# [Important] Photon OS Security Update ## Summary Advisory ID : PHSA-2020-2.0-0305 Type : Security Severity : ['Important'] Issued on : 2020-12-11 Affected Versions : Photon OS 2.0 ## Details An update of {'grpc'} packages of Photon OS has been released. ## Affected Packages: ### Important grpc - ['[CVE-2020-7768](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2020-7768)'] ## Solution Update the affected packages (tdnf update _package_) ## Updated Packages Information grpc-1.10.0-2.ph2.x86_64.rpm , sha256 : 61b8003cc1841bd06da99765686ab354ebb14a2457a156e45f4cc26a337b23f9 , size : 9.8M , build_date : Thu, 10 Dec 2020 20:50:43 UTC grpc-devel-1.10.0-2.ph2.x86_64.rpm , sha256 : 1f7ea7f2125fc67eef853fa4ca7a5b03c2cef78ead68bc19b55a60a68a480bbc , size : 139K , build_date : Thu, 10 Dec 2020 20:50:43 UTC