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added BoersennewsEndpoint
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webholics committed Jan 15, 2013
1 parent be60b07 commit 31ebc27
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Showing 10 changed files with 417 additions and 18 deletions.
166 changes: 166 additions & 0 deletions lib/endpoints/boersennews.js

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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions lib/endpoints/finanzennet.js

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

12 changes: 10 additions & 2 deletions lib/importer.js
Expand Up @@ -4,19 +4,27 @@
An equity object must contain the following attributes:
An equity object should contain the following attributes:
isin: The ISIN unique equity id
name: The name of the equity
currentPrice: The current price (as realtime as possible)
latestPrice: The current price (as realtime as possible)
monthlyPrices: [...] Array of monthly prices of the first day in each month of the last 12 months starting with the price at the beginning of the current month.
dailyPrices: [...] Array of daily prices at the beginning of each day in the last 30 trading(!) days starting with the price of the last ended trading day.
latestFacts: {
year: The year of the facts
pbRatio: P/B ratio (german: KBV)
peRatio: P/E ratio (german: KGV)
historicFacts: [{},...] Array containing the same objects as latestFacts but with facts of the last years, latestFacts is not included in this list
The following attributes are optional:
wkn: The WKN unique equity id
If some values cannot be retrieved they will be null.

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120 changes: 120 additions & 0 deletions src/lib/endpoints/
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
Endpoint = require '../endpoint.js'
Crawler = require('crawler').Crawler

Fetch stock data from
class BoersennewsEndpoint extends Endpoint
constructor: ->
this.baseUrl = ''
this.crawler = new Crawler
forceUTF8: true
#debug: true
maxConnections: 10
# Means if we request the same URI twice it is not crawled again.
# But callback will be called!
# This means you have to create a new endpoint if you want to flush the cash!
cache: true

Retrieve a single equity by ISIN
getEquityByIsin: (isin, cb) ->
isin = isin.toLowerCase()

# search supports GET requests
url = '' + encodeURIComponent(isin) + '/category/sto'
this.crawler.queue [
uri: url
callback: (error, result, $) =>
if error
cb new Error('Could not load!'), null

url = null
for row in $('table.tabList.lastLine tr:has(td)')
tds = $(row).find('td')
if $(tds[2]).text().toLowerCase() == isin
url = this.baseUrl + $(tds[0]).find('a').attr('href').replace("/profile", "/fundamental")

if not url
cb null, null

this.crawlEquity url, cb

Crawl an equity by its URL on
This methods crawls only stock facts page.
@param {String} url URL of an equity "Fundamentale Daten" page on
@param {Function} cb Callback is called with Error|null and Object, the crawled equity
crawlEquity: (url, cb) ->
this.crawler.queue [
uri: url
callback: (error, result, $) =>
if error
cb new Error('Could not load!'), null

if not this._isValidEquityUrl(result.request.href)
cb new Error('Not a valid equity URL!'), null

equity =
name: $('h2').text().replace(' Fundamentale Daten', '')

# WKN and ISIN
matches = /ISIN:\s([^\s]+)\s\|\sWKN:\s([^\s]+)/.exec($('.instrumentInfos h3').text())
equity.isin = matches[1]
equity.wkn = matches[2]

# find available years
colsMap = {}
for col, i in $('.tabList tr').eq(0).find('th')
if /^\d+$/.test $(col).text()
colsMap[parseInt $(col).text()] = i

# create facts per year with null values
factsPerYear = {}
for year, i in colsMap
factsPerYear[year] =
year: year
pbRatio: null
peRatio: null

# helper function
fillFacts = (cols, key) =>
for year, colIndex in colsMap
# parse number
matches = /([0-9,\.-]+)/.exec(cols.eq(colIndex).text())
if matches and matches[1] != '-'
num = parseFloat matches[1].replace('.', '').replace(',', '.')
factsPerYear[year][key] = num

#iterate over table rows and fill as much facts as possible
for row in $('.tabList tr:has(td)')
cols = $(row).find('td')
if /^KGV/.test cols.eq(0).text()
fillFacts cols, 'peRatio'

facts = []
for obj in factsPerYear
facts.push obj
facts.sort (a,b) -> b.year - a.year

equity.latestFacts = facts.shift()
equity.historicFacts = facts

cb null, equity

_isValidEquityUrl: (url) -> /^http:\/\/www\.boersennews\.de\/markt\/aktien\/[^\/]+\/[^\/]+\/fundamental$/.test(url)

module.exports = BoersennewsEndpoint
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/lib/endpoints/
Expand Up @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class FinanzennetEndpoint extends Endpoint
if this._isValidIndexUrl(result.request.href)
this.crawlIndex(url, cb)
url = $('.main').first().find('table tr').eq(1).find('a').attr('href')
url = $('.main table tr').eq(1).find('a').attr('href')
if not url
cb(null, null)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class FinanzennetEndpoint extends Endpoint
if this._isValidEquityUrl result.request.href
this.crawlEquity url, stockMarket, cb
url = $('.main').first().find('table tr').eq(1).find('a').attr('href')
url = $('.main table tr').eq(1).find('a').attr('href')
if not url
cb null, null
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ class FinanzennetEndpoint extends Endpoint
equity.isin = matches[2]

# current price
equity.currentPrice = parseFloat($('.pricebox .content table').eq(0).find('th:first-child').text().replace('.', '').replace(',','.'))
equity.latestPrice = parseFloat($('.pricebox .content table').eq(0).find('th:first-child').text().replace('.', '').replace(',','.'))

# find equity ID
finanzennetId = null
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ class FinanzennetEndpoint extends Endpoint
url: result.request.href

# current price
index.currentPrice = parseFloat($('.pricebox .content table').eq(0).find('th:first-child').text().replace('.', '').replace(',','.'))
index.latestPrice = parseFloat($('.pricebox .content table').eq(0).find('th:first-child').text().replace('.', '').replace(',','.'))

now = new Date
this.crawler.queue [
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