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'2021-08-03T14:23:16.152Z angular/cli config Detected Angular CLI.\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.153Z angular/cli config Error: None of your projects are configured with `@angular-devkit/build-angular:karma`, `@angular-builders/jest:run`, or `@nrwl/jest:jest` builders ' + 'as their test architect.\n at /.cache/JetBrains/WebStorm2021.2/wallaby/wallaby/server.js:16:10556\n at n ' + '(/.cache/JetBrains/WebStorm2021.2/wallaby/wallaby/server.js:16:14813)\n at Object.next (/.cache/JetBrains/WebStorm2021.2/wallaby/wallaby/server.js:16:14108)\n at o ' + '(/.cache/JetBrains/WebStorm2021.2/wallaby/wallaby/server.js:16:13867)\n', "2021-08-03T14:23:16.155Z angular/cli config Angular.json: \n {\n version: 2,\n cli: { defaultCollection: '@nrwl/react' },\n defaultProject: 'calculator',\n generators: {\n '@nrwl/react': { " + "application: { style: 'styled-components', linter: 'eslint', babel: true }, component: { style: 'styled-components' }, library: { style: 'styled-components', linter: 'eslint' } }\n },\n " + "projects: {\n calculator: {\n root: 'apps/calculator',\n sourceRoot: 'apps/calculator/src',\n projectType: 'application',\n targets: {\n build: {\n executor: " + "'@nrwl/web:build',\n outputs: [ '{options.outputPath}' ],\n options: {\n outputPath: 'dist/apps/calculator',\n index: 'apps/calculator/src/index.html',\n " + " main: 'apps/calculator/src/main.tsx',\n polyfills: 'apps/calculator/src/polyfills.ts',\n tsConfig: 'apps/calculator/tsconfig.app.json',\n assets: [ " + "'apps/calculator/src/favicon.ico', 'apps/calculator/src/assets' ],\n styles: [],\n scripts: [],\n webpackConfig: '@nrwl/react/plugins/webpack'\n },\n " + " configurations: {\n production: {\n fileReplacements: [ { replace: 'apps/calculator/src/environments/environment.ts', with: " + "'apps/calculator/src/environments/environment.prod.ts' } ],\n optimization: true,\n outputHashing: 'all',\n sourceMap: false,\n extractCss: " + "true,\n namedChunks: false,\n extractLicenses: true,\n vendorChunk: false,\n budgets: [ { type: 'initial', maximumWarning: '2mb', maximumError: " + "'5mb' } ]\n }\n }\n },\n serve: { executor: '@nrwl/web:dev-server', options: { buildTarget: 'calculator:build' }, configurations: { production: { buildTarget: " + "'calculator:build:production' } } },\n lint: { executor: '@nrwl/linter:eslint', options: { lintFilePatterns: [ 'apps/calculator/**/*.{ts,tsx,js,jsx}' ] } },\n test: { executor: " + "'@nrwl/jest:jest', outputs: [ 'coverage/apps/calculator' ], options: { jestConfig: 'apps/calculator/jest.config.js', passWithNoTests: true } }\n }\n },\n 'calculator-e2e': {\n " + "root: 'apps/calculator-e2e',\n sourceRoot: 'apps/calculator-e2e/src',\n projectType: 'application',\n targets: {\n e2e: {\n executor: '@nrwl/cypress:cypress',\n " + " options: { cypressConfig: 'apps/calculator-e2e/cypress.json', tsConfig: 'apps/calculator-e2e/tsconfig.e2e.json', devServerTarget: 'calculator:serve' },\n configurations: { " + "production: { devServerTarget: 'calculator:serve:production' } }\n },\n lint: { executor: '@nrwl/linter:eslint', options: { lintFilePatterns: [ 'apps/calculator-e2e/**/*.{js,ts}' ] " + "} }\n }\n },\n 'node-editor': {\n root: 'libs/node-editor',\n sourceRoot: 'libs/node-editor/src',\n projectType: 'library',\n targets: {\n lint: { executor: " + "'@nrwl/linter:eslint', options: { lintFilePatterns: [ 'libs/node-editor/**/*.{ts,tsx,js,jsx}' ] } },\n test: { executor: '@nrwl/jest:jest', outputs: [ 'coverage/libs/node-editor' ], " + "options: { jestConfig: 'libs/node-editor/jest.config.js', passWithNoTests: true } }\n }\n },\n utility: {\n root: 'libs/utility',\n sourceRoot: 'libs/utility/src',\n " + "projectType: 'library',\n targets: {\n lint: { executor: '@nrwl/linter:eslint', options: { lintFilePatterns: [ 'libs/utility/**/*.{ts,tsx,js,jsx}' ] } },\n test: { executor: " + "'@nrwl/jest:jest', outputs: [ 'coverage/libs/utility' ], options: { jestConfig: 'libs/utility/jest.config.js', passWithNoTests: true } }\n }\n },\n components: {\n root: " + "'libs/components',\n sourceRoot: 'libs/components/src',\n projectType: 'library',\n targets: {\n lint: { executor: '@nrwl/linter:eslint', options: { lintFilePatterns: [ " + "'libs/components/**/*.{ts,tsx,js,jsx}' ] } },\n test: { executor: '@nrwl/jest:jest', outputs: [ 'coverage/libs/components' ], options: { jestConfig: 'libs/components/jest.config.js', " + "passWithNoTests: true } }\n }\n },\n state: {\n root: 'libs/state',\n sourceRoot: 'libs/state/src',\n projectType: 'library',\n targets: {\n lint: { executor: " + "'@nrwl/linter:eslint', options: { lintFilePatterns: [ 'libs/state/**/*.{ts,tsx,js,jsx}' ] } },\n test: { executor: '@nrwl/jest:jest', outputs: [ 'coverage/libs/state' ], options: { " + "jestConfig: 'libs/state/jest.config.js', passWithNoTests: true } }\n }\n },\n mongodb: {\n root: 'libs/mongodb',\n sourceRoot: 'libs/mongodb/src',\n projectType: 'library',\n" + " targets: {\n lint: { executor: '@nrwl/linter:eslint', options: { lintFilePatterns: [ 'libs/mongodb/**/*.ts' ] } },\n test: { executor: '@nrwl/jest:jest', outputs: [ " + "'coverage/libs/mongodb' ], options: { jestConfig: 'libs/mongodb/jest.config.js', passWithNoTests: true } }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n", '2021-08-03T14:23:16.155Z angular/cli config Error: None of your projects are configured with `@angular-devkit/build-angular:karma`, `@angular-builders/jest:run`, or `@nrwl/jest:jest` builders ' + 'as their test architect.\n at /.cache/JetBrains/WebStorm2021.2/wallaby/wallaby/server.js:16:10556\n at n ' + '(/.cache/JetBrains/WebStorm2021.2/wallaby/wallaby/server.js:16:14813)\n at Object.next (/.cache/JetBrains/WebStorm2021.2/wallaby/wallaby/server.js:16:14108)\n at o ' + '(/.cache/JetBrains/WebStorm2021.2/wallaby/wallaby/server.js:16:13867)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.269Z jest/config Detected Jest.\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.270Z jest/config Configured Jest.\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.271Z project Wallaby Node version: v12.3.1\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.271Z project Wallaby config: /www/monorepo/auto.detect\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.641Z project File cache: /.cache/JetBrains/WebStorm2021.2/wallaby/projects/6a4f43f6301e7f9f\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.717Z uiService Listening port 51235\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.775Z workers Parallelism for initial run: 6, for regular run: 3\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.775Z workers Starting run worker instance #0\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.775Z workers Starting run worker instance #1\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.775Z workers Starting run worker instance #2\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.775Z workers Starting run worker instance #3\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.775Z workers Starting run worker instance #4\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.775Z workers Starting run worker instance #5\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.777Z workers Web server is listening at 42223\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.832Z project Stopping process pool\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.832Z project File cache is up-to-date, starting full test run\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.840Z project Test run started; run priority: 3\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.844Z project Running all tests\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.855Z workers Starting test run, priority: 3\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.855Z workers Distributing tests between 6 workers\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.860Z workers Running tests in parallel\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.860Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #ou9bn]\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.860Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #1, session #h2wed]\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.860Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #2, session #150lb]\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.860Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #3, session #9gjtt]\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.860Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #4, session #2hn0p]\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.860Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #5, session #8zz41]\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.861Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #ou9bn]\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.861Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #1, session #h2wed]\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.861Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #2, session #150lb]\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.861Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #3, session #9gjtt]\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.861Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #4, session #2hn0p]\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.861Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #5, session #8zz41]\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.959Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #1\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.959Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #1, session #h2wed]\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.960Z workers [worker #1, session #h2wed] Running tests in sandbox\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.964Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #0\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.964Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #ou9bn]\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.964Z workers [worker #0, session #ou9bn] Running tests in sandbox\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.985Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #3\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.985Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #3, session #9gjtt]\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:16.985Z workers [worker #3, session #9gjtt] Running tests in sandbox\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:17.001Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #2\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:17.001Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #2, session #150lb]\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:17.001Z workers [worker #2, session #150lb] Running tests in