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Markdown Rambler

Yet another opinionated & powerful static site generator.

Turns directories with Markdown files into static websites.

  • Based on the remark and rehype ecosystems.
  • Powerful and extensible plugins.
  • Zero-config with sane defaults to get started.
  • Directory structure and file names determine the url's.
  • Front Matter in Markdown to override defaults.
  • Use a page type to enable different layouts and plugins.
  • Easily build layouts around the Markdown-based content and their type.
  • Optimize SEO with HTML documents including (OpenGraph) meta tags and structured content (application/ld+json).
  • Optimize performance by bundling CSS and JS assets.
  • Mark drafts to exclude from lists (yet available with <meta name="robots" content="noindex">)
  • Includes SVGO to optimize SVGs assets.
  • Writes sitemap.txt.
  • Writes RSS feed.
  • Writes search index (using MiniMatch).
  • Features a --watch mode for auto re-generation.


See and for an example website powered by Markdown Rambler.


└── content
    ├── articles
    │   ├──
    │   ├──
    │   └── yet-another-article
    │       ├──
    │       └── image.webp

Build Script

const rambler = new MarkdownRambler();;


└── dist
    ├── articles
    │   ├── starting-a-blog
    │   │   └── index.html
    │   ├── writing-a-blogpost
    │   │   └── index.html
    │   └── yet-another-article
    │       ├── index.html
    │       └── image.webp
    ├── blog
    │   └── index.html
    ├── index.html
    └── sitemap.txt

And all URLs in /sitemap.txt:


See the tests to get an impression of the conversion from Markdown to HTML.



File Structure & Output

Option Type Default value Description
contentFiles string | string[] '**/*' Include Markdown and assets
contentDir string | string[] ['content'] Directories containing Markdown
ignorePattern string /^(\.|node_modules)/ File pattern(s) to ignore with --watch
publicDir string 'public' Directory containing public assets
outputDir string 'dist' Output directory
sitemap boolean true Generates sitemap.txt
feed Feed false Generates feed.xml (RSS)
search Search false Generates MiniSearch index


Option Type Default value Description
verbose boolean false Logs more output about the process
watch boolean false Add watcher to re-process modified files
formatMarkdown boolean false Formats source Markdown files (using Prettier)


Option Type Default value Description
host string '' Host (e.g. '')
name string '' Website name
language string 'en' Website language (e.g. 'fr-BE')
manifest false | string false Link to PWA manifest file
type TypeFn page Add type to each page meta data (e.g. 'article')
defaults Record<PageType, PageOptions> undefined Default meta data for each document


In order of exection:

Option Type Default value Description
parsers Pluggable[] parsers Remark parsers
directives Record<string, any> undefined Directives to extend Markdown syntax
remarkPlugins Pluggable[] remarkPlugins Additional remark plugins
remarkRehypeOptions RemarkRehypeOptions {} Options for remark-rehype
rehypePlugins Pluggable[] rehypePlugins Additional rehype plugins
renderers Pluggable[] renderers Plugins to render (stringify) the hast
  1. mdast: Markdown Abstract Syntax Tree
  2. hast: HyperText (HTML) AST


type Feed = {
  pathname: string;
  title: string;
  description?: string;
  author?: string;
  tags?: string[];
  filter?: (type: string, vFile: VFile) => boolean;


type Search = {
  outputDir?: string;
  filter?: (type: string, vFile: VFile) => boolean;

Generates a MiniSearch index file to be used in your client. Here's a minimal example of a client script to use the search index:

(async () => {
  await import('');
  const searchIndex = await fetch('/_search/index.json').then(response => response.text());
  const index = MiniSearch.loadJSON(searchIndex, { fields: ['title', 'content'] });
  const searchBox = document.querySelector('input[type=search]');
  const search = query => {
    const results =, { prefix: true, fuzzy: 0.3 });
  searchBox.addEventListener('input', event => {

The script(s) can be added to e.g. the public folder and its path to the array.

Format Markdown

Set formatMarkdown: true and the following plugins will be applied to the Markdown source files:


type TypeFn = (filename: string, matter: FrontMatter) => PageType;


  type: filename => (filename.match(/^blog\//) ? 'article' : 'page');


Sets default for each type of page. By default there's only the page type. Example:

const options = {
  defaults: {
    page: {
      layout: '[See "Layout" below]'
      stylesheets: ['/css/stylesheet.css'],
      author: {
        name: 'Lars Kappert',
        href: '',
        twitter: '@webprolific'
      publisher: {
        name: 'Lars Kappert',
        href: '',
        logo: {
          src: ''
      icon: {
        src: '/img/logo.svg'
      logo: {
        alt: 'Blog Logo',
        src: '/img/logo.svg',
        href: '/'
      sameAs: [''],
      layout: () => {},
      prefetch: '/blog'

Any Front Matter in the Markdown augments or overrides these defaults.

published: 2022-03-05
modified: 2022-04-20
image: /articles/yet-another-article/image.webp
draft: true

# Yet Another Article

Lorem ipsum

The merged meta data will be used in the meta tags and structured content, and is available in layouts and directives.

  • The published date adds <meta property="article:published_time" content="2022-03-05T00:00:00Z">
  • The adds <meta name="author" content="Lars Kappert">
  • The prefetch value will add <link rel="prefetch" href="/blog">

See the PageOptions type for details.


Each page type can have its own layout to wrap the content. Render ${node} somewhere, and use all of the page's meta data that was provided by Markdown Rambler, merged in with the provided default configuration:

import { html } from 'markdown-rambler';

export default (node, meta) => {
  const { logo } = meta;
  return html`
      <a href="${logo.href}">
        <img src="${logo.src}" alt="${logo.alt}" />
    <main class=${meta.class}>${node}</main>
    <footer>© 2022, Lars Kappert</footer>

In this example, the class field of the Front Matter of each Markdown file would be added to the <main> element, while the option could serve as a fallback class value.



The default remark plugins:

These can be entirely replaced with different parsers, or extended using remarkPlugins.

remark Plugins

Use remarkPlugins to add remark plugins (to work with the mdast before it is converted to hast).


Use remarkRehypeOptions to pass options to remark-rehype.

rehype Plugins

The default rehype plugins:

Use rehypePlugins to add rehype plugins (to work with the hast after it is converted from mdast).


Use the renderers option to replace these default render plugins.


Directives are a powerful way to extend the Markdown syntax. The (implemented) proposal consists of inline (:), leaf (::) and container (:::) block directives.


# Header


Content with :abbr[HTML]{title="HyperText Markup Language"}


The inline and container directives are readily available. To use a leaf block directive, pass an object with the directive as a key, and a function that returns a hast node. The function is much like an AST visitor function, and adds the vFile argument for convenience:

type DirectiveVisitor = (node: Element, index: number, parent: Parent, vFile: VFile) => Element;
const insertAside = (node, index, parent, vFile) => {
  return h('aside', { class: 'custom' }, 'news');

const directives = {
  ASIDE: insertAside

This will result in this HTML output:

<aside class="custom">news</aside>
<div class="wrapper">Content with <abbr title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</abbr></div>