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Curve fitting toolbox

Similar to the fitting toolbox shipped in MATLAB (at least 10 years ago, last time I used it), this single page app works by inviting the user to upload a csv datafile, pick two of its columns, one for x one for y, inputting a functional form y=f(x) with some free parameters.

There is freedom for setting the initial value of each of these parameters.

Finally, the user can run the fit, the optimizer will run a gradient descent to minimise the mean squared error.

Under the hood, the functional expression is transformed to a mathematical graph, where everything is decomposed into atomic mathematical operators and functions. This graph is then translated into a TensorFlow graph.

You can play with me here.


  • Any function existing within the tfjs API can be used in the function template (exp, log, pow, etc...).
  • Visualisation of the data points and the fitted line.
  • Goodness of fit metric, R-squared value is printed.
  • The fitting process can be interrupted by the user, allowing for regularisation by early stopping.


Linear fit

Linear fit

Polynomial fit

Quadratic fit

Saturating exponential fit

Market response curve like fit

Next iteration features
  • Giving the user freedom in the optimiser choice, the learning rate and the error to be minimised.
  • Offering cross validation by splitting the data into training and validation.
  • Providing L2 regularisation.
  • Generalising to higher dimensions, not only $$\mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$$ mappings.
  • More freedom in data imports: excel format, google sheets, copy-pasting, ...

This project was generated with Angular 7, using ECharts for visualization, Math.js & TensorFlow.js for modelling and training.