sandbox\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:17.067Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #5\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:17.067Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #5, session #8zz41]\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:17.067Z workers [worker #5, session #8zz41] Running tests in sandbox\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:17.075Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #4\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:17.075Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #4, session #2hn0p]\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:17.075Z workers [worker #4, session #2hn0p] Running tests in sandbox\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:37.031Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run (8zz41): 2021-08-03T14:23:17.624Z\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:37.334Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run (150lb): 2021-08-03T14:23:17.582Z\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:38.328Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run (2hn0p): 2021-08-03T14:23:17.742Z\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:38.686Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run (ou9bn): 2021-08-03T14:23:17.594Z\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:40.632Z workers [2hn0p] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:40.655Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should return a list of values for each sibling scope\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:40.656Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should take only the values from inputs with same name\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:40.766Z workers [2hn0p] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:40.766Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should remove the entry from the scope map\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:40.766Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should error if trying to remove the root scope\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:40.774Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should give value entries to save\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:40.775Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should skip over values it already saved\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:40.775Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should give error entries when failing to get the value\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:40.777Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should get value from entered input\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:40.777Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should give missing value when pending\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:41.210Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run (9gjtt): 2021-08-03T14:23:17.685Z\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:41.870Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run (h2wed): 2021-08-03T14:23:17.547Z\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:42.024Z workers [9gjtt] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:42.029Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should compute the whole flow when the node boundaries are updated\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:42.032Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should reset the computation state when loading new record\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:42.033Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should compute new nodes when added\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:42.033Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should re-compute a node when you connect to it\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:42.033Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should re-compute node when a connected path is removed\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:42.033Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should re-compute node when upstream node is deleted\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:42.452Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should update cache after a debounce\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:42.925Z workers [150lb] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:42.927Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should add a key for any non-existent port entries\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:42.949Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should update an entry at the key if there already\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:42.953Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should add to the list at the key if there already\n', "2021-08-03T14:23:42.954Z workers [150lb] Test executed: remove an entry if provided a 'missing' entry at the scope there\n", '2021-08-03T14:23:43.065Z workers [150lb] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.068Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should have each of the primitives\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.070Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should produce a list of whatever is passed\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.071Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should produce a list of whatever is coming in\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.071Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should be an inferred list if nothing passed\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.072Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should return any types matching the fields passed\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.072Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should return a type made from fields provided if no from type\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.072Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should return any types matching the fields passed\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.073Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should return a type made from fields provided if no from type\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.073Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should give what it gets or infer type otherwise\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.073Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should get the type from an inputs\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.074Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should get the type from an inputs\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.074Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should get the type from an inputs\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.074Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should accept any value list\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.075Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should return the value list provided\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.075Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should allow for union types\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.261Z workers [150lb] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.280Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should render without errors\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.287Z workers [150lb] Test executed: a number and display node should both display\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.328Z workers [150lb] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.328Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should run down the correct paths\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.330Z workers [150lb] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.331Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should load without error\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.336Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should default to showing a 0\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.345Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should allow field changes\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.353Z workers [150lb] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.357Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should have the good primitives in there\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.368Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should include any field groups\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.370Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should include any field groups after load\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.372Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should update the names for field group options as they are typed\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.377Z workers [150lb] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.387Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should create a mouse selection entry\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.387Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should get the node rectangles\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.388Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should update the x2,y2 with a delta coord\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.399Z workers [150lb] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.399Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should have prefix\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.399Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should postfix whatever is given\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.400Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should postfix the code provided in a split-safe way\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.405Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should postfix random string, if nothing given\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.405Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should work\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.405Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should have unique end segment\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.405Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should start with id type\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.406Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should