# Important Photon OS Security Update ## Summary Advisory Id : PHSA-2022-4.0-0279 Type : Security Severity : ['Important', 'Moderate'] Issue date : 2022-11-10 Affected Release: 4.0 ## Details Updates of ['strongswan', 'powershell', 'sudo', 'pixman'] packages of Photon OS have been released. ## Affected Packages ### Important strongswan - ['[CVE-2022-40617](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-40617)'] powershell - ['[CVE-2022-26788](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-26788)', '[CVE-2022-24512](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-24512)'] sudo - ['[CVE-2022-43995](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-43995)'] pixman - ['[CVE-2022-44638](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-44638)'] ### Moderate powershell - ['[CVE-2020-8927](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2020-8927)', '[CVE-2022-34716](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-34716)'] ## Solution Update the affected packages (tdnf update package) ## Updated Packages Information strongswan-5.9.0-5.ph4.x86_64.rpm | size : 1000K , sha256 : cd47961f8d717a0c9ce9b4753c27c984951950f788566a71ac05bfb5a36cb060 , build time : Wed, 09 Nov 2022 19:42:32 UTC powershell-7.2.7-1.ph4.x86_64.rpm | size : 54M , sha256 : a36e76143ee877460cabebf1e3346646e52989b00e5802186df3164b77c2d7d7 , build time : Wed, 09 Nov 2022 19:48:26 UTC sudo-1.9.5-2.ph4.x86_64.rpm | size : 1.2M , sha256 : 895cdae1326a6d459cb1e26ac67b19da893733225d6ae807861eb2b4c75fe469 , build time : Wed, 09 Nov 2022 19:42:32 UTC pixman-0.40.0-2.ph4.x86_64.rpm | size : 368K , sha256 : ef4a4accad57e01d76c1477769762beb6a757fe1bdaf57df9cc67922b452bbd3 , build time : Wed, 09 Nov 2022 19:42:23 UTC pixman-devel-0.40.0-2.ph4.x86_64.rpm | size : 20K , sha256 : 0430c9c499be8b548b6001e52d4f4bf14fd47dbadf653338b971f7995d073d21 , build time : Wed, 09 Nov 2022 19:42:23 UTC