CorrLang is a tool/library that helps you with several model and system integration tasks. It is based on a DSL with the same name. In this DSL you specify structural relations between schemas of different endpoints.
To run CorrLang on your own machine you have to check it out from here and build it on your machine.
You have to have java
(>= 1.8) and git
First check out with git clone
Please note that this project has submodules (You can learn more about submodules here).
Thus, you will have to call
git submodule init
for each submodule.
And, you have to pull changes with
git pull --recurse-submodules
To get all changes recursively for all submodules!
After downloading the project, you build the whole thing with
./gradlew buildCorrlang
You will then see the message
CorrLang successfully built: file:/...
which will point you to the directory where you find the freshly built Jar-file. This files packages all dependencies into one such that you are immediately ready to go!
Copy the corrlang.jar
where you want to have it, optionally make a SHELL-script for it and it to your $PATH.
java -jar corrlang.jar
for the first time will give you an idea how to proceed.
To get some inspiration for writing you first CorrSpec file, you might want to have a look at an example featuring the popular Families2Persons use case:
endpoint Families {
type FILE
at models/Families.families
technology ECORE
schema metamodels/Families.ecore
endpoint Persons {
type FILE
at models/Persons.persons
technology ECORE
schema metamodels/Persons.ecore
correspondence Families2Persons (Families,Persons) {
sync (Families.FamilyMember as fm , Persons.Male as m) as syncMale
when ( ++ " " ++ == || ++ " " ++ == );
sync (Families.FamilyMember as fm, Persons.Female as f) as syncFemale
when ( ++ " " ++ == || ++ " " ++ == );
goal Plot {
correspondence Families2Persons
action SCHEMA
technology PNG
target FILE {
at output/familiesAndPersons.png
You might also want to have a look into my publications related to the topic:
Or just take Contact