App for managing your library of works
User should be able to:
- search for and add movie's ID to their collection:{APIKEY}&language=en-US&query=dark%20tower&page=1&include_adult=false
- view additional information about one movie:{APIKEY}
- add an item to their "Want to Own" collection
- rate movies and add comments
- sort owned movies by alphabet or genre
- be able to set location of movie (Bookshelf #1, DVD Case #3)
User should be able to:
- add an item to their checkout Wishlist or queue to borrow it
- set an item as "checked out" and list who is currently checking it out and what date is what checked out
- search their friends to find out which have the item available to borrow
- search movies by checked out or available
I give a tip of the hat to my grandpa, John Rogers, who spent hours angrily adding movies to Lotus 1-2-3 in an attempt to manage his movie library.
- Change MAMP Port to 3306 in MAMP preferences