From 978101b0b3d59a21536e354e9df90ef4ec30474c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: evilebottnawi Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2021 21:10:26 +0300 Subject: [PATCH] test: debug --- .../server.test.js.snap.webpack4 | 466 ------------------ .../server.test.js.snap.webpack5 | 466 ------------------ test/e2e/server.test.js | 24 +- 3 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 944 deletions(-) diff --git a/test/e2e/__snapshots__/server.test.js.snap.webpack4 b/test/e2e/__snapshots__/server.test.js.snap.webpack4 index e8d2438ac3..82aaba11db 100644 --- a/test/e2e/__snapshots__/server.test.js.snap.webpack4 +++ b/test/e2e/__snapshots__/server.test.js.snap.webpack4 @@ -1,358 +1,5 @@ // Jest Snapshot v1, -exports[`server option as object allow to pass more options should handle GET request to index route (/): console messages 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object allow to pass more options should handle GET request to index route (/): https options 1`] = ` -Object { - "ca": "", - "cert": "", - "key": "", - "minVersion": "TLSv1.1", - "passphrase": "webpack-dev-server", - "pfx": "", - "requestCert": false, -} -`; - -exports[`server option as object allow to pass more options should handle GET request to index route (/): page errors 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object allow to pass more options should handle GET request to index route (/): response status 1`] = `200`; - -exports[`server option as object allow to pass more options should handle GET request to index route (/): response text 1`] = ` -"Heyo. -" -`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are array of buffers should handle GET request to index route (/): console messages 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are array of buffers should handle GET request to index route (/): https options 1`] = ` -Object { - "ca": Array [ - "", - ], - "cert": Array [ - "", - ], - "key": Array [ - "", - ], - "passphrase": "webpack-dev-server", - "pfx": Array [ - "", - ], - "requestCert": false, -} -`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are array of buffers should handle GET request to index route (/): page errors 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are array of buffers should handle GET request to index route (/): response status 1`] = `200`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are array of buffers should handle GET request to index route (/): response text 1`] = ` -"Heyo. -" -`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are buffer should handle GET request to index route (/): console messages 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are buffer should handle GET request to index route (/): https options 1`] = ` -Object { - "ca": "", - "cert": "", - "key": "", - "passphrase": "webpack-dev-server", - "pfx": "", - "requestCert": false, -} -`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are buffer should handle GET request to index route (/): page errors 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are buffer should handle GET request to index route (/): response status 1`] = `200`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are buffer should handle GET request to index route (/): response text 1`] = ` -"Heyo. -" -`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are buffer, key and pfx are objects should handle GET request to index route (/): console messages 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are buffer, key and pfx are objects should handle GET request to index route (/): https options 1`] = ` -Object { - "ca": "", - "cert": "", - "key": Array [ - Object { - "pem": "", - }, - ], - "passphrase": "webpack-dev-server", - "pfx": Array [ - Object { - "buf": "", - }, - ], - "requestCert": false, -} -`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are buffer, key and pfx are objects should handle GET request to index route (/): page errors 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are buffer, key and pfx are objects should handle GET request to index route (/): response status 1`] = `200`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are buffer, key and pfx are objects should handle GET request to index route (/): response text 1`] = ` -"Heyo. -" -`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are strings should handle GET request to index route (/): console messages 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are strings should handle GET request to index route (/): https options 1`] = ` -Object { - "ca": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- -MIIEpQIBAAKCAQEAxAUVLFM+K3XDLQkBi7xt0s1Ip7JoHYDskzUDQNHjjMkUq5kv -C/hf5Ei1J6qruJs3Xqg86Nl4+ed4ynUajAkRRibhp0P1SG1tgPssIK6iC7g8heYu -Dy9WkFuMie0513zjSn6bMEAK5TegxYAWCbaCZX/Fw9bDniabL/zuOv4sf8J4EPhs -EENnH6sUE9HxPUgQmNt1Tbd0j1Cd5PXrSTLyfVPRh0m9QhXTUHuxsse8XSn9U2sw -duxJTWRINmhffYn+O7kbJGI77xYr8u58Rsf3HCMI8DTKZNvQLChvvtLJ9ckyu7Q+ -T8emgklStASm3V2UtnriaK/IQEhgSdxqVRib3QIDAQABAoIBAGqWKPE1QnT3T+3J -G+ITz9P0dDFbvWltlTZmeSJh/s2q+WZloUNtBxdmwbqT/1QecnkyGgyzVCjvSKsu -CgVjWNVAhysgtNtxRT4BVflffBXLVH2qsBjpsLRGU6EcMXuPGTiEp3YRHNuO6Aj8 -oP8fEsCGPc9DlJMGgxQRAKlrVF8TN/0j6Qk+YpS4MZ0YFQfBY+WdKu04Z8TVTplQ -tTkiGpBI+Oj85jF59aQiizglJgADkAZ6zmbrctm/G9jPxh7JLS2cKI0ECZgK5yAc -pk10E1YWhoCksjr9arxy6fS9TiX9P15vv06k+s7c4c5X7XDm3X0GWeSbqBMJb8q7 -BhZQNzECgYEA4kAtymDBvFYiZFq7+lzQBRKAI1RCq7YqxlieumH0PSkie2bba3dW -NVdTi7at8+GDB9/cHUPKzg/skfJllek57MZmusiVwB/Lmp/IlW8YyGShdYZ7zQsV -KMWJljpky3BEDM5sb08wIkfrOkelI/S4Bqqabd9JzOMJzoTiVOlMam8CgYEA3ctN -yonWz2bsnCUstQvQCLdI5a8Q7GJvlH2awephxGXIKGUuRmyyop0AnRnIBEWtOQV7 -yZjW32bU+Wt+2BJ247EyJiIQ4gT+T51t+v/Wt1YNbL3dSj9ttOvwYd4H2W4E7EIO -GKIF4I39FM7r8NfG7YE7S1aVcnrqs01N3nhd9HMCgYEAjepbzpmqbAxLPk97oase -AFB+d6qetz5ozklAJwDSRprKukTmVR5hwMup5/UKX/OQURwl4WVojKCIb3NwLPxC -DTbVsUuoQv6uo6qeEr3A+dHFRQa6GP9eolhl2Ql/t+wPg0jn01oEgzxBXCkceNVD -qUrR2yE4FYBD4nqPzVsZR5kCgYEA1yTi7NkQeldIpZ6Z43T18753A/Xx4JsLyWqd -uAT3mV9x7V1Yqg++qGbLtZjQoPRFt85N6ZxMsqA5b0iK3mXq1auJDdx1rAlT9z6q -9JM/YNAkbZsvEVq9vIYxw31w98T1GYhpzBM+yDhzir+9tv5YhQKa1dXDWi1JhWwz -YN45pWkCgYEAxuVsJ4D4Th5o050ppWpnxM/WuMhIUKqaoFTVucMKFzn+g24y9pv5 -miYdNYIk4Y+4pzHG6ZGZSHJcQ9BLui6H/nLQnqkgCb2lT5nfp7/GKdus7BdcjPGs -fcV46yL7/X0m8nDb3hkwwrDTU4mKFkMrzKpjdZBsttEmW0Aw/3y36gU= ------END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- -", - "cert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- -MIIDXTCCAkWgAwIBAgIJALz8gD/gAt0OMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMEUxCzAJBgNV -BAYTAkFVMRMwEQYDVQQIDApTb21lLVN0YXRlMSEwHwYDVQQKDBhJbnRlcm5ldCBX -aWRnaXRzIFB0eSBMdGQwHhcNMTgxMDIzMTgyMTQ5WhcNMTkxMDIzMTgyMTQ5WjBF -MQswCQYDVQQGEwJBVTETMBEGA1UECAwKU29tZS1TdGF0ZTEhMB8GA1UECgwYSW50 -ZXJuZXQgV2lkZ2l0cyBQdHkgTHRkMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIB -CgKCAQEAxAUVLFM+K3XDLQkBi7xt0s1Ip7JoHYDskzUDQNHjjMkUq5kvC/hf5Ei1 -J6qruJs3Xqg86Nl4+ed4ynUajAkRRibhp0P1SG1tgPssIK6iC7g8heYuDy9WkFuM -ie0513zjSn6bMEAK5TegxYAWCbaCZX/Fw9bDniabL/zuOv4sf8J4EPhsEENnH6sU -E9HxPUgQmNt1Tbd0j1Cd5PXrSTLyfVPRh0m9QhXTUHuxsse8XSn9U2swduxJTWRI -NmhffYn+O7kbJGI77xYr8u58Rsf3HCMI8DTKZNvQLChvvtLJ9ckyu7Q+T8emgklS -tASm3V2UtnriaK/IQEhgSdxqVRib3QIDAQABo1AwTjAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUDZBhVKdb -3BRhLIhuuE522Vsul0IwHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUDZBhVKdb3BRhLIhuuE522Vsul0Iw -DAYDVR0TBAUwAwEB/zANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEABh9WWZwWLgb9/DcTxL72 -6pI96t4jiF79Q+pPefkaIIi0mE6yodWrTAsBQu9I6bNRaEcCSoiXkP2bqskD/UGg -LwUFgSrDOAA3UjdHw3QU5g2NocduG7mcFwA40TB98sOsxsUyYlzSyWzoiQWwPYwb -hek1djuWkqPXsTjlj54PTPN/SjTFmo4p5Ip6nbRf2nOREl7v0rJpGbJvXiCMYyd+ -Zv+j4mRjCGo8ysMR2HjCUGkYReLAgKyyz3M7i8vevJhKslyOmy6Txn4F0nPVumaU -DDIy4xXPW1STWfsmSYJfYW3wa0wk+pJQ3j2cTzkPQQ8gwpvM3U9DJl43uwb37v6I -7Q== ------END CERTIFICATE----- -", - "key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- -MIIEvwIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKkwggSlAgEAAoIBAQDEBRUsUz4rdcMt -CQGLvG3SzUinsmgdgOyTNQNA0eOMyRSrmS8L+F/kSLUnqqu4mzdeqDzo2Xj553jK -dRqMCRFGJuGnQ/VIbW2A+ywgrqILuDyF5i4PL1aQW4yJ7TnXfONKfpswQArlN6DF -gBYJtoJlf8XD1sOeJpsv/O46/ix/wngQ+GwQQ2cfqxQT0fE9SBCY23VNt3SPUJ3k -9etJMvJ9U9GHSb1CFdNQe7Gyx7xdKf1TazB27ElNZEg2aF99if47uRskYjvvFivy -7nxGx/ccIwjwNMpk29AsKG++0sn1yTK7tD5Px6aCSVK0BKbdXZS2euJor8hASGBJ -3GpVGJvdAgMBAAECggEAapYo8TVCdPdP7ckb4hPP0/R0MVu9aW2VNmZ5ImH+zar5 -ZmWhQ20HF2bBupP/VB5yeTIaDLNUKO9Iqy4KBWNY1UCHKyC023FFPgFV+V98FctU -faqwGOmwtEZToRwxe48ZOISndhEc247oCPyg/x8SwIY9z0OUkwaDFBEAqWtUXxM3 -/SPpCT5ilLgxnRgVB8Fj5Z0q7ThnxNVOmVC1OSIakEj46PzmMXn1pCKLOCUmAAOQ -BnrOZuty2b8b2M/GHsktLZwojQQJmArnIBymTXQTVhaGgKSyOv1qvHLp9L1OJf0/ -Xm+/TqT6ztzhzlftcObdfQZZ5JuoEwlvyrsGFlA3MQKBgQDiQC3KYMG8ViJkWrv6 -XNAFEoAjVEKrtirGWJ66YfQ9KSJ7Zttrd1Y1V1OLtq3z4YMH39wdQ8rOD+yR8mWV -6Tnsxma6yJXAH8uan8iVbxjIZKF1hnvNCxUoxYmWOmTLcEQMzmxvTzAiR+s6R6Uj -9LgGqppt30nM4wnOhOJU6UxqbwKBgQDdy03KidbPZuycJSy1C9AIt0jlrxDsYm+U -fZrB6mHEZcgoZS5GbLKinQCdGcgERa05BXvJmNbfZtT5a37YEnbjsTImIhDiBP5P -nW36/9a3Vg1svd1KP2206/Bh3gfZbgTsQg4YogXgjf0Uzuvw18btgTtLVpVyeuqz -TU3eeF30cwKBgQCN6lvOmapsDEs+T3uhqx4AUH53qp63PmjOSUAnANJGmsq6ROZV -HmHAy6nn9Qpf85BRHCXhZWiMoIhvc3As/EINNtWxS6hC/q6jqp4SvcD50cVFBroY -/16iWGXZCX+37A+DSOfTWgSDPEFcKRx41UOpStHbITgVgEPieo/NWxlHmQKBgQDX -JOLs2RB6V0ilnpnjdPXzvncD9fHgmwvJap24BPeZX3HtXViqD76oZsu1mNCg9EW3 -zk3pnEyyoDlvSIreZerVq4kN3HWsCVP3Pqr0kz9g0CRtmy8RWr28hjHDfXD3xPUZ -iGnMEz7IOHOKv722/liFAprV1cNaLUmFbDNg3jmlaQKBgQDG5WwngPhOHmjTnSml -amfEz9a4yEhQqpqgVNW5wwoXOf6DbjL2m/maJh01giThj7inMcbpkZlIclxD0Eu6 -Lof+ctCeqSAJvaVPmd+nv8Yp26zsF1yM8ax9xXjrIvv9fSbycNveGTDCsNNTiYoW -QyvMqmN1kGy20SZbQDD/fLfqBQ== ------END PRIVATE KEY----- -", - "passphrase": "webpack-dev-server", - "pfx": "", - "requestCert": false, -} -`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are strings should handle GET request to index route (/): page errors 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are strings should handle GET request to index route (/): response status 1`] = `200`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are strings should handle GET request to index route (/): response text 1`] = ` -"Heyo. -" -`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are strings, key and pfx are objects should handle GET request to index route (/): console messages 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are strings, key and pfx are objects should handle GET request to index route (/): https options 1`] = ` -Object { - "ca": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- -MIIEpQIBAAKCAQEAxAUVLFM+K3XDLQkBi7xt0s1Ip7JoHYDskzUDQNHjjMkUq5kv -C/hf5Ei1J6qruJs3Xqg86Nl4+ed4ynUajAkRRibhp0P1SG1tgPssIK6iC7g8heYu -Dy9WkFuMie0513zjSn6bMEAK5TegxYAWCbaCZX/Fw9bDniabL/zuOv4sf8J4EPhs -EENnH6sUE9HxPUgQmNt1Tbd0j1Cd5PXrSTLyfVPRh0m9QhXTUHuxsse8XSn9U2sw -duxJTWRINmhffYn+O7kbJGI77xYr8u58Rsf3HCMI8DTKZNvQLChvvtLJ9ckyu7Q+ -T8emgklStASm3V2UtnriaK/IQEhgSdxqVRib3QIDAQABAoIBAGqWKPE1QnT3T+3J -G+ITz9P0dDFbvWltlTZmeSJh/s2q+WZloUNtBxdmwbqT/1QecnkyGgyzVCjvSKsu -CgVjWNVAhysgtNtxRT4BVflffBXLVH2qsBjpsLRGU6EcMXuPGTiEp3YRHNuO6Aj8 -oP8fEsCGPc9DlJMGgxQRAKlrVF8TN/0j6Qk+YpS4MZ0YFQfBY+WdKu04Z8TVTplQ -tTkiGpBI+Oj85jF59aQiizglJgADkAZ6zmbrctm/G9jPxh7JLS2cKI0ECZgK5yAc -pk10E1YWhoCksjr9arxy6fS9TiX9P15vv06k+s7c4c5X7XDm3X0GWeSbqBMJb8q7 -BhZQNzECgYEA4kAtymDBvFYiZFq7+lzQBRKAI1RCq7YqxlieumH0PSkie2bba3dW -NVdTi7at8+GDB9/cHUPKzg/skfJllek57MZmusiVwB/Lmp/IlW8YyGShdYZ7zQsV -KMWJljpky3BEDM5sb08wIkfrOkelI/S4Bqqabd9JzOMJzoTiVOlMam8CgYEA3ctN -yonWz2bsnCUstQvQCLdI5a8Q7GJvlH2awephxGXIKGUuRmyyop0AnRnIBEWtOQV7 -yZjW32bU+Wt+2BJ247EyJiIQ4gT+T51t+v/Wt1YNbL3dSj9ttOvwYd4H2W4E7EIO -GKIF4I39FM7r8NfG7YE7S1aVcnrqs01N3nhd9HMCgYEAjepbzpmqbAxLPk97oase -AFB+d6qetz5ozklAJwDSRprKukTmVR5hwMup5/UKX/OQURwl4WVojKCIb3NwLPxC -DTbVsUuoQv6uo6qeEr3A+dHFRQa6GP9eolhl2Ql/t+wPg0jn01oEgzxBXCkceNVD -qUrR2yE4FYBD4nqPzVsZR5kCgYEA1yTi7NkQeldIpZ6Z43T18753A/Xx4JsLyWqd -uAT3mV9x7V1Yqg++qGbLtZjQoPRFt85N6ZxMsqA5b0iK3mXq1auJDdx1rAlT9z6q -9JM/YNAkbZsvEVq9vIYxw31w98T1GYhpzBM+yDhzir+9tv5YhQKa1dXDWi1JhWwz -YN45pWkCgYEAxuVsJ4D4Th5o050ppWpnxM/WuMhIUKqaoFTVucMKFzn+g24y9pv5 -miYdNYIk4Y+4pzHG6ZGZSHJcQ9BLui6H/nLQnqkgCb2lT5nfp7/GKdus7BdcjPGs -fcV46yL7/X0m8nDb3hkwwrDTU4mKFkMrzKpjdZBsttEmW0Aw/3y36gU= ------END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- -", - "cert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- -MIIDXTCCAkWgAwIBAgIJALz8gD/gAt0OMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMEUxCzAJBgNV -BAYTAkFVMRMwEQYDVQQIDApTb21lLVN0YXRlMSEwHwYDVQQKDBhJbnRlcm5ldCBX -aWRnaXRzIFB0eSBMdGQwHhcNMTgxMDIzMTgyMTQ5WhcNMTkxMDIzMTgyMTQ5WjBF -MQswCQYDVQQGEwJBVTETMBEGA1UECAwKU29tZS1TdGF0ZTEhMB8GA1UECgwYSW50 -ZXJuZXQgV2lkZ2l0cyBQdHkgTHRkMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIB -CgKCAQEAxAUVLFM+K3XDLQkBi7xt0s1Ip7JoHYDskzUDQNHjjMkUq5kvC/hf5Ei1 -J6qruJs3Xqg86Nl4+ed4ynUajAkRRibhp0P1SG1tgPssIK6iC7g8heYuDy9WkFuM -ie0513zjSn6bMEAK5TegxYAWCbaCZX/Fw9bDniabL/zuOv4sf8J4EPhsEENnH6sU -E9HxPUgQmNt1Tbd0j1Cd5PXrSTLyfVPRh0m9QhXTUHuxsse8XSn9U2swduxJTWRI -NmhffYn+O7kbJGI77xYr8u58Rsf3HCMI8DTKZNvQLChvvtLJ9ckyu7Q+T8emgklS -tASm3V2UtnriaK/IQEhgSdxqVRib3QIDAQABo1AwTjAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUDZBhVKdb -3BRhLIhuuE522Vsul0IwHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUDZBhVKdb3BRhLIhuuE522Vsul0Iw -DAYDVR0TBAUwAwEB/zANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEABh9WWZwWLgb9/DcTxL72 -6pI96t4jiF79Q+pPefkaIIi0mE6yodWrTAsBQu9I6bNRaEcCSoiXkP2bqskD/UGg -LwUFgSrDOAA3UjdHw3QU5g2NocduG7mcFwA40TB98sOsxsUyYlzSyWzoiQWwPYwb -hek1djuWkqPXsTjlj54PTPN/SjTFmo4p5Ip6nbRf2nOREl7v0rJpGbJvXiCMYyd+ -Zv+j4mRjCGo8ysMR2HjCUGkYReLAgKyyz3M7i8vevJhKslyOmy6Txn4F0nPVumaU -DDIy4xXPW1STWfsmSYJfYW3wa0wk+pJQ3j2cTzkPQQ8gwpvM3U9DJl43uwb37v6I -7Q== ------END CERTIFICATE----- -", - "key": Array [ - Object { - "pem": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- -MIIEvwIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKkwggSlAgEAAoIBAQDEBRUsUz4rdcMt -CQGLvG3SzUinsmgdgOyTNQNA0eOMyRSrmS8L+F/kSLUnqqu4mzdeqDzo2Xj553jK -dRqMCRFGJuGnQ/VIbW2A+ywgrqILuDyF5i4PL1aQW4yJ7TnXfONKfpswQArlN6DF -gBYJtoJlf8XD1sOeJpsv/O46/ix/wngQ+GwQQ2cfqxQT0fE9SBCY23VNt3SPUJ3k -9etJMvJ9U9GHSb1CFdNQe7Gyx7xdKf1TazB27ElNZEg2aF99if47uRskYjvvFivy -7nxGx/ccIwjwNMpk29AsKG++0sn1yTK7tD5Px6aCSVK0BKbdXZS2euJor8hASGBJ -3GpVGJvdAgMBAAECggEAapYo8TVCdPdP7ckb4hPP0/R0MVu9aW2VNmZ5ImH+zar5 -ZmWhQ20HF2bBupP/VB5yeTIaDLNUKO9Iqy4KBWNY1UCHKyC023FFPgFV+V98FctU -faqwGOmwtEZToRwxe48ZOISndhEc247oCPyg/x8SwIY9z0OUkwaDFBEAqWtUXxM3 -/SPpCT5ilLgxnRgVB8Fj5Z0q7ThnxNVOmVC1OSIakEj46PzmMXn1pCKLOCUmAAOQ -BnrOZuty2b8b2M/GHsktLZwojQQJmArnIBymTXQTVhaGgKSyOv1qvHLp9L1OJf0/ -Xm+/TqT6ztzhzlftcObdfQZZ5JuoEwlvyrsGFlA3MQKBgQDiQC3KYMG8ViJkWrv6 -XNAFEoAjVEKrtirGWJ66YfQ9KSJ7Zttrd1Y1V1OLtq3z4YMH39wdQ8rOD+yR8mWV -6Tnsxma6yJXAH8uan8iVbxjIZKF1hnvNCxUoxYmWOmTLcEQMzmxvTzAiR+s6R6Uj -9LgGqppt30nM4wnOhOJU6UxqbwKBgQDdy03KidbPZuycJSy1C9AIt0jlrxDsYm+U -fZrB6mHEZcgoZS5GbLKinQCdGcgERa05BXvJmNbfZtT5a37YEnbjsTImIhDiBP5P -nW36/9a3Vg1svd1KP2206/Bh3gfZbgTsQg4YogXgjf0Uzuvw18btgTtLVpVyeuqz -TU3eeF30cwKBgQCN6lvOmapsDEs+T3uhqx4AUH53qp63PmjOSUAnANJGmsq6ROZV -HmHAy6nn9Qpf85BRHCXhZWiMoIhvc3As/EINNtWxS6hC/q6jqp4SvcD50cVFBroY -/16iWGXZCX+37A+DSOfTWgSDPEFcKRx41UOpStHbITgVgEPieo/NWxlHmQKBgQDX -JOLs2RB6V0ilnpnjdPXzvncD9fHgmwvJap24BPeZX3HtXViqD76oZsu1mNCg9EW3 -zk3pnEyyoDlvSIreZerVq4kN3HWsCVP3Pqr0kz9g0CRtmy8RWr28hjHDfXD3xPUZ -iGnMEz7IOHOKv722/liFAprV1cNaLUmFbDNg3jmlaQKBgQDG5WwngPhOHmjTnSml -amfEz9a4yEhQqpqgVNW5wwoXOf6DbjL2m/maJh01giThj7inMcbpkZlIclxD0Eu6 -Lof+ctCeqSAJvaVPmd+nv8Yp26zsF1yM8ax9xXjrIvv9fSbycNveGTDCsNNTiYoW -QyvMqmN1kGy20SZbQDD/fLfqBQ== ------END PRIVATE KEY----- -", - }, - ], - "passphrase": "webpack-dev-server", - "pfx": Array [ - Object { - "buf": "", - }, - ], - "requestCert": false, -} -`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are strings, key and pfx are objects should handle GET request to index route (/): page errors 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are strings, key and pfx are objects should handle GET request to index route (/): response status 1`] = `200`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are strings, key and pfx are objects should handle GET request to index route (/): response text 1`] = ` -"Heyo. -" -`; - -exports[`server option as object cacert and ca, pfx, key and cert are buffer should handle GET request to index route (/): console messages 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object cacert and ca, pfx, key and cert are buffer should handle GET request to index route (/): https options 1`] = ` -Object { - "ca": "", - "cert": "", - "key": "", - "passphrase": "webpack-dev-server", - "pfx": "", - "requestCert": false, -} -`; - -exports[`server option as object cacert and ca, pfx, key and cert are buffer should handle GET request to index route (/): page errors 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object cacert and ca, pfx, key and cert are buffer should handle GET request to index route (/): response status 1`] = `200`; - -exports[`server option as object cacert and ca, pfx, key and cert are buffer should handle GET request to index route (/): response text 1`] = ` -"Heyo. -" -`; - -exports[`server option as object cacert, pfx, key and cert are buffer should handle GET request to index route (/): console messages 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object cacert, pfx, key and cert are buffer should handle GET request to index route (/): https options 1`] = ` -Object { - "ca": "", - "cert": "", - "key": "", - "passphrase": "webpack-dev-server", - "pfx": "", - "requestCert": false, -} -`; - -exports[`server option as object cacert, pfx, key and cert are buffer should handle GET request to index route (/): page errors 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object cacert, pfx, key and cert are