diff --git a/dcat/examples/csiro-stratchart-schema.jsonld b/dcat/examples/csiro-stratchart-schema.jsonld new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4a5bb08a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/dcat/examples/csiro-stratchart-schema.jsonld @@ -0,0 +1,190 @@ +{ + "@graph" : [ { + "@id" : "_:b0", + "@type" : "sdo::EntryPoint", + "actionApplication" : "_:b1", + "comment" : "Service that supports queries to obtain RDF representations of subsets of the data", + "name" : "International Chronostratigraphic Chart hosted at Research Vocabularies Australia", + "url" : "https://vocabs.ands.org.au/viewById/196" + }, { + "@id" : "_:b1", + "@type" : "sdo::SoftwareApplication", + "conformsTo" : "https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/", + "url" : "http://vocabs.ands.org.au/repository/api/sparql/csiro_international-chronostratigraphic-chart_2017" + }, { + "@id" : "_:b10", + "@type" : "sdo::DataDownload", + "comment" : "Webpage describing the ontology used for the data", + "contentUrl" : "http://resource.geosciml.org/ontology/timescale/gts.html", + "encodingFormat" : "mime:text/html" + }, { + "@id" : "_:b2", + "@type" : "sdo::DataDownload", + "comment" : "TTL serialization of the RDF representation of the entire dataset", + "encodingFormat" : "mime:text/turtle", + "identifier" : "isc2017.ttl" + }, { + "@id" : "_:b3", + "@type" : "sdo::DataDownload", + "comment" : "RDF/XML serialization of the RDF representation of the entire dataset", + "encodingFormat" : "mime:application/rdf+xml", + "identifier" : "isc2017.rdf" + }, { + "@id" : "_:b4", + "@type" : "sdo::DataDownload", + "conformsTo" : "https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-schema/", + "comment" : "RDF representation of the data", + "accessService" : "_:b0" + }, { + "@id" : "_:b5", + "@type" : "sdo::DataDownload", + "comment" : "JSON-LD serialization of the RDF representation of the entire dataset", + "encodingFormat" : "mime:application/ld+json", + "identifier" : "isc2017.jsonld" + }, { + "@id" : "_:b6", + "@type" : "sdo:DataDownload", + "comment" : "N-Triples serialization of the RDF representation of the entire dataset", + "encodingFormat" : "mime:application/n-triples", + "identifier" : "isc2017.nt" + }, { + "@id" : "_:b7", + "@type" : "dcat:Dataset", + "conformsTo" : "https://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-overview/", + "additionalType" : "http://purl.org/adms/assettype/DomainModel", + "comment" : "The ontology used for the data", + "dateModified" : "2017-04-28", + "datePublished" : "2011-01-01", + "description" : "This is an RDF/OWL representation of the GeoSciML Geologic Timescale model ...", + "distribution" : [ "_:b9", "_:b10", "_:b8" ], + "name" : "Geologic Timescale model", + "url" : "http://resource.geosciml.org/ontology/timescale/gts" + }, { + "@id" : "_:b8", + "@type" : "sdo:DataDownload", + "comment" : "RDF/XML representation of the ontology used for the data", + "contentUrl" : "http://resource.geosciml.org/ontology/timescale/gts.rdf", + "encodingFormat" : "mime:application/rdf+xml" + }, { + "@id" : "_:b9", + "@type" : "sdo:DataDownload", + "comment" : "TTL representation of the ontology used for the data", + "contentUrl" : "http://resource.geosciml.org/ontology/timescale/gts.ttl", + "encodingFormat" : "mime:text/turtle" + }, { + "@id" : "http://stratigraphy.org/ICSchart/ChronostratChart2017-02.jpg", + "@type" : "sdo:ImageObject", + "additionalType" : "dctype:Image", + "datePublished" : "2017-02-01", + "description" : "Coloured image representation of the International Chronostratigraphic Chart", + "encodingFormat" : "mime:img/jpeg", + "name" : "International Chronostratigraphic Chart" + }, { + "@id" : "http://stratigraphy.org/ICSchart/ChronostratChart2017-02.pdf", + "@type" : "sdo:ImageObject", + "additionalType" : "dctype:Image", + "datePublished" : "2017-02-01", + "description" : "Coloured image representation of the International Chronostratigraphic Chart", + "encodingFormat" : "mime:application/pdf", + "name" : "International Chronostratigraphic Chart" + }, { + "@id" : "dap:d33937", + "@type" : "sdo:Dataset", + "conformsTo" : "http://resource.geosciml.org/ontology/timescale/gts", + "comment" : "The data", + "datePublished" : "2018-07-07", + "description" : "A set of RDFgraphs representing the International [Chrono]stratigraphic Chart, comprising Turtle serializations of data from the 2017-02 version, along with updated ontologies that define the structure of the data. The Geological Timescale Model is aligned with the W3C OWL-Time ontology https://www.w3.org/TR/owl-time/ for the temporal topology, with OGC GeoSPARQL http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/geosparql for location data, and with the W3C SOSA/SSN ontology for samples. The content of the vocabulary matches the 2017-02 International Chronostratigraphic Chart.", + "distribution" : [ "_:b2", "_:b3", "_:b4", "_:b5", "_:b6" ], + "identifier" : "https://doi.org/10.25919/5b4d2b83cbf2d", + "isRelatedTo" : [ "http://stratigraphy.org/ICSchart/ChronostratChart2017-02.jpg", "http://stratigraphy.org/ICSchart/ChronostratChart2017-02.pdf", "_:b7" ], + "license" : "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/", + "publisher" : "http://www.csiro.au", + "url" : "https://data.csiro.au/dap/landingpage?pid=csiro:33937" + }, { + "@id" : "dap:d33937/s/", + "@type" : "owl:Ontology", + "conformsTo" : "http://schema.org/", + "comment" : "This graph provides a schema.org-conformant representation of a catalog entry together with some related resource descriptions", + "imports" : [ "http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat", "http://schema.org/" ] + } ], + "@context" : { + "url" : { + "@id" : "http://schema.org/url", + "@type" : "@id" + }, + "name" : { + "@id" : "http://schema.org/name" + }, + "actionApplication" : { + "@id" : "http://schema.org/actionApplication", + "@type" : "@id" + }, + "comment" : { + "@id" : "http://schema.org/comment" + }, + "description" : { + "@id" : "http://schema.org/description" + }, + "isRelatedTo" : { + "@id" : "http://schema.org/isRelatedTo", + "@type" : "@id" + }, + "distribution" : { + "@id" : "http://schema.org/distribution", + "@type" : "@id" + }, + "datePublished" : { + "@id" : "http://schema.org/datePublished", + "@type" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#date" + }, + "publisher" : { + "@id" : "http://schema.org/publisher", + "@type" : "@id" + }, + "conformsTo" : { + "@id" : "http://purl.org/dc/terms/conformsTo", + "@type" : "@id" + }, + "identifier" : { + "@id" : "http://schema.org/identifier" + }, + "license" : { + "@id" : "http://schema.org/license", + "@type" : "@id" + }, + "encodingFormat" : { + "@id" : "http://schema.org/encodingFormat", + "@type" : "@id" + }, + "contentUrl" : { + "@id" : "http://schema.org/contentUrl", + "@type" : "@id" + }, + "additionalType" : { + "@id" : "http://schema.org/additionalType", + "@type" : "@id" + }, + "dateModified" : { + "@id" : "http://schema.org/dateModified", + "@type" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#date" + }, + "accessService" : { + "@id" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#accessService", + "@type" : "@id" + }, + "imports" : { + "@id" : "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#imports", + "@type" : "@id" + }, + "dap" : "https://data.csiro.au/dataset/", + "sdo" : "http://schema.org/", + "dct" : "http://purl.org/dc/terms/", + "rdf" : "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#", + "owl" : "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#", + "dctype" : "http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/", + "mime" : "https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/", + "xsd" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#", + "rdfs" : "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#", + "dcat" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#" + } +} diff --git a/dcat/examples/csiro-stratchart.schema.ttl b/dcat/examples/csiro-stratchart.schema.ttl new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c8a71975a --- /dev/null +++ b/dcat/examples/csiro-stratchart.schema.ttl @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +# baseURI: https://data.csiro.au/dataset/d33937/s/ +# imports: http://schema.org/ +# imports: http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat + +@prefix dap: . +@prefix dcat: . +@prefix dct: . +@prefix dctype: . +@prefix mime: . +@prefix owl: . +@prefix rdf: . +@prefix rdfs: . +@prefix s: . +@prefix xsd: . + + + a s:ImageObject ; + s:additionalType dctype:Image ; + s:datePublished "2017-02-01"^^xsd:date ; + s:description "Coloured image representation of the International Chronostratigraphic Chart" ; + s:encodingFormat ; + s:name "International Chronostratigraphic Chart" ; +. + + a s:ImageObject ; + s:additionalType dctype:Image ; + s:datePublished "2017-02-01"^^xsd:date ; + s:description "Coloured image representation of the International Chronostratigraphic Chart" ; + s:encodingFormat ; + s:name "International Chronostratigraphic Chart" ; +. +dap:d33937 + a s:Dataset ; + dct:conformsTo ; + s:comment "The data" ; + s:datePublished "2018-07-07"^^xsd:date ; + s:description "A set of RDFgraphs representing the International [Chrono]stratigraphic Chart, comprising Turtle serializations of data from the 2017-02 version, along with updated ontologies that define the structure of the data. The Geological Timescale Model is aligned with the W3C OWL-Time ontology https://www.w3.org/TR/owl-time/ for the temporal topology, with OGC GeoSPARQL http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/geosparql for location data, and with the W3C SOSA/SSN ontology for samples. The content of the vocabulary matches the 2017-02 International Chronostratigraphic Chart." ; + s:distribution [ + a s:DataDownload ; + s:comment "RDF representation of the data" ; + dct:conformsTo ; + dcat:accessService [ + a s:EntryPoint ; + s:comment "Service that supports queries to obtain RDF representations of subsets of the data" ; + s:actionApplication [ + a s:SoftwareApplication ; + dct:conformsTo ; + s:url ; + ] ; + s:name "International Chronostratigraphic Chart hosted at Research Vocabularies Australia" ; + s:url ; + ] ; + ] ; + s:distribution [ + a s:DataDownload ; + s:comment "JSON-LD serialization of the RDF representation of the entire dataset" ; + s:encodingFormat ; + s:identifier "isc2017.jsonld" ; + ] ; + s:distribution [ + a s:DataDownload ; + s:comment "N-Triples serialization of the RDF representation of the entire dataset" ; + s:encodingFormat ; + s:identifier "isc2017.nt" ; + ] ; + s:distribution [ + a s:DataDownload ; + s:comment "RDF/XML serialization of the RDF representation of the entire dataset" ; + s:encodingFormat ; + s:identifier "isc2017.rdf" ; + ] ; + s:distribution [ + a s:DataDownload ; + s:comment "TTL serialization of the RDF representation of the entire dataset" ; + s:encodingFormat ; + s:identifier "isc2017.ttl" ; + ] ; + s:identifier "https://doi.org/10.25919/5b4d2b83cbf2d" ; + s:isRelatedTo ; + s:isRelatedTo ; + s:isRelatedTo [ + a dcat:Dataset ; + dct:conformsTo ; + s:comment "The ontology used for the data" ; + s:additionalType ; + s:datePublished "2011-01-01"^^xsd:date ; + s:dateModified "2017-04-28"^^xsd:date ; + s:description "This is an RDF/OWL representation of the GeoSciML Geologic Timescale model ..." ; + s:distribution [ + a s:DataDownload ; + s:comment "Webpage describing the ontology used for the data" ; + s:contentUrl ; + s:encodingFormat ; + ] ; + s:distribution [ + a s:DataDownload ; + s:comment "RDF/XML representation of the ontology used for the data" ; + s:contentUrl ; + s:encodingFormat ; + ] ; + s:distribution [ + a s:DataDownload ; + s:comment "TTL representation of the ontology used for the data" ; + s:contentUrl ; + s:encodingFormat ; + ] ; + s:name "Geologic Timescale model" ; + s:url ; + ] ; + s:license ; + s:publisher ; + s:url ; +. + + a owl:Ontology ; + dct:conformsTo s: ; + s:comment "This graph provides a schema.org-conformant representation of a catalog entry together with some related resource descriptions" ; + owl:imports s: ; + owl:imports ; +. diff --git a/dcat/examples/csiro-stratchart.ttl b/dcat/examples/csiro-stratchart.ttl new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c47843aa3 --- /dev/null +++ b/dcat/examples/csiro-stratchart.ttl @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +# baseURI: https://data.csiro.au/dataset/d33937/ +# imports: http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat + +@prefix dap: . +@prefix dcat: . +@prefix dct: . +@prefix dctype: . +@prefix foaf: . +@prefix mime: . +@prefix owl: . +@prefix proj: . +@prefix prov: . +@prefix rdf: . +@prefix rdfs: . +@prefix skos: . +@prefix time: . +@prefix v: . +@prefix xsd: . + + + a foaf:Document ; + dct:description "Coloured image representation of the International Chronostratigraphic Chart" ; + dct:format ; + dct:issued "2017-02-01"^^xsd:date ; + dct:title "International Chronostratigraphic Chart" ; + dct:type dctype:Image ; +. + + a foaf:Document ; + dct:description "Coloured image representation of the International Chronostratigraphic Chart" ; + dct:format ; + dct:issued "2017-02-01"^^xsd:date ; + dct:title "International Chronostratigraphic Chart" ; + dct:type dctype:Image ; +. +dap:d33937 + a dcat:Dataset ; + dct:conformsTo ; + dct:description "A set of RDF graphs representing the International [Chrono]stratigraphic Chart, comprising Turtle serializations of data from the 2017-02 version, along with updated ontologies that define the structure of the data. The Geological Timescale Model is aligned with the W3C OWL-Time ontology https://www.w3.org/TR/owl-time/ for the temporal topology, with OGC GeoSPARQL http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/geosparql for location data, and with the W3C SOSA/SSN ontology for samples. The content of the vocabulary matches the 2017-02 International Chronostratigraphic Chart." ; + dct:identifier "https://doi.org/10.25919/5b4d2b83cbf2d" ; + dct:issued "2018-07-07"^^xsd:date ; + dct:license ; + dct:publisher ; + dct:relation ; + dct:relation ; + dct:relation [ + a dcat:Dataset ; + dct:conformsTo ; + dct:description "This is an RDF/OWL representation of the GeoSciML Geologic Timescale model ..." ; + dct:issued "2011-01-01"^^xsd:date ; + dct:modified "2017-04-28"^^xsd:date ; + dct:title "Geologic Timescale model" ; + dct:type ; + rdfs:comment "The ontology used for the data" ; + dcat:distribution [ + a dcat:Distribution ; + rdfs:comment "RDF/XML representation of the ontology used for the data" ; + dcat:downloadURL ; + dcat:mediaType ; + ] ; + dcat:distribution [ + a dcat:Distribution ; + rdfs:comment "TTL representation of the ontology used for the data" ; + dcat:downloadURL ; + dcat:mediaType ; + ] ; + dcat:distribution [ + a dcat:Distribution ; + rdfs:comment "Webpage describing the ontology used for the data" ; + dcat:downloadURL ; + dcat:mediaType ; + ] ; + dcat:landingPage ; + ] ; + rdfs:comment "The data" ; + dcat:distribution [ + a dcat:Distribution ; + dct:conformsTo ; + rdfs:comment "RDF representation of the data" ; + dcat:accessService [ + a dcat:DataDistributionService ; + dct:conformsTo ; + dct:title "International Chronostratigraphic Chart hosted at Research Vocabularies Australia" ; + rdfs:comment "Service that supports queries to obtain RDF representations of subsets of the data" ; + dcat:endpointURL ; + dcat:landingPage ; + ] ; + ] ; + dcat:distribution [ + a dcat:Distribution ; + dct:identifier "isc2017.jsonld" ; + rdfs:comment "JSON-LD serialization of the RDF representation of the entire dataset" ; + dcat:mediaType ; + ] ; + dcat:distribution [ + a dcat:Distribution ; + dct:identifier "isc2017.nt" ; + rdfs:comment "N-Triples serialization of the RDF representation of the entire dataset" ; + dcat:mediaType ; + ] ; + dcat:distribution [ + a dcat:Distribution ; + dct:identifier "isc2017.rdf" ; + rdfs:comment "RDF/XML serialization of the RDF representation of the entire dataset" ; + dcat:mediaType ; + ] ; + dcat:distribution [ + a dcat:Distribution ; + dct:identifier "isc2017.ttl" ; + rdfs:comment "TTL serialization of the RDF representation of the entire dataset" ; + dcat:mediaType ; + ] ; + dcat:landingPage ; +. + + a owl:Ontology ; + dct:conformsTo dcat: ; + rdfs:comment "This graph provides a DCAT-conformant representation of a catalog entry together with some related resource descriptions" ; + owl:imports ; +. diff --git a/dcat/index.html b/dcat/index.html index 8bea1e0a7..875e767fd 100644 --- a/dcat/index.html +++ b/dcat/index.html @@ -49,10 +49,10 @@

