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FS: Recursive RemoveEntry for non-existent handle throws NotFoundError.

Community-TC Integration / wpt-chrome-canary-wdspec-2 succeeded Jan 16, 2025 in 16m 9s

Community-TC (push)

A subset of WPT's "wdspec" tests (chunk number 2 of 2), run in the canary release of chrome.


View task in Taskcluster | View logs in Taskcluster | View task group in Taskcluster

Task Status

Started: 2025-01-16T01:08:37.071Z
Resolved: 2025-01-16T01:23:38.312Z
Task Execution Time: 15 minutes, 1 second, 241 milliseconds
Task Status: completed
Reason Resolved: completed
RunId: 0


- public/logs/live_backing.log
- public/logs/live.log
- public/results/
- public/results/wpt_report.json.gz
- public/results/wpt_screenshot.txt.gz

WPT Command: python3 ./wpt run --channel=canary --log-wptreport=../artifacts/wpt_report.json --log-wptscreenshot=../artifacts/wpt_screenshot.txt --no-fail-on-unexpected --this-chunk=2 --total-chunks=2 --test-type=wdspec --log-mach-level=info --log-mach=- -y --no-pause --no-restart-on-unexpected --install-fonts --no-headless --verify-log-full --enable-swiftshader --install-browser --install-webdriver chrome

[taskcluster 2025-01-16 01:08:37.173Z] Task ID: FmeIcQnoQRiT9REyl1HxXg
[taskcluster 2025-01-16 01:08:37.173Z] Worker ID: 8033146687099102518
[taskcluster 2025-01-16 01:08:37.173Z] Worker Group: us-east4-a
[taskcluster 2025-01-16 01:08:37.173Z] Worker Node Type: projects/757942385826/machineTypes/n2-standard-4
[taskcluster 2025-01-16 01:08:37.173Z] Worker Pool: proj-wpt/ci
[taskcluster 2025-01-16 01:08:37.173Z] Worker Version: 46.1.0
[taskcluster 2025-01-16 01:08:37.173Z] Public IP:
[taskcluster 2025-01-16 01:08:37.173Z] Hostname: proj-wpt-ci-yjdngaq6tfym-udvk3hgvw

560c024910be - Started downloading
ff2b96c8f8ff - Started downloading
ff2b96c8f8ff - Downloaded in 0.003 seconds
72ebe8ecf66d - Started downloading
430011f338a2 - Started downloading
430011f338a2 - Downloaded in 0.009 seconds
79df10d18997 - Started downloading
560c024910be - Downloaded in 0.193 seconds
4f4fb700ef54 - Started downloading
4f4fb700ef54 - Downloaded in 0.001 seconds
7e274023cae9 - Started downloading

...(62209 lines hidden)...

