Phat&Phresh is an elegent satisfying cross-platform rapping/rhyming generator
(also avaliable on Amazon Alexa)
This project was in competition for Kent Hacks Fall 2017 at Kent University, Ohio.
- Generated Rap/Rhymes Retrieval
- A randomized verse with rhymes are retrieved from a custom-made algorithim
- Endpoint:
- Rhyme Highlighting
- Saving Raps
- Users can save a verse or a list of verses, which is shown on the bottom of the home screen
- Users can also delete their saved rap verses
- Pulsator - Used for the generate rap button pulsing animation.
- Spring - Used for the generate rap button scale in-out animation.
- NVActivityIndicatorView - Used as an activity/loading indicator for the generate rap button.
- JTMaterialTransition - Used to transition from the home screen to the view-generated-rap screen.
- Alamofire - Used to make HTTP network requests to hit the rap generating algorithim's endpoint.
- SwiftyJSON - Used to parse JSON after network requests.