stdout is a tty true, in CI false. using logfile: false 15:13:28 [INFO] Spawning terminal server process... 15:13:28 [INFO] Running terminal server... 15:13:28 [WARN] Failed to parse config file at "run_themes_generator.yml" with error: missing field `background` at line 2 column 5 15:13:28 [WARN] Failed to parse config file at "trunk.yaml" with error: missing field `background` at line 1 column 8 15:13:28 [WARN] Failed to parse config file at "pink_city.yaml" with error: details.custom: missing field `referral_rewards_footer_opacity` at line 10 column 20 15:13:28 [WARN] Unable to fetch system color scheme: FDO( ServiceUnknown( "The name is not activatable", ), ) 15:13:29 [INFO] Initializing crash reporting Some("stable_release") with tag "v0.2024."... 15:13:29 [INFO] regenerating access token 15:13:29 [INFO] Starting warp with channel state ChannelState { channel: Stable, app_id: AppId { qualifier: "dev", organization: "warp", application_name: "Warp" }, additional_features: {}, firebase_api_key: "AIzaSyBdy3O3S9hrdayLJxJ7mriBR4qgUaUygAs", server_root_url: "", ws_server_url: "wss://", session_sharing_server_url: Some("wss://"), segment_write_key: "sTT9ZajzIaQ0phzLFOnqZ6VOqplJTlaJ", segment_root_url: "", releases_base_url: "", sentry_url: "", logfile_name: "warp.log", show_autoupdate_menu_items: true, skip_login: false } and version Some("v0.2024.") 15:13:29 [INFO] Start to flush telemetry events to Segment 15:13:29 [INFO] Dropping empty telemetry batch 15:13:29 [INFO] Flushed telemetry events. 15:13:29 [INFO] Performance metrics collector started 15:13:29 [INFO] Initializing app services 15:13:29 [WARN] No config found! 15:13:29 [WARN] EGL says it can present to the window but not natively 15:13:29 [INFO] Connecting to SQLite database 15:13:29 [INFO] Checking for update on channel stable_release. Update id is 3BcuBIU 15:13:29 [INFO] Fetching channel versions (without changelogs) from Warp server 15:13:29 [INFO] regenerating access token 15:13:29 [INFO] fetching team tester status 15:13:29 [INFO] regenerating access token 15:13:29 [INFO] dispatching global action for root_view:open_from_restored 15:13:29 [INFO] regenerating access token 15:13:29 [INFO] Computing available system fonts 15:13:29 [INFO] Loaded 41 font families 15:13:29 [INFO] Block finished with new state DoneWithExecution 15:13:29 [INFO] Block finished with new state DoneWithExecution 15:13:29 [INFO] Block finished with new state DoneWithExecution 15:13:29 [INFO] Block finished with new state DoneWithExecution 15:13:29 [INFO] Block finished with new state DoneWithNoExecution 15:13:29 [INFO] Block finished with new state DoneWithExecution 15:13:29 [INFO] Block finished with new state DoneWithExecution 15:13:29 [INFO] Block finished with new state DoneWithExecution 15:13:29 [INFO] Block finished with new state DoneWithNoExecution 15:13:29 [INFO] Block finished with new state DoneWithNoExecution 15:13:29 [INFO] Block finished with new state DoneWithNoExecution 15:13:29 [INFO] Starting shell /bin/zsh 15:13:29 [INFO] Successfully spawned child zsh process with pid 13159 15:13:29 [INFO] Successfully spawned tty with pid: 13159 15:13:29 [INFO] Fetching channel versions and changelogs from Warp server 15:13:29 [INFO] regenerating access token 15:13:29 [INFO] regenerating access token 15:13:29 [INFO] Computing available system fonts 15:13:29 [INFO] Block finished with new state DoneWithNoExecution 15:13:29 [INFO] Block finished with new state DoneWithNoExecution 15:13:29 [INFO] Block finished with new state DoneWithNoExecution 15:13:29 [INFO] Starting shell /bin/zsh 15:13:29 [INFO] Successfully spawned tty with pid: 13163 15:13:29 [INFO] Successfully spawned child zsh process with pid 13163 15:13:29 [INFO] dispatching global action for workspace:save_app 15:13:29 [INFO] dispatching global action for workspace:save_app 15:13:29 [INFO] dispatching global action for workspace:save_app 15:13:29 [INFO] dispatching global action for workspace:save_app 15:13:29 [WARN] Tried to update block filter query without active_filter_editor_block_index set 15:13:29 [INFO] dispatching global action for workspace:save_app 15:13:29 [WARN] Tried to update block filter query without active_filter_editor_block_index set 15:13:29 [INFO] dispatching global action for workspace:save_app 15:13:29 [INFO] Loaded 41 font families 15:13:29 [INFO] Received InitShell hook 15:13:29 [INFO] Received InitShell hook 15:13:29 [WARN] Tried to render share modal without a model 15:13:29 [WARN] No alert dialog was set for the native modal 15:13:29 [WARN] No alert dialog was set for the native modal 15:13:29 [WARN] Tried to render share modal without a model 15:13:29 [WARN] No alert dialog was set for the native modal 15:13:29 [WARN] Tried to render share modal without a model 15:13:29 [WARN] No alert dialog was set for the native modal 15:13:29 [WARN] Tried to render share modal without a model 15:13:29 [INFO] Finished loading 41 fonts 15:13:29 [WARN] No config found! 15:13:29 [WARN] EGL says it can present to the window but not natively 15:13:29 [WARN] Re-initializing Gles context due to Wayland window 15:13:29 [WARN] No config found! 15:13:29 [WARN] EGL says it can present to the window but not natively 15:13:29 [INFO] Enabled wgpu backends: Backends(VULKAN | GL | METAL | DX12 | DX11 | BROWSER_WEBGPU) 15:13:29 [INFO] Available wgpu adapters: 15:13:29 [INFO] DiscreteGpu: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 15:13:29 [INFO] Driver: NVIDIA (545.29.06) 15:13:29 [INFO] Other: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050/PCIe/SSE2 15:13:29 [INFO] Driver: Unknown 15:13:29 [INFO] Using DiscreteGpu (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050) for rendering new window. 15:13:29 [INFO] Received CommandFinished hook 15:13:29 [INFO] Block finished with new state DoneWithNoExecution 15:13:29 [INFO] Incrementing stage from WarpInput to ScriptExecution 15:13:29 [INFO] Received Precmd hook 15:13:29 [WARN] Tried to render share modal without a model 15:13:29 [WARN] No alert dialog was set for the native modal 15:13:29 [WARN] No alert dialog was set for the native modal 15:13:29 [WARN] Tried to render share modal without a model 15:13:29 [INFO] Received Bootstrapped hook 15:13:29 [INFO] Configured typeahead mode as ShellReported 15:13:29 [INFO] Received CommandFinished hook 15:13:29 [INFO] Block finished with new state DoneWithNoExecution 15:13:29 [INFO] Incrementing stage from Bootstrapped to PostBootstrapPrecmd 15:13:29 [INFO] Finished loading 41 fonts 15:13:29 [WARN] No config found! 15:13:29 [WARN] EGL says it can present to the window but not natively 15:13:29 [WARN] Re-initializing Gles context due to Wayland window 15:13:29 [WARN] No config found! 15:13:29 [WARN] EGL says it can present to the window but not natively 15:13:29 [INFO] Enabled wgpu backends: Backends(VULKAN | GL | METAL | DX12 | DX11 | BROWSER_WEBGPU) 15:13:29 [INFO] Available wgpu adapters: 15:13:29 [INFO] DiscreteGpu: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 15:13:29 [INFO] Driver: NVIDIA (545.29.06) 15:13:29 [INFO] Other: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050/PCIe/SSE2 15:13:29 [INFO] Driver: Unknown 15:13:29 [INFO] Using DiscreteGpu (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050) for rendering new window. 