From fda418be3962f25177816d0c4670fd32c9f0b4d4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: CI Bot Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2016 22:55:14 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Script updating gh-pages. [ci skip] --- index.html | 384 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ 1 file changed, 209 insertions(+), 175 deletions(-) diff --git a/index.html b/index.html index 4a192bb95..797caa9a9 100644 --- a/index.html +++ b/index.html @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@


Web Authentication: A Web API for accessing scoped credentials 1


Editor’s Draft,


Editor’s Draft,

@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@



This specification defines an API that enables web pages to access WebAuthn compliant strong cryptographic credentials through browser script. Conceptually, credentials are stored on an authenticator, and each credential is bound to a single Relying Party. Authenticators are responsible for ensuring that no operation is performed without the user’s consent. The user agent mediates access to credentials in order to preserve user privacy. Web Authentication uses the concept of attestation to provide a cryptographic proof of the authenticator model to the relying party. The relying party can derive the authenticator security characteristics from this proof.


This specification defines an API that enables web pages to access WebAuthn compliant strong cryptographic credentials through browser script. Conceptually, credentials are stored on an authenticator, and each credential is bound to a single Relying Party. Authenticators are responsible for ensuring that no operation is performed without the user’s consent. The user agent mediates access to credentials in order to preserve user privacy. Web Authentication uses the concept of attestation to provide a cryptographic proof of the authenticator model to the relying party. The relying party can derive the authenticator security characteristics from this proof.

Status of this document

@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@

Table of Contents

  • 1 Use Cases
    1. 1.1 Registration (embedded authenticator mode) -
    2. 1.2 Authentication (external authenticator mode) +
    3. 1.1 Registration (embedded authenticator mode) +
    4. 1.2 Authentication (external authenticator mode)
    5. 1.3 Other configurations
  • @@ -236,7 +236,8 @@

    Table of Contents

  • 10.2 Authentication
  • 10.3 Decommissioning -
  • 11 Acknowledgements +
  • 11 Terminology +
  • 12 Acknowledgements
  • Index
      @@ -255,14 +256,14 @@

      Table of Contents

      1. Use Cases

      This section is not normative.


      This specification defines an API for web pages to access scoped credentials through JavaScript, for the purpose of strongly authenticating a user. Scoped credentials are always scoped to a single WebAuthn Relying Party, and the API respects this requirement. Credentials created by a Relying Party can only be accessed by web origins belonging to that Relying Party. Additionally, privacy across Relying Parties must be maintained; scripts must not be able to detect any properties, or even the existence, of credentials belonging to other Relying Parties.


      Scoped credentials are located on authenticators, which can use them to perform operations subject to user consent. Broadly, authenticators are of two types:


      This specification defines an API for web pages to access scoped credentials through JavaScript, for the purpose of strongly authenticating a user. Scoped credentials are always scoped to a single WebAuthn Relying Party, and the API respects this requirement. Credentials created by a Relying Party can only be accessed by web origins belonging to that Relying Party. Additionally, privacy across Relying Parties must be maintained; scripts must not be able to detect any properties, or even the existence, of credentials belonging to other Relying Parties.


      Scoped credentials are located on authenticators, which can use them to perform operations subject to user consent. Broadly, authenticators are of two types:

      1. Embedded authenticators have their operation managed by the same computing device (e.g., smart phone, tablet, desktop PC) as the user agent is running on. For instance, such an authenticator might consist of a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) or Secure Element (SE) integrated into the computing device, along with appropriate platform software to mediate access to this device’s functionality. -
      2. External authenticators operate autonomously from the device running the user agent, and accessed over a transport such as Universal Serial Bus (USB), Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) or Near Field Communications (NFC). +
      3. Embedded authenticators#embedded-authenticatorsReferenced in:1.1. Registration (embedded authenticator mode)11. Terminology have their operation managed by the same computing device (e.g., smart phone, tablet, desktop PC) as the user agent is running on. For instance, such an authenticator might consist of a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) or Secure Element (SE) integrated into the computing device, along with appropriate platform software to mediate access to this device’s functionality. +
      4. External authenticators#external-authenticatorsReferenced in:1.2. Authentication (external authenticator mode)10.2. Authentication11. Terminology operate autonomously from the device running the user agent, and accessed over a transport such as Universal Serial Bus (USB), Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) or Near Field Communications (NFC).

      Note that an external authenticator may itself contain an embedded authenticator. For example, consider a smart phone that contains a scoped credential. The credential may be accessed by a web browser running on the phone itself. In this case the module containing the credential is functioning as an embedded authenticator. However, the credential may also be accessed over BLE by a user agent on a nearby laptop. In this latter case, the phone is functioning as an external authenticator. These modes may even be used in a single end-to-end user scenario. One such scenario is described in the remainder of this section.


      1.1. Registration (embedded authenticator mode)


      1.1. Registration (embedded authenticator mode)

      • On the phone: @@ -274,7 +275,7 @@

        Website shows message, "Registration complete."


      1.2. Authentication (external authenticator mode)


      1.2. Authentication (external authenticator mode)

      • On the laptop: @@ -303,7 +304,7 @@

        User employs a scoped credential as described above to authorize a single transaction, such as a payment or other financial transaction.

