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wycats committed Mar 13, 2011
1 parent 55a8c0a commit 2b5eabc
Showing 1 changed file with 39 additions and 117 deletions.
156 changes: 39 additions & 117 deletions lib/net2/http/statuses.rb
Expand Up @@ -11,16 +11,20 @@ def initialize(msg, res) #:nodoc:
attr_reader :response
alias data response #:nodoc: obsolete

class Error < ProtocolError
include Exceptions

class RetriableError < ProtoRetriableError
include Exceptions

class ServerException < ProtoServerError
# We cannot use the name "HTTPServerError", it is the name of the response.
include Exceptions

class FatalError < ProtoFatalError
include Exceptions
Expand All @@ -33,89 +37,62 @@ def self.subclass(*names)

names.each do |name|
klass = HTTP.const_set name,
klass.const_set :HAS_BODY, options.key?(:body) ? options[:body] : self::BODY
klass.const_set :HAS_BODY, options.key?(:body) ? options[:body] : self::HAS_BODY
klass.const_set :EXCEPTION_TYPE, options[:error] || self::EXCEPTION_TYPE

# for backwards compatibility with Net::HTTP
Net2.const_set "HTTP#{name}", klass

Response.subclass :Information, :body => false, :error => Error
Response.subclass :UnknownResponse, :Success, :body => true, :error => Error
Response.subclass :Redirection, :body => true, :error => RetriableError
Response.subclass :ClientError, :body => true, :error => ServerException
Response.subclass :ServerError, :body => true, :error => FatalError
Response.subclass :Information, :body => false, :error => Error
Response.subclass :UnknownResponse, :Success, :body => true, :error => Error
Response.subclass :Redirection, :body => true, :error => RetriableError
Response.subclass :ClientError, :body => true, :error => ServerException
Response.subclass :ServerError, :body => true, :error => FatalError

# 100 101
Information.subclass :Continue, :SwitchProtocol

class Continue < Information # 100
HAS_BODY = false
class SwitchProtocol < Information # 101
HAS_BODY = false
# 200 201 202 203 206
Success.subclass :OK, :Created, :Accepted, :NonAuthoritativeInformation, :PartialContent

class OK < Success; end # 200
class Created < Success; end # 201
class Accepted < Success; end # 202
class NonAuthoritativeInformation < Success; end # 203
# 204 205
Success.subclass :NoContent, :ResetContent, :body => false

class NoContent < Success # 204
HAS_BODY = false
# 300 301 302 303 307
Redirection.subclass :MultipleChoice, :MovedPermanently, :Found, :SeeOther, :TemporaryRedirect

class ResetContent < Success # 205
HAS_BODY = false

class PartialContent < Success; end # 206
# 306 unused

class MultipleChoice < Redirection; end # 300
class MovedPermanently < Redirection; end # 301
class Found < Redirection; end # 302
# # 304 305
Redirection.subclass :NotModified, :UseProxy, :body => false

MovedTemporarily = Found

class SeeOther < Redirection; end # 303
# 400 401 402 403 404
ClientError.subclass :BadRequest, :Unauthorized, :PaymentRequired, :Forbidden, :NotFound,

class NotModified < Redirection # 304
HAS_BODY = false
# 405 406 407
:MethodNotAllowed, :NotAcceptable, :ProxyAuthenticationRequired,

class UseProxy < Redirection # 305
HAS_BODY = false
# 408 409 410 411 412
:RequestTimeOut, :Conflict, :Gone, :LengthRequired, :PreconditionFailed,

# 306 unused

class TemporaryRedirect < Redirection; end # 307

class BadRequest < ClientError; end # 400
class Unauthorized < ClientError; end # 401
class PaymentRequired < ClientError; end # 402
class Forbidden < ClientError; end # 403
class NotFound < ClientError; end # 404
class MethodNotAllowed < ClientError; end # 405
class NotAcceptable < ClientError; end # 406
class ProxyAuthenticationRequired < ClientError; end # 407
class RequestTimeOut < ClientError; end # 408
class Conflict < ClientError; end # 409
class Gone < ClientError; end # 410
class LengthRequired < ClientError; end # 411
class PreconditionFailed < ClientError; end # 412
class RequestEntityTooLarge < ClientError; end # 413
class RequestURITooLong < ClientError; end # 414
# 413 414 415
:RequestEntityTooLarge, :RequestURITooLong, :UnsupportedMediaType,

