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Simple no thrills micro framework. Super performant and light-weight!


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Simple no thrills micro framework. Super performant and light-weight! Webformula core docs


  • ⚡ Lightweight - 5.9KB compressed
  • ⚡ Fast - optimized FCP and low overhead
  • ⚡ Simple - No complex concepts
  • ⚡ Full features - Signals, internationalization, routing, bundling


Browsers, javascript, css, and html provide a robust set of features these days. With the addition of a couple of features like routing, we can build small performant applications without a steep learning curve. Webformula core provides the tools to achieve this in a tiny package (5KB).

Table of Contents

Getting started


npm install @webformula/core


@Webformula/core uses directory based routing. All routes go in a 'routes' folder.

└── routes/
    ├── index/
    │   └── index.js      # /
    ├── 404/
    │   └── index.js      # /404 (or any url that is not found)
    ├── one/
    │   └── index.js      # one/
    ├── two[id?]/
    │   └── index.js      # two/:id?
    ├── three/
    │   └── [id]/
    │       └── index.js  # three/:id
    └── four/
        └── []/
            └── index.js  # four/*rest (four/a/b/)
  • app/routes/index/index.js → /
  • app/routes/one/index.js → one
  • app/routes/two[id?]/index.js → two/:id?
  • app/routes/three/[id]/index.js → three/:id
  • app/routes/four/[]/index.js → four/*rest

Routing details

  • routes/index/index.js Root page (/)
  • routes/404/index.js Not found page. Auto redirect on non matching routes
  • index.js Route component file
  • [id] Directory that represents a url parameter
  • [id?] Directory that represents an options url parameter
  • name[id?] Inline url parameter to avoid sub folder
  • [] Directory that represents catch-all route
  • [] Directory that represents optional catch-all route

Check out the page.js section for details on how to get url parameters in route component

Example code


<!doctype html>
  <html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-store" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

    <!-- app.js and app.css will automatically be updated to match bundle outputs -->
    <link href="app.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <script src="app.js" type="module"></script>
    <!-- page template render into this element -->

    <!-- Alternative using id attribute -->
    <div id="page-content"></div>

Main app app.js

  /* Main app file
   *   you can import any code in here

  import someModule from './someModule.js';

  // routes are automatically loaded based on directory routing

Prevent navigation allows you to lock down the app for uses like authentication

  import { preventNavigation } from '@webformula/core';

  // if not authenticated redirect to login and prevent navigation
  if (!document.cookie.includes('authenticated=true')) {
    if (location.pathname !== '/login') location.href = '/login';
    // preventNavigation(false);

Main app css app.css

@import url('./other.css');

body {
  background-color: white;

Basic page routes/home/index.js

  import { Component, Signal, html } from '@webformula/core';
  import htmlTemplate from './page.html'; // automatically bundles

  // imported component
  import './component.js';
  export default class extends Component {
    // html page title
    static pageTitle = 'Home';

     * Pass in HTML string. Use for imported .HTML
     * Supports template literals: <div>\${this.var}</div>
     * @type {String}
    static htmlTemplate = htmlTemplate;

    someVar = new Signal('Some var');
    clickIt_bound = this.clickIt.bind(this);
    constructor() {
    connectedCallback() {
      console.log(this.urlParameters); // { id: 'value' }
      console.log(this.searchParameters); // { id: 'value' }
    disconnectedCallback() { }
    // not called on initial render
    beforeRender() { }
    afterEnder() {
      this.querySelector('#event-listener-button').addEventListener('click', this.clickIt_bound);
    // look below to how it is invoked on a button
    clickIt() {
      console.log('clicked it!');
    // look below to how it is invoked on a button
    changeValue() {
      this.someVar.value = 'Value updated';
     * Alternative method for html templates, instead of importing html file
    template() {
      return /*html*/`
        <div>Page Content</div>
          // nested html
 ? html`<div>Showing</div>` : ''

          You can comment out expressions
        <!-- "page" will reference the current page class -->
        <button onclick="page.clickIt()">Click Method</button>
        <button id="event-listener-button">Event listener</button>
        <button onclick="page.changeValue()">Change value</button>

HTML page template routes/home/page.html Can use javascript template literal syntax

<div>Page Content</div>

  // nested html ? html`<div>Showing</div>` : ''

  You can comment out expressions

<!-- "page" will reference the current page class -->
<button onclick="page.clickIt()">Click Method</button>
<button id="event-listener-button">Event listener</button>
<button onclick="page.changeValue()">Change value</button>

Web component component.js

  import { Component } from '@webformula/core';
  import html from './component.html';
  export default class extends Component {
      * Pass in HTML string. Use for imported .HTML
      * Supports template literals: <div>${this.var}</div>
      * @type {String}
    static htmlTemplate = html;

      * Hook up shadow root
      * @type {Boolean}
    static useShadowRoot = false;

      * @type {Boolean}
    static shadowRootDelegateFocus = false;