      2. Conformance


      This specification defines criteria for a conforming user agent. A user agent MUST behave as described in this specification in order to be considered conformant. User agents MAY implement algorithms given in this specification in any way desired, so long as the end result is indistinguishable from the result that would be obtained by the specification’s algorithms. A conforming Web Authentication API user agent MUST also be a conforming implementation of the IDL fragments of this specification, as described in the “Web IDL” specification. [WebIDL-1]


      This specification defines criteria for a Conforming User Agent. A User Agent MUST behave as described in this specification in order to be considered conformant. User Agents MAY implement algorithms given in this specification in any way desired, so long as the end result is indistinguishable from the result that would be obtained by the specification’s algorithms. A conforming Web Authentication API User Agent MUST also be a conforming implementation of the IDL fragments of this specification, as described in the “Web IDL” specification. [WebIDL-1]

      The term Base64url Encoding refers to the base64 encoding using the URL- and filename-safe character set defined in Section 5 of [RFC4648], with all trailing '=' characters omitted (as permitted by Section 3.2) and without the inclusion of any line breaks, whitespace, or other additional characters. This is the same encoding as used by JSON Web Signature (JWS) [RFC7515].

      2.1. Dependencies

      This specification relies on several other underlying specifications.

      @@ -319,8 +320,8 @@

      JsonWebKey#jsonwebkeyReferenced in:5.1. Client data6.4.3.4. AndroidAttestationClientData: A cryptographic key as defined in [WebCryptoAPI].

  • 3. WebAuthn Authenticator model


    The API defined in this specification implies a specific abstract functional model for an authenticator. This section describes the authenticator model. Client platforms may implement and expose this abstract model in any way desired. However, the behavior of the client’s Web Authentication API implementation, when operating on the embedded and external authenticators supported by that platform, MUST be indistinguishable from the behavior specified in the Web Authentication API section.


    In this abstract model, each authenticator stores some number of scoped credentials. Each scoped credential has an identifier which is unique (or extremely unlikely to be duplicated) among all scoped credentials. Each credential is also associated with a WebAuthn Relying Party, whose identity is represented by a Relying Party Identifier (RP ID).


    The API defined in this specification implies a specific abstract functional model for an authenticator. This section describes the authenticator model. Client platforms may implement and expose this abstract model in any way desired. However, the behavior of the client’s Web Authentication API implementation, when operating on the embedded and external authenticators supported by that platform, MUST be indistinguishable from the behavior specified in the Web Authentication API section.


    In this abstract model, each authenticator stores some number of scoped credentials. Each scoped credential has an identifier which is unique (or extremely unlikely to be duplicated) among all scoped credentials. Each credential is also associated with a WebAuthn Relying Party, whose identity is represented by a Relying Party Identifier (RP ID).

    A client must connect to an authenticator in order to invoke any of the operations of that authenticator. This connection defines an authenticator session. An authenticator must maintain isolation between sessions. It may do this by only allowing one session to exist at any particular time, or by providing more complicated session management.

    The following operations can be invoked by the client in an authenticator session.

    3.1. The authenticatorMakeCredential#authenticatormakecredentialReferenced in:3.3. The authenticatorCancel operation (2)4.1.1. Create a new credential (makeCredential() method) operation

    @@ -407,14 +408,14 @@

    4. 4.1. WebAuthentication#webauthenticationReferenced in:4. Web Authentication API (2) Interface

    This interface consists of the following methods.

    4.1.1. Create a new credential (makeCredential()#dom-webauthentication-makecredentialReferenced in:3.1. The authenticatorMakeCredential operation4. Web Authentication API6.4.3.5. Verifying AndroidClientData specific contextual bindings7. WebAuthn Extensions (2)7.2. Defining extensions7.3. Extending request parameters (2)8.2. Authenticator Selection Extension method)


    With this method, a script can request the user agent to create a new credential of a given type and persist it to the underlying platform, which may involve data storage managed by the browser or the OS. The user agent will prompt the user to approve this operation. On success, the promise will be resolved with a ScopedCredentialInfo object describing the newly created credential.


    With this method, a script can request the User Agent to create a new credential of a given type and persist it to the underlying platform, which may involve data storage managed by the browser or the OS. The user agent will prompt the user to approve this operation. On success, the promise will be resolved with a ScopedCredentialInfo object describing the newly created credential.

    This method takes the following parameters:

    When this method is invoked, the user agent MUST execute the following algorithm:

    @@ -422,7 +423,7 @@

  • If credentialTimeoutSeconds was specified, check if its value lies within a reasonable range as defined by the platform and if not, correct it to the closest value lying within that range. Set adjustedTimeout to this adjusted value. If credentialTimeoutSeconds was not specified then set adjustedTimeout to a platform-specific default.
  • Let promise be a new Promise. Return promise and start a timer for adjustedTimeout seconds. Then asynchronously continue executing the following steps. -
  • Set callerOrigin to the origin of the caller. Derive the RP ID from callerOrigin by computing the "public suffix + 1" or "PS+1" (which is also referred to as the "Effective Top-Level Domain plus One" or "eTLD+1") part of callerOrigin [PSL]. Set rpId to the RP ID. +
  • Set callerOrigin to the origin of the caller. Derive the RP ID from callerOrigin by computing the "public suffix + 1" or "PS+1" (which is also referred to as the "Effective Top-Level Domain plus One" or "eTLD+1") part of callerOrigin [PSL]. Set rpId to the RP ID.
  • Initialize issuedRequests to an empty list.
  • Process each element of cryptoParameters using the following steps: @@ -459,7 +460,7 @@