work\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.406Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should start with id type\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.406Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should end with unique segment\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.409Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should have name code in there\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.414Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should work\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.414Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should start with id type\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.414Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should end with unique segment\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.414Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should work\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.421Z workers [150lb] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.421Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should work\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.423Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should work\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.424Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should work\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.424Z workers [150lb] Test executed: should work\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.621Z workers [150lb] Run 51 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.621Z workers Jest Test Run Complete (150lb): 2021-08-03T14:23:42.642Z\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:43.622Z workers [150lb] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:44.042Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should re-compute downstream nodes when pending value fulfilled\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.724Z workers [h2wed] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.724Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should work\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.855Z workers [h2wed] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.855Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should just give back the root scope if root scope queried\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.855Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should get its siblings in the order stored in parent\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.855Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should add an entry for itself\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.855Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should add its id to the parent\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.859Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should give the value at the scope\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.859Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should get the value in parent scope\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.859Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should prefer values in closest ancestor scope\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.859Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should give a missing value entry if nothing found\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.859Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should return them in most to least nested order\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.865Z workers [h2wed] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.865Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should coerce boolean without a coerce function\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.865Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should coerce list values\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.865Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should look for toText symbol\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.865Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should always be true when to boolean\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.865Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should base it on existing coerce functions\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.866Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should work also on list types, using the contiguous type contained\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.872Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should find hidden coercions\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.875Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should produce unformatted strings\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.875Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should prevent local numbers\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.876Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should understand the prefixed 1 for NANP phone numbers\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.876Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should work\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.876Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should work\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.876Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should work\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.876Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should work\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.890Z workers [h2wed] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.890Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should mark the input hovered if toggle undefined and unmarked\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.890Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should mark the input hovered if toggle true and unmarked\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.891Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should mark the input hovered if toggle true and marked\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.891Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should unmark the input hovered if toggle undefined and marked\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.891Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should unmark the input hovered if toggle false and marked\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.891Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should unmark the input hovered if toggle false and unmarked\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.891Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should never mark hovered if already has connection\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.911Z workers [h2wed] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.912Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should render without errors\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.913Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should be visible\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.914Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should have toggle defaulted to false & be clickable\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.915Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should update the state value correctly\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.923Z workers [h2wed] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.925Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should not show when no mouse selection state is available\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.928Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should adjust square as you drag\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.931Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should adjust for zoom factor\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:46.933Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should select the nodes\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.562Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should give missing value when errored\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.567Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should give missing value when missing\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.567Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should give value\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.567Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should throw when coercion is impossible\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.567Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should get the value from the source output\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.567Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should work with list types\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.568Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should apply any coercions\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.568Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should return missing if not saved\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.568Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should find the fieldValue entry for the port\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.568Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should add the entry to the cache\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.568Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should produce an error if not a list value\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.568Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should spawn new scoped values per list item\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.605Z workers [2hn0p] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.605Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should load without errors\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.605Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should produce multiple emits\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.606Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should appear downstream per value\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.606Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should produce a collected list value\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.606Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should end with the correct value\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.607Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should emit from collect once\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.612Z workers [2hn0p] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.613Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should show a value if there is one\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.614Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should hide if no value\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.614Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should position itself halfway through the line\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.614Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should format the value\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.617Z workers [2hn0p] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.617Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should allow primitives but not special ones\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.618Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should should work with list types\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.618Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should work with instance ids (for field groups)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.618Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should fail with these inputs\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.618Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should work\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.618Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should work\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.633Z workers [2hn0p] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.634Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should render\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.634Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should not render for those nodes in view\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.634Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should get multiple boundaries for separate groups of nodes\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.684Z workers [2hn0p] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.685Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should pan the stage when you middle-click and drag\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.685Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should pan the stage when you alt-click and drag\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.734Z workers [2hn0p] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.734Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should compose\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.734Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should take props\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.734Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should memoize the result\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.734Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should memoize with props\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.735Z workers [2hn0p] Test executed: should memoize the result if it has deep equality\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.764Z workers [9gjtt] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.765Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should error without proper data\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.766Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should add the new input at the end\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.767Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should error when given bad inputs\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.767Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should delete the port\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.768Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should not delete the port if field value present\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.782Z workers [9gjtt] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.785Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should render without errors\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.786Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should be visible\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.792Z workers [9gjtt] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.792Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should error if no path exists\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.792Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should remove the path from the state\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.792Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should remove the path from the port it comes out of\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.792Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should remove any connection to any input\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.793Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should update the path object\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.793Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should update the input port object\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.793Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should update the path object\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.793Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should update the input port object\n', "2021-08-03T14:23:48.794Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should error if port has no node it's on\n", '2021-08-03T14:23:48.794Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should remove inputs\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.794Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should remove outputs\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.795Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should remove any paths on the deleted output\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.795Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should remove any paths on the deleted input\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.795Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should error if no node found\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.796Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should remove the node from the state\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.796Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should delete any ports on the node instance\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.796Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should add item if not included and shift held\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.796Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should only include item if not included and shift not held\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.797Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should remove only that item if included already and shift held\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.797Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should do nothing if included already and shift not held\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.801Z workers [9gjtt] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.801Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should get the basic type\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.802Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should get the list type\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.802Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should get the field group\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.802Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should get boolean `false` values\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.807Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should get the structure\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.809Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should create a field group type object\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.810Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should produce list types\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.810Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should lookup instance ids to produce nested structures\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.811Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should create a node signature object\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.811Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should create an input for the fields given\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.812Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should have an output matching the type\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.812Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should flatten nested structures with inputs & outputs\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.812Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should flatten the fields so nested structure move to top-level\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.813Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should prefer full objects over nested values\n', "2021-08-03T14:23:48.813Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should provide the full object value's field value over what is provided directly\n", '2021-08-03T14:23:48.813Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should allow empty data\n', "2021-08-03T14:23:48.814Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should merge the nested values provided when it's group is missing\n", '2021-08-03T14:23:48.816Z workers [9gjtt] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.817Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should detect collision\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.817Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should detect overlapping squares\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.818Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should detect boxes in other boxes\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.818Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should take x2,y2 before x1,y1 and switch them\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.823Z workers [9gjtt] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.823Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should remove any dangling paths\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.824Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should remove any dangling ports\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.824Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should