Since the First Public Working Draft, the main changes to the DCAT vocabulary have been:

  • addition of a dcat:Resource class for representing any resource than can be included in the catalog, this is - now the super-class of dcat:Dataset
  • -
  • addition of dcat:DataService, as a sub-class of dcat:Resource, to support cataloguing service end-points providing access to resources
  • -
  • addition of dcat:DataDistributionService, as a sub-class of dcat:DataService, +
  • addition of a dcat:Resource class for representing any resource than can be included in the catalog, this is + now the super-class of dcat:Dataset
  • +
  • addition of dcat:DataService, as a sub-class of dcat:Resource, to support cataloguing service end-points providing access to resources
  • +
  • addition of dcat:DataDistributionService, as a sub-class of dcat:DataService, representing service end-points providing access to datasets through their distributions, respectively
  • addition of ways to representing loosely structured catalogs, where there is no distinction between a dataset and its distributions
  • more details for the ways of representing dataset provenance and dataset quality
  • @@ -214,39 +214,39 @@

    DCAT scope

    DCAT is based around eight main classes:

    • - dcat:Catalog represents a catalog, which is a dataset in which each individual item is a metadata record describing some resource; the scope of dcat:catalog is collections of metadata about datasets or data services. + dcat:Catalog represents a catalog, which is a dataset in which each individual item is a metadata record describing some resource; the scope of dcat:catalog is collections of metadata about datasets or data services.
    • - dcat:Resource represents an individual item in a catalog. - This class is not intended to be used directly, but is the parent class of dcat:Dataset, dcat:DataService and dcat:Catalog. - Member items in a catalog should be members of one of the sub-classes, or of a sub-class of these, or of a sub-class of dcat:Resource defined in a DCAT application profile or other DCAT application. - dcat:Resource is effectively an extension point for defining a catalog of any kind of resource. + dcat:Resource represents an individual item in a catalog. + This class is not intended to be used directly, but is the parent class of dcat:Dataset, dcat:DataService and dcat:Catalog. + Member items in a catalog should be members of one of the sub-classes, or of a sub-class of these, or of a sub-class of dcat:Resource defined in a DCAT application profile or other DCAT application. + dcat:Resource is effectively an extension point for defining a catalog of any kind of resource.
    • - dcat:Dataset represents a dataset in a catalog. + dcat:Dataset represents a dataset in a catalog. A dataset is a collection of data, published or curated by a single agent. Data comes in many forms, including numbers, words, pixels, imagery, sound and other multi-media, and potentially other types, any of which might be collected into a dataset.
    • - dcat:Distribution represents an accessible form or representation of a dataset, for example a downloadable file. + dcat:Distribution represents an accessible form of a dataset, for example a downloadable file.
    • - dcat:DataService represents a data service in a catalog. + dcat:DataService represents a data service in a catalog. A data service is a collection of operations, accessible through an interface (API) that provide access to one or more datasets or data processing functions.
    • - dcat:DataDistributionService represents a kind of data service that provides access to distributions of one or more datasets or extracts of datasets. + dcat:DataDistributionService represents a kind of data service that provides access to distributions of one or more datasets or extracts of datasets.
    • - dcat:CatalogRecord represents a metadata item in the catalog, primarily concerning the registration information, such as who added the item and when. + dcat:CatalogRecord represents a metadata item in the catalog, primarily concerning the registration information, such as who added the item and when.
    @@ -284,8 +284,8 @@

    DCAT scope

    Descriptions of datasets and data services can be included in a catalog. A catalog is a kind of dataset whose member items are descriptions of datasets and data services. Other types of thing might also be catalogued, but the scope of DCAT is currently limited to datasets and data services. - To extend the scope of a catalog beyond datasets and data services it is recommended to define additional sub-classes of dcat:Resource in a DCAT application profile or other DCAT application. - To extend the scope of service descriptions beyond data distribution services it is recommended to define additional sub-classes of dcat:DataService in a DCAT application profile or other DCAT application. + To extend the scope of a catalog beyond datasets and data services it is recommended to define additional sub-classes of dcat:Resource in a DCAT application profile or other DCAT application. + To extend the scope of service descriptions beyond data distribution services it is recommended to define additional sub-classes of dcat:DataService in a DCAT application profile or other DCAT application.

