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@juniperlsimonis juniperlsimonis released this 15 Sep 06:16

Ensembling reintroduced

  • Associated with the reconfiguration of portalcasting from v0.8.1 to 0.9.0, ensembling was removed temporarily.
  • A basic ensemble is reintroduced, now as an unweighted average across all selected models, allowing us to have an ensemble but not have it be tied to AIC weighting (because AIC weighting is no longer possible with the split between interpolated and non-interpolated data for model fitting).
  • In a major departure from v0.8.1 and earlier, the ensemble's output is not saved like the actual models'. Rather, it is only calculated when needed on the fly.
  • In plotting, it is now the default to use the ensemble for plot_cast_ts and plot_cast_point and for the ensemble to be included in plot_casts_err_lead and plot_casts_cov_RMSE.

Return of most_abundant_species

  • Function used to select the most common species.
  • Now uses the actual data and not the casts to determine the species.