15:13:29 [INFO] Received Precmd hook 15:13:29 [INFO] Received CommandFinished hook 15:13:29 [INFO] Block finished with new state DoneWithNoExecution 15:13:29 [INFO] Incrementing stage from WarpInput to ScriptExecution 15:13:29 [INFO] Received Precmd hook 15:13:29 [WARN] No alert dialog was set for the native modal 15:13:29 [WARN] Tried to render share modal without a model 15:13:29 [WARN] No alert dialog was set for the native modal 15:13:29 [WARN] Tried to render share modal without a model 15:13:29 [WARN] redraw_frame was called 17 times before the frame was drawn 15:13:29 [WARN] redraw_frame was called 25 times before the frame was drawn 15:13:29 [INFO] dispatching global action for workspace:save_app 15:13:29 [INFO] Parsed shell version string: Some([Number(5), Number(9)]) 15:13:29 [INFO] Shell is bootstrapped with session_id SessionId(170906480912757) 15:13:29 [INFO] No history file found for shell zsh, starting with empty history 15:13:29 [INFO] dispatching global action for workspace:save_app 15:13:29 [INFO] dispatching global action for workspace:save_app 15:13:29 [INFO] dispatching global action for workspace:save_app 15:13:29 [WARN] redraw_frame was called 7 times before the frame was drawn 15:13:29 [WARN] redraw_frame was called 12 times before the frame was drawn 15:13:29 [INFO] active window changed: Some(WindowId(1)) 15:13:29 [INFO] dispatching global action for root_view:update_quake_mode_state 15:13:29 [INFO] dispatching global action for workspace:save_app 15:13:29 [WARN] Expected to have session for session ID SessionId(170906480937), but doesn't exist 15:13:29 [INFO] Received Bootstrapped hook 15:13:29 [INFO] Configured typeahead mode as ShellReported 15:13:29 [INFO] Received CommandFinished hook 15:13:29 [INFO] Block finished with new state DoneWithNoExecution 15:13:29 [INFO] Incrementing stage from Bootstrapped to PostBootstrapPrecmd 15:13:29 [INFO] Received Precmd hook 15:13:31 [INFO] Received channel versions from Warp server: dev: ChannelVersion { version_info: VersionInfo { version: "v0.2024.", update_by: None, soft_cutoff: Some("v0.2023.") }, overrides: [] }; preview: ChannelVersion { version_info: VersionInfo { version: "v0.2024.", update_by: None, soft_cutoff: None }, overrides: [] }; canary: ChannelVersion { version_info: VersionInfo { version: "v0.2022.", update_by: None, soft_cutoff: None }, overrides: [] }; beta: ChannelVersion { version_info: VersionInfo { version: "v0.2024.", update_by: None, soft_cutoff: None }, overrides: [] }; stable: ChannelVersion { version_info: VersionInfo { version: "v0.2024.", update_by: None, soft_cutoff: Some("v0.2024.") }, overrides: [] } 15:13:32 [INFO] Received channel versions from Warp server: dev: ChannelVersion { version_info: VersionInfo { version: "v0.2024.", update_by: None, soft_cutoff: Some("v0.2023.") }, overrides: [] }; preview: ChannelVersion { version_info: VersionInfo { version: "v0.2024.", update_by: None, soft_cutoff: None }, overrides: [] }; canary: ChannelVersion { version_info: VersionInfo { version: "v0.2022.", update_by: None, soft_cutoff: None }, overrides: [] }; beta: ChannelVersion { version_info: VersionInfo { version: "v0.2024.", update_by: None, soft_cutoff: None }, overrides: [] }; stable: ChannelVersion { version_info: VersionInfo { version: "v0.2024.", update_by: None, soft_cutoff: Some("v0.2024.") }, overrides: [] }