  • If assertionTimeoutSeconds was specified, check if its value lies within a reasonable range as defined by the platform and if not, correct it to the closest value lying within that range. Set adjustedTimeout to this adjusted value. If assertionTimeoutSeconds was not specified then set adjustedTimeout to a platform-specific default.
  • Let promise be a new Promise. Return promise and start a timer for adjustedTimeout seconds. Then asynchronously continue executing the following steps. -
  • Set callerOrigin to the origin of the caller. Derive the RP ID from callerOrigin by computing the "public suffix + 1" or "PS+1" (which is also referred to as the "Effective Top-Level Domain plus One" or "eTLD+1") part of callerOrigin [PSL]. Set rpId to the RP ID. +
  • Set callerOrigin to the origin of the caller. Derive the RP ID from callerOrigin by computing the "public suffix + 1" or "PS+1" (which is also referred to as the "Effective Top-Level Domain plus One" or "eTLD+1") part of callerOrigin [PSL]. Set rpId to the RP ID.
  • Initialize issuedRequests to an empty list.
  • If assertionExtensions was specified, process any extensions supported by this client platform, to produce the extension data that needs to be sent to the authenticator. Call this data clientExtensions.
  • @@ -483,14 +484,14 @@

    4.2. ScopedCredentialInfo#scopedcredentialinfoReferenced in:4. Web Authentication API (2)4.1.1. Create a new credential (makeCredential() method) (2) Interface


    This interface represents a newly-created scoped credential. It contains information about the credential that can be used to locate it later for use, and also contains metadata that can be used by the WebAuthn Relying Party to assess the strength of the credential during registration.


    This interface represents a newly-created scoped credential. It contains information about the credential that can be used to locate it later for use, and also contains metadata that can be used by the WebAuthn Relying Party to assess the strength of the credential during registration.

    The credential attribute contains a unique identifier for the credential represented by this object.

    The publicKey attribute contains the public key associated with the credential, represented as a JsonWebKey structure as defined in [WebCryptoAPI].

    The attestation attribute contains a key attestation statement returned by the authenticator. This provides information about the credential and the authenticator it is held in, such as the level of security assurance provided by the authenticator.

    4.3. User Account Information (dictionary Account#dictdef-accountReferenced in:4. Web Authentication API (2))


    This dictionary is used by the caller to specify information about the user account and Relying Party with which a credential is to be associated. It is intended to help the authenticator in providing a friendly credential selection interface for the user.


    This dictionary is used by the caller to specify information about the user account and WebAuthn Relying Party with which a credential is to be associated. It is intended to help the authenticator in providing a friendly credential selection interface for the user.

    The rpDisplayName member contains the friendly name of the Relying Party, such as "Acme Corporation", "Widgets Inc" or "Awesome Site".

    The displayName member contains the friendly name associated with the user account by the Relying Party, such as "John P. Smith".

    The name member contains a detailed name for the account, such as "".

    @@ -527,7 +528,7 @@

    < the extension identifier as the key, and the extension’s value as the value (see §5 Signature Format for details).

    4.5.6. Key Attestation Statement (interface AttestationStatement)


    Authenticators also provide some form of key attestation. The basic requirement is that the authenticator can produce, for each credential public key, attestation information that can be verified by a WebAuthn Relying Party. Typically this information contains a signature by an attesting key over the attested public key and a challenge, as well as a certificate or similar information providing provenance information for the attesting key, enabling a trust decision to be made. The structure of these attestation statements is defined in §6 Key Attestation Format.


    Authenticators also provide some form of key attestation. The basic requirement is that the authenticator can produce, for each credential public key, attestation information that can be verified by a WebAuthn Relying Party. Typically this information contains a signature by an attesting key over the attested public key and a challenge, as well as a certificate or similar information providing provenance information for the attesting key, enabling a trust decision to be made. The structure of these attestation statements is defined in §6 Key Attestation Format.

    5. Signature Format

    WebAuthn signatures are bound to various contextual data. These data are observed, and added at different levels of the stack as a signature request @@ -535,17 +536,16 @@

    WebAuthn Relying Party (RP), which uses the WebAuthn services. + The relying party may, for example, be a web-application running in a browser, + or a native application that runs directly on the OS platform. +
  • The WebAuthn Client platform, which consists of the user’s OS and device used to host the RP’s client-side app. For web-applications, the browser also belongs to this layer. -
  • The authenticator itself, which provides key management and +
  • The Authenticator itself, which provides key management and cryptographic signatures. -

    When the RP client-side application is a web-application, the interface between 1 and 2 +

    When the Relying Party client-side application is a web-application, the interface between 1 and 2 is the Web Authentication API, but is platform specific for native applications. In cases where the authenticator is not tightly integrated with the platform, the interface between 2 and 3 is a separately-defined protocol. @@ -575,7 +575,7 @@

    5.1. Client data


    The client data represents the contextual bindings of both the RP and the +

    The client data represents the contextual bindings of both the WebAuthn Relying Party and the client platform. It is a key-value mapping with string-valued keys. Values may be any type that has a valid encoding in JSON. It MUST contain at least the following key-value pairs.

    @@ -593,7 +593,7 @@

    A string value describing the RP identifier facet. - When the RP client-side app is a website, this is its fully qualified web origin, + When the WebAuthn Relying Party client-side app is a website, this is its fully qualified web origin, using the syntax defined by [RFC6454]. When the client-side app is a native application, this string is a platform specific identifier.
    JsonWebKey tokenBinding @@ -624,16 +624,15 @@

    §5.3 Generating a signature). + the WebAuthn Relying Party (see §5.3 Generating a signature). This is necessary since multiple JSON encodings of the same client data are possible.


    The hash algorithm hashAlg used to compute clientDataHash is - included in the ClientData object. This way it is available to the RP and +

    The hash algorithm hashAlg used to compute clientDataHash is + included in the ClientData object. This way it is available to the Relying Party and it is also hashed over when computing clientDataHash and hence anchored in the signature itself.

