We leverage machine learning approaches to adapt nanopore sequencing basecallers for nucleotide modification detection. We first apply the incremental learning technique to improve the basecalling of modification-rich sequences, which are usually of high biological interests. With sequence backbones resolved, we further run anomaly detection on individual nucleotides to determine their modification status. By this means, our pipeline promises the single-molecule, single-nucleotide and sequence context-free detection of modifications.
samtools: https://github.com/samtools/samtools
taiyaki: https://github.com/nanoporetech/taiyaki/tree/master/taiyaki
Training Process
python ./scripts/train.py model_template.py pretained_model.checkpoint input.hdf5 --device cuda:0 --outdir path/to/output \
--save_every epochs --niteration niterations --lr_max lr_max --lambda lambda --min_sub_batch_size batchsize
: the model architecture, e.g. taiyaki templates
: the model to be IL-ed, e.g. taiyaki pretrained models
: training dataset generated by taiyki workflow
: we suggested GPU for IL training
: the path of the output dictonary
--save_every epochs
: Save the checkpoint every epochs
--niterations niterations
: the number of iterations in IL
--lr_max lr_max
: the default learning rate in AdamW optimizer
--lambda lambda
: we balanced
--min_sub_batch_size batchsize
: batchsize of the IL training
You should then be able to export your checkpoint to json (using bin/dump_json.py
in taiyaki) that can be used to basecall with Guppy. The Guppy usage can be seen using guppy_basecaller --help
Specifically, key options include selecting the Guppy config file to be appropriate for your application, and passing the complete path of your .json file.
For example:
guppy_basecaller --input_path /path/to/input_reads --save_path /path/to/save_dir --config path/to/config --model path/to/model --device cuda:0
python ./scripts/context_abnormal.py --device cuda:0 model_template.py initial_checkpoint.checkpoint \
input.hdf5 --outdir path/to/output --save_every save_every --niteration niteration --sig_win_len n --min_sub_batch_size BATCHSIZE --right_len m --can BASE
: the model architecture, e.g. taiyaki templates
: pretrained model used for AD initialization, e.g. taiyaki pretrained models
: training dataset generated by taiyki workflow
--sig_win_len n --right_len m
: the length of signal the AD model extracts left n plus right n+m points from the starting point of the candidate base.
python ./scripts/modification_inference.py input.hdf5 can.checkpoint mod.checkpoint CANBASE MODBASE path/to/output/fasta --can_base_idx can_base_idx --type rna/dna --length n --right_len m
: reads to be analyzed stored in hdf5 format, following taiyki workflow.
: the AD-trained model using canonical training dataset.
: the AD-trained model using modfication training dataset.
: the canonical label of the candidate base
: the modification label of the candidate base
--can_base_idx can_base_idx
: means the mapping from alphabet labels in the hdf5 files to canonical labels(default 0123 ATGC). For example, for a hdf5 whose labels are ACm(5mC)h(5hmC)GT, the can_base_idx should be 01123.
--type rna/dna
: the type of the nanopore sequencing. If rna, the output fasta will reverse the sequence.
--length n --right_len m
: the length of signal the AD model extracts left n plus right n+m points from the starting point of the candidate base.
After generating fasta file containing mod base we can use ./scripts/modbase_tag.py
to write ML/MM tag into the bam file. We can merge ML/MM tags from different bams containing different kinds of modifications using ./scripts/merge_bam.py
If you are dealing with mRNA data and your reference is the genome reference fasta file, you need to pay more attention on RNA splicing.
If you want to create training hdf5 files or mapped reads for modification inference according to https://github.com/nanoporetech/taiyaki/tree/master#steps-from-fast5-files-to-basecalling, you should replace the bin/get_ref_from_sam.py
in taiyaki with ./scripts/rna_process/get_ref_from_sam_rna.py
in our project.
If you want to implement iterative labeling, you need to train model with bin/train_flip_flop.py
in taiyaki. However, if you need to handle with tRNA data, please replace it with ./scripts/trna/train_flip_flop.py
in our project.
Example for the DNA curlcake oligo modification detection using IL-AD for the figure below.
Reference sequence of DNA oligo can be find in here.
