diff --git a/index.html b/index.html index 53f52c6..ca4c8d4 100644 --- a/index.html +++ b/index.html @@ -818,7 +818,7 @@

Setting Pointer Capture

Pointer capture is set on an element by calling the element.setPointerCapture(pointerId) method. When this method is invoked, a user agent MUST run the following steps:

  1. If the pointerId provided as the method's argument does not match any of the active pointers, then throw a DOMException with the name NotFoundError.
  2. -
  3. If the Element on which this method is invoked is not connected ([[!DOM4]]), throw an exception with the name InvalidStateError.
  4. +
  5. If the Element on which this method is invoked is not connected ([[!DOM4]]), throw an exception with the name InvalidStateError.
  6. If this method is invoked while the document has a locked element ([[!PointerLock]]), throw an exception with the name InvalidStateError.
  7. If the pointer is not in the active buttons state, then terminate these steps.
  8. For the specified pointerId, set the pending pointer capture target override to the Element on which this method was invoked.
  9. @@ -854,7 +854,7 @@

    Implicit Release of Pointer Capture

    (see compatibility mouse events), and if in an implicit release scenario both click and lostpointercapture events are fired, click SHOULD be fired before lostpointercapture.


    When the pointer capture target override is removed from its ownerDocument's tree, +

    When the pointer capture target override is no longer connected ([[!DOM4]]), the pending pointer capture target override and pointer capture target override nodes SHOULD be cleared and also a PointerEvent named lostpointercapture corresponding to the captured pointer SHOULD be fired at the document.

    When a pointer lock ([[!PointerLock]]) is successfully applied on an element, a user agent MUST run the steps as if the releasePointerCapture() method has been called if any element is set to be captured or pending to be captured.