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Feature Modules

Silvan Heller edited this page Apr 25, 2022 · 8 revisions

This page lists the feature modules which Cineast uses for feature extraction and retrieval.


A feature module implements either the Retriever or the Extractor interface, most implement both. The Retriever interface defines the methods used for similarity search while the Extractor interface defines the methods required for feature extraction. Feature modules are located in the org.vitrivr.cineast.core.features package.

Segment Container

Segment containers contain a subset of information of a media segment and are used as input for retrievers and extractors. A segment container may contain all of the information made available through the multiple provider interfaces implemented by it. Depending on the type of media segment a segment container represents, it will contain a different subset of this information and provide only default values for the rest.

The information a segment container may provide includes:

Information Description
Audio Frame The list of audio frames contained within an audio segment.
Audio STFT The Short-term Fourier Transform of an audio segment.
Average Image The average image contains the pixel- and color-channel wise arithmetic mean of all frames of a segment.
Boolean Expression A boolean expression as defined by the class BooleanExpression.
Duration The start and end position of a segment with respect to the entire media object.
Frame List The frame list consists of all frames of a shot in chronological order, including the absolute position of the frames within the video.
ID The ID of this segment and of the media object it belongs to.
Instant An instant in time.
Location The location as defined by the class Location.
Median Image The median image contains the pixel- and color-channel wise median of all frames of a segment.
Mesh The 3D mesh of the media segment.
Most Representative Frame The most representative frame of a segment is the one which has the smallest pixel-wise Euclidean color distance to the average image.
Path Motion paths are sparely-tracked trajectories of interest-points.
Semantic Map A map of semantic labels as defined in the class SemanticMap.
Subtitle Item All subtitle elements which would be displayed during the shot.
Tag A list of conceptual tags associated with the media segment.
Text The text associated with the media segment.
Voxel Grid The voxel grid of the media segment.

Feature Modules

The following table lists all feature modules that are already implemented within Cineast:

Name Type Input Description
AudioFingerprint audio audio sample The peaks of the power spectrum
AudioTranscriptionSearch TODO TODO TODO
AverageColor global color average image Average over all pixels of a shot
AverageColorArp44 local color average image 4x4 ARP partition-wise average color over all pixels of a shot
AverageColorArp44Normalized local color average image Same as AverageColorArp44 but the input image gets normalized first
AverageColorCLD local color average image Color layout descriptor of the average image
AverageColorCLDNormalized local color average image Same as AverageColorCLD but the input image gets normalized first
AverageColorGrid8 local color average image 8x8 grid-wise average color
AverageColorGrid8Normalized local color average image Same as AverageColorGrid8 but the input image gets normalized first
AverageColorGrid8Reduced11 TODO TODO TODO
AverageColorGrid8Reduced15 TODO TODO TODO
AverageColorRaster local color average image 8x8 color-quantized image, registration is used as similarity measure
AverageColorRasterReduced11 TODO TODO TODO
AverageColorRasterReduced15 TODO TODO TODO
AverageFuzzyHist global color average image 15-bin fuzzy color histogram
AverageFuzzyHistNormalized global color average image Same as AverageFuzzyHist but the input image gets normalized first
CENS audio audio sample Chroma-based feature encoding approach to show a higher robustness towards variations in tempo
CENS12BasslineShingle audio audio sample CENS focusing on frequencies between 10Hz and 262Hz
CENS12MelodyShingle audio audio sample CENS focusing on frequencies between 262Hz and 5kHz
CENS12Shingle audio audio sample CENS focusing on frequencies between 50Hz and 5kHz
ChromaGrid8 local color most representative frame 8x8 Grid of average chroma values
CLD local color most representative frame Color Layout descriptor
CLDNormalized local color most representative frame Same as CLD but the input image gets normalized first
ConceptMasksAde20k TODO TODO TODO
REMOVED Contrast global color most representative frame Contrast value of the frame
DailyCollectionBooleanRetriever TODO TODO TODO
DailyRangeBooleanRetriever TODO TODO TODO
DCTImageHash local color most representative frame A hashing scheme using discrete cosine transform (DCT)
DescriptionTextSearch TODO TODO TODO
DominantColors global color most representative frame Three most dominant colors as determined by k-means clustering
DominantEdgeGrid16 edge most representative frame 16x16 grid of dominant edge direction quantized into 4 directions
DominantEdgeGrid8 edge most representative frame 16x16 grid of dominant edge direction quantized into 4 directions
EdgeArp88 edge most representative frame 8x8 arp partitioned ratio of edge and non-edge pixels
EdgeArp88Full edge frame list same as EdgeArp88 but computed using all frames of a shot
EdgeGrid16 edge most representative frame 16x16 grid partitioned ratio of edge and non-edge pixels
EdgeGrid16Full edge frame list same as EdgeGrid16 but computed using all frames of a shot
EHD edge most representative frame Edge Histogram Descriptor
ForegroundBoundingBox TODO TODO TODO
HOG global color most representative frame Histogram of Oriented Gradients
HOGMirflickr25K256 global color most representative frame HOG using a codebook of size 256 generated from the MIRFLICKR-25000 image collection
HOGMirflickr25K512 global color most representative frame HOG using a codebook of size 512 generated from the MIRFLICKR-25000 image collection
HPCP audio audio sample Harmonic Pitch Class Profiles
HPCP12BasslineShingle audio audio sample HPCP focusing on frequencies between 10Hz and 262Hz
HPCP12MelodyShingle audio audio sample HPCP focusing on frequencies between 262Hz and 5kHz
HPCP12Shingle audio audio sample HPCP focusing on frequencies between 50Hz and 5kHz
HueHistogram global color most representative frame 16-bin hue histogram
HueValueVarianceGrid8 local color frame list 8x8 grid partitioned average and variance of hue and value of a shot
LightfieldFourier TODO TODO TODO
LightfieldZernike TODO TODO TODO
MedianColor global color median image median color of a shot
MedianColorArp44 local color median image 4x4 arp partitioned median color
MedianColorARP44Normalized local color median image Same as MedianColorARP44Normalized but the input image gets normalized first
MedianColorGrid8 local color median image 8x8 grid-wise median color
MedianColorGrid8Normalized local color median image Same as MedianColorGrid8but the input image gets normalized first
MedianColorRaster local color median image 8x8 color-quantised image, registration is used as similarity measure
MedianFuzzyHist local color median image 15-bin fuzzy color histogram
MedianFuzzyHistNormalized local color median image Same as MedianFuzzyHistbut the input image gets normalized first
MelodyEstimate TODO TODO TODO
MotionHistogram motion motion paths 8-bin normalized motion histogram
MotionHistogramBackground TODO TODO TODO
ObjectInstances TODO TODO TODO
RangeBooleanRetriever TODO TODO TODO
SaturationGrid8 local color most representative frame 8x8 grid-partitioned saturation value
ShapeCentroidDistance TODO TODO TODO
SpatialDistance TODO TODO TODO
SphericalHarmonicsDefault TODO TODO TODO
SphericalHarmonicsHigh TODO TODO TODO
SphericalHarmonicsLow TODO TODO TODO
STMP7EH motion frame list STMP7EH motion descriptor
SubDivAverageFuzzyColor local color average image same as AverageFuzzyHist but on a 3x3 grid-partition
SubDivMedianFuzzyColor local color median image same as MedianFuzzyHist but on a 3x3 grid-partition
SubtitleFulltextSearch text subtitles matches sentence fragments in subtitle elements
TemporalDistance TODO TODO TODO
VisualTextCoEmbedding TODO TODO TODO