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File metadata and controls

213 lines (150 loc) · 6.69 KB


XML section name


This configuration section is used to configure the Google Cloud Pub/Sub module.


Main options

Scheduling options


This indicates if the module is enabled or disabled.

Default value n/a
Allowed values yes, no


This tag indicates the Google Cloud project ID.

Default value n/a
Allowed values Any string indicating the project ID

For example <project_id>wazuh-dev</project_id>.


This string specifies the name of the subscription to read from.

Default value n/a
Allowed values Any string

For example <subscription_name>wazuh-name</subscription_name>.


This setting specifies the path to the Google Cloud credentials file in JW Tokens. It allows both relative (to $HOME_INSTALLATION) and absolute paths.

Default value n/a
Allowed values Any path to a credentials file

For example, <credentials_file>wodles/gcp-pubsub/credentials.json</credentials_file>.


Number of maximum messages pulled in each iteration. This value does not depend on the number of threads used.

Default value 100
Allowed values Any integer


Number of threads used to pull in each iteration. The number of maximum messages will be divided between all the configured threads.

Default value 1
Allowed values Any integer


The number of threads will be truncated to the maximum allowed, depending on the number of CPU cores. The maximum value is number_of_physical_cores * 5.



This option has no effect. The module now uses the wazuh_modules.debug <wazuh_modules_options> level to set its logging level.


Trigger the pulling in case of an agent start or restart.

Default value yes
Allowed values yes, no


The interval between module executions.

Default value 1h
Allowed values A positive number that should contain a suffix character indicating a time unit, such as s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours), d (days), w (weeks), M (months)


Day of the month to run the script to fetch logs from GCP.

Default value n/a
Allowed values Day of the month [1..31]


When the day option is set, the interval value must be a multiple of months. By default, the interval is set to a month.


Day of the week to run the script to fetch logs. This option is not compatible with the day option.

Default value n/a
Allowed values

Day of the week:

  - sunday/sun   - monday/mon   - tuesday/tue   - wednesday/wed   - thursday/thu   - friday/fri   - saturday/sat


When the wday option is set, the interval value must be a multiple of weeks. By default, the interval is set to a week.


Time of the day to retrieve logs from GCP. It has to be represented in the format hh:mm. This option is compatible with day or wday options.

Default value n/a
Allowed values Time of day [hh:mm]


When only the time option is set, the interval value must be a multiple of days or weeks. By default, the interval is set to a day.

Configuration example

Linux configuration:
