preservation: $90. Completed January 4, 2017.
- Global Burden of Disease Study: $75. Completed February 7, 2017.
- Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security: $37. Completed February 9, 2017.
Total so far: $1695
- Timeline of Against Malaria Foundation: $155. Completed April 27, 2017. Version as of https://timelines.issarice.com/index.php?title=Timeline_of_Against_Malaria_Foundation&oldid=13553
- Timeline of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: $120. Completed May 11, 2017. Version as of https://timelines.issarice.com/index.php?title=Timeline_of_Bill_%26_Melinda_Gates_Foundation&oldid=13804
- Timeline of electricity adoption: $125. Completed June 8, 2017. Version as of https://timelines.issarice.com/index.php?title=Timeline_of_electricity_adoption&oldid=14606
- Timeline of Machine Intelligence Research Institute. $250. Completed July 15, 2017. Version as of https://timelines.issarice.com/index.php?title=Timeline_of_Machine_Intelligence_Research_Institute&oldid=15715
- Timeline of Center for Applied Rationality. $50. Completed July 28, 2017. Version as of https://timelines.issarice.com/index.php?title=Timeline_of_Center_for_Applied_Rationality&oldid=16107
- Timeline of Bitcoin: $180. Completed August 3, 2017. Completed version at https://timelines.issarice.com/index.php?title=Timeline_of_Bitcoin&oldid=16223 (2017-08-03 19:07 UTC, 58300 bytes, 118 rows)
- Timeline of libertarianism in the United States: $150. Completed August 10, 2017, with 89 rows. Version as of https://timelines.issarice.com/index.php?title=Timeline_of_libertarianism_in_the_United_States&oldid=16484
- Timeline of Niskanen Center. $115. Completed August 16, 2017. Version as of https://timelines.issarice.com/index.php?title=Timeline_of_Niskanen_Center&oldid=16681
- Timeline of Ludwig von Mises Institute: $75. Completed August 25, 2017, with 29 rows. Version as of https://timelines.issarice.com/index.php?title=Timeline_of_Ludwig_von_Mises_Institute&oldid=17039
- Timeline of Cato Institute: $135. Completed August 31, 2017, with 81 rows. Still needs some big picture expansion and more event completion. Version as of https://timelines.issarice.com/index.php?title=Timeline_of_Cato_Institute&oldid=17072
- Timeline of AI safety: $170. Completed October 31, 2017, with 83 rows. Still missing a big picture. Version as of https://timelines.issarice.com/index.php?title=Timeline_of_AI_safety&oldid=18070
- Timeline of evolutionary thought: $25. Completed December 2, 2017 (stub). Completed version at https://timelines.issarice.com/index.php?title=Timeline_of_evolutionary_thought&oldid=18927 (2017-12-03 00:57 UTC, 4828 bytes, 20 rows)
- Timeline of economic statistics: $145. Completed November 10, 2017. Completed version at https://timelines.issarice.com/index.php?title=Timeline_of_economic_statistics&oldid=18235 (2017-11-11 00:46 UTC, 55767 bytes). About half the size as of this point was due to Issa, with the other half being from Vipul. Subsequent expansion was mostly by Vipul
Total so far: $645
- hits-based giving project: $570. Initial work on a project based on a slight modification of an earlier proposal by Peter Hurford. The project couldn't work out due to data not being available; however, Issa was paid $15/hour for 38 hours.
- Breakdown of Open Phil donations by disclosure and year, also works with any cause area filter: $75. Although total billable time cost was a little higher, that time was also used to improve the Donations list website, so Peter only paid part of the cost.
Total so far: $41
- Cause Prioritization Wiki (January 1, 2016 to February 10, 2017): $41
For each month, the payment is calculated according to:
max{$27, min{$50, 5 * (1 + N)}}
Here, N is supposed to represent number of new distinct grants. This is calculated as follows: at the end of each month, take the union of "all grants newly announced to the public by Open Phil during that month" and "all grants newly announced to the public by Good Ventures during that month". Then N is the number of grants in this set. Note that because Open Phil and Good Ventures do not immediately add grants to their databases as soon as they are made, the grants newly announced to the public during a month likely differ from the grants made during the same month.