    @@ -299,11 +299,11 @@

    DCAT scope

    Catalogs of other kinds of things might be designed following the DCAT pattern, e.g. dealing with facilities, instruments, samples and specimens, other physical artefacts, events or activities. - These are currently out of scope for DCAT, but might be defined through further sub-classes of dcat:Resource, which could be specified in a DCAT application profile or other DCAT application. + These are currently out of scope for DCAT, but might be defined through further sub-classes of dcat:Resource, which could be specified in a DCAT application profile or other DCAT application.


    A CatalogRecord describes an entry in the catalog. Notice that while dcat:Resource represents the dataset or service itself, dcat:CatalogRecord is the record that describes the registration of an item in the catalog. The use of explicit dcat:CatalogRecord is considered optional. It is used to capture provenance information about entries in a catalog explicitly. If this is not necessary then dcat:CatalogRecord can be safely ignored.


    A CatalogRecord describes an entry in the catalog. Notice that while dcat:Resource represents the dataset or service itself, dcat:CatalogRecord is the record that describes the registration of an item in the catalog. The use of explicit dcat:CatalogRecord is considered optional. It is used to capture provenance information about entries in a catalog explicitly. If this is not necessary then dcat:CatalogRecord can be safely ignored.

    RDF considerations

    @@ -586,7 +586,7 @@

    Vocabulary specification

    RDF representation



    The DCAT RDF representation is modularized into several files or graphs to help users access a version of DCAT with only the alignments that they need. This mechanism can also be used to capture different levels of axiomatization, though the status of such proposals has not been finalized. See Issue #134 and the issues enumerated below. @@ -877,7 +877,7 @@

    Class: Catalogued Resource

    This class carries properties common to all catalogued resources, including datasets and data services. It is strongly recommended to use a more specific sub-class when available. - Usage note:dcat:Resource is an extension point that enables the definition of any kind of catalog. Additional subclasses may be defined in a DCAT application profile or other DCAT application for catalogs of other kinds of resources + Usage note:dcat:Resource is an extension point that enables the definition of any kind of catalog. Additional subclasses may be defined in a DCAT application profile or other DCAT application for catalogs of other kinds of resources See also:Catalog record @@ -914,7 +914,7 @@

    Property: conforms to

    - dct:Standard is defined as "A basis for comparison; a reference point against which other things can be evaluated." The target resource is not restricted to formal standards issued by bodies like ISO and W3C. In this context, it is any resource that specifies one or more aspects of the catalogued resource content, for example schema, semantics, syntax, usage guidelines, file format, or specific serialization. The meaning of conformance is determined by provisions in the target standard. + dct:Standard is defined as "A basis for comparison; a reference point against which other things can be evaluated." The target resource is not restricted to formal standards issued by bodies like ISO and W3C. In this context, it is any resource that specifies one or more aspects of the catalogued resource content, for example schema, semantics, syntax, usage guidelines, file format, or specific serialization. The meaning of conformance is determined by provisions in the target standard.

    @@ -938,7 +938,7 @@

    Property: resource creator

    New property added in this revision of DCAT, specifically added when considering the data citation requirement and - added to the dcat:Resource class, as the Dataset superclass. + added to the dcat:Resource class, as the Dataset superclass.

    @@ -1828,7 +1828,7 @@

    Property: access address

    - dcat:accessURL generally matches the property-chain dcat:accessService/dcat:endpointURL. In the RDF representation of DCAT this is axiomatized as an OWL property-chain axiom. + dcat:accessURL matches the property-chain dcat:accessService/dcat:endpointURL. In the RDF representation of DCAT this is axiomatized as an OWL property-chain axiom.

    @@ -1843,7 +1843,6 @@

    Property: access service

    RDF Property:dcat:accessService Definition:A site or end-point that gives access to the distribution of the dataset - Sub-property of:dcat:accessURL Range:dcat:DataDistributionService Usage note:dcat:accessService SHOULD be used to link to a description of a dcat:DataDistributionService that can provide access to this distribution. See alsodownload address, access address @@ -2008,9 +2007,9 @@

    Property: endpoint address

    - + - +
    RDF Property:dcat:endpointURL
    Definition:The IRI of the service end-point.
    Definition:The location of the service end-point (an IRI).
    @@ -2022,7 +2021,7 @@

    Property: endpoint description

    Definition:A description of the service end-point, including its operations, parameters etc. Domain:dcat:DataService - Range:rdfs:Resource + Range:rdfs:Resource Usage note:The endpoint description gives specific details of the actual endpoint instance, while dct:conformsTo is used to indicate the general standard or specification that the endpoint implements. Usage note:An endpoint description may be expressed in a machine-readable form, such as an OpenAPI (Swagger) description [[?OpenAPI]], an OGC getCapabilities response [[?WFS]], [[?ISO-19142]], [[?WMS]], [[?ISO-19128]], a SPARQL Service Description [[?SPARQL11-SERVICE-DESCRIPTION]], an [[?OpenSearch]] or [[?WSDL20]] document, a Hydra API description [[?HYDRA]], else in text or some other informal mode if a formal representation is not possible. @@ -2237,7 +2236,7 @@

    Property: hadRole

    RDF Property:dcat:hadRole Definition:The function of an entity or agent with respect to another entity or resource. - Domain:prov:Attribution or dcat:Relationship + Domain:prov:Attribution or dcat:Relationship Range:dcat:Role Usage note:May be used in a qualified-attribution to specify the role of an Agent with respect to an Entity. It is recommended that the value be taken from a controlled vocabulary of agent roles, such as ISO 19115 CI_RoleCode. Usage note:May be used in a qualified-relation to specify the role of an Entity with respect to another Entity. It is recommended that the value be taken from a controlled vocabulary of entity roles. @@ -2287,46 +2286,53 @@

    Class: Role

    Dereferenceable identifiers


    The scientific and data provider communities use a number of different identifiers for publications, authors and data. DCAT primarily relies on persistent HTTP URIs as an effective way of making identifiers actionable. Notably, quite a few identifier schemes can be encoded as dereferenceable HTTP URIs, and some of them are also returning machine-readable metadata (e.g., DOIs, ORCIDs). Regardless, data providers still might need to refer to legacy identifiers, non-HTTP dereferenceable identifiers, locally minted or third-party-provided identifiers. In these cases, [[?DC11]] and [[?VOCAB-ADMS]] can be of use.


    The property dct:identifier explicitly indicates HTTP URIs as well as legacy identifiers. In the following examples, dct:identifier identifies a dataset, but it can similarly be used with any kind of resources.


    The scientific and data provider communities use a number of different identifiers for publications, authors and data. DCAT primarily relies on persistent HTTP URIs as an effective way of making identifiers actionable. Notably, quite a few identifier schemes can be encoded as dereferenceable HTTP URIs, and some of them are also returning machine-readable metadata (e.g., DOIs [[?ISO-26324]] and ORCIDs). Regardless, data providers still might need to refer to legacy identifiers, non-HTTP dereferenceable identifiers, locally minted or third-party-provided identifiers. In these cases, [[?DCTERMS]] and [[?VOCAB-ADMS]] can be of use.


