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This module adds a control which can integrate with valhalla api.


npm i @watergis/mapbox-gl-valhalla --save


See codesandbox.

See demo.



import { MapboxValhallaControl} from "@watergis/mapbox-gl-valhalla";
import '@watergis/mapbox-gl-valhalla/css/styles.css';
import mapboxgl from 'mapbox-gl';

const map = new mapboxgl.Map();
map.addControl(new MapboxValhallaControl(
    Contours: [
        time: 3,
        distance: 1,
        color: 'ff0000',
        time: 5,
        distance: 2,
        color: 'ffff00',
        time: 10,
        distance: 3,
        color: '0000ff',
), 'top-right');


You can specify default option as follows.

  • URL
    • Please specify your URL for valhalla services. eg. http://localhost:8002
  • Contours
    • See the specification of valhalla isochrone API here.
    • A JSON array of contour objects with the time in minutes in kilometers and color to use for each isochrone contour. You can specify up to four contours.
    • default is as follows:
    time: 5,
    distance: 1,
    color: 'ff0000',
    time: 10,
    distance: 2,
    color: 'ffff00',
    time: 15,
    distance: 3,
    color: '0000ff',


yarn run lint # check styling of source code
yarn run lint:fix # fix styling by eslint
yarn run dev

open http://localhost:8080.

If there are any changes on source code, it will be reflected automatically.

Build package:

yarn run build

The modules will be generated under dist folder.

Deploy to Github pages

yarn run deploy

It will deploy files under example folder to gh-pages.

How to release

npm version patch # it increase patch version 0.0.X
npm version minor # it increase minor version 0.x.0
npm version major # it increase major version x.0.0
git push origin main --tag
# release CI will create draft release in Github pages, then publish it if it is ready.
# publish CI will deploy npmjs and Github Packages.


This Mapbox GL Valhalla plugin is still under development. so most welcome any feedbacks and pull request to this repository.