diff --git a/index.html b/index.html index 070f8d36..add4c768 100644 --- a/index.html +++ b/index.html @@ -1489,10 +1489,9 @@




Ellipses are used to indicate an truncation of text, an unfinished sentence or a break in speech. -Usually use U+2026 HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS, making up a middle aligned series of six dots and take up the space of two Hanzi.


省略号又作删节号,表示节略原文、语句未完或语气的不连续。通常使用U+2026 HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS […],呈现上占两个汉字空间、六个居中省略点。


刪節號又作省略號,表示節略原文、語句未完或語氣的不連續。通常使用U+2026 HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS […],呈現上佔兩個漢字空間、六個居中省略點。


Ellipses are used to indicate a truncation of text, an unfinished sentence or a break in speech. An ellipsis in Chinese consists of six dots and takes up the space of two Hanzi characters. This is normally achieved using two U+2026 HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS characters, side-by-side. +

省略号又作删节号,表示节略原文、语句未完或语气的不连续。删节号呈现上占两个汉字空间、包含六个居中的省略点,通常使用两个连续的U+2026 HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS […]来实现。


刪節號又作省略號,表示節略原文、語句未完或語氣的不連續。刪節號呈現上佔兩個漢字空間、包含六個居中的刪節點,通常使用兩個連續的U+2026 HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS […]來實現。

  • Emphasis Dots.

    @@ -1629,8 +1628,8 @@


    夾注符號,包括:引號、括號、書名號及篇名號(乙式)等,位受注文本的二側,佔一個漢字的大小、依文字書寫方向使用相應的標注方向。其中,引號在各地別採用不同的形式,台灣多使用先單、後雙(依此類推)的配對形式; 中國大陸則使用先雙、後單(依此類推)的配對形式,並依文字書寫方向採用相應的符號(橫排使用彎引號,直排使用直角引號)。

    Ellipses and long dashes, should be vertically and horizontally centered within their square frame, and should be one character in height and two characters in width. They are not supposed to be separated from one line to the next and should be positioned in the same direction as the characters.









    Connector marks should take up the same dimensions as a single character, and be vertically and horizontally centered within its square frame. Among the connector marks, the EN DASH should have a short length to distinguish it from the Chinese character [一], which means one. And they should be positioned in the same direction as the characters they mark.



    @@ -1754,17 +1753,17 @@

    Em dash and long dash.




    Long dashes [——] can be created using U+2E3A TWO-EM DASH [⸺] or two adjacent U+2014 EM DASH [—] characters. Both alternatives should take one character height and two character widths.


    Long dashes [——] can be created using U+2E3A TWO-EM DASH [] or two adjacent U+2014 EM DASH [] characters. Both alternatives should take one character height and two character widths.

    乙式括号与破折号是占两个汉字空间的U+2E3A TWO-EM DASH [⸺] 或连续使用两个U+2014 EM DASH [—]。

    乙式括號與破折號為佔二個漢字空間的U+2E3A TWO-EM DASH [⸺] 或連續使用兩個U+2014 EM DASH [—]。

  • Horizontal ellipsis.






    Use two U+2026 HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS […] to takes one character height and two character widths: [……].


    省略号/删节号使用连续二个U+2026 HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS […],占两个汉字空间、包含六个居中省略点[……]。


    刪節號/省略號使用連續二個U+2026 HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS […],佔二個漢字空間、包含居中六個省略點[……]。






    When two U+2026 HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS [] characters are used together for ellipsis, they are, together, the height of one Hanzi character and the width of two Hanzi characters and consist of six dots.


    省略号使用连续两个U+2026 HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS […],占两个汉字空间、包含六个居中省略点[……]。


    刪節號使用連續兩個U+2026 HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS […],佔二個漢字空間、包含居中六個刪節點[……]。

    According to section 5.1.5 of the General Rules for Punctuation (GB/T 15834―2011), when two horizontal ellipses are used together, they should be four characters wide and occupy an independent line.

    《标点符号用法》(GB/T 15834–2011)5.1.5节还规定,两个省略号/删节号连用时,占四个汉字位置并须单独占一行。

    《標點符號用法》(GB/T 15834–2011)5.1.5節还规定,两个刪節號/省略號连用时,占四个漢字位置并须单独占一行。