error when nodes of unknown type are present\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.825Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should remove input connections to non-existent paths\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.825Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should remove non existent ports from nodes\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.826Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should remove any extra spread inputs\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.826Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should add in any missing inputs\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.827Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should add in any missing outputs\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.827Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should delete any outputs not listed in signature\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.875Z workers [2hn0p] Run 47 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.876Z workers Jest Test Run Complete (2hn0p): 2021-08-03T14:23:48.559Z\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.878Z workers [2hn0p] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.885Z workers [9gjtt] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.885Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should return void if observable empty\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.886Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should return the last value in an observable\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.886Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should make every first letter capitalized\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.886Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should convert a camelCase string to Title Case\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.886Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should preserve acronyms\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.886Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should lowercase first character\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.886Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should turn falsy values into empty string\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.887Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should separate capital letter with spaces\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.887Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should dash-ize strings\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.887Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: return new functions\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.887Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should remove duplicates\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.887Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should rearrange the first two arguments\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.887Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should get last item from array\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.887Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should get last char in string\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:48.887Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should return a promise\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.306Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should take millisecond duration\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.309Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should produce a shallow array\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.311Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should take a function to get unique results\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.317Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should insert an item into an array at the index\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.329Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should insert an item into an array at the index\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.331Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should get all methods\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.331Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should preserve `this` value\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.332Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should make class callable without `new`\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.333Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should un-class and include static members\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.334Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should lazily call a function before another\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.335Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should lazily call a function after another\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.338Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should produce a range of numbers\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.341Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should create a shallow copy\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.342Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should call clone method if available\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.343Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should create a deep copy\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.344Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should call clone method if available\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.346Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should call a function only once with the same arguments\n', "2021-08-03T14:23:49.348Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should be able to clear it's cache\n", '2021-08-03T14:23:49.349Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should be able to take custom resolvers\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.349Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should have an easy memoize by reference fn\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.358Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should be something by default\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.359Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should be nothing when instantiated that way\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.359Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should be a functor\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.361Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should not run map fn if not something\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.362Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should special handle maybe objects as map results\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.363Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should be something by default\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.365Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should be errored when instantiated that way\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.366Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should be a functor\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.367Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should not call mapping function is errored\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.368Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should turn into an errored one if a .map() errors\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.370Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should special handle maybe objects as map results\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.371Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should not call recover function if not errored\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.372Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should update the error\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.373Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should special handle the Validation monad\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.373Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should produce a new result with that value\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.375Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should not map to if errored\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.376Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should act like a flat map\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.377Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should map over a list\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.379Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should catch errors\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.383Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should catch errors\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.383Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should work with fns not returning a result\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.384Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should work\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.384Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: round to the decimal place provided\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.385Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should put arrays together\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.386Z workers [9gjtt] Test executed: should pull arrays apart\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.395Z workers [8zz41] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.395Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should error if no output found with update name\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.396Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should produce entries for values\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.396Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should register value as pending if value is promise\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.396Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should produce a missing entry for undefined values\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.410Z workers [8zz41] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.410Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should recognize exact