    The property dct:identifier explicitly indicates HTTP URIs as well as legacy identifiers. In the following examples, dct:identifier identifies a dataset, but it can similarly be used with any kind of resources.

     <https://example.org/id> a dcat:Dataset;
     	dct:identifier "https://example.org/id"^^xsd:anyURI

    Proxy dereferenceable URIs can be used when resources have not HTTP dereferenceable IDs. For example, in the following, https://example.org/proxyid is a proxy for id.


    Proxy dereferenceable URIs can be used when resources have not HTTP dereferenceable IDs. For example, in the following example, https://example.org/proxyid is a proxy for id.

     <https://example.org/proxyid> a dcat:Dataset;
     	dct:identifier  "id"^^xsd:string

    The property adms:identifier [[?VOCAB-ADMS]] can express other locally minted identifiers or external identifiers, like DOI [[?ISO-26324]], ELI etc., as long as they are globally unique and stable.


    The following example uses adms:schemaAgency and dct:creator to represent the authority that defines the identifier scheme (e.g., the DOI foundation in the example), adms:schemaAgency is used when the authority has no URI associated. +

    The property adms:identifier [[?VOCAB-ADMS]] can express other locally minted identifiers or external identifiers, like DOI, ELI, arΧiv for creative works and ORCID, VIAF, ISNI for actors such as authors and publishers, as long as the identifiers are globally unique and stable.


    The following example uses adms:schemaAgency and dct:creator to represent the authority that defines the identifier scheme (e.g., the DOI foundation in the example), adms:schemaAgency is used when the authority has no URI associated. The CrossRef and DataCite display guidelines recommend displaying DOIs as full URL link in the form https://doi.org/10.xxxx/xxxxx/.

     <https://example.org/id> a dcat:Dataset;
    -    adms:identifier  <https://example.org/iddoi> .
    -	.
    +    adms:identifier  <https://example.org/iddoi> ;
    +    dct:publisher <https://example.org/PoelenJorritH>.
    -<https://example.org/iddoi> rdf:type adms:Identifier ;
    +<https://example.org/iddoi> a adms:Identifier ;
    +    # reading https://www.w3.org/TR/skos-reference/#notations more than one skos:notation can be set
        skos:notation "https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1486279"^^xsd:anyURI;
    -   # reading https://www.w3.org/TR/skos-reference/#notations more than one skos:notation can be set
    -   skos:notation "info:doi/10.5281/zenodo.1486279"^^xsd:anyURI  ;
        # the authority/agency defining the identifier scheme, used if the agency has no URI
        adms:schemaAgency "International DOI Foundation" ;
        # the authority/agency defining the identifier scheme, used if the agency has URI
    -   dct:creator  ex:InternationalDOIFundation.
    +   dct:creator  ex:InternationalDOIFundation .
    -ex:InternationalDOIFundation a dct:Agent;
    +ex:InternationalDOIFundation a foaf:Organization ;
         rdfs:label "International DOI Foundation";
         foaf:homepage <https://www.doi.org/> .

    The example does not represent the authority responsible for assigning and maintaining identifiers using that scheme (e.g., Zenodo) as naming the registrant goes against the philosophy of DOI, where the sub-spaces are abstracted from the organisation that registers them, with the advantage that DOIs don't change when the organisation changes or the responsibility for that sub-space is handed over to someone else.

    +<https://example.org/PoelenJorritH> a foaf:Person; + foaf:name "Jorrit H. Poelen" ; + adms:identifier <https://example.org/PoelenJorritHID> . + +<https://example.org/PoelenJorritHID> a adms:Identifier; + skos:notation "https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3138-4118"^^xsd:anyURI ; + # the authority/agency defining the identifier scheme, used if the agency has no URI + adms:schemaAgency "ORCID" . + -

    When the HTTP dereferenceable ID returns an RDF/OWL description for the dataset, the use of owl:sameAs might be consider. For example,


    The example does not represent the authority responsible for assigning and maintaining identifiers using that scheme (e.g., Zenodo) as naming the registrant goes against the philosophy of DOI, where the sub-spaces are abstracted from the organisation that registers them, with the advantage that DOIs do not change when the organization changes or the responsibility for that sub-space is handed over to someone else. The example shows a locally minted identifier for the creator of the dataset (e.g., https://example.org/PoelenJorritHID) and its correspondent ORCID identifier (e.g., https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3138-4118).


    When the HTTP dereferenceable ID returns an RDF/OWL description for the dataset, the use of owl:sameAs might be considered. For example,

     <https://example.org/id> a dcat:Dataset;
    @@ -2335,8 +2341,9 @@ 

    Dereferenceable identifiers

    when dereferenced with media type text/turtle, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1486279 returns a [[?SCHEMA-ORG]] description for the dataset, which might dynamically enrich the description provided by https://example.org/id.

    - +

    The need to distinguish between primary and alternative (or legacy) identifiers for a dataset within DCAT has been posed as a requirement. However, it is very much application-specific and would be better addressed in application profiles rather than mandating a general approach.

    @@ -2345,7 +2352,7 @@

    Dereferenceable identifiers

    Indicating common identifier types


    If identifiers are not HTTP dereferenceable, common identifier types can be served as RDF datatypes or custom OWL datatypes for the sake of interoperability, see ex:type in the following example.


    If identifiers are not HTTP dereferenceable, common identifier types can be served as RDF datatypes or custom OWL datatypes for the sake of interoperability, see ex:type in the following example.

     <https://example.org/id> a dcat:Dataset;
    @@ -2360,7 +2367,7 @@ 

    Indicating common identifier types

    dcterms:issued "2001-09-12"^^xsd:date .

    If a registered URI type is used (following [[?RFC3986]], Section 3.1), the identifier scheme is part of the URI; thus indicating a separate identifier scheme in 'type' is redundant. For example, DOI is registered as a namespace in the info URI scheme (see DOI FAQ #11), so according to [[?RFC3986]] URI it should be encoded as in the following


    If a registered URI type is used (following [[?RFC3986]], Section 3.1), the identifier scheme is part of the URI; thus indicating a separate identifier scheme in 'type' is redundant. For example, DOI is registered as a namespace in the info URI scheme [[IANA-URI-SCHEMES]] (see DOI FAQ #11), so according to [[?RFC3986]], it should be encoded as in the following

    <https://example.org/sid> rdf:type adms:Identifier ;
      # the actual id
    @@ -2809,7 +2816,7 @@ 

    Relationships between datasets and other resources

    - Note: The property dcat:qualifiedRelation and association-class dcat:Relationship follow the pattern established in W3C [[!PROV-O]] and described in the section Qualified Terms. + The property dcat:qualifiedRelation and association-class dcat:Relationship follow the pattern established in W3C [[!PROV-O]] and described in the section Qualified Terms. However, PROV-O is activity-centric, and does not support Entity-Entity relations except for the single case of 'was derived from', thus necessitating the new elements shown here to support the general case.