    5.2. Authenticator data


    The authenticator data encodes contextual bindings made by the - authenticator itself. The authenticator data has a compact but extensible +

    The authenticator data encodes contextual bindings made by the authenticator itself. The authenticator data has a compact but extensible encoding. This is desired since authenticators can be devices with limited capabilities and low power requirements, with much simpler software stacks than the client platform components.

    @@ -675,7 +674,7 @@

    5.3. Generating a signature

    A raw cryptographic signature must assert the integrity of both the - client data and the authenticator data. Thus, an authenticator SHALL + client data and the authenticator data. Thus, an authenticator SHALL compute a signature over the concatenation of the authenticatorData and the clientDataHash.

    @@ -686,9 +685,9 @@

    The authenticator MUST return both the authenticatorData and the raw signature back to the client.

    5.4. Client encoding of assertions


    The client platform uses an authenticator assertion to construct - the final {{WebAuthn assertion}} object returned to the RP as follows.

    interface WebAuthnAssertion#webauthnassertionReferenced in:4. Web Authentication API4.1.2. Use an existing credential (getAssertion() method)4.5.4. WebAuthn Assertion (interface WebAuthnAssertion) {

    The client platform uses an authenticator assertion to construct + the final WebAuthnAssertion object returned to the Relying Party as follows.

    interface WebAuthnAssertion#webauthnassertionReferenced in:4. Web Authentication API4.1.2. Use an existing credential (getAssertion() method)4.5.4. WebAuthn Assertion (interface WebAuthnAssertion)5.4. Client encoding of assertions {
       attribute Credential credential;
       attribute DOMString  clientData;
       attribute DOMString  authenticatorData#dom-webauthnassertion-authenticatordataReferenced in:5.4. Client encoding of assertions;
    @@ -709,15 +708,15 @@ 

    A base64url encoding of the raw signature returned from the authenticator. (See §5.3 Generating a signature) -

    This assertion is delivered to the RP in either a platform specific manner, or +

    This assertion is delivered to the WebAuthn Relying Party in either a platform specific manner, or in the case of web applications, according to the Web Authentication API (§4 Web Authentication API). - It contains all the information that the RP’s server requires to + It contains all the information that the Relying Party’s server requires to reconstruct the signature base string, as well as to decode and validate the bindings of both the client- and authenticator data.

    6. Key Attestation Format

    This specification defines generic data structures that cover the - semantics of authenticator attestation. This specification also - provides a profile of these structures when a TPM [TPM] acts as a crypto kernel. + semantics of authenticator attestation. This specification also + provides a profile of these structures when a TPM [TPM] acts as a crypto kernel. More profiles are expected to be added as the specification evolves.

    6.1. Overview

    @@ -731,19 +730,19 @@

    This model is also used for FIDO UAF 1.0 and FIDO U2F 1.0.

    Surrogate Basic Attestation -
    In the case of surrogate basic attestation [UAFProtocol], the - Authenticator doesn’t have any specific attestation key. Instead it uses - the authentication key to (self-)sign the (surrogate) attestation message. +
    In the case of surrogate basic attestation [UAFProtocol], the + Authenticator doesn’t have any specific attestation key. Instead it uses + the authentication key to (self-)sign the (surrogate) attestation message. Authenticators without meaningful protection measures for an attestation private key typically use this attestation model.
    Privacy CA
    - In this case, the authenticator owns an authenticator-specific (endorsement) key. - This key is used to securely communicate with a trusted third party, + In this case, the Authenticator owns an authenticator-specific (endorsement) key. + This key is used to securely communicate with a trusted third party, the Privacy CA. The Authenticator can generate - multiple attestation key pairs and asks the Privacy CA to issue an + multiple attestation key pairs and asks the Privacy CA to issue an attestation certificate for it. -

    Using this approach, the Authenticator can limit the exposure of the +

    Using this approach, the Authenticator can limit the exposure of the endorsement key (which is a global correlation handle) to Privacy CA(s). Attestation keys can be requested for each scoped credential individually.

    This concept typically leads to multiple attestation certificates. @@ -753,12 +752,12 @@

    WebAuthn supports DAA using elliptic curve cryptography and bilinear pairings, +

    WebAuthn supports DAA using elliptic curve cryptography and bilinear pairings, called ECDAA (see [FIDOEcdaaAlgorithm]) in this specification.


    Compliant servers MUST support all attestation models. +

    Compliant servers MUST support all attestation models. Authenticators can choose what attestation model to implement.


    Relying parties can always decide what attestation models are acceptable by policy.


    WebAuthn Relying Parties can always decide what attestation models are acceptable by policy.

    6.1.2. Contextual Data

    WebAuthn attestation statements are bound to various contextual data. These data are observed, and added at different levels of the stack as a signature request @@ -766,14 +765,13 @@

    server checks these bindings against expected values.

    These components can be divided into three layers:

    1. The WebAuthn relying party (RP) consists of two subcomponents: an online +
    2. The WebAuthn Relying Party (RP) consists of two subcomponents: an online service and a client-side application. The client-side app may, for example, be a web application running in a browser, or a native application that runs directly on the OS platform. -
    3. The client platform, which consists of the user’s OS and device used to - host the RP’s client-side app. For web applications, the browser also belongs - to this layer. -
    4. The authenticator itself, which provides key generation and key management and +
    5. The WebAuthn Client platform, which consists of the user’s OS and device used to + host the RP’s client-side app. The Conforming User Agent belongs to this layer. +
    6. The Authenticator itself, which provides key generation and key management and cryptographic signatures.

    The goals of this design can be summarized as follows.