matches\n', "2021-08-03T14:23:49.411Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should recognize an 'any' value\n", '2021-08-03T14:23:49.411Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should accept inferred types\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.411Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should accept inferred list types if list type provided\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.411Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should match based on subtype\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.412Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should match based on supertype\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.412Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should match based on coercion availability\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.412Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should return everything if no query or options\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.412Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should add the custom node result if no filterBy options\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.412Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should find the signatures by query\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.413Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should filter by input type\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.413Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should filter by input type including infer and any type\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.413Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should filter by output\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.414Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should find outputs inferred from input\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.414Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should find output inferred between list types\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.414Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should find output inferred from list type\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.414Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should find output inferred to list type\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.414Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should limit by contextType if requested\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.471Z workers [8zz41] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.471Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should load without error\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.471Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should add a row when you type a number\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.472Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should add a row when you connect to an empty row\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.472Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should show the correct operation in the dropdown on load\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.472Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should add numbers\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.472Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should allow arrays in be added\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.472Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should allow arrays in be multiplied\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.474Z workers [8zz41] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.474Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should update the nodeDragged state\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.474Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should add the node to the selectedNodes list if not there already\n', "2021-08-03T14:23:49.474Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should update the nodes' entry in `nodePositions`\n", '2021-08-03T14:23:49.475Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should impose a limit of 0,0 to disallow negative values\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.484Z workers [8zz41] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.484Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should throw when type name is invalid\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.485Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should throw when the field names are invalid\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.485Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should throw when the type names are invalid\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.485Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should error if name is already taken\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.486Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should error if being called with a different scope ID\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.486Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should produce a field group object\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.524Z workers [8zz41] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.524Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should open the search menu when pressing the "s" key\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.524Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should open the search menu when double clicking the stage\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.525Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should zoom out when you click the zoom out button\n', "2021-08-03T14:23:49.525Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should show the number node input in the display node's display\n", "2021-08-03T14:23:49.525Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should add a node and select it by pressing the 'a' key\n", '2021-08-03T14:23:49.526Z workers [8zz41] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.526Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should take a page coord and produce a coord relative to stage\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.527Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should defensively pick 0,0 if stage elm missing\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.527Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: get the top-left and bottom-right positions for the element\n', "2021-08-03T14:23:49.527Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should defensively give 0,0 0,0 when it can't find element\n", '2021-08-03T14:23:49.602Z workers [9gjtt] Run 125 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.604Z workers Jest Test Run Complete (9gjtt): 2021-08-03T14:23:49.304Z\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.605Z workers [9gjtt] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.623Z workers [8zz41] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.623Z workers [8zz41] Test executed: should update state\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.629Z workers [ou9bn] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.629Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should be checked by default and have correct colors\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.629Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should be disabled\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.629Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should callback the onClicked function\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.684Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should select the nodes dragging-left\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.728Z workers [h2wed] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.737Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should pass the smoke test\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.749Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should auto-focus the input\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.758Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should highlight the first item automatically when typing\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.760Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should add a node to the stage when you press enter\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.761Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should add a node to the stage when you click a result\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.770Z workers [ou9bn] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.771Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should match when no query\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.771Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should not match when query is bogus\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.771Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should match in a case-insensitive manner\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.772Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should match on description too\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.772Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should just give the type back if not inferred\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.772Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should error when the type being compared is generic without previous inference\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.772Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should highlight results w/ arrow keys\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.772Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should infer like: (a: T) => T\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.773Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should hide the menu when you press escape\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.773Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should infer like: (a: T) => T[]\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.773Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should add a node to recently used on click\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.773Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should infer like: (a: T[]) => T[]\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.773Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should infer like: (a: T[]) => T\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.773Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should throw if port type is does not have infer