webdriver/tests/interop/ in check_beforeunload_not_implicitly_accepted
    await bidi_session.browsing_context.handle_user_prompt(
        accept     = False
        bidi_session = <webdriver.bidi.client.BidiSession object at 0x7f25c9c4fb20>
        current_session = <Session bf52b65bfcceff6bab978b1b44b51d5a>
        execute_as_async = <function execute_as_async.<locals>.execute_as_async at 0x7f25c9c71c10>
        new_tab    = {'context': '83912E6BAE3185854BA9110382CA3E76'}
        on_prompt_closed = <Future finished result={'accepted': False, 'context': '83912E6BAE31...9110382CA3E76', 'type': 'beforeunload'}>
        on_prompt_opened = <Future finished result={'context': '83912E6BAE31...9110382CA3E76', 'handler': 'dismiss', 'message': '', 'type': 'beforeunload'}>
        opened_event = {'context': '83912E6BAE3185854BA9110382CA3E76',
 'handler': 'dismiss',
 'message': '',
 'type': 'beforeunload'}
        page_beforeunload = 'https://web-platform.test:8443/webdriver/tests/support/html/beforeunload.html'
        page_target = 'https://web-platform.test:8443/webdriver/tests/support/html/default.html'
        setup_beforeunload_page = <function setup_beforeunload_page.<locals>.setup_beforeunload_page at 0x7f25c9c3b820>
        subscribe_events = <function subscribe_events.<locals>.subscribe_events at 0x7f25c9c719d0>
        sync_navigate = <function check_beforeunload_not_implicitly_accepted.<locals>.check_beforeunload_not_implicitly_accepted.<locals>.sync_navigate at 0x7f25c9c2b8b0>
        task_navigate = <Task finished name='Task-28276' coro=<execute_as_async.<locals>.execute_as_async() done, defined at /home/test/web-platform-tests/webdriver/tests/support/> result=None>
        url        = <function url.<locals>.url at 0x7f25c9c77550>
        wait_for_event = <function wait_for_event.<locals>.wait_for_event at 0x7f25c9c3bee0>
        wait_for_future_safe = <function wait_for_future_safe.<locals>.wait_for_future_safe at 0x7f25c9c71ee0>
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <webdriver.bidi.modules.browsing_context.BrowsingContext object at 0x7f25c9ceddc0>
kwargs = {'accept': False, 'context': '83912E6BAE3185854BA9110382CA3E76'}
raw_result = False
params = {'accept': False, 'context': '83912E6BAE3185854BA9110382CA3E76'}
mod_name = 'browsingContext', cmd_name = 'browsingContext.handleUserPrompt'
future = <Future finished exception=NoSuchAlertException(no such alert, No dialog is showing, None)>

    async def inner(self: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
        raw_result = kwargs.pop("raw_result", False)
        params = remove_undefined(params_fn(self, **kwargs))
        # Convert the classname and the method name to a bidi command name
        mod_name = owner.__name__[0].lower() + owner.__name__[1:]
        if hasattr(owner, "prefix"):
            mod_name = f"{owner.prefix}:{mod_name}"
        cmd_name = f"{mod_name}.{to_camelcase(name)}"
        future = await self.session.send_command(cmd_name, params)
>       result = await future
E       webdriver.bidi.error.NoSuchAlertException: no such alert (No dialog is showing)

cmd_name   = 'browsingContext.handleUserPrompt'
future     = <Future finished exception=NoSuchAlertException(no such alert, No dialog is showing, None)>
kwargs     = {'accept': False, 'context': '83912E6BAE3185854BA9110382CA3E76'}
mod_name   = 'browsingContext'
name       = 'handle_user_prompt'
owner      = <class 'webdriver.bidi.modules.browsing_context.BrowsingContext'>
params     = {'accept': False, 'context': '83912E6BAE3185854BA9110382CA3E76'}
params_fn  = <function BrowsingContext.handle_user_prompt at 0x7f25e08f6280>
raw_result = False
result_fn  = None
self       = <webdriver.bidi.modules.browsing_context.BrowsingContext object at 0x7f25c9ceddc0>

tools/webdriver/webdriver/bidi/modules/ NoSuchAlertException
  FAIL test_dismiss_and_notify[capabilities0-True] - webdriver.bidi.error.NoSuchAlertException: no such alert (No dialog is showing)
check_beforeunload_not_implicitly_accepted = <function check_beforeunload_not_implicitly_accepted.<locals>.check_beforeunload_not_implicitly_accepted at 0x7f25c9c2bdc0>
accept = True

    @pytest.mark.capabilities({"unhandledPromptBehavior": "dismiss and notify"})
    @pytest.mark.parametrize("accept", [False, True])
    async def test_dismiss_and_notify(check_beforeunload_not_implicitly_accepted, accept):
>       await check_beforeunload_not_implicitly_accepted(accept)

accept     = True
check_beforeunload_not_implicitly_accepted = <function check_beforeunload_not_implicitly_accepted.<locals>.check_beforeunload_not_implicitly_accepted at 0x7f25c9c2bdc0>