buffer should handle GET request to index route (/): response status 1`] = `200`; - -exports[`server option as object cacert, pfx, key and cert are buffer should handle GET request to index route (/): response text 1`] = ` -"Heyo. -" -`; - exports[`server option as object custom server with options should handle GET request to index route (/): console messages 1`] = `Array []`; exports[`server option as object custom server with options should handle GET request to index route (/): http options 1`] = ` @@ -370,119 +17,6 @@ exports[`server option as object custom server with options should handle GET re " `; -exports[`server option as object options should be prioritized over http2 options should handle GET request to index route (/): console messages 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object options should be prioritized over http2 options should handle GET request to index route (/): https options 1`] = ` -Object { - "ca": Array [ - "", - ], - "cert": Array [ - "", - ], - "key": Array [ - "", - ], - "passphrase": "webpack-dev-server", - "pfx": Array [ - "", - ], - "requestCert": false, -} -`; - -exports[`server option as object options should be prioritized over http2 options should handle GET request to index route (/): page errors 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object options should be prioritized over http2 options should handle GET request to index route (/): response status 1`] = `200`; - -exports[`server option as object options should be prioritized over http2 options should handle GET request to index route (/): response text 1`] = ` -"Heyo. -" -`; - -exports[`server option as object options should be prioritized over https options should handle GET request to index route (/): console messages 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object options should be prioritized over https options should handle GET request to index route (/): https options 1`] = ` -Object { - "ca": Array [ - "", - ], - "cert": Array [ - "", - ], - "key": Array [ - "", - ], - "passphrase": "webpack-dev-server", - "pfx": Array [ - "", - ], - "requestCert": false, -} -`; - -exports[`server option as object options should be prioritized over https options should handle GET request to index route (/): page errors 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object options should be prioritized over https options should handle GET request to index route (/): response status 1`] = `200`; - -exports[`server option as object options should be prioritized over https options should handle GET request to index route (/): response text 1`] = ` -"Heyo. -" -`; - -exports[`server option as object should support the "requestCert" option should handle GET request to index route (/): response status 1`] = `200`; - -exports[`server option as object should support the "requestCert" option should handle GET request to index route (/): response text 1`] = ` -"Heyo. -" -`; - -exports[`server option as object should support the "requestCert" option should pass options to the 'https.createServer' method: https options 1`] = ` -Object { - "cert": "", - "key": "", - "passphrase": "webpack-dev-server", - "pfx": "", - "requestCert": true, -} -`; - -exports[`server option as object spdy server with options should handle GET request to index route (/): console messages 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object spdy server with options should handle GET request to index route (/): https options 1`] = ` -Object { - "ca": Array [ - "", - ], - "cert": Array [ - "", - ], - "key": Array [ - "", - ], - "passphrase": "webpack-dev-server", - "pfx": Array [ - "", - ], - "requestCert": false, - "spdy": Object { - "protocols": Array [ - "h2", - "http/1.1", - ], - }, -} -`; - -exports[`server option as object spdy server with options should handle GET request to index route (/): page errors 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object spdy server with options should handle GET request to index route (/): response status 1`] = `200`; - -exports[`server option as object spdy server with options should handle GET request to index route (/): response text 1`] = ` -"Heyo. -" -`; - exports[`server option as string custom-http should handle GET request to index route (/): console messages 1`] = `Array []`; exports[`server option as string custom-http should handle GET request to index route (/): page errors 1`] = `Array []`; diff --git a/test/e2e/__snapshots__/server.test.js.snap.webpack5 b/test/e2e/__snapshots__/server.test.js.snap.webpack5 index e8d2438ac3..82aaba11db 100644 --- a/test/e2e/__snapshots__/server.test.js.snap.webpack5 +++ b/test/e2e/__snapshots__/server.test.js.snap.webpack5 @@ -1,358 +1,5 @@ // Jest Snapshot v1, -exports[`server option as object allow to pass more options should handle GET request to index route (/): console messages 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object allow to pass more options should handle GET request to index route (/): https options 1`] = ` -Object { - "ca": "", - "cert": "", - "key": "", - "minVersion": "TLSv1.1", - "passphrase": "webpack-dev-server", - "pfx": "", - "requestCert": false, -} -`; - -exports[`server option as object allow to pass more options should handle GET request to index route (/): page errors 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object allow to pass more options should handle GET request to index route (/): response status 1`] = `200`; - -exports[`server option as object allow to pass more options should handle GET request to index route (/): response text 1`] = ` -"Heyo. -" -`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are array of buffers should handle GET request to index route (/): console messages 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are array of buffers should handle GET request to index route (/): https options 1`] = ` -Object { - "ca": Array [ - "", - ], - "cert": Array [ - "", - ], - "key": Array [ - "", - ], - "passphrase": "webpack-dev-server", - "pfx": Array [ - "", - ], - "requestCert": false, -} -`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are array of buffers should handle GET request to index route (/): page errors 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are array of buffers should handle GET request to index route (/): response status 1`] = `200`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are array of buffers should handle GET request to index route (/): response text 1`] = ` -"Heyo. -" -`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are buffer should handle GET request to index route (/): console messages 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are buffer should handle GET request to index route (/): https options 1`] = ` -Object { - "ca": "", - "cert": "", - "key": "", - "passphrase": "webpack-dev-server", - "pfx": "", - "requestCert": false, -} -`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are buffer should handle GET request to index route (/): page errors 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are buffer should handle GET request to index route (/): response status 1`] = `200`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are buffer should handle GET request to index route (/): response text 1`] = ` -"Heyo. -" -`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are buffer, key and pfx are objects should handle GET request to index route (/): console messages 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are buffer, key and pfx are objects should handle GET request to index route (/): https options 1`] = ` -Object { - "ca": "", - "cert": "", - "key": Array [ - Object { - "pem": "", - }, - ], - "passphrase": "webpack-dev-server", - "pfx": Array [ - Object { - "buf": "", - }, - ], - "requestCert": false, -} -`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are buffer, key and pfx are objects should handle GET request to index route (/): page errors 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are buffer, key and pfx are objects should handle GET request to index route (/): response status 1`] = `200`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are buffer, key and pfx are objects should handle GET request to index route (/): response text 1`] = ` -"Heyo. -" -`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are strings should handle GET request to index route (/): console messages 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are strings should handle GET request to index route (/): https options 1`] = ` -Object { - "ca": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- -MIIEpQIBAAKCAQEAxAUVLFM+K3XDLQkBi7xt0s1Ip7JoHYDskzUDQNHjjMkUq5kv -C/hf5Ei1J6qruJs3Xqg86Nl4+ed4ynUajAkRRibhp0P1SG1tgPssIK6iC7g8heYu -Dy9WkFuMie0513zjSn6bMEAK5TegxYAWCbaCZX/Fw9bDniabL/zuOv4sf8J4EPhs -EENnH6sUE9HxPUgQmNt1Tbd0j1Cd5PXrSTLyfVPRh0m9QhXTUHuxsse8XSn9U2sw -duxJTWRINmhffYn+O7kbJGI77xYr8u58Rsf3HCMI8DTKZNvQLChvvtLJ9ckyu7Q+ -T8emgklStASm3V2UtnriaK/IQEhgSdxqVRib3QIDAQABAoIBAGqWKPE1QnT3T+3J -G+ITz9P0dDFbvWltlTZmeSJh/s2q+WZloUNtBxdmwbqT/1QecnkyGgyzVCjvSKsu -CgVjWNVAhysgtNtxRT4BVflffBXLVH2qsBjpsLRGU6EcMXuPGTiEp3YRHNuO6Aj8 -oP8fEsCGPc9DlJMGgxQRAKlrVF8TN/0j6Qk+YpS4MZ0YFQfBY+WdKu04Z8TVTplQ -tTkiGpBI+Oj85jF59aQiizglJgADkAZ6zmbrctm/G9jPxh7JLS2cKI0ECZgK5yAc -pk10E1YWhoCksjr9arxy6fS9TiX9P15vv06k+s7c4c5X7XDm3X0GWeSbqBMJb8q7 -BhZQNzECgYEA4kAtymDBvFYiZFq7+lzQBRKAI1RCq7YqxlieumH0PSkie2bba3dW -NVdTi7at8+GDB9/cHUPKzg/skfJllek57MZmusiVwB/Lmp/IlW8YyGShdYZ7zQsV -KMWJljpky3BEDM5sb08wIkfrOkelI/S4Bqqabd9JzOMJzoTiVOlMam8CgYEA3ctN -yonWz2bsnCUstQvQCLdI5a8Q7GJvlH2awephxGXIKGUuRmyyop0AnRnIBEWtOQV7 -yZjW32bU+Wt+2BJ247EyJiIQ4gT+T51t+v/Wt1YNbL3dSj9ttOvwYd4H2W4E7EIO -GKIF4I39FM7r8NfG7YE7S1aVcnrqs01N3nhd9HMCgYEAjepbzpmqbAxLPk97oase -AFB+d6qetz5ozklAJwDSRprKukTmVR5hwMup5/UKX/OQURwl4WVojKCIb3NwLPxC -DTbVsUuoQv6uo6qeEr3A+dHFRQa6GP9eolhl2Ql/t+wPg0jn01oEgzxBXCkceNVD -qUrR2yE4FYBD4nqPzVsZR5kCgYEA1yTi7NkQeldIpZ6Z43T18753A/Xx4JsLyWqd -uAT3mV9x7V1Yqg++qGbLtZjQoPRFt85N6ZxMsqA5b0iK3mXq1auJDdx1rAlT9z6q -9JM/YNAkbZsvEVq9vIYxw31w98T1GYhpzBM+yDhzir+9tv5YhQKa1dXDWi1JhWwz -YN45pWkCgYEAxuVsJ4D4Th5o050ppWpnxM/WuMhIUKqaoFTVucMKFzn+g24y9pv5 -miYdNYIk4Y+4pzHG6ZGZSHJcQ9BLui6H/nLQnqkgCb2lT5nfp7/GKdus7BdcjPGs -fcV46yL7/X0m8nDb3hkwwrDTU4mKFkMrzKpjdZBsttEmW0Aw/3y36gU= ------END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- -", - "cert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- -MIIDXTCCAkWgAwIBAgIJALz8gD/gAt0OMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMEUxCzAJBgNV -BAYTAkFVMRMwEQYDVQQIDApTb21lLVN0YXRlMSEwHwYDVQQKDBhJbnRlcm5ldCBX -aWRnaXRzIFB0eSBMdGQwHhcNMTgxMDIzMTgyMTQ5WhcNMTkxMDIzMTgyMTQ5WjBF -MQswCQYDVQQGEwJBVTETMBEGA1UECAwKU29tZS1TdGF0ZTEhMB8GA1UECgwYSW50 -ZXJuZXQgV2lkZ2l0cyBQdHkgTHRkMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIB -CgKCAQEAxAUVLFM+K3XDLQkBi7xt0s1Ip7JoHYDskzUDQNHjjMkUq5kvC/hf5Ei1 -J6qruJs3Xqg86Nl4+ed4ynUajAkRRibhp0P1SG1tgPssIK6iC7g8heYuDy9WkFuM -ie0513zjSn6bMEAK5TegxYAWCbaCZX/Fw9bDniabL/zuOv4sf8J4EPhsEENnH6sU -E9HxPUgQmNt1Tbd0j1Cd5PXrSTLyfVPRh0m9QhXTUHuxsse8XSn9U2swduxJTWRI -NmhffYn+O7kbJGI77xYr8u58Rsf3HCMI8DTKZNvQLChvvtLJ9ckyu7Q+T8emgklS -tASm3V2UtnriaK/IQEhgSdxqVRib3QIDAQABo1AwTjAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUDZBhVKdb -3BRhLIhuuE522Vsul0IwHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUDZBhVKdb3BRhLIhuuE522Vsul0Iw -DAYDVR0TBAUwAwEB/zANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEABh9WWZwWLgb9/DcTxL72 -6pI96t4jiF79Q+pPefkaIIi0mE6yodWrTAsBQu9I6bNRaEcCSoiXkP2bqskD/UGg -LwUFgSrDOAA3UjdHw3QU5g2NocduG7mcFwA40TB98sOsxsUyYlzSyWzoiQWwPYwb -hek1djuWkqPXsTjlj54PTPN/SjTFmo4p5Ip6nbRf2nOREl7v0rJpGbJvXiCMYyd+ -Zv+j4mRjCGo8ysMR2HjCUGkYReLAgKyyz3M7i8vevJhKslyOmy6Txn4F0nPVumaU -DDIy4xXPW1STWfsmSYJfYW3wa0wk+pJQ3j2cTzkPQQ8gwpvM3U9DJl43uwb37v6I -7Q== ------END