    @@ -2820,7 +2827,7 @@

    Relationships between datasets and other resources

    Provenance patterns



    In this chapter it is planned to describe patterns for the use of the [[!PROV-O]] vocabulary to support the various provenance-related requirements. A number of requirements identify the need to provide better support for Dataset and Record provenance - see Issue #78, @@ -2834,7 +2841,7 @@

    Provenance patterns

    Many of the requirements can be satisfied by using capabilities from the [[?PROV-O]] ontology, - in particular by treating dcat:Resource and/or dcat:CatalogRecord a sub-class of prov:Entity. + in particular by treating dcat:Resource and/or dcat:CatalogRecord a sub-class of prov:Entity. See Issue #128 for the relevant discussion. A preliminary alignment of DCAT with PROV-O is available. See the wiki page on Provenance Patterns for more discussion. @@ -3614,17 +3621,17 @@

    Loosely structured catalog

    -dct:description "A set of RDF graphs representing the International [Chrono]stratigraphic Chart, ..." ;
    -dct:identifier "https://doi.org/10.25919/5b4d2b83cbf2d"^^xsd:anyURI ;
    -dct:creator <https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3884-3420>;
    -dct:relation <https://vocabs.ands.org.au/viewById/196> ;
    -dct:relation :ChronostratChart2017-02.pdf  ;
    -dct:relation :ChronostratChart2017-02.jpg ;
    -dct:relation :timescale.zip ;
    -dct:relation :isc2017.jsonld ;
    -dct:relation :isc2017.nt ;
    -dct:relation :isc2017.rdf ;
    -dct:relation :isc2017.ttl ;
    +  dct:description "A set of RDF graphs representing the International [Chrono]stratigraphic Chart, ..." ;
    +  dct:identifier "https://doi.org/10.25919/5b4d2b83cbf2d"^^xsd:anyURI ;
    +  dct:creator <https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3884-3420>;
    +  dct:relation <https://vocabs.ands.org.au/viewById/196> ;
    +  dct:relation :ChronostratChart2017-02.pdf  ;
    +  dct:relation :ChronostratChart2017-02.jpg ;
    +  dct:relation :timescale.zip ;
    +  dct:relation :isc2017.jsonld ;
    +  dct:relation :isc2017.nt ;
    +  dct:relation :isc2017.rdf ;
    +  dct:relation :isc2017.ttl ;
    @@ -3634,43 +3641,150 @@

    Loosely structured catalog

    -rdf:type dcat:Dataset ;
    -dct:description "A set of RDF graphs representing the International [Chrono]stratigraphic Chart, ..." ;
    -dct:identifier "https://doi.org/10.25919/5b4d2b83cbf2d"^^xsd:anyURI ;
    -dct:relation <https://vocabs.ands.org.au/viewById/196> ;
    -dct:relation :ChronostratChart2017-02.pdf  ;
    -dct:relation :ChronostratChart2017-02.jpg ;
    -dct:relation :timescale.zip ;
    -dcat:distribution :d33937-jsonld ;
    -dcat:distribution :d33937-nt ;
    -dcat:distribution :d33937-rdf ;
    -dcat:distribution :d33937-ttl ;
    +  rdf:type dcat:Dataset ;
    +  dct:description "A set of RDF graphs representing the International [Chrono]stratigraphic Chart, ..." ;
    +  dct:identifier "https://doi.org/10.25919/5b4d2b83cbf2d"^^xsd:anyURI ;
    +  dct:relation <https://vocabs.ands.org.au/viewById/196> ;
    +  dct:relation :ChronostratChart2017-02.pdf  ;
    +  dct:relation :ChronostratChart2017-02.jpg ;
    +  dct:relation :timescale.zip ;
    +  dcat:distribution :d33937-jsonld ;
    +  dcat:distribution :d33937-nt ;
    +  dcat:distribution :d33937-rdf ;
    +  dcat:distribution :d33937-ttl ;
     :d33937-jsonld  rdf:type dcat:Distribution ;
    -dcat:downloadURL :isc2017.jsonld ;
    -dcat:byteSize "698039"^^xsd:decimal ;
    -dcat:mediaType <https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/application/ld+json> ;
    +  dcat:downloadURL :isc2017.jsonld ;
    +  dcat:byteSize "698039"^^xsd:decimal ;
    +  dcat:mediaType <https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/application/ld+json> ;
     :d33937-nt  rdf:type dcat:Distribution ;
    -dcat:downloadURL :isc2017.nt ;
    -dcat:byteSize "2047874"^^xsd:decimal ;
    -dcat:mediaType <https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/application/n-triples> ;
    +  dcat:downloadURL :isc2017.nt ;
    +  dcat:byteSize "2047874"^^xsd:decimal ;
    +  dcat:mediaType <https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/application/n-triples> ;
     :d33937-rdf  rdf:type dcat:Distribution ;
    -dcat:downloadURL :isc2017.rdf ;
    -dcat:byteSize "1600569"^^xsd:decimal ;
    -dcat:mediaType <https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/application/rdf+xml> ;
    +  dcat:downloadURL :isc2017.rdf ;
    +  dcat:byteSize "1600569"^^xsd:decimal ;
    +  dcat:mediaType <https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/application/rdf+xml> ;
     :d33937-ttl  rdf:type dcat:Distribution ;
    -dcat:downloadURL :isc2017.ttl ;
    -dcat:byteSize "531703"^^xsd:decimal ;
    -dcat:mediaType <https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/text/turtle> ;
    +  dcat:downloadURL :isc2017.ttl ;
    +  dcat:byteSize "531703"^^xsd:decimal ;
    +  dcat:mediaType <https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/text/turtle> ;

    This example is available from the DXWG code repository at csiro-dap-examples.ttl

    + +

    + Additional detail about the nature of the related resources can be given using suitable elements from other RDF vocabularies, along with dataset descriptors from DCAT. For example, the example above might be more fully expressed as follows (embedded comments explain the different resources in the graph): +