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
webdriver/tests/interop/ in check_beforeunload_not_implicitly_accepted
    await bidi_session.browsing_context.handle_user_prompt(
        accept     = True
        bidi_session = <webdriver.bidi.client.BidiSession object at 0x7f25c9c4fb20>
        current_session = <Session bf52b65bfcceff6bab978b1b44b51d5a>
        execute_as_async = <function execute_as_async.<locals>.execute_as_async at 0x7f25c9c2bd30>
        new_tab    = {'context': '5DF9DF2D549E514C16C9976A817A18B5'}
        on_prompt_closed = <Future finished result={'accepted': False, 'context': '5DF9DF2D549E...9976A817A18B5', 'type': 'beforeunload'}>
        on_prompt_opened = <Future finished result={'context': '5DF9DF2D549E...9976A817A18B5', 'handler': 'dismiss', 'message': '', 'type': 'beforeunload'}>
        opened_event = {'context': '5DF9DF2D549E514C16C9976A817A18B5',
 'handler': 'dismiss',
 'message': '',
 'type': 'beforeunload'}
        page_beforeunload = 'https://web-platform.test:8443/webdriver/tests/support/html/beforeunload.html'
        page_target = 'https://web-platform.test:8443/webdriver/tests/support/html/default.html'
        setup_beforeunload_page = <function setup_beforeunload_page.<locals>.setup_beforeunload_page at 0x7f25c9c2b040>
        subscribe_events = <function subscribe_events.<locals>.subscribe_events at 0x7f25c9c2b940>
        sync_navigate = <function check_beforeunload_not_implicitly_accepted.<locals>.check_beforeunload_not_implicitly_accepted.<locals>.sync_navigate at 0x7f25c9bd8040>
        task_navigate = <Task finished name='Task-28293' coro=<execute_as_async.<locals>.execute_as_async() done, defined at /home/test/web-platform-tests/webdriver/tests/support/> result=None>
        url        = <function url.<locals>.url at 0x7f25c9c1fe50>
        wait_for_event = <function wait_for_event.<locals>.wait_for_event at 0x7f25c9c2b5e0>
        wait_for_future_safe = <function wait_for_future_safe.<locals>.wait_for_future_safe at 0x7f25c9c2b9d0>
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <webdriver.bidi.modules.browsing_context.BrowsingContext object at 0x7f25c9ceddc0>
kwargs = {'accept': True, 'context': '5DF9DF2D549E514C16C9976A817A18B5'}
raw_result = False
params = {'accept': True, 'context': '5DF9DF2D549E514C16C9976A817A18B5'}
mod_name = 'browsingContext', cmd_name = 'browsingContext.handleUserPrompt'
future = <Future finished exception=NoSuchAlertException(no such alert, No dialog is showing, None)>

    async def inner(self: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
        raw_result = kwargs.pop("raw_result", False)
        params = remove_undefined(params_fn(self, **kwargs))
        # Convert the classname and the method name to a bidi command name
        mod_name = owner.__name__[0].lower() + owner.__name__[1:]
        if hasattr(owner, "prefix"):
            mod_name = f"{owner.prefix}:{mod_name}"
        cmd_name = f"{mod_name}.{to_camelcase(name)}"
        future = await self.session.send_command(cmd_name, params)
>       result = await future
E       webdriver.bidi.error.NoSuchAlertException: no such alert (No dialog is showing)

cmd_name   = 'browsingContext.handleUserPrompt'
future     = <Future finished exception=NoSuchAlertException(no such alert, No dialog is showing, None)>
kwargs     = {'accept': True, 'context': '5DF9DF2D549E514C16C9976A817A18B5'}
mod_name   = 'browsingContext'
name       = 'handle_user_prompt'
owner      = <class 'webdriver.bidi.modules.browsing_context.BrowsingContext'>
params     = {'accept': True, 'context': '5DF9DF2D549E514C16C9976A817A18B5'}
params_fn  = <function BrowsingContext.handle_user_prompt at 0x7f25e08f6280>
raw_result = False
result_fn  = None
self       = <webdriver.bidi.modules.browsing_context.BrowsingContext object at 0x7f25c9ceddc0>

