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awigmore committed Jun 26, 2019
1 parent 7bb92e3 commit 499a2f0
Showing 1 changed file with 86 additions and 0 deletions.
86 changes: 86 additions & 0 deletions python_samples/
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
import csv
import codecs
import urllib.request
import sys

# This is the core of our weather query URL
BaseURL = ''

if len(sys.argv) < 4:
print('Usage: FetchWeather Location Date API_KEY')
print(' Location: Please provide a location for the weatch search.')
print(' (Make sure to use quotes if the name contains spaces.)')
print(' Date: Please specify a date in the format YYYY-MM-DD to look up weather for a specific date.')
print(' Or use the FORECAST to look up the current weather forcast.')
print(' API_KEY: Please specify your Visual Crossing Weather API Key')
print(' If you don\'t already have an API Key, get one at')
print('Example: FetchWeather \"Herndon, VA\" 2006-04-12 KEY_123')
print('Example: FetchWeather \"Beverly Hills, CA\" FORECAST KEY_123')

print(' - Requesting weather for: ', sys.argv[1])

DateParam = sys.argv[2].upper()

# Set up the location parameter for our query
QueryLocation = '&location=' + urllib.parse.quote(sys.argv[1])

# Set up the key parameter for our query
QueryKey = '&key=' + sys.argv[3]

# Set up the specific parameters based on the type of query
if DateParam == 'FORECAST':
print(' - Fetching forecast data')
QueryTypeParams = 'forecast?&aggregateHours=24&unitGroup=us&shortColumnNames=false'
print(' - Fetching history for date: ', DateParam)

# History requests require a date. We use the same date for start and end since we only want to query a single date in this example
QueryDate = '&startDateTime=' + DateParam + 'T00:00:00&endDateTime=' + sys.argv[2] + 'T00:00:00'
QueryTypeParams = 'history?&aggregateHours=24&unitGroup=us&dayStartTime=0:0:00&dayEndTime=0:0:00' + QueryDate

# Build the entire query
URL = BaseURL + QueryTypeParams + QueryLocation + QueryKey

print(' - Running query URL: ', URL)

# Parse the results as CSV
CSVBytes = urllib.request.urlopen(URL)
CSVText = csv.reader(codecs.iterdecode(CSVBytes, 'utf-8'))

RowIndex = 0

# The first row contain the headers and the additional rows each contain the weather metrics for a single day
# To simply our code, we use the knowledge that column 0 contains the location and column 1 contains the date. The data starts at column 4
for Row in CSVText:
if RowIndex == 0:
FirstRow = Row
print('Weather in ', Row[0], ' on ', Row[1])

ColIndex = 0
for Col in Row:
if ColIndex >= 4:
print(' ', FirstRow[ColIndex], ' = ', Row[ColIndex])
ColIndex += 1
RowIndex += 1

# If there are no CSV rows then something fundamental went wrong
if RowIndex == 0:
print('Sorry, but it appears that there was an error connecting to the weather server.')
print('Please check your network connection and try again..')

# If there is only one CSV row then we likely got an error from the server
if RowIndex == 1:
print('Sorry, but it appears that there was an error retrieving the weather data.')
print('Error: ', FirstRow)


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