# 416 417
:RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable, :ExpectationFailed

RequestURITooLarge = RequestURITooLong

class UnsupportedMediaType < ClientError; end # 415
class RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable < ClientError; end # 416
class ExpectationFailed < ClientError; end # 417
# 500 501 502 503
ServerError.subclass :InternalServerError, :NotImplemented, :BadGateway, :ServiceUnavailable,

class InternalServerError < ServerError; end # 500
class NotImplemented < ServerError; end # 501
class BadGateway < ServerError; end # 502
class ServiceUnavailable < ServerError; end # 503
class GatewayTimeOut < ServerError; end # 504
class VersionNotSupported < ServerError; end # 505
# 504 505
:GatewayTimeOut, :VersionNotSupported

# :startdoc:
Expand All @@ -125,59 +102,4 @@ class VersionNotSupported < ServerError; end # 505
HTTPRetriableError = HTTP::RetriableError
HTTPServerException = HTTP::ServerException
HTTPFatalError = HTTP::FatalError

# :stopdoc:

HTTPUnknownResponse = HTTP::UnknownResponse
HTTPInformation = HTTP::Information
HTTPSuccess = HTTP::Success
HTTPRedirection = HTTP::Redirection
HTTPClientError = HTTP::ClientError
HTTPServerError = HTTP::ServerError

HTTPContinue = HTTP::Continue
HTTPSwitchProtocol = HTTP::SwitchProtocol
HTTPCreated = HTTP::Created
HTTPAccepted = HTTP::Accepted
HTTPNonAuthoritativeInformation = HTTP::NonAuthoritativeInformation
HTTPNoContent = HTTP::NoContent
HTTPResetContent = HTTP::ResetContent
HTTPPartialContent = HTTP::PartialContent
HTTPMultipleChoice = HTTP::MultipleChoice
HTTPMovedPermanently = HTTP::MovedPermanently
HTTPFound = HTTP::Found

HTTPMovedTemporarily = HTTPFound

HTTPSeeOther = HTTP::SeeOther
HTTPNotModified = HTTP::NotModified
HTTPUseProxy = HTTP::UseProxy
HTTPTemporaryRedirect = HTTP::TemporaryRedirect
HTTPBadRequest = HTTP::BadRequest
HTTPUnauthorized = HTTP::Unauthorized
HTTPPaymentRequired = HTTP::PaymentRequired
HTTPForbidden = HTTP::Forbidden
HTTPNotFound = HTTP::NotFound
HTTPMethodNotAllowed = HTTP::MethodNotAllowed
HTTPNotAcceptable = HTTP::NotAcceptable
HTTPProxyAuthenticationRequired = HTTP::ProxyAuthenticationRequired
HTTPRequestTimeOut = HTTP::RequestTimeOut
HTTPConflict = HTTP::Conflict
HTTPGone = HTTP::Gone
HTTPLengthRequired = HTTP::LengthRequired
HTTPPreconditionFailed = HTTP::PreconditionFailed
HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge = HTTP::RequestEntityTooLarge
HTTPRequestURITooLong = HTTP::RequestURITooLong
HTTPRequestURITooLarge = HTTPRequestURITooLong
HTTPUnsupportedMediaType = HTTP::UnsupportedMediaType
HTTPRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable = HTTP::RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable
HTTPExpectationFailed = HTTP::ExpectationFailed
HTTPInternalServerError = HTTP::InternalServerError
HTTPNotImplemented = HTTP::NotImplemented
HTTPBadGateway = HTTP::BadGateway
HTTPServiceUnavailable = HTTP::ServiceUnavailable
HTTPGatewayTimeOut = HTTP::GatewayTimeOut
HTTPVersionNotSupported = HTTP::VersionNotSupported


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