    @@ -792,7 +790,7 @@

    There are two kinds of contextual bindings: - Those added by the RP or the client platform, + Those added by the Relying Party or the client platform, referred to as client data (see §5 Signature Format) and those added by the authenticator, referred to as the attestation data. The client @@ -803,35 +801,35 @@

    the hash result to the authenticator. The authenticator attestation statement includes the combination of this hash, and its own attestation data.

    6.1.3. Attestation Raw Data Types


    WebAuthn supports pluggable attestation raw data types, i.e., - ways to serialize the data being attested to by the authenticator. +

    WebAuthn supports pluggable attestation raw data types, i.e., + ways to serialize the data being attested to by the Authenticator. The reason is to be able to support existing devices like TPMs and other platform-specific formats.

    Each attestation type provides the ability to cryptographically attest to a public key, the authenticator model, and contextual data to a remote party.


    Attestation raw data types are orthogonal to attestation models, i.e. +

    Attestation raw data types are orthogonal to attestation models, i.e. attestation raw data types in general are not restricted to a single attestation model.

    6.2. Attestation Statement


    When an attestation statement is required for an Authenticator, the client +

    When an attestation statement is required for an Authenticator, the client needs to ask the Authenticator to generate one. This section describes the attestation statement data structures. Attestation statements can also include some host and other Authenticator information.

    The attestation statement consists of

    1. the header object, containing the signing algorithm and +
    2. the header object, containing the signing algorithm and additional information required to verify the attestation signature.
    3. the core object, containing the attested data. This object - is a container and can carry multiple, authenticator model specific, + is a container and can carry multiple, authenticator model specific, attestation rawData types (see section §6.4 Defined Attestation Raw Data Types).
    4. the signature object. This object contains the cryptographic - signature computed over the rawData object. + signature computed over the rawData object. The structure of this object depends on the signature algorithm.

    6.3. Client encoding of attestation statements


    The client platform uses an authenticator generated - attestation signature (signature) and the +

    The client platform uses an authenticator generated + attestation signature (signature) and the authenticator generated rawData object to construct - the final attestation statement object (which will be returned to the RP). + the final attestation statement object (which will be returned to the RP). This attestation statement is encoded as:

    interface AttestationStatement#webauthnassertion-attestationstatementReferenced in:4. Web Authentication API {
         readonly    attribute AttestationHeader header;
    @@ -844,26 +842,26 @@ 

    Attestation header, including algorithm, (optionally) the claimed AAGUID and (optionally) the attestation certificate chain.
    readonly attribute AttestationCore core -
    AttestationCore object. This object includes the attested rawData and +
    AttestationCore object. This object includes the attested rawData and its type and version.
    readonly attribute DOMString signature
    The base64url-encoded attestation signature. The structure of this object depends on the signature algorithm specified in the header. -

    This attestation statement is delivered to the RP according to the Client API. - It contains all the information that the RP’s server requires to +

    This attestation statement is delivered to the WebAuthn Relying Party according to the Client API. + It contains all the information that the Relying Party’s server requires to reconstruct the signature base string, as well as to decode and validate the bindings of both the client- and authenticator data.

    6.3.1. AttestationCore

    Data attested by the Authenticator and description of its structure. - Different types of Authenticators might generate different object types + Different types of Authenticators might generate different object types (identified by type and version).

    interface AttestationCore#webauthnassertion-attestationcoreReferenced in:6.3. Client encoding of attestation statements {
         readonly    attribute DOMString     type;
         readonly    attribute unsigned long version;
         readonly    attribute DOMString     rawData;
         readonly    attribute DOMString     clientData;
    readonly attribute DOMString type @@ -896,12 +894,12 @@

    readonly attribute DOMString claimedAAGUID -
    The claimed Authenticator Attestation GUID (a version 4 GUID, see [RFC4122]). - This value is used by the WebAuthn Relying Party to - lookup the trust anchor for verifying this AttestationCore object. - If the verification succeeds, +
    The claimed Authenticator Attestation GUID (a version 4 GUID, see [RFC4122]). + This value is used by the WebAuthn Relying Party to + lookup the trust anchor for verifying this AttestationCore object. + If the verification succeeds, the AAGUID related to the trust anchor is trusted. This field MUST be present, if either no - attestation certificates are used (e.g., DAA) or if the attestation + attestation certificates are used (e.g., DAA) or if the attestation certificate doesn’t contain the AAGUID value in an extension.
    readonly attribute DOMString[] x5c
    Attestation Certificate and its certificate chain as described @@ -909,23 +907,21 @@

    readonly attribute DOMString alg
    The name of the algorithm used to generate the attestation signature according to [RFC7518]. -

    See § Signature for the signature algorithms +

    See § Signature for the signature algorithms to be implemented by servers.

    6.4. Defined Attestation Raw Data Types

    Attestation Raw Data (rawData) is the to-be-signed object of the attestation statement. WebAuthn supports pluggable attestation data types. This allows support of TPM generated attestation data as well as support of - other WebAuthn authenticators.

    + other WebAuthn authenticators.

    The contents of the attestation data must be controlled (i.e., generated or at least verified) by the authenticator itself.

    6.4.1. Packed Attestation

    Packed attestation is a WebAuthn optimized format of attestation data. It uses a very compact but - still extensible encoding method. Encoding this format can even be implemented by authenticators - with very limited resources (e.g., secure elements).

    + still extensible encoding method. Encoding this format can even be implemented by authenticators with very limited resources (e.g., secure elements). Attestation rawData (type="packed")

    The attestation data encodes contextual bindings made by the - authenticator itself. Unlike client data, the authenticator data has +

    The attestation data encodes contextual bindings made by the authenticator itself. Unlike client data, the authenticator data has a compact but extensible encoding. This is desired since authenticators can be devices with limited capabilities and low power requirements, with much simpler software stacks than the client platform components.