tools/webdriver/webdriver/bidi/modules/ NoSuchAlertException
  FAIL test_classic_switch_to_parent_no_browsing_context - Failed: DID NOT RAISE <class 'webdriver.error.NoSuchWindowException'>
bidi_session = <webdriver.bidi.client.BidiSession object at 0x7f25c9c37880>
current_session = <Session 320ad678ec621168ae3a562aec9632eb>
url = <function url.<locals>.url at 0x7f25c9bd89d0>

    async def test_classic_switch_to_parent_no_browsing_context(bidi_session, current_session, url):
        # With WebDriver classic it cannot be checked if the parent frame is already
        # gone before switching to it. To prevent race conditions such a check needs
        # to be done via WebDriver BiDi.
        current_session.url = url("/webdriver/tests/support/html/frames.html")
        subframe = current_session.find.css("#sub-frame", all=False)
        deleteframe = current_session.find.css("#delete-frame", all=False)
        button = current_session.find.css("#remove-top", all=False)
        async def is_frame_removed(_):
            contexts = await bidi_session.browsing_context.get_tree(root=current_session.window_handle)
            return not contexts[0]["children"]
        # Wait until IFrame is gone.
        wait = AsyncPoll(
            message="IFrame that should be closed is still open",
        await wait.until(is_frame_removed)
        with pytest.raises(NoSuchWindowException):
>           current_session.switch_frame("parent")
E           Failed: DID NOT RAISE <class 'webdriver.error.NoSuchWindowException'>

bidi_session = <webdriver.bidi.client.BidiSession object at 0x7f25c9c37880>
button     = <WebElement f.3AECAD179DFC87EB8DAA4E0ADB3B1C10.d.0E745C78135A606D6D6135DD30C1D97D.e.9>
current_session = <Session 320ad678ec621168ae3a562aec9632eb>
deleteframe = <WebElement f.B3387F2FCF2EAB9A78749203541A5E9B.d.42F637A7DC74A01F5F692E6BF362278B.e.8>
is_frame_removed = <function test_classic_switch_to_parent_no_browsing_context.<locals>.is_frame_removed at 0x7f25c9bd8a60>
subframe   = <WebElement f.6E6D9AD9C31894AEE78EC9F2A12D681F.d.7629F149880B70D6C834450049286059.e.7>
url        = <function url.<locals>.url at 0x7f25c9bd89d0>
wait       = < object at 0x7f25c9bbf7f0>

webdriver/tests/interop/ Failed
13:06.46 INFO Got 39 unexpected results, with 0 unexpected passes
13:06.46 wptserve INFO Stopped WebTransport over HTTP/3 server on
13:06.49 wptserve INFO Stopped http server on
13:06.59 wptserve INFO Stopped http server on
13:06.60 wptserve INFO Stopped http server on
13:06.60 wptserve INFO Stopped http server on
13:06.60 wptserve INFO Close on: (<AddressFamily.AF_INET: 2>, <SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM: 1>, 6, '', ('', 8888))
13:06.61 wptserve INFO Stopped http server on
13:06.61 wptserve INFO Stopped http server on
13:06.62 wptserve INFO Stopped http server on
13:06.62 wptserve INFO Close on: (<AddressFamily.AF_INET: 2>, <SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM: 1>, 6, '', ('', 8889))
13:06.62 wptserve INFO Stopped http server on
13:06.64 wptserve INFO Stopped http server on
13:06.75 INFO Removed font: Ahem.ttf
13:06.78 INFO Closing logging queue
13:06.78 INFO queue closed
13:06.78 INFO Tolerating 39 unexpected results
X connection to :99.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).

[taskcluster 2025-01-16 01:23:36.772Z] === Task Finished ===
[taskcluster 2025-01-16 01:23:37.652Z] Successful task run with exit code: 0 completed in 900.482 seconds