There is as yet no machine-readable data file available that gives daily atmospheric CO₂ readings from any of the many monitoring stations around the globe. Until there is, this fills in.
It scrapes the manually-entered data out of Recent Daily Average Mauna Loa CO₂ that is maintained by the Earth System Research Laboratory (part of the US government’s National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration). That data is added to a CSV file (of all recent readings) and a JSON file (of just the last valid reading, ignoring any NAs).
This requires Ruby and the Bundler gem.
To install:
git clone
cd noa2co2/
bundle install
To use:
To run from crontab with RVM you need a special wrapper script (change the directory as needed):
30 9-11 * * * cd ~/noa2co2/; ./rvm_noa₂co₂.sh
I use rbenv (installed with my Conforguration package) and use this for the cron job; sourcing .bashrc
sets up the environment:
30 9-11 * * * source ~/.bashrc; cd ~/noa2co2/; ./noa₂co₂.rb; ./