Total so far: $100
- January end update of Open Phil and GV grants database: $50 (for adding 6 new grants to Open Phil and 13 new grants to Good Ventures). Completed January 29, 2017.
- February end update of Open Phil and GV grants database: $50 (for adding 13 new grants to Open Phil and 9 new grants to Good Ventures). Completed February February 26, 2017.
A series of updates starting in the latter half of February 2017.
Total so far: $323
- Timeline of Snapchat: $28. Completed February 17, 2017.
- Timeline of Facebook: $25. Completed February 18, 2017.
- Timeline of Pinterest: $30. Completed February 20, 2017.
- Timeline of Airbnb: $23. Completed February 21, 2017.
- Timeline of Twitter: $28. Completed February 21, 2017.
- Timeline of LinkedIn: $38. Completed February 22, 2017.
- Timeline of Instagram: $22. Completed February 22, 2017.
- Timeline of GitHub: $100. Completed March 1, 2017.
- Timeline of Reddit: $29. Completed March 3, 2017.
Total so far: $7064
- Initial work on SQL table structure and initial set of rows for https://donations.vipulnaik.com: $155. Completed January 8, 2017.
- Post announcing essay contest for general considerations for small-scale giving opportunities: $50. Completed January 19, 2017.
- Fixes to page for Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance: $7. Completed January 25, 2017.
- Consulting work, fixing character encoding issue on Wikipedia Views, see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39261867/php-mysql-fixing-utf8-text-corrupted-by-implicit-mysqliset-charsetlatin1: $20. Completed January 25, 2017.
- Updates to timeline of global health; fixed 11 dead links and added three new events (first two cholera pandemics, typhus epidemic): $20. Completed January 26, 2017.
- Added reception section to page on Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME): $14. Completed January 28, 2017.
- Moving ICCIDD page to Iodine Global Network and updating the page content: $14. Completed February 7, 2017.
- Form 990 page, added Decoder by Charity Navigator: $3. Completed February 10, 2017.
- Addition of many new pages to create (Open Philanthropy Project grantees who do not have their own Wikipedia pages), to the new article pool: $50. Completed February 10, 2017.
- Addition of grants data to Laura and John Arnold Foundation page: $220. Based on GitHub repository https://github.com/riceissa/arnold-foundation-grants and originally attempted to save on the main page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laura_and_John_Arnold_Foundation but reverted by Jytdog, see https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Laura_and_John_Arnold_Foundation&type=revision&diff=765028074&oldid=765019623 so saved a search engine-indexable version in userspace. Completed February 11, 2017.
- Preliminary research understanding different patterns of editing on Wikipedia. Research produced profiles of different kinds of Wikipedia editors, and an interface to generate a report on the trajectory of Wikipedia editor. The interface is not yet public: $200. Completed March 3, 2017. You can see code at https://github.com/riceissa/wikidossier
- Content migration of timelines from Wikipedia to Timelines wiki (at https://timelines.issarice.com): $200. Completed March 20, 2017.
- Addition of Laura and John Arnold Foundation grants to donations list website, see https://github.com/riceissa/arnold-foundation-grants/blob/master/grants.sql for the pasteable code and https://donations.vipulnaik.com/donor.php?donor=Laura+and+John+Arnold+Foundation for the result: $60. Completed March 22, 2017.
- LessWrong post on LessWrong traffic data: $80. Post available at http://lesswrong.com/lw/owa/lesswrong_analytics_february_2009_to_january_2017/ published on April 16, 2017.
- Addition of Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation grants to donations list website, see https://github.com/riceissa/gates-foundation-iati-processing for the code to generate the data, and https://donations.vipulnaik.com/donor.php?donor=Bill+and+Melinda+Gates+Foundation for the result: $230. Completed April 23, 2017.
- Improvements to wikidossier, including user comparison and namespace breakdown: $100. Completed March 11, 2017. See https://github.com/riceissa/wikidossier/commit/ae343d95b27bb0cb65fcf886f96591cabd6d25ca for the most recent commit covered by this payment.
- Fix sorting of tables for donations.vipulnaik.com so it can handle sorting with the numbers having commas in them for readability: $40. Completed June 18, 2017. See https://github.com/vipulnaik/donations/tree/comma-sort for the branch and https://github.com/vipulnaik/donations/commit/f7f99b4f0db39d3147d72a5a7f8f30f856fa4e9f for the most recent commit.
- Add legend in graphs on Wikipedia Views: $40. Completed July 7, 2017. See vipulnaik/wikipediaviews#18 and vipulnaik/wikipediaviews#19. Code is at https://github.com/vipulnaik/wikipediaviews/blob/master/python/graph.py and was also copied by Vipul to https://github.com/vipulnaik/bart/blob/master/python/graph.py and https://github.com/vipulnaik/donations/blob/master/python/graph.py
- Lots of code updates for Donations list website: $300. Completed July 22, 2017. See the branches https://github.com/vipulnaik/donations/tree/donee-deduplication https://github.com/vipulnaik/donations/tree/donor-similarity and https://github.com/vipulnaik/donations/tree/notes-col-expansion for the relevant commits. Some commits done directly in master. Worked for about 5.5 working days (started July 15, 2017).
- One-time onboarding payment for Sebastian Sanchez: $75. Awarded August 5, 2017. Since no commission structure was used for Sebastian, but Issa did help with onboarding Sebastian and continues to provide technical assistance, a one-time payment of $75 (at 15% of the first $500) was added.
- Lots of code updates for Donations list website: $325. Completed August 12, 2017. This included some work for Peter visible at https://donations.vipulnaik.com/donor.php?donor=Open+Philanthropy+Project#donorDonationAmountsByDisclosuresAndYear for which a cost of $75 was paid by Peter, so the amount paid here includes total value of work ($400) minus the cost covered by Peter. Work spanned 6.5 working days.
- Creation of list of Open Philanthropy Project predictions on PredictionBook: $74. Completed August 29, 2017. Available at https://predictionbook.com/users/OpenPhilUnofficial and GitHub repository at https://github.com/riceissa/open-phil-predictions Breakdown of pay: $30 base pay, $44 for predictions
- Lots of code updates for Donations list website: $200. Completed September 30, 2017. See commits from September 28 to September 30 by Issa Rice, specifically https://github.com/vipulnaik/donations/commits?author=riceissa&since=2017-09-28T07:00:00Z&until=2017-10-01T07:00:00Z for the full list. This included incorporating data from the Effective Altruism Survey (separate repository https://github.com/riceissa/ea-survey-donations with 12 commits) and Effective Altruism Grants (separate repository https://github.com/riceissa/ea-grants-processing/commits?author=riceissa&since=2017-09-01T07:00:00Z&until=2017-10-01T07:00:00Z with 6 commits)
- Code updates for contractwork.vipulnaik.com: $135. Completed October 7, 2017, in 8 hours and 49 minutes. Code written to generate graphs of incremental and cumulative payments by various drilldowns plotted at yearly and monthly granularity. See pull requests #10 #11 #12 or look at the commits made in https://github.com/riceissa/contractwork/tree/misc-2017-10 (a fork where the commits were made).
- Preliminary research in development economics: $300. Completed October 7, 2017. This is a stipend supplement. Preliminary reading on development economics as well as databases of economic growth and metrics. This would eventually help with data porting exercises and expanding https://devec.subwiki.org (the Devec subwiki).
- First round of work on data gathering from the Devec data portal: $700. Completed October 30, 2017. Most of the work was done between ? and ?. Outputs are at https://github.com/riceissa/maddison-project-data https://github.com/riceissa/penn-world-table-data https://github.com/riceissa/world-development-indicators https://github.com/riceissa/total-economy-database https://github.com/riceissa/fred-processing Total time spent is about 71 hours and 48 minutes.
- Phase 1 of work on AI Watch portal: $150. Completed November 7, 2017.
- Automatic Wikipedia backup download, keeping it running continuously: $212. $4 per week at 53 weeks.
- People watching: $400 for two 4-day periods at $50/day, 4 days each in the last two weeks of December, ending December 29. See https://github.com/riceissa/issarice.com/commit/0e10eca1b82c425067779bc32af0b6f94be7acb8#diff-c7ed78d772be81a5381d65cc6d32a95f for more details
- Work on Donations list website, including a bunch of issues related to importing data: $260. Total of 30 hours and 18 minutes logged, with last work on December 30. See comments made in December on http://github.com/vipulnaik/donations/issues for more information.
- Wikipedia spotlight: $700. Last worked on on November 30, 2017. Retrospective on how we got kicked out of Wikipedia for paid editing. This includes $600 for work from March through June and $100 for two days of work in November. There is a remaining $300 of potential pay for this project, for likely 6 days of additional work.
- Devec/Demography data portal work (SQL data porting): $475. Pay till December 7, 2017. Continued work on data porting to SQL; this extends the previously mentioned work ending 2017-10-30 of importing datasets and cleaning them up. This entry counts the part of the work after 2017-10-30 and till 2017-12-07
- Devec/Demography data portal work (portal creation): $165. Pay till December 14, 2017. Work on setting up the interface of the Devec/Demography data portal, from 2017-12-08 to 2017-12-14. Launch of the portal is pending review by Vipul
- Devec/Demography data portal work (SQL query optimization): $40. Pay till November 17, 2017. SQL query optimization work on 2017-11-16 and 2017-11-17 related to the Devec/Demography data portal
- Devec reading (related to Devec subwiki): $350. Pay till November 16, 2017. Continuation of preliminary reading in development economics work; this covers the batch of reading from 2017-10-07 to 2017-11-16. A previous payment was added for work from 2017-09-06 to 2017-10-06
- Computing data project: $250. Pay till December 9, 2017. Basic data entry and setup for a project to track computing prices over time. The project was paused for a while without producing a complete launchable product or website. Work was from 2017-11-18 to 2017-12-09
Total so far: $27014
- January: $250
- February: $250
- March: $1500
- January (deferred, realized on March 24) : $1200. More than usual $750 because of full month spent doing global health work.
- February (deferred, realized on March 24): $1150. More than usual $750 since most of the month was spent working with Vipul.
- Deferred stipends from 2016 awarded in 2017: $9360
- April: $1500
- May: $1304 (adjusted downward since Issa took the last week of May (Monday May 29 to Wednesday May 31) off)
- June: $1500
- July: $1500
- August: $1500
- September : $1500
- October: $1500
- November: $1500
- December: $1500
Total so far: $100
- January total: $20
- February total: $20
- April total: $10
- June total: $20
- October total: $10
- November total: $20
Total so far: $31.10
- Joey Malandra: 10% on $73 = $7.30
- Charlie Corner: 15% on $50 = $7.50
- Devansh Dwivedy: 10% on $28 = $2.80
- Thomas Foster: 10% on $25 = $2.50
- Avi Glozman: 10% on $110 = $11
Total so far: $31000
- Check for $4000: Sent October 1, 2016. Deposited January 3, 2017, money withdrawn from account January 4, 2017.
- Check for $12000: Sent March 25, 2017. Received April 10, 2017. Deposited April 15, 2017, money withdrawn from account April 17, 2017.
- Check for $15000: Sent September 27, 2017. Received September 30, 2017. Deposited October 2, 2017, third installment of money to be deposited October 12, 2017.
Total money earned by doing work (taxable as income for 2016): $10266.55
Reimbursement due (not taxable as income for 2016): $401.03
Payment made: $6382
Carryover pending payment from 2015: $997.74
Net payment due: $5283.32
Total so far: $1823
- Green Card Test: $25. Published January 5, 2016.
- Triplebyte: $25 for initial work, $6 for additional later work and publication: $31. Initial work in January 2016, publication later in the year on June 4. Deleted but still in userspace.
- Form 1099: $50. Published January 11, 2016.
- Form 1099-MISC: $100. Published January 21, 2016.
- Form W-9: $50. Published January 23, 2016.
- Form 1096: $25. Published January 25, 2016.
- Form W-2: $100. Published January 28, 2016.
- Form 990: $100. Published February 3, 2016.
- Form I-140: $150, plus $18 for other miscellaneous improvements. Published March 4, 2016.
- Open Philanthropy Project: $100. Published March 22, 2016.
- Timeline of global health: $170 + $20 completion bonus. Published April 14, 2016.
- Timeline of deworming: $115. Published April 24, 2016.
- Timeline of nonprofit evaluation: $105. Published April 30, 2016.
- 3 by 5 Initiative: $30. Published May 2, 2016.
- Innovative Vector Control Consortium: $35. Published May 4, 2016.
- The State of the World's Children: $30. Published May 4, 2016.
- Child survival revolution: $101. Published May 11, 2016.
- Participatory poverty assessment: $63. Published May 17, 2016.
- Voices of the Poor: $39. Published May 18, 2016.
- International Decision Support Initiative: $39. Published June 7, 2016.
- Amanda Glassman: $32. Published June 8, 2016.
- Health systems strengthening: $43. Published June 17, 2016.
- Professional consensus of economics: $67. Published July 10, 2016.
- Priority-setting in global health: $155. Published July 27, 2016.
- Initiative on Global Markets: $30. Published October 5, 2016.
For each month, the payment is calculated according to:
max{$27, min{$50, 5 * (1 + N)}}
Here, N is supposed to represent number of new distinct grants. This is calculated as follows: at the end of each month, take the union of "all grants newly announced to the public by Open Phil during that month" and "all grants newly announced to the public by Good Ventures during that month". Then N is the number of grants in this set. Note that because Open Phil and Good Ventures do not immediately add grants to their databases as soon as they are made, the grants newly announced to the public during a month likely differ from the grants made during the same month.
Total so far: $417
- Monthly update of Open Phil and Good Ventures grant lists (end of April): $50. Completed April 30, 2016.
- Monthly update of Open Phil and Good Ventures grant lists (end of May): $50. Completed June 4, 2016.
- Monthly update of Open Phil and Good Ventures lists (end of June): $27. Completed July 1, 2016.
- Monthly update of Open Phil and Good Ventures lists (end of July): $45 (6 new grants + 2 delayed grants). Completed July 29, 2016.
- Monthly update of Open Phil and Good Ventures lists (end of August): $55 ($45 for adding 8 new grants in total, and $10 for one-time extra work to deal with changes in the format). Completed August 31, 2016.
- Monthly update of Open Phil and GV grants database: $50 (for adding 8 new grants to Open Phil and 12 new grants to Good Ventures). Completed September 29, 2016.
- Monthly update of Open Phil and GV grants database: $50 (for adding 18 new grants to Open Phil and 11 new grants to Good Ventures). Completed October 27, 2016.
- Monthly update of Open Phil and GV grants database: $50 (for adding 4 new grants to Open Phil (plus data wrangling) and 8 new grants to Good Ventures, for a total of 9 or more distinct grants). Completed November 30, 2016.
- Monthly update of Open Phil and GV grants database: $40 (for adding 7 new grants to Open Phil). Completed December 28, 2016.
Total so far: $250
- Addition of grants made table to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation English Wikipedia page: $50. Completed August 29, 2016.
- More addition of grants data to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation English Wikipedia page: $40. Completed September 1, 2016.
- Clarifications to grants data for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation English Wikipedia page: $5. Completed September 2, 2016.
- Grants data added for the Hewlett Foundation Wikipedia page: $40. Completed September 2, 2016.
- Grants data added for the Department for International Development page: $30. Completed September 3, 2016.
- Grants table added for the World Bank: $30. Completed September 4, 2016.
- Grants table added for the United Nations Development Programme: $30. Completed September 4, 2016.
- Some investigation into the French Development Agency IATI grants; we ultimately decided not to publish anything: $10. Completed September 5, 2016.
- Grants table added for the GAVI Alliance: $15. Completed September 6, 2016.
Total so far: $2993
- US tax investigation for compliance requirements for contract workers: $150. Completed January 18, 2016.
- stats.grok.se Wikimedia API fix: $80. Completed January 31, 2016.
- Retrieval of Animal Charity Evaluators: $20. Completed March 18, 2016.
- Adding years to DCP page: $6. Completed April 13, 2016.
- Other misc pay for consulting etc.: $25. Completed April 16, 2016.
- Wasted effort on timeline of mental health, after discovering that a similar page on timeline of psychiatry exists: $10. Completed April 26, 2016.
- Disease Control Priorities Project reference cleanup, page restructuring, more info on specific reports: $20. Completed May 25, 2016.
- Wikipedia usage survey construction and associated research: $70. Completed May 31, 2016.
- Sprucing up of GiveWell top charity pages: $55 ($25 each for AMF and GiveDirectly, another $5 for other general cleanup). Completed June 24, 2016.
- Work on review of GiveWell's finances and expenses: $100 (work still ongoing). Completed June 25, 2016.
- Tax issues resolution: $100 (final submission not done yet but this will be the total pay). Completed July 1, 2016.
- Wikipedia usage survey writeup: $110. Completed July 14, 2016.
- Some improvements to the Against Malaria Foundation Wikipedia page: $10. Completed July 16, 2016.
- Privacy Impact Assessment cleanup: $5. Completed August 7, 2016.
- GiveWell board meeting EA Forum article (http://effective-altruism.com/ea/10l/june_2016_givewell_board_meeting/): $100. Completed August 17, 2016.
- Creation of a model for computing the total value of a Wikipedia pageview. Ongoing work. Payment of $40 for work done as of August 29, 2016.
- Some improvements to the Form 1040 Wikipedia page: Completed September 17, 2016.
- Sprucing up of Google Consumer Surveys: $32. Completed September 30, 2016.
- Improving GiveWell staff growth page to now separately cover Open Phil and GiveWell staff: $10. Completed October 1, 2016.
- Adding plotting code and correlation matrix logic for Wikipedia Views: $80. Completed October 13, 2016. Working code available at https://gist.github.com/riceissa/8726e6a90d4a7634f3dd79cc1fdb63d5
- Restructuring and cleanup of Scientific Charity Movement page: $20. Completed October 14, 2016.
- Cleanup and expansion of Hiroshi Nakajima page: $35. Completed October 20, 2016.
- Wikipedia clickstream dataset work: $130. Completed November 4, 2016.
- Investigation into correlation between estimates of foreign-born and unauthorized population and state-level values of the populations: $80. Completed November 15, 2016.
- Adding bar and line chart generation code for pageview distribution for Wikipedia Views: $40. Completed November 19, 2016. Successfully integrated into Wikipedia Views on the same date.
- Getting list of special pages in all language Wikipedias: $40. Completed November 20, 2016.
- Getting list of help pages in all language Wikipedias: $25. Completed November 21, 2016.
- Automatic Wikipedia backup download: $100. Completed November 28, 2016.
- Updates to GiveWell and its top charities' Wikipedia pages to reflect 2016 recommendation status: $100. Completed November 30, 2016.
- Addition of new rows to timeline of Wikimedia analytics: $10. Completed November 30, 2016.
- Investigation into S3 cost modeling. Code at https://gist.github.com/riceissa/51ceb243a2f23995b902c1e320efdf71: $170. Completed December 3, 2016.
- Review and feedback on new version of Wikipedia usage survey results: $55 (originally planned for $50, then upped to $70, but then we decided I would fork it). Completed December 24, 2016.
- Work on the great decline post. The post itself is shelved for now. $925. Completed October 3, 2016. Payment added December 25, 2016, because the original plan was to add payment after completion of the work, but I decided to defer completion for a few months.
