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MemToolbox 1.0.0.

The MemToolbox is a collection of MATLAB functions for modeling visual
working memory. In support of its goal to provide a full suite of data
analysis tools, the toolbox includes implementations of popular models of
visual working memory, real and simulated data sets, Bayesian and maximum
likelihood estimation procedures for fitting models to data,
visualizations of data and fit, validation routines, model comparison
metrics, and experiment scripts. The MemToolbox is released under a BSD
license and is freely available.

If you wish to acknowledge use of this software when you publish your 
research, you might say something like, "Data analysis was performed using the 
MemToolbox (Suchow, Brady, Fougnie, & Alvarez, 2013;" and 
then cite:

Suchow, J. W., Brady, T. F., Fougnie, D., & Alvarez, G. A. (2013). Modeling 
visual working memory with the MemToolbox. Journal of Vision, 13(10):9, 1–8. 

The MemToolbox uses semantic versioning (

MemFit.m            - a general purpose fitting tool
Setup.m             - adds the toolbox and its subfolders to the path

MemTutorial         - a walkthrough of the toolbox
MemModels           - models of working memory from the literature
MemData             - real and simulated data sets
MemFitting          - tools to fit models to data
MemModelComparison  - tools to compare the ability of models to fit the data
MemPlots            - visualization tools
MemExperiments      - experiment scripts
MemUtilities        - internal helper functions
MemTests            - scripts that test toolbox functionality
GeneralHelpers      - helper functions that might be useful elsewhere

paper.pdf           - a high-level overview of the toolbox
LICENSE             - the terms under which this toolbox is licensed (BSD)
README              - chances are you've figured this out by now
Contents            - a list very much like this one

1. The Statistics Toolbox ( is
   needed for all of the major functionality of the toolbox.
2. The Psychophysics Toolbox ( is needed only for 
   the experiment scripts in MemExperiments.