    + +
    +  rdf:type dcat:Dataset ;
    +  rdfs:comment "The data" ;
    +  dct:conformsTo <http://resource.geosciml.org/ontology/timescale/gts> ;
    +  dct:description "A set of RDF graphs representing the International [Chrono]stratigraphic Chart [...]" ;
    +  dct:identifier "https://doi.org/10.25919/5b4d2b83cbf2d" ;
    +  dct:issued "2018-07-07"^^xsd:date ;
    +  dct:license <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/> ;
    +  dct:publisher <http://www.csiro.au> ;
    +  dct:relation <http://stratigraphy.org/ICSchart/ChronostratChart2017-02.jpg> ;
    +  dct:relation <http://stratigraphy.org/ICSchart/ChronostratChart2017-02.pdf> ;
    +  dct:relation [
    +      rdf:type dcat:Dataset ;
    +      dct:conformsTo <https://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-overview/> ;
    +      rdfs:comment "The ontology used for the data" ;
    +      dct:description "This is an RDF/OWL representation of the GeoSciML Geologic Timescale model ..." ;
    +      dct:issued "2011-01-01"^^xsd:date ;
    +      dct:modified "2017-04-28"^^xsd:date ;
    +      dct:title "Geologic Timescale model" ;
    +      dct:type <http://purl.org/adms/assettype/DomainModel> ;
    +      dcat:distribution [
    +          rdf:type dcat:Distribution ;
    +          rdfs:comment "RDF/XML representation of the ontology used for the data" ;
    +          dcat:downloadURL <http://resource.geosciml.org/ontology/timescale/gts.rdf> ;
    +          dcat:mediaType <https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/application/rdf+xml> ;
    +        ] ;
    +      dcat:distribution [
    +          rdf:type dcat:Distribution ;
    +          rdfs:comment "TTL representation of the ontology used for the data" ;
    +          dcat:downloadURL <http://resource.geosciml.org/ontology/timescale/gts.ttl> ;
    +          dcat:mediaType <https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/text/turtle> ;
    +        ] ;
    +      dcat:distribution [
    +          rdf:type dcat:Distribution ;
    +          rdfs:comment "Webpage describing the ontology used for the data" ;
    +          dcat:downloadURL <http://resource.geosciml.org/ontology/timescale/gts.html> ;
    +          dcat:mediaType <https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/text/html> ;
    +        ] ;
    +      dcat:landingPage <http://resource.geosciml.org/ontology/timescale/gts> ;
    +    ] ;
    +  dcat:distribution [
    +      rdf:type dcat:Distribution ;
    +      dct:conformsTo <https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-schema/> ;
    +      rdfs:comment "RDF representation of the data" ;
    +      dcat:accessService [
    +          rdf:type dcat:DataDistributionService ;
    +          dct:conformsTo <https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/> ;
    +          dct:title "International Chronostratigraphic Chart hosted at Research Vocabularies Australia" ;
    +          rdfs:comment "Service that supports queries to obtain RDF representations of subsets of the data" ;
    +          dcat:endpointURL <http://vocabs.ands.org.au/repository/api/sparql/csiro_international-chronostratigraphic-chart_2017> ;
    +          dcat:landingPage <https://vocabs.ands.org.au/viewById/196> ;
    +        ] ;
    +    ] ;
    +  dcat:distribution [
    +      rdf:type dcat:Distribution ;
    +      dct:identifier "isc2017.jsonld" ;
    +      rdfs:comment "JSON-LD serialization of the RDF representation of the entire dataset" ;
    +      dcat:mediaType <https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/application/ld+json> ;
    +    ] ;
    +  dcat:distribution [
    +      rdf:type dcat:Distribution ;
    +      dct:identifier "isc2017.nt" ;
    +      rdfs:comment "N-Triples serialization of the RDF representation of the entire dataset" ;
    +      dcat:mediaType <https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/application/n-triples> ;
    +    ] ;
    +  dcat:distribution [
    +      rdf:type dcat:Distribution ;
    +      dct:identifier "isc2017.rdf" ;
    +      rdfs:comment "RDF/XML serialization of the RDF representation of the entire dataset" ;
    +      dcat:mediaType <https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/application/rdf+xml> ;
    +    ] ;
    +  dcat:distribution [
    +      rdf:type dcat:Distribution ;
    +      dct:identifier "isc2017.ttl" ;
    +      rdfs:comment "TTL serialization of the RDF representation of the entire dataset" ;
    +      dcat:mediaType <https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/text/turtle> ;
    +    ] ;
    +  dcat:landingPage <https://data.csiro.au/dap/landingpage?pid=csiro:33937> ;
    +    rdf:type foaf:Document ;
    +    dct:type <http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Image> ;
    +    dct:format  <https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/img/jpeg> ;
    +    dct:description "Coloured image representation of the International Chronostratigraphic Chart" ;
    +    dct:issued "2017-02-01"^^xsd:date ;
    +    dct:title "International Chronostratigraphic Chart" ;
    +    rdf:type foaf:Document ;
    +    dct:type <http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Image> ;
    +    dct:format <https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/application/pdf> ;
    +    dct:description "Coloured image representation of the International Chronostratigraphic Chart" ;
    +    dct:issued "2017-02-01"^^xsd:date ;
    +    dct:title "International Chronostratigraphic Chart" ;

    + This example is available from the DXWG code repository at csiro-stratchart.ttl +

    @@ -3829,7 +3943,7 @@

    Data services

    More examples needed



    This section will contain more examples on the use of DCAT.

    @@ -3898,7 +4012,7 @@

    Changes since the W3C Recommendation of 16 January 2014

  • - Class: Catalogued resource: In DCAT 2014 [[?VOCAB-DCAT-20140116]] the scope of a dcat:Catalog was limited to Datasets. This has been generalized, and properties common to all catalogued resources are now associated with a super-class dcat:Resource - see Issue #172 and Issue #116. The wiki page on Cataloguing data services describes some proposals related to this requirement. + Class: Catalogued resource: In DCAT 2014 [[?VOCAB-DCAT-20140116]] the scope of a dcat:Catalog was limited to Datasets. This has been generalized, and properties common to all catalogued resources are now associated with a super-class dcat:Resource - see Issue #172 and Issue #116. The wiki page on Cataloguing data services describes some proposals related to this requirement.
  • diff --git a/dcat/rdf/dcat.ttl b/dcat/rdf/dcat.ttl index 68a027060..2b2230af2 100644 --- a/dcat/rdf/dcat.ttl +++ b/dcat/rdf/dcat.ttl @@ -413,7 +413,6 @@ dcat:accessService rdfs:comment "A site or end-point that gives access to the distribution of the dataset" ; rdfs:label "data access service" ; rdfs:range dcat:DataDistributionService ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf dcat:accessURL ; skos:changeNote "New property in this revision of DCAT" ; skos:editorialNote "Status: Property accepted by DCAT revision team, but details of definition and constraints not yet resolved." ; . @@ -633,6 +632,7 @@ dcat:endpointURL rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:comment "The URI of the service end-point" ; rdfs:domain dcat:DataService ; + rdfs:range rdfs:Resource ; rdfs:label "service end-point" ; skos:changeNote "New property in this revision of DCAT" ; skos:editorialNote "Status: Property accepted by DCAT revision team, but details of definition and constraints not yet resolved." ; diff --git a/profiles/index.html b/profiles/index.html index 0178a851d..67d3d9dba 100644 --- a/profiles/index.html +++ b/profiles/index.html @@ -49,30 +49,35 @@

    Overview of DXWG documents on profiles


    This section is non-normative.

    - A profile is generally understood as representing a point of view. In information technology, profiles may also + A profile can be understood as an outline of some "thing" when seen from a specific point of view. + Also, Profiling is the task of distilling the essential aspects or character of something, such as a person, + from a specific angle. In the craft domain, a profile is taken by a tool that matches itself in detail + to the contours of a 3-dimensional object and returns a 2-dimensional accurate representation from which other + formable materials can be constrained and fashioned to that profile, or matched with it to determine how accurately + it portrays the original 3-dimensional object from which the profile was taken. +


    + In the same sense then, information entities can be viewed from different perspectives and in order to prepare + them for specific uses they are frequently tested for their goodness of fit to some pattern, or the pattern + can be provided prior to the gathering of the information to provide some constraint to ensure adequacy and + appropriateness of that information asset to the job in hand. +


    + In information technology, profiles may also support the data needs of specific applications. Profiling is often the work of a community interested in interoperability and data exchange. We define a profile generally as named set of constraints on one or more identified base specifications.