#### Incremental learning
python ./scripts/train.py --device cuda:0 taiyaki/models/mLstm_cat_mod_flipflop.py taiyaki/models/mLstm_flipflop_model_r941_DNA.checkpoint train.hdf5 --outdir path/to/output --save_every 100 --niteration 500 --warmup_batches 5 --lr_max 5.0e-5
python taiyaki/bin/dump_json path/to/output/model_final.checkpoint -output path/to/output/model_final.json
#### Basecalling
guppy_basecaller --input_path raw/fast5/canonical --save_path path/to/output/canonical --align_ref path/to/refrence/genome --align_type auto --bam_out --model_file path/to/output/model_final.json --chunk_size 60 --device cuda:0 --disable_qscore_filtering
guppy_basecaller --input_path raw/fast5/5mc --save_path path/to/output/5mc --align_ref path/to/refrence/genome --align_type auto --bam_out --model_file path/to/output/model_final.json --chunk_size 60 --device cuda:0 --disable_qscore_filtering
guppy_basecaller --input_path raw/fast5/5hmc --save_path path/to/output/5hmc --align_ref path/to/refrence/genome --align_type auto --bam_out --model_file path/to/output/model_final.json --chunk_size 60 --device cuda:0 --disable_qscore_filtering
guppy_basecaller --input_path raw/fast5/u --save_path path/to/output/u --align_ref path/to/refrence/genome --align_type auto --bam_out --model_file path/to/output/model_final.json --chunk_size 60 --device cuda:0 --disable_qscore_filtering
Prepare hdf5 using steps at taiyaki
bin/generate_per_read_params.py <directory containing fast5 files> --output <name of output per_read_tsv file>
bin/get_refs_from_sam.py <genomic references fasta> <one or more SAM/BAM files> --output <name of output reference_fasta>
bin/prepare_mapped_reads.py <directory containing fast5 files> <per_read_tsv> <output mapped_signal_file> <file containing model for remapping> <reference_fasta>
bin/train_flipflop.py --device <digit specifying GPU> <pytorch model definition> <mapped-signal files to train with>
After we generate the test.hdf5
, we implement modification inference.
#### Anomaly Detection Training
python ./scripts/context_abnormal.py --device cuda:0 taiyaki/models/mLstm_cat_mod_flipflop.py taiyaki/models/mLstm_flipflop_model_r941_DNA.checkpoint \
$path/datasets/canonical/train.hdf5 --outdir path/to/output/c --save_every 200 --niteration 2000 --warmup_batches 50 --sig_win_len 20 --can C --min_sub_batch_size 1024 --right_len 10
python ./scripts/context_abnormal.py --device cuda:0 taiyaki/models/mLstm_cat_mod_flipflop.py taiyaki/models/mLstm_flipflop_model_r941_DNA.checkpoint \
$path/datasets/canonical/train.hdf5 --outdir path/to/output/c --save_every 200 --niteration 2000 --warmup_batches 50 --sig_win_len 20 --can T --min_sub_batch_size 1024 --right_len 10
python ./scripts/context_abnormal.py --device cuda:0 taiyaki/models/mLstm_cat_mod_flipflop.py taiyaki/models/mLstm_flipflop_model_r941_DNA.checkpoint \
path/to/5mC/train.hdf5 --outdir path/to/output/5mc --save_every 200 --niteration 2000 --warmup_batches 50 --sig_win_len 20 --can m --min_sub_batch_size 1024 --right_len 10
python ./scripts/context_abnormal.py --device cuda:0 taiyaki/models/mLstm_cat_mod_flipflop.py taiyaki/models/mLstm_flipflop_model_r941_DNA.checkpoint \
path/to/5hmC/train.hdf5 --outdir path/to/output/5hmc --save_every 200 --niteration 2000 --warmup_batches 50 --sig_win_len 20 --can h --min_sub_batch_size 1024 --right_len 10
python ./scripts/context_abnormal.py --device cuda:0 taiyaki/models/mLstm_cat_mod_flipflop.py taiyaki/models/mLstm_flipflop_model_r941_DNA.checkpoint \
path/to/u/train.hdf5 --outdir path/to/output/u --save_every 200 --niteration 2000 --warmup_batches 50 --sig_win_len 20 --can u --min_sub_batch_size 1024 --right_len 10
#### Modification Inference
# c 5mc 5hmc
python ./scripts/modification_inference.py test.hdf5 path/to/output/c/model_final.checkpoint path/to/output/5mc/model_final.checkpoint C m path/to/output/fasta/m.fasta --can_base_idx 0123 --length 20 --right_len 10
python ./scripts/modification_inference.py test.hdf5 path/to/output/c/model_final.checkpoint path/to/output/5hmc/model_final.checkpoint C h path/to/output/fasta/h.fasta --can_base_idx 0123 --length 20 --right_len 10
python ./scripts/modbase_tag.py path/to/output/merge.sorted.bam(IL) path/to/output/fasta/m.fasta path/to/output/fasta/m.ml path/to/output/bam/m.bam --can C --mod m
python ./scripts/modbase_tag.py path/to/output/merge.sorted.bam(IL) path/to/output/fasta/h.fasta path/to/output/fasta/h.ml path/to/output/bam/h.bam --can C --mod h
# T u
python ./scripts/modification_inference.py test.hdf5 path/to/output/t/model_final.checkpoint path/to/output/u/model_final.checkpoint T u path/to/output/fasta/u.fasta --can_base_idx 0123 --length 20 --right_len 10
python ./scripts/modbase_tag.py path/to/output/merge.sorted.bam(IL) path/to/output/fasta/u.fasta path/to/output/fasta/u.ml path/to/output/bam/u.bam --can C --mod h
If we have more than one kind of modification for one base, please first use samtools
to sort and index all the output bam files, and then:
python ./scripts/merge_bam.py path/to/output/bam/merge.bam path/to/output/bam/m.sorted.bam path/to/output/bam/h.sorted.bam
IL-AD Results for DNA Oligos:
We provide IL and AD models trained from DNA and RNA oligos at models.
Ziyuan Wang PhD student in University of Arizona, R. Ken Coit College of Pharmcay, email:princezwang@arizona.edu