# [Critical] Photon OS Security Update ## Summary Advisory ID : PHSA-2020-1.0-0308 Type : Security Severity : {'Important', 'Critical'} Issued on : 2020-07-15 Affected Versions : Photon OS 1.0 ## Details An update of {'apache-tomcat', 'net-snmp', 'sqlite-autoconf'} packages of Photon OS has been released. ## Affected Packages: ### Critical sqlite-autoconf - ['[CVE-2020-15358](https://web.nvd.nist.gov/view/vuln/detail?vulnId=CVE-2020-15358)'] ### Important apache-tomcat - ['[CVE-2020-11996](https://web.nvd.nist.gov/view/vuln/detail?vulnId=CVE-2020-11996)'] net-snmp - ['[CVE-2019-20892](https://web.nvd.nist.gov/view/vuln/detail?vulnId=CVE-2019-20892)'] ## Solution Update the affected packages (tdnf update _package_) ## Updated Packages Information apache-tomcat-8.5.51-3.ph1.noarch.rpm , sha256 : 6f231208cfb4a5ebcaaf325b61c74fd8f363dc11e7e831181b30216f8f423c74 , size : 8.0M , build_date : Tue, 14 Jul 2020 03:10:46 UTC net-snmp-5.7.3-10.ph1.x86_64.rpm , sha256 : 12b84d6b443e87e9d62a99d58f59ec75db8328c17b67cbbb977e762fa2d9c66b , size : 2.7M , build_date : Tue, 14 Jul 2020 03:17:45 UTC net-snmp-devel-5.7.3-10.ph1.x86_64.rpm , sha256 : b9b55295afe48206a460427fb30ab15f785b1af2cdd5aee9fea281bce4af0305 , size : 777K , build_date : Tue, 14 Jul 2020 03:17:45 UTC sqlite-autoconf-3.32.1-2.ph1.x86_64.rpm , sha256 : 71e2b0b0ef71e40424581d8b14cefcd46f08f221c36c4db6a495061a4e7916b5 , size : 1.5M , build_date : Tue, 14 Jul 2020 02:58:19 UTC