    @@ -941,7 +937,7 @@
    Description 2 - 0xF1D0, fixed big-endian TAG to make sure this object won’t be + 0xF1D0, fixed big-endian TAG to make sure this object won’t be confused with other (non-WebAuth) binary objects. 1 @@ -1001,19 +997,18 @@
    Byte length n of clientDataHash n - clientDataHash (see § Client data). + clientDataHash (see § Client data). This is the hash of clientData. The hash algorithm itself is stored in the clientData object §5 Signature Format. As defined by the extension map - Extension-defined authenticator data. This is a CBOR [RFC7049] map with - extension identifiers as keys, and extension authenticator data values as values. - See §7 WebAuthn Extensions for a description + Extension-defined authenticator data. This is a CBOR [RFC7049] map with + extension identifiers as keys, and extension authenticator data values as values. + See §7 WebAuthn Extensions for a description of the extension mechanism. See § Extensions for Packed Attestation rawData for pre-defined extensions. -

    The TUP flag SHALL be set if and only if the authenticator - detected a user through an authenticator-specific gesture. The RFU bits in the flags byte SHALL be cleared (i.e., zeroed).


    The TUP flag SHALL be set if and only if the authenticator detected a user through an authenticator-specific gesture. The RFU bits in the flags byte SHALL be cleared (i.e., zeroed).

    If the authenticator does not wish to add extensions, it MUST clear the ED flag in the third byte. Extensions for Packed Attestation rawData
    @@ -1028,23 +1023,23 @@
    Authenticator argument
    Authenticator processing -
    This extension is added automatically by the authenticator. This extension can be added +
    This extension is added automatically by the authenticator. This extension can be added to attestation statements and signatures.
    Authenticator data
    A 128-bit Authenticator Attestation GUID encoded as a CBOR text string (major type 3).

    This AAGUID is used to identify the Authenticator model (Authenticator Attestation GUID).


    The authenticator model (identified by the AAGUID) can be derived from - (a) here, or +

    The authenticator model (identified by the AAGUID) can be derived from + (a) here, or (b) from the attestation certificate (if we have an authenticator specific - or authenticator model specific attestation certificate), - or (c) or from the claimed AAGUID in the client - encoded attestation statement (if we have one attestation root certificate + or authenticator model specific attestation certificate), + or (c) or from the claimed AAGUID in the client + encoded attestation statement (if we have one attestation root certificate per authenticator model).


    In the case of DAA there is no need for an X.509 - attestation certificate hierarchy. - Instead the trust anchor being known to the RP is +

    In the case of DAA there is no need for an X.509 + attestation certificate hierarchy. + Instead the trust anchor being known to the Relying Party is the DAA root key (i.e. ECPoint2 X, Y). This root key must be dedicated to a single authenticator model.

    @@ -1063,7 +1058,7 @@ User Verification Index (UVI) Extension
    @@ -1081,18 +1076,18 @@
    Authenticator data
    - The user verification index (UVI) is a value uniquely identifying + The user verification index (UVI) is a value uniquely identifying a user verification data record. The UVI is encoded as CBOR byte string (type 0x58). -

    Each UVI value MUST be specific to the related key (in order to provide unlinkability). - It also must contain sufficient entropy that makes guessing impractical. +

    Each UVI value MUST be specific to the related key (in order to provide unlinkability). + It also must contain sufficient entropy that makes guessing impractical. UVI values MUST NOT be reused by the Authenticator (for other biometric data or users).

    The UVI data can be used by servers to understand whether an authentication was authorized by the exact same biometric data as the initial key generation. This allows the detection and prevention of "friendly fraud".

    As an example, the UVI could be computed as SHA256(KeyID | SHA256(rawUVI)), - where the rawUVI reflects (a) the biometric reference data, + where the rawUVI reflects (a) the biometric reference data, (b) the related OS level user ID and (c) an identifier which changes whenever a - factory reset is performed for the device, e.g. + factory reset is performed for the device, e.g. rawUVI = biometricReferenceData | OSLevelUserID | FactoryResetCounter.

    Servers supporting UVI extensions MUST support a length of up to 32 bytes for the UVI value.

    @@ -1114,7 +1109,7 @@ Signature

    The signature is computed over the base64url-decoded rawData field.

    - The following + The following algorithms must be implemented by servers:
    1. "ES256" [RFC7518] @@ -1122,9 +1117,9 @@
    2. "ED256" [FIDOEcdaaAlgorithm]
    - Authenticators can choose which algorithm to implement. + Authenticators can choose which algorithm to implement. Packed attestation statement certificate requirements

    In the case of DAA attestation [FIDOEcdaaAlgorithm] no attestation certificate is used.


    In the case of DAA attestation [FIDOEcdaaAlgorithm] no attestation certificate is used.

    The attestation certificate MUST have the following fields/extensions:

      @@ -1142,23 +1137,23 @@
      [RFC5280] are both optional as the status of attestation certificates is available through the FIDO Metadata Service [FIDOMetadataService].

    6.4.2. TPM Attestation Attestation rawData (type="tpm")

    The value of rawData is the base64url encoding of a binary object. - This binary object is either a + This binary object is either a TPM_CERTIFY_INFO or a TPM_CERTIFY_INFO2 structure [TPMv1-2-Part2] sections 11.1 and 11.2, if attestationStatement.core.version equals 1. Else, if attestationStatement.core.version equals 2, it MUST be the base64url encoding of a TPMS_ATTEST structure as defined in [TPMv2-Part2] sections 10.12.9.


