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PLS, Personal Learning System


  1. Apache/Ngnix
  2. MySQL Server
  3. php >= 5.2
  4. CakePHP
  5. php5-curl (for Facebook SDK)
  6. php5-mysql (CakePHP use PDO)


  1. clone project

  2. put project folder to webserver

  3. copy folder CakePHP/lib to /

  4. create MySQL db, user with password follows:

     DB name: 'plseduvn' 
     username: 'vpq'
     password: 'vpq'

Server configuration

CakePHP will not work without these configuration on the web server

  1. Enable mod rewrite

     a2enmod rewrite
  2. Allow Override. Make sure Apache configuration looks like this:

     Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
     AllowOverride All
     Order allow,deny
     allow from all