Tool written in C++ and OpenGL 4.6 designed to render a fullscreen, single GLSL demo. Targetting 64K.
Technical Details:
- The application uses X11 for window management and user input handling.
- GLEW is utilized for accessing OpenGL functions.
- OpenGL 4.6 Core Profile is used for rendering.
- ALSA for audio generation.
- Vertex and fragment shaders are loaded from external files.
- The application renders the scene to a lower resolution texture using a framebuffer.
- The lower resolution texture is then rendered to the screen (bigger) framebuffer using a passthrough shader.
- Keyboard input is handled to control demo playback (pause/play, time scrubbing) and window closing (ESC key).
- The application supports command-line arguments for setting the initial window dimensions and resolution scale.
- Ray marching to render the 3D scene
- Signed distance fuctions to generate all the 3D models
- Shoft shadows
- Vignette and lens distortions
- Ambient Occlusion
- Color/exposure correction
Simple synthesizer written in C++ using ALSA for audio output. It supports basic synthesis techniques for creating a few different instruments, including a sine wave-based synthesizer, a kick drum, a hi-hat, an arpeggiator synth, and an electric piano. The synthesizer is designed to play multiple tracks of MIDI-like note data simultaneously, allowing for the creation of simple multi-instrument compositions. Features
- Sine wave-based synthesis for creating simple melodic instruments
- Kick drum synthesis using a combination of sine waves and an exponential decay envelope
- Hi-hat synthesis using white noise and an exponential decay envelope
- Arpeggiator synth with configurable arpeggio patterns and sine wave synthesis
- Electric piano synthesis using a combination of sine waves, varying amplitudes, and a basic ADSR envelope
- Multi-track playback, allowing for simultaneous playback of different instruments
- Simple note data format for composing tracks
- Real-time playback control, including pause and resume functionality
- Utilizes the ALSA library for audio output on Linux systems
For changing parameters use --help:
./demo --help
For slower computers try:
./demo --width 640 --height 360 --resolution-scale 0.25 --stats
apt install libglew-dev x11-dev libasound2-dev upx
Arch Linux (Steam Deck)
pacman -S glew libx11 xorgproto upx