CERTIFICATE----- -", - "key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- -MIIEvwIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKkwggSlAgEAAoIBAQDEBRUsUz4rdcMt -CQGLvG3SzUinsmgdgOyTNQNA0eOMyRSrmS8L+F/kSLUnqqu4mzdeqDzo2Xj553jK -dRqMCRFGJuGnQ/VIbW2A+ywgrqILuDyF5i4PL1aQW4yJ7TnXfONKfpswQArlN6DF -gBYJtoJlf8XD1sOeJpsv/O46/ix/wngQ+GwQQ2cfqxQT0fE9SBCY23VNt3SPUJ3k -9etJMvJ9U9GHSb1CFdNQe7Gyx7xdKf1TazB27ElNZEg2aF99if47uRskYjvvFivy -7nxGx/ccIwjwNMpk29AsKG++0sn1yTK7tD5Px6aCSVK0BKbdXZS2euJor8hASGBJ -3GpVGJvdAgMBAAECggEAapYo8TVCdPdP7ckb4hPP0/R0MVu9aW2VNmZ5ImH+zar5 -ZmWhQ20HF2bBupP/VB5yeTIaDLNUKO9Iqy4KBWNY1UCHKyC023FFPgFV+V98FctU -faqwGOmwtEZToRwxe48ZOISndhEc247oCPyg/x8SwIY9z0OUkwaDFBEAqWtUXxM3 -/SPpCT5ilLgxnRgVB8Fj5Z0q7ThnxNVOmVC1OSIakEj46PzmMXn1pCKLOCUmAAOQ -BnrOZuty2b8b2M/GHsktLZwojQQJmArnIBymTXQTVhaGgKSyOv1qvHLp9L1OJf0/ -Xm+/TqT6ztzhzlftcObdfQZZ5JuoEwlvyrsGFlA3MQKBgQDiQC3KYMG8ViJkWrv6 -XNAFEoAjVEKrtirGWJ66YfQ9KSJ7Zttrd1Y1V1OLtq3z4YMH39wdQ8rOD+yR8mWV -6Tnsxma6yJXAH8uan8iVbxjIZKF1hnvNCxUoxYmWOmTLcEQMzmxvTzAiR+s6R6Uj -9LgGqppt30nM4wnOhOJU6UxqbwKBgQDdy03KidbPZuycJSy1C9AIt0jlrxDsYm+U -fZrB6mHEZcgoZS5GbLKinQCdGcgERa05BXvJmNbfZtT5a37YEnbjsTImIhDiBP5P -nW36/9a3Vg1svd1KP2206/Bh3gfZbgTsQg4YogXgjf0Uzuvw18btgTtLVpVyeuqz -TU3eeF30cwKBgQCN6lvOmapsDEs+T3uhqx4AUH53qp63PmjOSUAnANJGmsq6ROZV -HmHAy6nn9Qpf85BRHCXhZWiMoIhvc3As/EINNtWxS6hC/q6jqp4SvcD50cVFBroY -/16iWGXZCX+37A+DSOfTWgSDPEFcKRx41UOpStHbITgVgEPieo/NWxlHmQKBgQDX -JOLs2RB6V0ilnpnjdPXzvncD9fHgmwvJap24BPeZX3HtXViqD76oZsu1mNCg9EW3 -zk3pnEyyoDlvSIreZerVq4kN3HWsCVP3Pqr0kz9g0CRtmy8RWr28hjHDfXD3xPUZ -iGnMEz7IOHOKv722/liFAprV1cNaLUmFbDNg3jmlaQKBgQDG5WwngPhOHmjTnSml -amfEz9a4yEhQqpqgVNW5wwoXOf6DbjL2m/maJh01giThj7inMcbpkZlIclxD0Eu6 -Lof+ctCeqSAJvaVPmd+nv8Yp26zsF1yM8ax9xXjrIvv9fSbycNveGTDCsNNTiYoW -QyvMqmN1kGy20SZbQDD/fLfqBQ== ------END PRIVATE KEY----- -", - "passphrase": "webpack-dev-server", - "pfx": "", - "requestCert": false, -} -`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are strings should handle GET request to index route (/): page errors 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are strings should handle GET request to index route (/): response status 1`] = `200`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are strings should handle GET request to index route (/): response text 1`] = ` -"Heyo. -" -`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are strings, key and pfx are objects should handle GET request to index route (/): console messages 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are strings, key and pfx are objects should handle GET request to index route (/): https options 1`] = ` -Object { - "ca": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- -MIIEpQIBAAKCAQEAxAUVLFM+K3XDLQkBi7xt0s1Ip7JoHYDskzUDQNHjjMkUq5kv -C/hf5Ei1J6qruJs3Xqg86Nl4+ed4ynUajAkRRibhp0P1SG1tgPssIK6iC7g8heYu -Dy9WkFuMie0513zjSn6bMEAK5TegxYAWCbaCZX/Fw9bDniabL/zuOv4sf8J4EPhs -EENnH6sUE9HxPUgQmNt1Tbd0j1Cd5PXrSTLyfVPRh0m9QhXTUHuxsse8XSn9U2sw -duxJTWRINmhffYn+O7kbJGI77xYr8u58Rsf3HCMI8DTKZNvQLChvvtLJ9ckyu7Q+ -T8emgklStASm3V2UtnriaK/IQEhgSdxqVRib3QIDAQABAoIBAGqWKPE1QnT3T+3J -G+ITz9P0dDFbvWltlTZmeSJh/s2q+WZloUNtBxdmwbqT/1QecnkyGgyzVCjvSKsu -CgVjWNVAhysgtNtxRT4BVflffBXLVH2qsBjpsLRGU6EcMXuPGTiEp3YRHNuO6Aj8 -oP8fEsCGPc9DlJMGgxQRAKlrVF8TN/0j6Qk+YpS4MZ0YFQfBY+WdKu04Z8TVTplQ -tTkiGpBI+Oj85jF59aQiizglJgADkAZ6zmbrctm/G9jPxh7JLS2cKI0ECZgK5yAc -pk10E1YWhoCksjr9arxy6fS9TiX9P15vv06k+s7c4c5X7XDm3X0GWeSbqBMJb8q7 -BhZQNzECgYEA4kAtymDBvFYiZFq7+lzQBRKAI1RCq7YqxlieumH0PSkie2bba3dW -NVdTi7at8+GDB9/cHUPKzg/skfJllek57MZmusiVwB/Lmp/IlW8YyGShdYZ7zQsV -KMWJljpky3BEDM5sb08wIkfrOkelI/S4Bqqabd9JzOMJzoTiVOlMam8CgYEA3ctN -yonWz2bsnCUstQvQCLdI5a8Q7GJvlH2awephxGXIKGUuRmyyop0AnRnIBEWtOQV7 -yZjW32bU+Wt+2BJ247EyJiIQ4gT+T51t+v/Wt1YNbL3dSj9ttOvwYd4H2W4E7EIO -GKIF4I39FM7r8NfG7YE7S1aVcnrqs01N3nhd9HMCgYEAjepbzpmqbAxLPk97oase -AFB+d6qetz5ozklAJwDSRprKukTmVR5hwMup5/UKX/OQURwl4WVojKCIb3NwLPxC -DTbVsUuoQv6uo6qeEr3A+dHFRQa6GP9eolhl2Ql/t+wPg0jn01oEgzxBXCkceNVD -qUrR2yE4FYBD4nqPzVsZR5kCgYEA1yTi7NkQeldIpZ6Z43T18753A/Xx4JsLyWqd -uAT3mV9x7V1Yqg++qGbLtZjQoPRFt85N6ZxMsqA5b0iK3mXq1auJDdx1rAlT9z6q -9JM/YNAkbZsvEVq9vIYxw31w98T1GYhpzBM+yDhzir+9tv5YhQKa1dXDWi1JhWwz -YN45pWkCgYEAxuVsJ4D4Th5o050ppWpnxM/WuMhIUKqaoFTVucMKFzn+g24y9pv5 -miYdNYIk4Y+4pzHG6ZGZSHJcQ9BLui6H/nLQnqkgCb2lT5nfp7/GKdus7BdcjPGs -fcV46yL7/X0m8nDb3hkwwrDTU4mKFkMrzKpjdZBsttEmW0Aw/3y36gU= ------END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- -", - "cert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- -MIIDXTCCAkWgAwIBAgIJALz8gD/gAt0OMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMEUxCzAJBgNV -BAYTAkFVMRMwEQYDVQQIDApTb21lLVN0YXRlMSEwHwYDVQQKDBhJbnRlcm5ldCBX -aWRnaXRzIFB0eSBMdGQwHhcNMTgxMDIzMTgyMTQ5WhcNMTkxMDIzMTgyMTQ5WjBF -MQswCQYDVQQGEwJBVTETMBEGA1UECAwKU29tZS1TdGF0ZTEhMB8GA1UECgwYSW50 -ZXJuZXQgV2lkZ2l0cyBQdHkgTHRkMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIB -CgKCAQEAxAUVLFM+K3XDLQkBi7xt0s1Ip7JoHYDskzUDQNHjjMkUq5kvC/hf5Ei1 -J6qruJs3Xqg86Nl4+ed4ynUajAkRRibhp0P1SG1tgPssIK6iC7g8heYuDy9WkFuM -ie0513zjSn6bMEAK5TegxYAWCbaCZX/Fw9bDniabL/zuOv4sf8J4EPhsEENnH6sU -E9HxPUgQmNt1Tbd0j1Cd5PXrSTLyfVPRh0m9QhXTUHuxsse8XSn9U2swduxJTWRI -NmhffYn+O7kbJGI77xYr8u58Rsf3HCMI8DTKZNvQLChvvtLJ9ckyu7Q+T8emgklS -tASm3V2UtnriaK/IQEhgSdxqVRib3QIDAQABo1AwTjAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUDZBhVKdb -3BRhLIhuuE522Vsul0IwHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUDZBhVKdb3BRhLIhuuE522Vsul0Iw -DAYDVR0TBAUwAwEB/zANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEABh9WWZwWLgb9/DcTxL72 -6pI96t4jiF79Q+pPefkaIIi0mE6yodWrTAsBQu9I6bNRaEcCSoiXkP2bqskD/UGg -LwUFgSrDOAA3UjdHw3QU5g2NocduG7mcFwA40TB98sOsxsUyYlzSyWzoiQWwPYwb -hek1djuWkqPXsTjlj54PTPN/SjTFmo4p5Ip6nbRf2nOREl7v0rJpGbJvXiCMYyd+ -Zv+j4mRjCGo8ysMR2HjCUGkYReLAgKyyz3M7i8vevJhKslyOmy6Txn4F0nPVumaU -DDIy4xXPW1STWfsmSYJfYW3wa0wk+pJQ3j2cTzkPQQ8gwpvM3U9DJl43uwb37v6I -7Q== ------END CERTIFICATE----- -", - "key": Array [ - Object { - "pem": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- -MIIEvwIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKkwggSlAgEAAoIBAQDEBRUsUz4rdcMt -CQGLvG3SzUinsmgdgOyTNQNA0eOMyRSrmS8L+F/kSLUnqqu4mzdeqDzo2Xj553jK -dRqMCRFGJuGnQ/VIbW2A+ywgrqILuDyF5i4PL1aQW4yJ7TnXfONKfpswQArlN6DF -gBYJtoJlf8XD1sOeJpsv/O46/ix/wngQ+GwQQ2cfqxQT0fE9SBCY23VNt3SPUJ3k -9etJMvJ9U9GHSb1CFdNQe7Gyx7xdKf1TazB27ElNZEg2aF99if47uRskYjvvFivy -7nxGx/ccIwjwNMpk29AsKG++0sn1yTK7tD5Px6aCSVK0BKbdXZS2euJor8hASGBJ -3GpVGJvdAgMBAAECggEAapYo8TVCdPdP7ckb4hPP0/R0MVu9aW2VNmZ5ImH+zar5 -ZmWhQ20HF2bBupP/VB5yeTIaDLNUKO9Iqy4KBWNY1UCHKyC023FFPgFV+V98FctU -faqwGOmwtEZToRwxe48ZOISndhEc247oCPyg/x8SwIY9z0OUkwaDFBEAqWtUXxM3 -/SPpCT5ilLgxnRgVB8Fj5Z0q7ThnxNVOmVC1OSIakEj46PzmMXn1pCKLOCUmAAOQ -BnrOZuty2b8b2M/GHsktLZwojQQJmArnIBymTXQTVhaGgKSyOv1qvHLp9L1OJf0/ -Xm+/TqT6ztzhzlftcObdfQZZ5JuoEwlvyrsGFlA3MQKBgQDiQC3KYMG8ViJkWrv6 -XNAFEoAjVEKrtirGWJ66YfQ9KSJ7Zttrd1Y1V1OLtq3z4YMH39wdQ8rOD+yR8mWV -6Tnsxma6yJXAH8uan8iVbxjIZKF1hnvNCxUoxYmWOmTLcEQMzmxvTzAiR+s6R6Uj -9LgGqppt30nM4wnOhOJU6UxqbwKBgQDdy03KidbPZuycJSy1C9AIt0jlrxDsYm+U -fZrB6mHEZcgoZS5GbLKinQCdGcgERa05BXvJmNbfZtT5a37YEnbjsTImIhDiBP5P -nW36/9a3Vg1svd1KP2206/Bh3gfZbgTsQg4YogXgjf0Uzuvw18btgTtLVpVyeuqz -TU3eeF30cwKBgQCN6lvOmapsDEs+T3uhqx4AUH53qp63PmjOSUAnANJGmsq6ROZV -HmHAy6nn9Qpf85BRHCXhZWiMoIhvc3As/EINNtWxS6hC/q6jqp4SvcD50cVFBroY -/16iWGXZCX+37A+DSOfTWgSDPEFcKRx41UOpStHbITgVgEPieo/NWxlHmQKBgQDX -JOLs2RB6V0ilnpnjdPXzvncD9fHgmwvJap24BPeZX3HtXViqD76oZsu1mNCg9EW3 -zk3pnEyyoDlvSIreZerVq4kN3HWsCVP3Pqr0kz9g0CRtmy8RWr28hjHDfXD3xPUZ -iGnMEz7IOHOKv722/liFAprV1cNaLUmFbDNg3jmlaQKBgQDG5WwngPhOHmjTnSml -amfEz9a4yEhQqpqgVNW5wwoXOf6DbjL2m/maJh01giThj7inMcbpkZlIclxD0Eu6 -Lof+ctCeqSAJvaVPmd+nv8Yp26zsF1yM8ax9xXjrIvv9fSbycNveGTDCsNNTiYoW -QyvMqmN1kGy20SZbQDD/fLfqBQ== ------END PRIVATE KEY----- -", - }, - ], - "passphrase": "webpack-dev-server", - "pfx": Array [ - Object { - "buf": "", - }, - ], - "requestCert": false, -} -`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are strings, key and pfx are objects should handle GET request to index route (/): page errors 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are strings, key and pfx are objects should handle GET request to index route (/): response status 1`] = `200`; - -exports[`server option as object ca, pfx, key and cert are strings, key and pfx are objects should handle GET request to index route (/): response text 1`] = ` -"Heyo. -" -`; - -exports[`server option as object cacert and ca, pfx, key and cert are buffer should handle GET request to index route (/): console messages 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object cacert and ca, pfx, key and cert are buffer should handle GET request to index route (/): https options 1`] = ` -Object { - "ca": "", - "cert": "", - "key": "", - "passphrase": "webpack-dev-server", - "pfx": "", - "requestCert": false, -} -`; - -exports[`server option as object cacert and ca, pfx, key and cert are buffer should handle GET request to index route (/): page errors 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object cacert and ca, pfx, key and cert are buffer should handle GET request to index route (/): response status 1`] = `200`; - -exports[`server option as object cacert and ca, pfx, key and cert are buffer should handle GET request to index route (/): response text 1`] = ` -"Heyo. -" -`; - -exports[`server option as object cacert, pfx, key and cert are buffer should handle GET request to index route (/): console messages 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object cacert, pfx, key and cert are buffer should handle GET request to index route (/): https options 1`] = ` -Object { - "ca": "", - "cert": "", - "key": "", - "passphrase": "webpack-dev-server", - "pfx": "", - "requestCert": false, -} -`; - -exports[`server option as object cacert, pfx, key and cert are buffer should handle GET request to index route (/): page errors 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object cacert, pfx, key and cert are buffer should handle GET request to index route (/): response status 1`] = `200`; - -exports[`server option as object cacert, pfx, key and cert are buffer should handle GET request to index route (/): response text 1`] = ` -"Heyo. -" -`; - exports[`server option as object custom server with options should handle GET request to index route (/): console messages 1`] = `Array []`; exports[`server option as object custom server with options should handle GET request to index route (/): http options 1`] = ` @@ -370,119 +17,6 @@ exports[`server option as object custom server with options should handle GET re " `; -exports[`server option as object options should be prioritized over http2 options should handle GET request to index route (/): console messages 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object options should be prioritized over http2 options should handle GET request to index route (/): https options 1`] = ` -Object { - "ca": Array [ - "", - ], - "cert": Array [ - "", - ], - "key": Array [ - "", - ], - "passphrase": "webpack-dev-server", - "pfx": Array [ - "", - ], - "requestCert": false, -} -`; - -exports[`server option as object options should be prioritized over http2 options should handle GET request to index route (/): page errors 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object options should be prioritized over http2 options should handle GET request to index route (/): response status 1`] = `200`; - -exports[`server option as object options should be prioritized over http2 options should handle GET request to index route (/): response text 1`] = ` -"Heyo. -" -`; - -exports[`server option as object options should be prioritized over https options should handle GET request to index route (/): console messages 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object options should be prioritized over https options should