      * Pass in styles for shadow root.
      * Can use imported stylesheets: import styles from '../styles.css' assert { type: 'css' };
      * @type {CSSStyleSheet}
    static shadowRootStyleSheets;

      * @typedef {String} AttributeType
      * @value '' default handling
      * @value 'string' Convert to a string. null = ''
      * @value 'number' Convert to a number. isNaN = ''
      * @value 'int' Convert to a int. isNaN = ''
      * @value 'boolean' Convert to a boolean. null = false
      * @value 'event' Allows code to be executed. Similar to onchange="console.log('test')"
      * Enhances observedAttributes, allowing you to specify types
      * You can still use \`observedAttributes\` in stead of this.
      * @type {Array.<[name:String, AttributeType]>}
    static get observedAttributesExtended() { return []; }; // static observedAttributesExtended = [['required', 'boolean']];

      * Use with observedAttributesExtended
      * You can still use \`attributeChangedCallback\` in stead of this.
      * @function
      * @param {String} name - Attribute name
      * @param {String} oldValue - Old attribute value
      * @param {String} newValue - New attribute value
    attributeChangedCallbackExtended(name, oldValue, newValue) { }

    // need to bind events to access \`this\`
    #onClick_bound = this.#onClick.bind(this);

    constructor() {

    afterRender() {
      this.#root.querySelector('button').addEventListener('click', this.#onClick_bound);
    disconnectedCallback() {
      this.#root.querySelector('button').removeEventListener('click', this.#onClick_bound);

    #onClick() {
      console.log('Custom button component clicked!');
     * If not importing html you can use this template method.
     * Imported html also supports template literals (undefined)
    template() {
      return html`

  // define web component
  customElements.define('custom-button', CustomButton);

Build single page app build.js

The build process will handle:

  • Minification
  • Sourcemaps
  • Dev server
  • live relaoding
  • Adding hashes to filenames
  • Rewriting imports for app.js and app.js to have hashes
  • Gziping content
  • File copying
import build from '@webformula/core/build';

 * Basic
 * If using 'app/' as root folder then no config needed

 * Full config options
  // Enable spa routing : Default true
  spa: true,
  // folder that contains 'app.js' : Default 'app.js'
  basedir: 'app/',

  // folder that contains 'app.js' : Default 'dist/'
  outdir: 'dist/',

   * Default true
   * Split code using routes for optimal loading 
  chunks: true,

   * Minify code
   * Set to 'true' when 'NODE_ENV=production'
   *   otherwise it defaults to 'false'
  minify: true,

   * Create source maps
   * Set to 'false' when 'NODE_ENV=production'
   *   otherwise it defaults to 'true'
  sourcemaps: false,

   * Compress code
   * Set to 'true' when 'NODE_ENV=production'
   *   otherwise it defaults to 'false'
  gzip: true,

  * Run dev server
  * Set to 'false' when 'NODE_ENV=production'
  * otherwise it defaults to 'true'
  devServer: true,

  * Livereload
  * Simply use watch to enable 'node --watch build.js'
  * Set to 'false' when 'NODE_ENV=production'
  * otherwise it defaults to 'true'
  devServerLiveReload: true,
  devServerPort: 3000,

   * devWarnings
   * Enable console warning
   * only html sanitization currently
   * otherwise it defaults to 'false'
  devWarnings: false,

  // supports regex's with wildcards (*, **)
  copyFiles: [
      from: 'app/image.jpg',
      to: 'dist/',
      gzip: true
      from: 'app/routes/**/(?!page)*.html',
      to: 'dist/routes'
      from: 'app/code.js',
      to: 'dist/code.js',
      transform({ content, outputFileNames }) {
        // doo work
        return content;

  // callback before bundle
  onStart: () => {},

  // callback after bundle
  onEnd: () => {}

Build commands

# Development run
node build.js

# Development run with watch to enable livereload
node --watch-path=./app build.js

# Production run. minifies and gzips
NODE_ENV=production node build.js

Build single page app build.js

Use middleware to handle routing and file serving. GZIP compression is automatically handled.

  • Native server
  • Express server
  • Enable livereload with node --watch

Native server

import { createServer } from 'node:http';
import { middlewareNode } from '@webformula/core/middleware';

const middleware = middlewareNode({
  basedir: 'docs/',
  outdir: 'dist/',
  copyFiles: [
    { from: 'docs/favicon.ico', to: 'dist/' }

createServer(async (req, res) => {
  const handled = await middleware(req, res);
  if (handled === true) return;

  // Do other stuff

Express server

import express from 'express';
import { middlewareExpress } from '@webformula/core/middleware';

const app = express();
  basedir: 'docs/',
  outdir: 'dist/',
  copyFiles: [
    { from: 'docs/favicon.ico', to: 'dist/' }

app.listen(3000, () => {
  console.log(`Example app listening on port ${port}`)


Simply use node --watch to enable livereload

node --watch-path=./src --watch-path=./docs server.js