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⚠️ This module is declared as deprecated by Vox Pupuli, see #56. ⚠️

This module works only with Puppet 3.8.7 with the future parser enabled or Puppet 4.

Module description is time series data visualization and graphing software. This module installs and manages Facette for you.


What facette affects

  • Facette APT PPA
  • Configuration files
  • Package/service/configuration for Facette
  • Provider configuration

Beginning with facette

To have Facette installed and configured out of the box simply include the facette module:

include facette

This will set up Facette but not configure any providers meaning it will not be able to read any metrics just yet.


Adding providers

Defining providers registers data origins in Facette, i.e. where to find sources and their metrics, and how to add them to the catalog.

This is done by passing a hash to the providers parameter. The key is the name you want the configuration file to get on disk and the value should be another hash with all the configuration options.

In order to get access to RRD data outputted by collectd:

class { 'facette':
    providers => { 'collectd' => {
                    'connector' => {
                        'path'    => '/var/lib/collectd/rrd',
                        'pattern' => '(?P<source>[^/]+)/(?P<metric>.+).rrd',
                        'type'    => 'rrd',

Instead of passing it in through Puppet you can use Hiera instead:

      path: '/var/lib/collectd/rrd'
      pattern: '(?P<source>[^/]+)/(?P<metric>.+).rrd'
      type: 'rrd'

This will result in /etc/facette/providers/collectd.json to be created with the following content:

    "connector": {
        "path": "/var/lib/collectd/rrd",
        "pattern": "(?P<source>[^/]+)/(?P<metric>.+).rrd",
        "type": "rrd"

Overriding facette configuration

By default a /etc/facette/facette.json will be created with a number of settings. If you wish to override one of these settings simply pass a hash to the config parameter.

class { 'facette':
    config => { 'base_dir' => '/var' },
  base_dir: '/var'

The available configuration options for Facette can be found in their documentation.

Controlling package and service state

This module will ensure the package is installed and that the Facette service is running. You can however tweak this behaviour by alteering the state parameter.

class { 'facette':
    state => { 'package' => 'latest', 'service' => 'stopped' }
  package: 'latest'
  service: 'stopped'