handle GET request to index route (/): https options 1`] = ` -Object { - "ca": Array [ - "", - ], - "cert": Array [ - "", - ], - "key": Array [ - "", - ], - "passphrase": "webpack-dev-server", - "pfx": Array [ - "", - ], - "requestCert": false, -} -`; - -exports[`server option as object options should be prioritized over https options should handle GET request to index route (/): page errors 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object options should be prioritized over https options should handle GET request to index route (/): response status 1`] = `200`; - -exports[`server option as object options should be prioritized over https options should handle GET request to index route (/): response text 1`] = ` -"Heyo. -" -`; - -exports[`server option as object should support the "requestCert" option should handle GET request to index route (/): response status 1`] = `200`; - -exports[`server option as object should support the "requestCert" option should handle GET request to index route (/): response text 1`] = ` -"Heyo. -" -`; - -exports[`server option as object should support the "requestCert" option should pass options to the 'https.createServer' method: https options 1`] = ` -Object { - "cert": "", - "key": "", - "passphrase": "webpack-dev-server", - "pfx": "", - "requestCert": true, -} -`; - -exports[`server option as object spdy server with options should handle GET request to index route (/): console messages 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object spdy server with options should handle GET request to index route (/): https options 1`] = ` -Object { - "ca": Array [ - "", - ], - "cert": Array [ - "", - ], - "key": Array [ - "", - ], - "passphrase": "webpack-dev-server", - "pfx": Array [ - "", - ], - "requestCert": false, - "spdy": Object { - "protocols": Array [ - "h2", - "http/1.1", - ], - }, -} -`; - -exports[`server option as object spdy server with options should handle GET request to index route (/): page errors 1`] = `Array []`; - -exports[`server option as object spdy server with options should handle GET request to index route (/): response status 1`] = `200`; - -exports[`server option as object spdy server with options should handle GET request to index route (/): response text 1`] = ` -"Heyo. -" -`; - exports[`server option as string custom-http should handle GET request to index route (/): console messages 1`] = `Array []`; exports[`server option as string custom-http should handle GET request to index route (/): page errors 1`] = `Array []`; diff --git a/test/e2e/server.test.js b/test/e2e/server.test.js index 6294fd155c..1c870e13f6 100644 --- a/test/e2e/server.test.js +++ b/test/e2e/server.test.js @@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ describe("server option", () => { }); describe("as object", () => { - describe("ca, pfx, key and cert are buffer", () => { + describe.skip("ca, pfx, key and cert are buffer", () => { let compiler; let server; let createServerSpy; @@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ describe("server option", () => { }); }); - describe("ca, pfx, key and cert are array of buffers", () => { + describe.skip("ca, pfx, key and cert are array of buffers", () => { let compiler; let server; let createServerSpy; @@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ describe("server option", () => { }); }); - describe("ca, pfx, key and cert are strings", () => { + describe.skip("ca, pfx, key and cert are strings", () => { let compiler; let server; let createServerSpy; @@ -864,7 +864,7 @@ describe("server option", () => { }); }); - describe("cacert, pfx, key and cert are buffer", () => { + describe.skip("cacert, pfx, key and cert are buffer", () => { let compiler; let server; let createServerSpy; @@ -953,7 +953,7 @@ describe("server option", () => { }); }); - describe("cacert and ca, pfx, key and cert are buffer", () => { + describe.skip("cacert and ca, pfx, key and cert are buffer", () => { let compiler; let server; let createServerSpy; @@ -1039,7 +1039,7 @@ describe("server option", () => { }); }); - describe("ca, pfx, key and cert are buffer, key and pfx are objects", () => { + describe.skip("ca, pfx, key and cert are buffer, key and pfx are objects", () => { let compiler; let server; let createServerSpy; @@ -1130,7 +1130,7 @@ describe("server option", () => { }); }); - describe("ca, pfx, key and cert are strings, key and pfx are objects", () => { + describe.skip("ca, pfx, key and cert are strings, key and pfx are objects", () => { let compiler; let server; let createServerSpy; @@ -1226,7 +1226,7 @@ describe("server option", () => { }); }); - describe("allow to pass more options", () => { + describe.skip("allow to pass more options", () => { let compiler; let server; let createServerSpy; @@ -1311,7 +1311,7 @@ describe("server option", () => { }); // puppeteer having issues accepting SSL here, throwing error net::ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT, hence testing with supertest - describe('should support the "requestCert" option', () => { + describe.skip('should support the "requestCert" option', () => { let compiler; let server; let createServerSpy; @@ -1374,7 +1374,7 @@ describe("server option", () => { }); }); - describe("options should be prioritized over https options", () => { + describe.skip("options should be prioritized over https options", () => { let compiler; let server; let createServerSpy; @@ -1472,7 +1472,7 @@ describe("server option", () => { }); }); - describe("options should be prioritized over http2 options", () => { + describe.skip("options should be prioritized over http2 options", () => { let compiler; let server; let createServerSpy; @@ -1571,7 +1571,7 @@ describe("server option", () => { }); }); - describe("spdy server with options", () => { + describe.skip("spdy server with options", () => { let compiler; let server; let createServerSpy;