    The field "extraData" (in the case of TPMS_ATTEST) or the field "data" - (in the case of TPM_CERTIFY_INFO or TPM_CERTIFY_INFO2) MUST contain +

    The field "extraData" (in the case of TPMS_ATTEST) or the field "data" + (in the case of TPM_CERTIFY_INFO or TPM_CERTIFY_INFO2) MUST contain the clientDataHash (see [[#signature-format]). Signature

    If attestationStatement.core.version equals 1, (i.e., for @@ -1166,7 +1161,7 @@

    If attestationStatement.core.version equals 2, the following algorithms can be used by WebAuthn Authenticators:

    1. TPM_ALG_RSASSA (0x14). This is the same algorithm RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 +
    2. TPM_ALG_RSASSA (0x14). This is the same algorithm RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 as for version 1 but for use with TPMv2. attestationStatement.header.alg="RS256".
    3. TPM_ALG_RSAPSS (0x16); attestationStatement.header.alg="PS256".
    4. TPM_ALG_ECDSA (0x18); attestationStatement.header.alg="ES256". @@ -1174,10 +1169,10 @@
    5. TPM_ALG_SM2 (0x1B); attestationStatement.header.alg="SM256".

    The signature is computed over the base64url-decoded rawData field


    See § Signature for the signature algorithms +

    See § Signature for the signature algorithms to be implemented by servers. TPM attestation statement certificate requirements

    TPM attestation certificate MUST have the following +

    TPM attestation certificate MUST have the following fields/extensions:

    • Version must be set to 3. @@ -1188,17 +1183,17 @@
      The Basic Constraints extension MUST have the CA component set to false -
    • An Authority Information Access (AIA) extension with entry id-ad-ocsp and +
    • An Authority Information Access (AIA) extension with entry id-ad-ocsp and a CRL Distribution Point extension [RFC5280] are both optional as the status of attestation certificates is available through the FIDO Metadata Service [FIDOMetadataService].

    6.4.3. Android Attestation


    When the Authenticator in question is a platform-provided +

    When the Authenticator in question is a platform-provided Authenticator on the Android platform, the attestation statement is based on the SafetyNet API.


    Android attestation statement MUST always be used in conjunction with the more +

    Android attestation statement MUST always be used in conjunction with the more specific AndroidAttestationClientData (see § AndroidAttestationClientData) - in order to let the RP App store the public key in the attestation object.

    + in order to let the Relying Party App store the public key in the attestation object. Attestation rawData (type="android")

    Android SafetyNet returns a JWS [RFC7515] object (see SafetyNet online documentation) in Compact Serialization. A JWS in Compact Serialization consists of three segments @@ -1218,13 +1213,13 @@ Converting SafetyNet response to attestationStatement

    The Authenticator and/or platform SHOULD use the steps outlined below to +

    The Authenticator and/or platform SHOULD use the steps outlined below to create an attestationStatement from an Android SafetyNet response. It MAY use a different algorithm, as long as the results are the same.

    1. create clientDataJSON with type AndroidAttestationClientData (see below) and +
    2. create clientDataJSON with type AndroidAttestationClientData (see below) and compute clientData as base64url-encoded clientDataJSON. -
    3. provide the clientDataHash computed as the hash value of clientData +
    4. provide the clientDataHash computed as the hash value of clientData as Nonce value when requesting the SafetyNet attestation.
    5. take SafetyNet response snr. This is a JWS object ([RFC7515]).
    6. extract the base64url-encoded Protected Header hdr from snr (see [RFC7515]) @@ -1235,10 +1230,10 @@
      base64url-decode hdr into hdr-d
    7. set AttestationStatement.header.alg = hdr-d.alg
    8. if hdr-d.x5c is present, then set AttestationStatement.header.x5c = hdr-d.x5c -
    9. if hdr-d.x5u is present, then resolve the URL and add the +
    10. if hdr-d.x5u is present, then resolve the URL and add the retrieved certificate chain to AttestationStatement.header.x5c
    11. set AttestationStatement.core.type = "android" -
    12. set AttestationStatement.core.version to the +
    13. set AttestationStatement.core.version to the version number of Google Play Services responsible for providing the SafetyNet API AndroidAttestationClientData
    @@ -1248,7 +1243,7 @@
    isInsideSecureHardware; DOMString userAuthentication; unsigned long userAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds; // optional -}; +};

    JsonWebKey publicKey @@ -1277,19 +1272,19 @@
    makeCredential() call.
  • Check that the facet and tokenBinding parameters in the AndroidAttestationClientData match the - RP App. + Relying Party App.
  • Check that AndroidAttestationClientData.publicKey is the same key as the one returned in the ScopedCredentialInfo by the makeCredential call.
  • Check that the hash of the clientDataJSON matches the nonce attribute in the payload of the safetynetResponse JWS.
  • Check that the ctsProfileMatch attribute in the payload of the safetynetResponse is true. -
  • Check that the apkPackageName attribute in the payload of the safetynetResponse matches package name of the application calling +
  • Check that the apkPackageName attribute in the payload of the safetynetResponse matches package name of the application calling SafetyNet API.
  • Check that the apkDigestSha256 attribute in the - payload of the safetynetResponse matches the package hash + payload of the safetynetResponse matches the package hash of the application calling SafetyNet API.
  • Check that the apkCertificateDigestSha256 attribute in the - payload of the safetynetResponse matches the hash of the signing certificate + payload of the safetynetResponse matches the hash of the signing certificate of the application calling SafetyNet API.

    6.5. Verifying an Attestation Statement

    @@ -1302,24 +1297,24 @@

  • Lookup the attestation root certificate from a trusted source. +
  • Lookup the attestation root certificate from a trusted source. The FIDO Metadata Service [FIDOMetadataService] provides an easy way to access such information. The header.claimedAAGUID can be used for this lookup. -
  • Verify that +
  • Verify that the attestation certificate chain is valid and chains up to a trusted root (following [RFC5280]).
  • Verify that the attestation certificate has the right Extended Key Usage (EKU) based on the WebAuthn Authenticator type (as denoted by the header.type member). In case of a type="tpm", this EKU shall be OID "". -
  • If the attestation type is "android", verify that the attestation certificate is issued +
  • If the attestation type is "android", verify that the attestation certificate is issued to the hostname "" (see SafetyNet online documentation).
  • Verify that all issuing CA certificates in the chain are valid and not revoked.
  • Verify the signature on core.rawData using the attestation certificate public key and algorithm as identified by header.alg. -
  • Verify core.rawData syntax and that it doesn’t contradict the signing +
  • Verify core.rawData syntax and that it doesn’t contradict the signing algorithm specified in header.alg. -
  • If the attestation certificate contains an extension with +
  • If the attestation certificate contains an extension with OID 1 3 6 1 4 1 45724 1 1 4 (id-fido-gen-ce-aaguid) verify that the value of this extension matches header.claimedAAGUID. This identifies the Authenticator model.
  • If such extension doesn’t exist, the attestation root certificate is dedicated to a single Authenticator model. @@ -1335,9 +1330,9 @@

    § Client data). -
  • Verify that user verification method and other authenticator characteristics +
  • Verify that user verification method and other authenticator characteristics related to this authenticator model, match the relying party policy. The FIDO Metadata Service [FIDOMetadataService] provides an easy way to access the authenticator characteristics. @@ -1347,10 +1342,10 @@

    §6.1.1 Attestation Models), if policy allows it. - If doing so, there is no cryptographic proof that the Scoped Credential - has been generated by a particular Authenticator model. + If doing so, there is no cryptographic proof that the Scoped Credential + has been generated by a particular Authenticator model. See [FIDOSecRef] and [UAFProtocol] for more details on the relevance on attestation.

    Verification of attestation statements requires that the relying @@ -1366,30 +1361,30 @@

    • A WebAuthn Authenticator manufacturer may choose to ship all of their devices with +
    • A WebAuthn Authenticator manufacturer may choose to ship all of their devices with the same (or a fixed number of) attestation key(s) (called Full Basic Attestation). This will anonymize the user at the risk of not being able to revoke a particular attestation key should its WebAuthn Authenticator be compromised.
    • A WebAuthn Authenticator may be capable of dynamically generating different attestation keys - (and requesting related certificates) per origin (following the Privacy CA model). - For example, a WebAuthn Authenticator can ship with a master + (and requesting related certificates) per origin (following the Privacy CA model). + For example, a WebAuthn Authenticator can ship with a master attestation key (and certificate), and combined with a cloud operated privacy CA, can dynamically generate per origin attestation keys and attestation certificates. -
    • A WebAuthn Authenticator can implement direct anonymous +
    • A WebAuthn Authenticator can implement direct anonymous attestation (see [FIDOEcdaaAlgorithm]). Using this scheme the authenticator - generates a blinded attestation signature. This allows the relying party to verify - the signature using the DAA root key, but the attestation signature doesn’t + generates a blinded attestation signature. This allows the relying party to verify + the signature using the DAA root key, but the attestation signature doesn’t serve as a global correlation handle.

    6.6.2. Attestation Certificate and Attestation Certificate CA Compromise

    When an intermediate CA or a root CA used for issuing attestation - certificates is compromised, WebAuthn Authenticator attestation keys are still + certificates is compromised, WebAuthn Authenticator attestation keys are still safe although their certificates can no longer be trusted. A WebAuthn Authenticator manufacturer that has recorded the public attestation keys for their devices can issue new attestation certificates for these keys from a new intermediate CA or from a new root CA. - If the root CA changes, the relying parties must update their trusted + If the root CA changes, the relying parties must update their trusted root certificates accordingly.

    A WebAuthn Authenticator attestation certificate must be revoked by the issuing CA if its key has been compromised. A WebAuthn Authenticator manufacturer may need to @@ -1415,14 +1410,14 @@

  • @@ -1933,6 +1959,7 @@

    attribute for ScopedCredentialInfo, in §4
  • dfn for ScopedCredentialInfo, in §4.2 +
  • Attestation Certificate, in §11
  • attestationChallenge, in §4.1.1
  • AttestationCore, in §6.3.1
  • attestation data, in §6.1.2 @@ -1943,6 +1970,7 @@

    definition of, in §4.5.6
  • interface for WebAuthnAssertion, in §6.3 +
  • Authenticator, in §11
  • authenticator argument, in §7.3
  • authenticatorCancel, in §3.3 @@ -1964,6 +1992,7 @@

    attribute for AttestationHeader, in §6.3.2
  • dfn for AttestationHeader, in §6.3.2 +
  • Client, in §11
  • client argument, in §7.3
  • clientData @@ -1981,7 +2010,7 @@

    ClientData, in §5.1
  • clientDataJSON, in §5.1 -
  • conforming user agent, in §2 +
  • Conforming User Agent, in §11
  • content, in §8.1
  • contentType, in §8.1
  • @@ -2011,6 +2040,7 @@

    DOMException, in §2.1
  • Embedded authenticators, in §1 +
  • eTLD+1, in §11
  • extensions +
  • Relying Party, in §11 +
  • Relying Party Identifier, in §3
  • rpDisplayName