Very simple JSON parser that preserves the full precision of numbers. It
is a fork of json_parse.js
JSON-js. This module should
work in browsers and any CommonJS system (tested with Node.js)
Numbers will be parsed into a Decimal class, with .string
For Node.js:
npm install decimaljson
For browser use:
<script src='decimaljson.js' />
<!-- DJSON will be available as a global now -->
// Only for Node.js
> var DJSON = require('decimaljson')
> var array = DJSON.parse('[1.0000000000000001]')
> array
[ Decimal(1.0000000000000001) ]
> array[0].string
> array[1].number
Benchmarks for DJSON.parse
and DJSON.stringify
are provided. Here are some
example results from my laptop:
node 0.2.6 (x86, v8 2.3.8):
- JSON.parse is 2x faster than DJSON.parse
- JSON.stringify and DJSON.stringify are the same speed
node 0.4.1 (x86, v8 3.1.5):
- JSON.parse is 4.5x faster than DJSON.parse
- JSON.stringify is 3x faster than DJSON.stringify
- 0.2.0: Added DJSON.stringify. Added benchmarks.
- 0.1.0: Initial release, DJSON.parse.
- Try to make a native module for Node.js that uses a modified version of the v8 JSON parser. This is harder than I expected as JSON.parse is implemented by using a special case of the V8 JS parser.