placeholder\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.774Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should only add it once\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.774Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should work like typescript\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.774Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should error if already added\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.782Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should show the recently used ones in the menu\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.784Z workers [ou9bn] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.785Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should get the value type at the port\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.785Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should infer an input from its upstream output\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.785Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should infer an output from its associated input\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.785Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should infer an output from its associated SPREAD inputs\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.786Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should match snapshot\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.786Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should set the input to the default value provided\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.786Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should use the toInput option when setting the input value\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.786Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should filter out nodes not registered in current editor\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.786Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should save the value when typing and use the toState option\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.787Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should have an error when the input is not valid according to toState\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.787Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should have some set already\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.787Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should find super type for enum types\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.789Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should find super type\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.790Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should find super type for enum types\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.791Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should figure out if a field group fits into another\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.791Z workers [h2wed] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.791Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should check if the instance is in the state\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.791Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should check if ids equal\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.792Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should check if node instance if same\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.793Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should check if query ob refers to same node\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.794Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should get the position\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.795Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should set the position\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.795Z workers [ou9bn] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.795Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should get the node signature\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.796Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should error if not found\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.796Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should move the node with the mouse move event\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.796Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should give all the inputs\n', "2021-08-03T14:23:49.796Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should find errors on a node's outputs\n", '2021-08-03T14:23:49.796Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should give the inputs with name provided\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.796Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should get the input\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.797Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should get an output\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.797Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should get the outputs\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.798Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should get the downstream nodes\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.799Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should get path\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.799Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should error when not connected\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.799Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should get the origin node\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.800Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should error when not connected\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.801Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should get the paths\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.801Z workers [h2wed] Test executed: should get the downstream nodes\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.821Z workers [8zz41] Run 49 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.822Z workers Jest Test Run Complete (8zz41): 2021-08-03T14:23:49.245Z\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.825Z workers [8zz41] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.859Z workers [ou9bn] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.859Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should render without error\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.859Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should add another 3 inputs for the row data\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.864Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should have the new default values for type and isList\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.865Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should add a new row when you type into field name\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.865Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should not keep adding rows if you delete and add back text before blurring\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.865Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should remove a row if deleting field name\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.866Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should insert connected field group name into type dropdown\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.867Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should insert connected basic type name into type dropdown\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.869Z workers [ou9bn] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.869Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should default zoom to 100\n', "2021-08-03T14:23:49.869Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should control the zoom in with the buttons until it can't\n", "2021-08-03T14:23:49.870Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should control the zoom out with the buttons until it can't\n", '2021-08-03T14:23:49.871Z workers [ou9bn] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.871Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should get node signatures\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.871Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should add the field group nodes to the list\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.873Z workers [ou9bn] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.873Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should match input objects\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.873Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should match input objects\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.873Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should get the inputs on a node when output id is given\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.873Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should get the output connected for the input id provide\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.873Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should get nothing for unconnected input ids\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.873Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should find the nodes connected to the paths coming from the provided output\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.874Z workers [ou9bn] Test executed: should find the node recursively if asked to\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.889Z workers [h2wed] Run 71 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.889Z workers Jest Test Run Complete (h2wed): 2021-08-03T14:23:49.677Z\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.890Z workers [h2wed] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.904Z workers [ou9bn] Run 52 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.904Z workers Jest Test Run Complete (ou9bn): 2021-08-03T14:23:49.534Z\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.906Z workers [ou9bn] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.907Z workers Merging parallel test run results\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.941Z project Test run finished\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.942Z project Processed console.log entries\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.944Z project Processed loading sequences\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.951Z project Processed executed tests\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:49.999Z project Processed code coverage\n', '2021-08-03T14:23:50.186Z project Test run result processed and sent to IDE\n' ] } ```