    - Communities create and use data standards to ensure interoperability for information exchange. Although members - of a community may use the same basic standard schema, it is very common for different subsets within the larger - community to need some further specification of the data they create to meet their own needs. To continue to - support interoperability of their data with others, these community members need to express the specifics of - their implementation of the data schema. Profiles serve this purpose. Profiles enumerate vocabulary terms, - cardinality, and validation rules, and can also include descriptions of the rules used by creators to make - decisions regarding their data elements. -


    - Good metadata practice begins with the builders of vocabularies and ontologies. Builders of vocabularies and - ontologies are encouraged to make their work as broadly applicable as possible so as to maximize future adoption. + Good data practice generally begins with vocabulary and ontology designers who + are encouraged to make their work as broadly applicable as possible so as to maximize future adoption. As a result, vocabularies and ontologies typically define a data model using minimal semantics. For example, DCAT [[vocab-dcat-2]] defines the concept of a dataset as an abstract entity with distributions and data services - as means of accessing data; it is silent on whether a distribution should be in a particular serialization, or - set of serializations. It is also silent on how data services should be configured. While it states that the + as means of accessing data; there is no mention of whether a distribution should be in a particular serialization, or + set of serializations, nor of how data services should be configured. While it states that the value of dcat:theme should be a SKOS [[skos-reference]] concept, it does not specify a particular SKOS concept - scheme, and so on. Other vocabularies, such as Dublin Core Terms [[DCTERMS]], are equally parsimonious in their - prescriptions of how they should be used. This means that data models and methods of working can be applied in + scheme, and so on. Other vocabularies, such as Dublin Core Terms [[DCTERMS]], are similarly for general use. + This means that data models and methods of working can be applied in different circumstances than those in which the original definition work was carried out and, in that sense, these promote broad interoperability.

    @@ -87,21 +92,18 @@


    this property MUST be from this specific code list".

    - This document is about how to formulate and communicate profiles. + This document is about how to formulate and communicate profiles and the ways in which profiles can be + identified and related to each other.

    - (Antoine:) Nick suggested to reuse some elements of the F2F3 outline as a 'motivation' section. I believe the - following ones could be mentioned in intro: -
    • Communities, national identity on data standards, domains of activity
    • -
    • Functions: consensus; sharing; search; etc.
    • -

    Profile Definition




    + We recognise that the term 'profile' occurs in several domains, and that there are a range of definitions + available from different communities. We have taken this variability into account but for the purpose of this document we + are using the following definitions: +

    @@ -117,57 +119,84 @@

    Profile Definition

    Source: deliberations of the DXWG. See ProfileContext wiki page.


    + The act of creating a profile - an activity that has been undertaken by many communities with a range of formalisms. +

    - -

    Types of profiles and related work


    - (Antoine:) The idea is that this section will contain text the define the types of profiles and their motivation in general terms, - as well as pointing to examples, as done at in this draft. As Karen said:


    (Karen:) I had thought of this as showing examples of TYPES of profiles. There are profiles like DCAT that take place - within a community, make primary use of a base metadata schema, but add or remove based on local need. There are profiles - like ODRL that have a very formal meaning (legal license) and are in essence cumulative, with the base standard elements - assumed and specific rules for over-riding. There are profiles that use only the namespace of the base profile, but are - defined subsets (BIBFRA.ME, but any other example of this would be fine - that's the one I know). And then we could perhaps - find a profile that has no strong base profile (ADMS perhaps?) but combines elements as needed from a variety of sources and - is independent of any existing vocabulary. The idea would be to show a range of profile motivations, designs, and community - involvement.

    + + +

    The motivation for profiles


    + Communities create and use data standards to ensure interoperability for information exchange. Although members + of a community may use the same basic standard schema, it is very common for different subsets within the larger + community to need some further specification of the data they create to meet their own needs. To continue to + support interoperability of their data with others, these community members need to express the specifics of + their implementation of the data schema. Profiles serve this purpose. Profiles enumerate vocabulary terms, + cardinality, and validation rules, and can also include descriptions of the rules used by creators to make + decisions regarding their data elements. +

    + + +

    Examples of profiles and related work


    + Profiles can take a number of forms and can have a variety of relationships to existing vocabularies, + standards, and other profiles. We recognise this variety, but for the purposes of this document we are focusing + on the most general forms of profile and profiling. Although it is not possible to list all of the types + of profiles, some illustrations of frequently-used profiles include: +

    • + profiles that are subsets of a larger vocabulary. These reduce the vocabulary terms of a broad data + standard to a smaller number of terms that are useful for a particular community member or application. + An example of this is BIBFRA.me, which is designed for library materials and defines + both a core set of terms as well as profiles for specialized communities such as cataloging of rare materials + or early printing trade. In this community, all profiles use only terms from a single vocabulary. +
    • +
    • + profiles that can both reduce and extend a base standard. These profiles are developed by members of a + data-sharing community but for reasons of jurisdiction or specialization need to add terms beyond the base + standard vocabulary in order to meet their needs. They may also omit terms from the base standard that are not + relevant to their implementations. An example of this is data catalog vocabulary standard, DCAT, its primary + profile, DCAT-AP, and the national variants (DCAT-AT-IT, DCAT-AP-NO, DCAT-AT-DE). While maintaining overall + compatibility with the larger data catalog community, each of these profiles adds needed terms for the local + variant. These profiles generally make use of terms from more than one namespace. +
    • +
    • + profiles that amend a base standard by inheriting or overriding values of that standard. The example here + is of the Open Digital Rights Language (ODRL) which is a language to support rights in the use of digital + content in publishing, distribution, and consumption of digital media. The ODRL language encodes a policy + that has a core vocabulary that can be extended or overridden by individual instances called "profiles." +
    • +
    • + profiles that use some vocabulary terms from multiple standards without having a strong relationship to any + base standard. These profiles develop new groupings of existing terms as vocabularies and may define new + terms as needed. An example of this is the Asset Description Metadata Schema (ADMS) vocabulary [[vocab-adms]] +
    • +

    - Profiling is an activity that has been undertaken by many communities with a range of formalisms. This - section lists work that has been influential in the development of this document. + This section lists work that has been influential in the development of this document.

    DCAT Application Profiles
    Filler text
    Asset Description Metadata Schema
    From the Asset Description Metadata Schema (ADMS) specification [[vocab-adms]]: "ADMS is a profile of DCAT [[vocab-dcat]], used to describe semantic assets".
    Dublin Core Application Profile & The Singapore Framework
    The Singapore Framework for Dublin Core Application Profiles [[DCSF]]
    The Guidelines for Dublin Core Application Profiles [[DCAP]]
    Description Set Profiles: A constraint language for Dublin Core Application Profiles [[DCDSP]]
    Open Geospatial Consortium Profiling
    Profiling of ISO standards
    ODRL profiles
    See comment 408916364
    See comment 408916364

    Profiles defined

    diff --git a/profilesont/ns.html b/profilesont/ns.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9ac49d88a --- /dev/null +++ b/profilesont/ns.html @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ + + + + Profiles Ontology Namespace + + + + + + +

    + W3C +


    + This is a namespace for use with the Profiles Ontology (PROF). + See the ontology itself in Turtle or RDF/XML.

    + Webmaster
    + Last modified: $Id: ns.html,v 1.4 2019-02-13 16:37:18 ncar Exp $ +
    + +