# Moderate Photon OS Security Update ## Summary Advisory Id : PHSA-2024-5.0-0211 Type : Security Severity : ['Moderate'] Issue date : 2024-02-16 Affected Release: 5.0 ## Details Updates of ['python3-urllib3'] packages of Photon OS have been released. ## Affected Packages ### Moderate python3-urllib3 - ['[CVE-2023-45803](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2023-45803)'] ## Solution Update the affected packages (tdnf update package) ## Updated Packages Information python3-urllib3-1.25.11-5.ph5.noarch.rpm | size : 236K , sha256 : c173ee7ae1b3dc158da0ec20312e5e0fdd849aaa783c89e904bb1158ecb954b4 , build time : Fri, 16 Feb 2024 17:22:12 UTC