- Language conversion. $150. Completed October 4, 2016. Issa still owes me some some language conversions when I need them, though I'll probably just incorporate his code ideas into WV and he won't need to do anything (other than maybe help if I have questions).
- Researcher profiles: $70. Completed part sponsored by Vipul by December 31, 2016, though project officially stopped January 1, 2017.
Completed tasks for which payment was finalized too late for the 2016 tax year (will be included in 2017)
Total: $450
- Tag page list translation to other languages: $150. Completed about September 30, 2017. Payment finalized November 8, 2017. From chat logs: did finnish cities, usual 4, did japanese, usual 4,, onto musicians, did japanese, no drake, romeo santos, sia, did french, no drake or sia, did spanish, no drake or sia, did german, no drake or sia, did italian, no drake or sia, did dutch, no drake, romeo santos, sia, did polish, same 3 as dutch, did russian, drake and sia".
- Abandoned work on Giving Games: $200 severance fee. Completed August 24, 2016. Payment finalized December 2, 2017.
- Abandoned work on GiveWell mid-year review post for 2017: $100 severance fee. Completed July 9, 2016. Payment finalized December 8, 2017.
Total: $320
List updated December 25, 2016. May not be kept up-to-date continuously.
Total: $270.63
- Adrian Ulloa: Commission of 10% on $205 = $20.50
- Amy Zhang: Commission of 15% on $80 = $12
- Avi Glozman: Commission of 10% on $476 = $47.60
- Chris Kunin: Commission of 10% on $262 = $26.20
- Eddy Su: Commission of 10% on $71 = $7.10
- Michael Royzen: Commission of 10% on $50 = $5
- Sean Yu: Commission of 10% on $55 = $5.50
- Thomas Foster: Commission of 10% on $105 = $10.50
- Devansh Dwivedy: Commission of 10% on $125 = $12.50
- Charlie Corner: Commission of 15% on $152 = $22.80
- Sergey Yegorov: Commission of 10% on $198 = $19.80
- Alex K. Chen: Commission of 3% on $2491 = $74.73
- Joey Malandra: Commission of 10% on $64 = $6.40
- 3% on Alex K. Chen's 2016 royalty of $1764.10 = $52.92
Total so far: $3690
- February 2016 (awarded December 28, 2016, after deferral): $700
- March 2016 (awarded December 28, 2016, after deferral): $900
- May 2016: $300
- June 2016: $250
- July 2016: $250
- August 2016: $190
- September 2016: $250
- October 2016: $250
- November 2016: $250
- December 2016: $250
- All of 2016: $100 for managing Alex K. Chen
Total so far: $401.03
- $115 for cash payment to Ethan
- $80 for PayPal payment to Amy
- $105.53 for PayPal payment to Adrian
- 100.50 for PayPal payment to Adrian
Total payment received for 2016: $5044 (+ $4000 pending)
- PayPal payments made starting January and till April 22, 2016: $1044
- Check dated May 14, 2016, successfully deposited and debited May 23, 2016: $4000
- Check dated and sent October 1, 2016: $4000
This is a record of payments that will be made later, conditional to some milestones.
Total so far: $9360
- April 2016: $900
- May 2016: $1000
- June 2016: $1250
- July 2016: $1250
- August 2016: $960
- September 2016: $1250
- October 2016: $1250
- November 2016: $750
- December 2016: $750
Unfortunately we don't have a record of payment per page for 2015. However, we do have a list of pages created. Outside of Wikipedia pages, the list may not be complete.
- Timeline of online dating services: We're not sure if money was paid for this, but including it to be on the safe side
- Form 1040: $400. Although the work was done in 2015, the article was improved and published on January 1, 2016.
- Effective Altruism Forum article on Y Combinator nonprofit, available online at http://effective-altruism.com/ea/pn/an_overview_of_y_combinators_nonprofit_program/ $250. Published on Novemer 7, 2015
- A Plus (aplus.com): Some expansion of the article. $20
- Archive Websites on Unix Like Systems: $300. Completed September 22, 2015
Payment of 10% of Alex K. Chen's money from working on Wikipedia.